533 research outputs found

    Implications of an Elastic Analysis of In Situ Stress Measurements Near the San Andreas Fault

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    Twenty-nine measurements of in situ stress obtained with the hydraulic fracturing technique near Palmdale, California, are the basis of an elastic analysis of the state of stress in the Mojave Desert adjacent to the San Andreas fault. The measurements were made at depths extending from 80 to 849 m and at distances from the fault between 2 and 34 km. The elastic solution indicates a state of deviatoric stress typical for continents in that the inferred depth gradient of the maximum shear stress is about 7.9 MPa/km. Extrapolation yields an average shear stress in the upper 14 km of the crust of about 56 MPa, a result that is higher than estimates of the average shear stress on the San Andreas fault based on the analysis of heat flow data. This finding is consistent, however, with estimates offault strength based on laboratory determinations of the coefficient of friction for samples of San Andreas fault gouge if the regional state of deviatoric stress is limited by the strength of the fault zone. If so, then the coefficient of friction of the San Andreas fault zone inferred from the stress field results is about 0.45. The state of stress does not appear to vary systematically with distance from the San Andreas fault although considerable localized variation is observed. The observations suggest an upper bound of about 0.1 MPa/km for the horizontal gradient of the maximum shear stress in the direction perpendicular to the San Andreas fault, a result that implies a corresponding limit of about 1.4 MPa on the shear traction applied to the base of the seismogenic layer. Finally, we demonstrate the potential application of in situ stress data to the direct assessment of accumulated slip, which could be released in a large earthquake. We show that on the basis of a model involving a locked fault, extending to about 22 km, the total fault slip below the locked portion is less than 13 m. A more comprehensive set of stress data could permit the estimation of an even lower bound

    Seismic Response to Injection Well Stimulation in a High-Temperature, High-Permeability Reservoir

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    Fluid injection into the Earth's crust can induce seismic events that cause damage to local infrastructure but also offer valuable insight into seismogenesis. The factors that influence the magnitude, location, and number of induced events remain poorly understood but include injection flow rate and pressure as well as reservoir temperature and permeability. The relationship between injection parameters and injection-induced seismicity in high-temperature, high-permeability reservoirs has not been extensively studied. Here we focus on the Ngatamariki geothermal field in the central Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, where three stimulation/injection tests have occurred since 2012. We present a catalog of seismicity from 2012 to 2015 created using a matched-filter detection technique. We analyze the stress state in the reservoir during the injection tests from first motion-derived focal mechanisms, yielding an average direction of maximum horizontal compressive stress (SHmax) consistent with the regional NE-SW trend. However, there is significant variation in the direction of maximum compressive stress (σ1), which may reflect geological differences between wells. We use the ratio of injection flow rate to overpressure, referred to as injectivity index, as a proxy for near-well permeability and compare changes in injectivity index to spatiotemporal characteristics of seismicity accompanying each test. Observed increases in injectivity index are generally poorly correlated with seismicity, suggesting that the locations of microearthquakes are not coincident with the zone of stimulation (i.e., increased permeability). Our findings augment a growing body of work suggesting that aseismic opening or slip, rather than seismic shear, is the active process driving well stimulation in many environments

    Flow of Mantle Fluids Through the Ductile Lower Crust: Helium Isotope Trends

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    The 1983 Coalinga earthquake occurred at the eastern boundary of the California Coast Ranges in response to northeast directed thrusting. Such movements over the past 2 Ma have produced Coalinga anticline by folding above the blind eastern tip of the Coalinga thrust zone. The 600-km length of the Coast Ranges boundary shares a common structural setting that involves westward upturn of Cenozoic and Cretaceou strata at the eastern front of the Coast Ranges and a major, southwest facing step in the basement surface beneath the western Great Valley. Like Coalinga anticline, Pliocene and Quaternary folding and faulting along the rest of the boundary also result from northeast-southwest compression acting nearly perpendicular to the strike of the San Andreas fault. We suggest that much of this deformation is related to active thrusts beneath the eastern Coast Ranges. The step in the basement surface beneath the Great Valley seems to have controlled the distribution of this deformation and the shape of the Coast Ranges boundary

    The MOLE Drilling Project: Laboratory at Depth on an Active Fault in Central Italy

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    Several fundamental questions concerning: i) the geophysical and geochemical processes controlling normal faulting and earthquake ruptures during moderate-to-large seismic events and ii) the low angle normal fault paradox, still need to be fully answered. In this work we aim to present an example of low angle normal fault (Alto Tiberina Fault) located in the Northern Apennines (Italy) showing conclusive evidence of its seismic activity. This fault is a likely target of an international project: the MOLE (Multidisciplinary Observatory and Laboratory of Experiments) Drilling project. Indeed, under the auspices of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program a workshop is being organized in Italy next spring 2008, to promote the creation of an international multidisciplinary team of scientists, to discuss the project in detail and also to prepare a full proposal for ICDP. This project wants to investigate the inner structure of normal faults in Central Italy to get physical constraints on the processes controlling faulting and earthquake mechanics. The Umbria-Marche sector of Northern Apennines offers a unique opportunity to reach a complex system of normal faults among which we selected two possible targets. 1) The active Colfiorito fault dipping about 45° toward SW which Tiberina low angle normal fault dipping 15°-25° towards ENE, which moves through a combination of aseismic creep and repeating microearthquakes. Drilling the Colfiorito active fault at a depth of about 2-3 km allows targeting the high coseismic slip patch of the 1997 earthquake M=6 seismogenic structure. Drilling the Alto Tiberina Fault at a depth of nearly 5-6 km will target a micro seismicity source. We aim to collect new original data through borehole logging and sampling and to set up a permanent observatory at depth for a multidisciplinary monitoring to characterize these active normal fault zones. This will allow to understand how such faults behave and to create more realistic models of: earthquake nucleation, seismicity pattern, stress interactions and earthquake triggering at local and regional scale. Both drilling targets present relevant technical issues that should be discussed from different points of view before selecting the starting drilling site

    Reservoir-Scale Fracture Permeability in the Dixie Valley, Nevada, Geothermal Field

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    Wellbore image data recorded in six wells penetrating a geothermal reservoir associated with an active normal fault at Dixie Valley, Nevada, were used in conjunction with hydrologic tests and in situ stress measurements to investigate the relationship between reservoir productivity and the contemporary in situ stress field. The analysis of data from wells drilled into productive and non-productive segments of the Stillwater fault zone indicates that fractures must be both optimally oriented and critically stressed to have high measured permeabilities. Fracture permeability in all wells is dominated by a relatively small number of fractures oriented parallel to the local trend of the Stillwater Fault. Fracture geometry may also play a significant role in reservoir productivity. The well-developed populations of low angle fractures present in wells drilled into the producing segment of the fault are not present in the zone where production is not commercially viable