128 research outputs found

    The natural history of primary progressive aphasia: beyond aphasia

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    Introduction: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is divided into three prototypical subtypes that are all characterized by their single core symptom of aphasia. Although later in their course, other cognitive, behavioral, and motor domains may become involved, little is known about the progression profile of each subtype relative to the other subtypes. Methods: In this longitudinal retrospective cohort study, based on the recent biomarker-supported diagnostic criteria, 24 subjects diagnosed with semantic variant (svPPA), 22 with non-fluent variant (nfvPPA), and 18 with logopenic variant (lvPPA) were collected and followed up for 1–6 years. Symptom distribution, cognitive test and neuropsychiatric inventory scores, and progression into another syndrome were assessed. Results: Over time, lvPPA progressed with broader language problems (PPA-extended) and nfvPPA progressed to mutism, whereas semantic impairment remained the major problem in svPPA. Apart from linguistic problems, svPPA developed pronounced behavioral disturbances, whereas lvPPA exhibited a greater cognitive decline. By contrast, in nfvPPA motor deficits were more common. Furthermore, within 5 years (IQR = 2.5) after clinical onset, 65.6% of the patients additionally fulfilled the clinical criteria for another neurodegenerative syndrome (PPA-plus). Fourteen out of 24 (58%) svPPA patients additionally met the diagnostic criteria of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (5.1 years, IQR = 1.1), whereas the clinical features of 15/18 (83%) lvPPA patients were consistent with Alzheimer disease dementia (4.5 years IQR = 3.4). Furthermore, 12/22 (54%) of the subjects with the nfvPPA progressed to meet the diagnostic criteria of corticobasal syndrome, progressive supranuclear palsy, or motor neuron disease (5.1 years IQR = 3.4). Discussion: Despite aphasia being the initial and unique hallmark of the syndrome, our longitudinal results showed that PPA is not a language limited disorder and progression differs widely for each subtype, both with respect to the nature of symptoms and disease duration

    Detection and Localisation of PrPSc in the Liver of Sheep Infected with Scrapie and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

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    Prions are largely contained within the nervous and lymphoid tissue of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) infected animals. However, following advances in diagnostic sensitivity, PrPSc, a marker for prion disease, can now be located in a wide range of viscera and body fluids including muscle, saliva, blood, urine and milk, raising concerns that exposure to these materials could contribute to the spread of disease in humans and animals. Previously we demonstrated low levels of infectivity in the liver of sheep experimentally challenged with bovine spongiform encephalopathy. In this study we show that PrPSc accumulated in the liver of 89% of sheep naturally infected with scrapie and 100% of sheep challenged with BSE, at both clinical and preclinical stages of the disease. PrPSc was demonstrated in the absence of obvious inflammatory foci and was restricted to isolated resident cells, most likely Kupffer cells

    Acid-insoluble ash is a better indigestible marker than chromic oxide to measure apparent total tract digestibility in pigs

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    The aim of this study was to determine the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of nutrients in cottonseed meal (CSM) and soybean meal (SBM) in simple carbohydrate and more complex wheat-based diets using 2 indigestible markers and total faecal collection. Twenty-five Large White × Landrace boars (57.8 kg) were randomly allocated to either a pure wheat diet, 40% CSM or SBM in either a sugar-starch- (1:1) or wheat-based diet for 18 d. Acid-insoluble ash (AIA) and chromic oxide (Cr2O3) were included in all diets as indigestible markers. Diets were offered (1,800 g/d per pig) in 3 meals/d from d 1 to 11 and 8 meals/d from d 12 to 17. On d 9, the pigs were moved to individual metabolism cages to allow total faecal collection. On d 18, the pigs were fed hourly for 8 h. After the 8th meal, pigs were anaesthetized and digesta sampled from the terminal ileum and rectum before lethal injection. There were no differences between ATTD of nitrogen (N) determined using AIA as a marker and measured by total faecal collection. On the other hand, the ATTD of N of diets containing CSM in sugar-starch- or wheat-based diets and the pure wheat diet determined using Cr2O3 as a marker was less (−3.11%, −4.46% and −6.59%; P < 0.001) than that measured by total faecal collection. The ATTD of N determined using AIA as a marker was highly correlated with that measured using total faecal collection (P < 0.001; R2 = 0.95). Similarly, the ATTD of N determined using Cr2O3 as a marker was correlated with that measured using total faecal collection, although the correlation was not quite as strong as using AIA (P < 0.001; R2 = 0.87). Also, the slope of the regression line and the intercept were closer to unity and zero for the relationship when the ATTD of N was determined using AIA compared to Cr2O3 as an indigestible marker. The ATTD of organic and dry matter behaved similarly. These data demonstrate that the basal diet and choice of indigestible marker can substantially influence the ATTD and that the use of AIA as an indigestible marker is more suitable than Cr2O3 in digestibility studies in pigs

    Recognising Victimhood: Lessons from the International Criminal Court and Mass Claim Programmes for the Compensation Procedure Parallel to the Trial of International Crimes in the Netherlands

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    In the Netherlands, the Dutch criminal court in The Hague (hereinafter: ‘Netherlands International Crimes Court’ or ‘NIC court’) is assigned to try international crimes, and to provide compensation to victims of such crimes. Whereas it has specific criminal laws at its disposal to try international crimes, it applies ‘regular’ Dutch civil law to assess claims for compensation. Yet compensation for international crimes entails challenges that are quite different from domestic crimes: international crimes are normally committed against a large number of victims, and frequently result in bodily harm. This article argues that the NIC court will most likely rule a large number of claims for compensation inadmissible, as a consequence of which victims cannot benefit from the advantages inherent in the award of compensation within the criminal process. It then explores the adjudicative and reparatory standards that the International Criminal Court and mass claim programmes have applied to simplify both the adjudication of a large number of claims, and the calculation of a large number of instances of bodily damage. It is submitted that adoption by the NIC court of international reparatory standards could facilitate the assessment of a large number of civil claims within the criminal process, without prejudice to the legitimate interests of the defendant for an adequate procedure. However, these standards require the NIC court to strike a new balance between tailor-made compensation and symbolic compensation, and thereby between corrective justice and restorative justice

    Characterization of a putative NsrR homologue in Streptomyces venezuelae reveals a new member of the Rrf2 superfamily

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    Members of the Rrf2 superfamily of transcription factors are widespread in bacteria but their functions are largely unexplored. The few that have been characterized in detail sense nitric oxide (NsrR), iron limitation (RirA), cysteine availability (CymR) and the iron sulfur (Fe-S) cluster status of the cell (IscR). In this study we combined ChIP-seq with in vitro biochemistry to characterize a putative NsrR homologue in the model organism Streptomyces venezuelae. ChIP seq analysis revealed that rather than regulating the nitrosative stress response like NsrR, Sven6563 binds to a different, much larger regulon of genes with a diverse range of functions, including a range of regulators, genes required for glutamine synthesis, NADH/NAD(P)H metabolism, as well as general DNA/RNA and amino acid/protein turn over. Our biochemical experiments further show that Sven6563 has a [2Fe-2S] cluster and that the switch between oxidized and reduced cluster controls its DNA binding activity in vitro. To our knowledge, both the sensing domain and the target gene regulon are novel for an Rrf2 protein, suggesting Sven6563 represents a new member of the Rrf2 superfamily. Given the redox sensitivity of its Fe-S cluster we have tentatively named the protein RsrR for Redox sensitive response Regulator

    Functional Redundancy of Two Pax-Like Proteins in Transcriptional Activation of Cyst Wall Protein Genes in Giardia lamblia

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    The protozoan Giardia lamblia differentiates from a pathogenic trophozoite into an infectious cyst to survive outside of the host. During encystation, genes encoding cyst wall proteins (CWPs) are coordinately induced. Pax family transcription factors are involved in a variety of developmental processes in animals. Nine Pax proteins have been found to play an important role in tissue and organ development in humans. To understand the progression from primitive to more complex eukaryotic cells, we tried to identify putative pax genes in the G. lamblia genome and found two genes, pax1 and pax2, with limited similarity. We found that Pax1 may transactivate the encystation-induced cwp genes and interact with AT-rich initiatior elements that are essential for promoter activity and transcription start site selection. In this study, we further characterized Pax2 and found that, like Pax1, Pax2 was present in Giardia nuclei and it may specifically bind to the AT-rich initiator elements of the encystation-induced cwp1-3 and myb2 genes. Interestingly, overexpression of Pax2 increased the cwp1-3 and myb2 gene expression and cyst formation. Deletion of the C-terminal paired domain or mutation of the basic amino acids of the paired domain resulted in a decrease of nuclear localization, DNA-binding activity, and transactivation activity of Pax2. These results are similar to those found in the previous Pax1 study. In addition, the profiles of gene expression in the Pax2 and Pax1 overexpressing cells significantly overlap in the same direction and ERK1 associated complexes may phosphorylate Pax2 and Pax1, suggesting that Pax2 and Pax1 may be downstream components of a MAPK/ERK1 signaling pathway. Our results reveal functional redundancy between Pax2 and Pax1 in up-regulation of the key encystation-induced genes. These results illustrate functional redundancy of a gene family can occur in order to increase maintenance of important gene function in the protozoan organism G. lamblia

    Use of different RT-QuIC substrates for detecting CWD prions in the brain of Norwegian cervids

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    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a highly contagious prion disease affecting captive and free-ranging cervid populations. CWD has been detected in United States, Canada, South Korea and, most recently, in Europe (Norway, Finland and Sweden). Animals with CWD release infectious prions in the environment through saliva, urine and feces sustaining disease spreading between cervids but also potentially to other non-cervids ruminants (e.g. sheep, goats and cattle). In the light of these considerations and due to CWD unknown zoonotic potential, it is of utmost importance to follow specific surveillance programs useful to minimize disease spreading and transmission. The European community has already in place specific surveillance measures, but the traditional diagnostic tests performed on nervous or lymphoid tissues lack sensitivity. We have optimized a Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) assay for detecting CWD prions with high sensitivity and specificity to try to overcome this problem. In this work, we show that bank vole prion protein (PrP) is an excellent substrate for RT-QuIC reactions, enabling the detection of trace-amounts of CWD prions, regardless of prion strain and cervid species. Beside supporting the traditional diagnostic tests, this technology could be exploited for detecting prions in peripheral tissues from live animals, possibly even at preclinical stages of the disease

    Recent progress in low-carbon binders

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    The development of low-carbon binders has been recognized as a means of reducing the carbon footprint of the Portland cement industry, in response to growing global concerns over CO2 emissions from the construction sector. This paper reviews recent progress in the three most attractive low-carbon binders: alkali-activated, carbonate, and belite-ye'elimite-based binders. Alkali-activated binders/materials were reviewed at the past two ICCC congresses, so this paper focuses on some key developments of alkali-activated binders/materials since the last keynote paper was published in 2015. Recent progress on carbonate and belite-ye'elimite-based binders are also reviewed and discussed, as they are attracting more and more attention as essential alternative low-carbon cementitious materials. These classes of binders have a clear role to play in providing a sustainable future for global construction, as part of the available toolkit of cements