285 research outputs found

    Photometric stability analysis of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory

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    Photometric stability is a key requirement for time-resolved spectroscopic observations of transiting extrasolar planets. In the context of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) mission design, we here present and investigate means of translating spacecraft pointing instabilities as well as temperature fluctuation of its optical chain into an overall error budget of the exoplanetary spectrum to be retrieved. Given the instrument specifications as of date, we investigate the magnitudes of these photometric instabilities in the context of simulated observations of the exoplanet HD189733b secondary eclipse.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    EChOSim: The Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory software simulator

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    EChOSim is the end-to-end time-domain simulator of the Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory (EChO) space mission. EChOSim has been developed to assess the capability EChO has to detect and characterize the atmospheres of transiting exoplanets, and through this revolutionize the knowledge we have of the Milky Way and of our place in the Galaxy. Here we discuss the details of the EChOSim implementation and describe the models used to represent the instrument and to simulate the detection. Software simulators have assumed a central role in the design of new instrumentation and in assessing the level of systematics affecting the measurements of existing experiments. Thanks to its high modularity, EChOSim can simulate basic aspects of several existing and proposed spectrometers for exoplanet transits, including instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer, or ground-based and balloon borne experiments. A discussion of different uses of EChOSim is given, including examples of simulations performed to assess the EChO mission

    Carglumic acid: an additional therapy in the treatment of organic acidurias with hyperammonemia?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hyperammonemia in patients with methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) and propionic aciduria (PA) is caused by accumulation of propionyl-CoA which decreases the synthesis of N-acetyl-glutamate, the natural activator of carbamyl phosphate synthetase 1. A treatment approach with carglumic acid, the structural analogue of N-acetyl-glutamate, has been proposed to decrease high ammonia levels encountered in MMA and PA crises.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We described two patients (one with MMA and one with PA) with hyperammonemia at diagnosis. Carglumic acid, when associated with standard treatment of organic acidurias, may be helpful in normalizing the ammonia level.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Even though the usual treatment which decreases toxic metabolites remains the standard, carglumic acid could be helpful in lowering plasma ammonia levels over 400 micromol/L more rapidly.</p

    Integrated optics for astronomical interferometry - VI. Coupling the light of the VLTI in K band

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    Our objective is to prove that integrated optics (IO) is not only a good concept for astronomical interferometry but also a working technique with high performance. We used the commissioning data obtained with the dedicated K-band integrated optics two-telescope beam combiner which now replaces the fiber coupler MONA in the VLTI/VINCI instrument. We characterize the behaviour of this IO device and compare its properties to other single mode beam combiner like the previously used MONA fiber coupler. The IO combiner provides a high optical throughput, a contrast of 89% with a night-to-night stability of a few percent. Even if a dispersive phase is present, we show that it does not bias the measured Fourier visibility estimate. An upper limit of 0.005 for the cross-talk between linear polarization states has been measured. We take advantage of the intrinsic contrast stability to test a new astronomical prodecure for calibrating diameters of simple stars by simultaneously fitting the instrumental contrast and the apparent stellar diameters. This method reaches an accuracy with diameter errors of the order of previous ones but without the need of an already known calibrator. These results are an important step of integrated optics and paves the road to incoming imaging interferometer projects

    Tests of stellar model atmospheres by optical interferometry: VLTI/VINCI limb-darkening measurements of the M4 giant psi phe

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    We present K-band interferometric measurements of the limb-darkened intensity profile of the M4 giant star psi Phoenicis obtained with VLTI/VINCI. High-precision squared visibility amplitudes in the second lobe of the visibility function were obtained employing two 8.2 m UTs. This succeeded one month after light from UTs was first combined for interferometric fringes. In addition, we sampled the visibility function at small spatial frequencies using the 40cm test siderostats. Our measurement constrains the diameter of the star as well as its CLV. We construct a spherical hydrostatic PHOENIX model atmosphere based on spectrophotometric data from the literature and confront its CLV prediction with our interferometric measurement. We compare as well CLV predictions by plane-parallel hydrostatic PHOENIX, ATLAS9, and ATLAS12 models. We find that the Rosseland angular diameter as predicted by comparison of the spherical PHOENIX model with spectrophotometry is in good agreement with our interferometric diameter measurement. The shape of our measured visibility function in the second lobe is consistent with all considered PHOENIX and ATLAS model predictions, and significantly different from UD and FDD models. We derive high-precision fundamental parameters for psi Phe, namely a Rosseland angular diameter of 8.13 +/- 0.2 mas, with the Hipparcos parallax corresponding to a Rosseland linear radius R of 86 +/- 3 Rsun and an effective temperature of 3550 +/- 50 K, with R corresponding to a luminosity of log (L/Lsun)=3.02 +/- 0.06. Together with evolutionary models, these values are consistent with a mass of 1.3 +/- 0.2 Msun, and a surface gravity of log g = 0.68 +/- 0.11.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The angular diameter and distance of the Cepheid Zeta Geminorum

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    Cepheids are the primary distance indicators for extragalactic astronomy and therefore are of very high astrophysical interest. Unfortunately, they are rare stars, situated very far from Earth.Though they are supergiants, their typical angular diameter is only a few milliarcseconds, making them very challenging targets even for long-baseline interferometers. We report observations that were obtained in the K prime band (2-2.3 microns), on the Cepheid Zeta Geminorum with the FLUOR beam combiner, installed at the IOTA interferometer. The mean uniform disk angular diameter was measured to be 1.64 +0.14 -0.16 mas. Pulsational variations are not detected at a significant statistical level, but future observations with longer baselines should allow a much better estimation of their amplitude. The distance to Zeta Gem is evaluated using Baade-Wesselink diameter determinations, giving a distance of 502 +/- 88 pc.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Nulling interferometry: performance comparison between Antarctica and other ground-based sites

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    Detecting the presence of circumstellar dust around nearby solar-type main sequence stars is an important pre-requisite for the design of future life-finding space missions such as ESA's Darwin or NASA's Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF). The high Antarctic plateau may provide appropriate conditions to perform such a survey from the ground. We investigate the performance of a nulling interferometer optimised for the detection of exozodiacal discs at Dome C, on the high Antarctic plateau, and compare it to the expected performance of similar instruments at temperate sites. Based on the currently available measurements of the turbulence characteristics at Dome C, we adapt the GENIEsim software (Absil et al. 2006, A&A 448) to simulate the performance of a nulling interferometer on the high Antarctic plateau. To feed a realistic instrumental configuration into the simulator, we propose a conceptual design for ALADDIN, the Antarctic L-band Astrophysics Discovery Demonstrator for Interferometric Nulling. We assume that this instrument can be placed above the 30-m high boundary layer, where most of the atmospheric turbulence originates. We show that an optimised nulling interferometer operating on a pair of 1-m class telescopes located 30 m above the ground could achieve a better sensitivity than a similar instrument working with two 8-m class telescopes at a temperate site such as Cerro Paranal. The detection of circumstellar discs about 20 times as dense as our local zodiacal cloud seems within reach for typical Darwin/TPF targets in a integration time of a few hours. Moreover, the exceptional turbulence conditions significantly relax the requirements on real-time control loops, which has favourable consequences on the feasibility of the nulling instrument.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    The radius and effective temperature of the binary Ap star beta CrB from CHARA/FLUOR and VLT/NACO observations

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    The prospects for using asteroseismology of rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars are hampered by the large uncertainty in fundamental stellar parameters. Results in the literature for the effective temperature (Teff) often span a range of 1000 K. Our goal is to reduce systematic errors and improve the Teff calibration of Ap stars based on new interferometric measurements. We obtained long-baseline interferometric observations of beta CrB using the CHARA/FLUOR instrument. To disentangle the flux contributions of the two components of this binary star, we obtained VLT/NACO adaptive optics images. We determined limb darkened angular diameters of 0.699+-0.017 mas for beta CrB A (from interferometry) and 0.415+-0.017 mas for beta CrB B (from surface brightness- color relations), corresponding to radii of 2.63+-0.09 Rsun (3.4 percent uncertainty) and 1.56+-0.07 Rsun (4.5 percent). The combined bolometric flux of the A and B components was determined from satellite UV data, spectrophotometry in the visible and broadband data in the infrared. The flux from the B component constitutes 16+-4 percent of the total flux and was determined by fitting an ATLAS9 model atmosphere to the broad-band NACO J and K magnitudes. Combining the flux of the A component with its measured angular diameter, we determine the effective temperature Teff(A) = 7980+-180 K (2.3 percent). Our new interferometric and imaging data enable a nearly model-independent determination of the effective temperature of beta CrB A. Including our recent study of alpha Cir, we now have direct Teff measurements of two of the brightest roAp stars, providing a strong benchmark for an improved calibration of the Teff scale for Ap stars. This will support the use of potentially strong constraints imposed by asteroseismic studies of roAp stars.Comment: 7 pages, accepted by A&

    Observations of Mira stars with the IOTA/FLUOR interferometer and comparison with Mira star models

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    We present K'-band observations of five Mira stars with the IOTA interferometer. The interferograms were obtained with the FLUOR fiber optics beam combiner, which provides high-accuracy visibility measurements in spite of time-variable atmospheric conditions. For the M-type Miras X Oph, R Aql, RU Her, R Ser, and the C-type Mira V CrB we derived the uniform-disk diameters 11.7mas, 10.9mas, 8.4mas, 8.1mas, and 7.9mas (+/- 0.3mas), respectively. Simultaneous photometric observations yielded the bolometric fluxes. The derived angular Rosseland radii and the bolometric fluxes allowed the determination of effective temperatures. For instance, the effective temperature of R Aql was determined to be 2970 +/- 110 K. A linear Rosseland radius for R Aql of (250 +100/-60) Rsun was derived from the angular Rosseland radius of 5.5mas +/- 0.2mas and the HIPPARCOS parallax of 4.73mas +/- 1.19mas. The observations were compared with theoretical Mira star models of Bessel et al. (1996) and Hofmann et al. (1998). The effective temperatures of the M-type Miras and the linear radius of R Aql indicate fundamental mode pulsation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 postscript figure

    Asteroseismology and interferometry of the red giant star epsilon Oph

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    The GIII red giant star epsilon Oph has been found to exhibit several modes of oscillation by the MOST mission. We interpret the observed frequencies of oscillation in terms of theoretical radial p-mode frequencies of stellar models. Evolutionary models of this star, in both shell H-burning and core He-burning phases of evolution, are constructed using as constraints a combination of measurements from classical ground-based observations (for luminosity, temperature, and chemical composition) and seismic observations from MOST. Radial frequencies of models in either evolutionary phase can reproduce the observed frequency spectrum of epsilon Oph almost equally well. The best-fit models indicate a mass in the range of 1.85 +/- 0.05 Msun with radius of 10.55 +/- 0.15 Rsun. We also obtain an independent estimate of the radius of epsilon Oph using high accuracy interferometric observations in the infrared K' band, using the CHARA/FLUOR instrument. The measured limb darkened disk angular diameter of epsilon Oph is 2.961 +/- 0.007 mas. Together with the Hipparcos parallax, this translates into a photospheric radius of 10.39 +/- 0.07 Rsun. The radius obtained from the asteroseismic analysis matches the interferometric value quite closely even though the radius was not constrained during the modelling.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic