41 research outputs found

    The rad18 Gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Defines a New Subgroup of the SMC Superfamily Involved in DNA Repair

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    The rad18 mutant of Schizosaccharomyces pombe is very sensitive to killing by both UV and ¿ radiation. We have cloned and sequenced the rad18 gene and isolated and sequenced its homolog from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, designated RHC18. The predicted Rad18 protein has all the structural properties characteristic of the SMC family of proteins, suggesting a motor function- the first implicated in DNA repair. Gene deletion shows that both rad18 and RHC18 are essential for proliferation. Genetic and biochemical analyses suggest that the product of the rad18 gene acts in a DNA repair pathway for removal of UV-induced DNA damage that is distinct from classical nucleotide excision repair. This second repair pathway involves the products of the rhp51 gene (the homolog of the RAD51 gene of S. cerevisiae) and the rad2 gene

    Growth And The Growth Hormone-Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 Axis In Children With Chronic Inflammation:Current Evidence, Gaps In Knowledge And Future Directions

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    Growth failure is frequently encountered in children with chronic inflammatory conditions like juvenile idiopathic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and cystic fibrosis. Delayed puberty and attenuated pubertal growth spurt is often seen during adolescence. The underlying inflammatory state mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, prolonged use of glucocorticoid and suboptimal nutrition contribute to growth failure and pubertal abnormalities. These factors can impair growth by their effects on the growth hormone-insulin like growth factor axis and also directly at the level of the growth plate via alterations in chondrogenesis and local growth factor signaling. Recent studies on the impact of cytokines and glucocorticoid on the growth plate studies further advanced our understanding of growth failure in chronic disease and provided a biological rationale of growth promotion. Targeting cytokines using biologic therapy may lead to improvement of growth in some of these children but approximately one third continue to grow slowly. There is increasing evidence that the use of relatively high dose recombinant human growth hormone may lead to partial catch up growth in chronic inflammatory conditions, although long term follow-up data is currently limited. In this review, we comprehensively review the growth abnormalities in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and cystic fibrosis, systemic abnormalities of the growth hormone-insulin like growth factor axis and growth plate perturbations. We also systematically reviewed all the current published studies of recombinant human growth hormone in these conditions and discuss the role of recombinant human insulin like growth factor-1

    The effect of the hydrothermal modification on the properties of the starch obtained from chosen legume seeds

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    W pracy otrzymano preparaty skrobiowe ze zmielonych i obłuszczonych nasion fasoli wielokwiatowej odmiany tycznej Piękny Jaś (Phaseolus multiflorus) oraz bobu (Vicia faba) odmiany Bartom i poddawano modyfikacji hydrotermicznej (stosunek woda : skrobia 1:3) w temperaturze 60°C (skrobia bobu) lub 62°C (skrobia fasoli) przez 24 godz.. Uzyskane preparaty charakteryzowały się wysoką zawartością skrobi, przy czym w preparacie z nasion bobu było jej więcej (96,3%) niż w preparacie z nasion fasoli (91,6%). Natomiast zawartość amylozy była na zbliżonym poziomie w obu preparatach z nasion fasoli i bobu i wynosiła odpowiednio 25 i 26%. Skrobia z fasoli miała wyższą zdolność wiązania wody w 60°C (6,2 g H2O/g) w porównaniu ze skrobią bobu (4,4 g H2O/g), natomiast rozpuszczalność była zbliżona i wynosiła odpowiednio 9,9 i 10,7%. Podniesienie temperatury do 80°C wpływało na zwiększenie zarówno rozpuszczalności, jak i wodochłonności. Badane skrobie fasoli i grochu charakteryzowały się dość niską strawnością, wynoszącą odpowiednio 46,9 i 39,3%. Badania skrobi modyfikowanej hydrotermicznie (PSMH) wykazały, że zastosowana modyfikacja spowodowała dalsze oczyszczenie preparatu (zmniejszenie zawartości popiołu i białka) oraz zmniejszenie zawartości amylozy i powierzchni właściwej ziaren skrobiowych. Modyfikacja wpłynęła jednak na zmniejszenie wodochłonności i rozpuszczalności preparatów skrobiowych. Odnotowano jednak wzrost tych wartości wraz ze wzrostem temperatury z 60 do 80ºC. Stwierdzono również znaczną poprawę strawności in vitro skrobi (>1,5-krotną) obu preparatów.The preparation of the starch from the grinding and shelling seeds of bean variety “Piękny Jaś” (Phaseolus multiflorus) and broad bean (Vicia faba) variety Bartom were obtained and modification hydrothermal (ratio starch: water – 1:3; temperature 60ºC for broad bean or 62ºC for bean; time 24 h) was applied. The preparations were characterized by high starch content. There was higher starch content in preparation from broad bean (96.3%) than the preparation from bean seeds (91.6%). However amylose content was similarly of both preparation from the seeds of bean and broad bean and amounted 25 i 26%. Water holding capacity in temperature 60°C of starch from bean (6.2 g H2O/g ) was higher than starch from broad bean (4.4 H2O/g), so solubility was similarly 9.9 and 10.7% respectively. Increase of temperature to 80°C caused increase solubility and water holding capacity. The starch to mark the rather low digestibility of starch for bean 46,9% and 39,3% for broad bean. Research of PSMH demonstrated, that modification applied caused more further purify the preparation (decreasing of content the ash, protein) and decreasing of amylose content and real surface of starch granules. The modification caused a fall in the water binding capacity and the solubility of the preparations. However, these values increased when temperature was increased from 60ºC to 80ºC. Also there was a considerable improvement in the digestibility in vitro (> 1,5 once) of both preparations

    Contamination of the air in office rooms with cigarette smoke

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania stężenia, rozkładu wymiarowego i składu chemicznego cząstek w powietrzu w pomieszczeniu z dozwolonym paleniem papierosów w ciągu dnia pracy. Przedstawiono również wyniki badania stężenia liczbowego i masowego oraz rozkładu wymiarowego cząstek w pomieszczeniu bez dozwolonego palenia papierosów. Badania wykazały, że podczas palenia papierosów są przede wszystkim emitowane cząstki o wymiarach 0,107-0,124 žm, a więc cząstki nanometryczne. Zawartość sumy WWA we frakcji drobniejszej dymu PM0.25 była większa w porównaniu do frakcji PM10.The article presents results of an investigation of the concentration, size distribution and chemical compound of particles suspended in the air in a room in which cigarette smoking is permitted during the working day. Also presented are results of an investigation of the number and mass concentration, and size distribution of particles in the air of a room in which smoking is not permitted. Investigations showed that during cigarette smoking it was primarily particles 0.107-0.124 m in diameter, i.e., nanoparticles, that were emitted. The content of PAHs in the measured fractions indicated that the fraction of PM0.25 contained more PAHs than the fraction of PM10

    Throughflow of a Rivlin-Ericksen Fluid between Fixed Surfaces of Revolution

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    The Velodyne HDL-32E laser scanner is used more frequently as main mapping sensor in small commercial UASs. However, there is still little information about the actual accuracy of point clouds collected with such UASs. This work evaluates empirically the accuracy of the point cloud collected with such UAS. Accuracy assessment was conducted in four aspects: impact of sensors on theoretical point cloud accuracy, trajectory reconstruction quality, and internal and absolute point cloud accuracies. Theoretical point cloud accuracy was evaluated by calculating 3D position error knowing errors of used sensors. The quality of trajectory reconstruction was assessed by comparing position and attitude differences from forward and reverse EKF solution. Internal and absolute accuracies were evaluated by fitting planes to 8 point cloud samples extracted for planar surfaces. In addition, the absolute accuracy was also determined by calculating point 3D distances between LiDAR UAS and reference TLS point clouds. Test data consisted of point clouds collected in two separate flights performed over the same area. Executed experiments showed that in tested UAS, the trajectory reconstruction, especially attitude, has significant impact on point cloud accuracy. Estimated absolute accuracy of point clouds collected during both test flights was better than 10 cm, thus investigated UAS fits mapping-grade category