75 research outputs found

    Venus tectonic styles and crustal differentiation

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    Two of the most important constraints are known from Pioneer Venus data: the lack of a system of spreading rises, indicating distributed deformation rather than plate tectonics; and the high gravity/topography ratio, indicating the absence of an asthenosphere. In addition, the high depth/diameter ratios of craters on Venus indicate that Venus probably has no more crust than Earth. The problems of the character of tectonics and crustal formation and recycling are closely coupled. Venus appears to lack a recycling mechanism as effective as subduction, but may also have a low rate of crustal differentiation because of a mantle convection pattern that is more distributed, less concentrated, than Earth's. Distributed convection, coupled with the nonlinear dependence of volcanism on heat flow, would lead to much less magmatism, despite only moderately less heat flow, compared to Earth. The plausible reason for this difference in convective style is the absence of water in the upper mantle of Venus. We have applied finite element modeling to problems of the interaction of mantle convection and crust on Venus. The main emphasis has been on the tectonic evolution of Ishtar Terra, as the consequence of convergent mantle flow. The early stage evolution is primarily mechanical, with crust being piled up on the down-stream side. Then the downflow migrates away from the center. In the later stages, after more than 100 m.y., thermal effects develop due to the insulating influence of the thickened crust. An important feature of this modeling is the entrainment of some crustal material in downflows. An important general theme in both convergent and divergent flows is that of mixing vs. stratification. Models of multicomponent solid-state flow obtain that lower-density crustal material can be entrained and recycled, provided that the ration of low-density to high-density material is small enough (as in subducted slabs on Earth). The same considerations should apply in upflows; a small percent of partial melt may be carried along with its matrix and never escape to the surface. Models that assume melt automatically rising to the crust and no entrainment or other mechanism of recycling lower-density material obtain oscillatory behavior, because it takes a long time for heat to build up enough to overcome a Mg-rich low-density residuum. However, these models develop much thicker crust than consistent with estimates from crater depth/diameter ratios

    Models of thermal/chemical boundary layer convection: Potential application to Venus

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    The upper boundary layer of Venus is comprised of at least two distinct chemical components, mantle and crust. Fluid dynamical models of convection within Venus' mantle were primarily of the thermal boundary layer type. Models assessing the ability of convective mantle flows to deform the crust were undertaken, but models exploring the effects of a variable thickness crust on mantle convection were largely lacking. A Venusian crust of variable thickness could couple back into, and alter, the mantle flow patterns that helped create it, leading to deformation mechanisms not predicted by purely thermal boundary layer convection models. This possibility is explored through a finite element model of thermal/chemical boundary layer convection. Model results suggest that a crust of variable thickness can serve as a mantle flow driver by perturbing lateral temperature gradients in the upper mantle. Resulting mantle flow is driven by the combination of free convective and nonuniform crustal distribution. This combination can lead to a flow instability manifest in the occurrence of episodic mantle lithosphere subduction initiated at the periphery of a crustal plateau. The ability of a light, near surface, chemical layer to potentially alter mantle flow patterns suggest that mantle convection and the creation and/or deformation of such a chemical layer may be highly nonseparable problems on time scales of 10(exp 8) years

    On the relationship between tectonic plates and thermal mantle plume morphology

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    Models incorporating plate-like behavior, i.e., near uniform surface velocity and deformation concentrated at plate boundaries, into a convective system, heated by a mix of internal and basal heating and allowing for temperature dependent viscosity, were constructed and compared to similar models not possessing plate-like behavior. The simplified numerical models are used to explore how plate-like behavior in a convective system can effect the lower boundary layer from which thermal plumes form. A principal conclusion is that plate-like behavior can significantly increase the temperature drop across the lower thermal boundary layer. This temperature drop affects the morphology of plumes by determining the viscosity drop across the boundary layer. Model results suggest that plumes on planets possessing plate-like behavior, e.g., the Earth, may differ in morphologic type from plumes on planets not possessing plate-like behavior, e.g., Venus and Mars

    Diverse responses of common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations to Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes – Evidence from ancient DNA

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    The harsh climatic conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period have been considered the cause of local extinctions and major faunal reorganizations that took place at the end of the Pleistocene. Recent studies have shown, however, that in addition many of these ecological events were associated with abrupt climate changes during the so-called Late Glacial and the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. Here we used ancient DNA to investigate the impact of those changes on European populations of temperate vole species (Microtus arvalis). The genetic diversity of modern populations and the fossil record suggests that the species may have survived cold episodes, like LGM, not only in the traditional Mediterranean glacial refugia but also at higher latitudes in cryptic northern refugia located in Central France, the northern Alps as well as the Carpathians. However, the details of the post-glacial recolonization and the impact of the Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes on the evolutionary history of the common vole remains unclear. To address this issue, we analysed mtDNA cytochrome b sequences from more than one hundred common vole specimens from 36 paleontological and archaeological sites scattered across Europe. Our data suggest that populations from the European mid- and high latitudes suffered a local population extinction and contraction as a result of Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate and environmental changes. The recolonization of earlier abandoned areas took place in the Mid- to Late Holocene. In contrast, at low latitudes, in Northern Spain there was a continuity of common vole populations. This indicates different responses of common vole populations to climate and environmental changes across Europe and corroborates the hypothesis that abrupt changes, like those associated with Younger Dryas and the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, had a significant impact on populations at the mid- and high latitudes of Europe

    Life Beyond the Solar System: Remotely Detectable Biosignatures

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    For the first time in human history, we will soon be able to apply to the scientific method to the question "Are We Alone?" The rapid advance of exoplanet discovery, planetary systems science, and telescope technology will soon allow scientists to search for life beyond our Solar System through direct observation of extrasolar planets. This endeavor will occur alongside searches for habitable environments and signs of life within our Solar System. While these searches are thematically related and will inform each other, they will require separate observational techniques. The search for life on exoplanets holds potential through the great diversity of worlds to be explored beyond our Solar System. However, there are also unique challenges related to the relatively limited data this search will obtain on any individual world

    Mantle Dynamics in Super-Earths: Post-Perovskite Rheology and Self-Regulation of Viscosity

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    Simple scalings suggest that super-Earths are more likely than an equivalent Earth-sized planet to be undergoing plate tectonics. Generally, viscosity and thermal conductivity increase with pressure while thermal expansivity decreases, resulting in lower convective vigor in the deep mantle. According to conventional thinking, this might result in no convection in a super-Earth's deep mantle. Here we evaluate this. First, we here extend the density functional theory (DFT) calculations of post-perovskite activation enthalpy of to a pressure of 1 TPa. The activation volume for diffusion creep becomes very low at very high pressure, but nevertheless for the largest super-Earths the viscosity along an adiabat may approach 1030 Pa s in the deep mantle. Second, we use these calculated values in numerical simulations of mantle convection and lithosphere dynamics of planets with up to ten Earth masses. The models assume a compressible mantle including depth-dependence of material properties and plastic yielding induced plate tectonics. Results confirm the likelihood of plate tectonics and show a novel self-regulation of deep mantle temperature. The deep mantle is not adiabatic; instead internal heating raises the temperature until the viscosity is low enough to facilitate convective loss of the radiogenic heat, which results in a super-adiabatic temperature profile and a viscosity increase with depth of no more than ~3 orders of magnitude, regardless of the viscosity increase that is calculated for an adiabat. Convection in large super-Earths is characterised by large upwellings and small, time-dependent downwellings. If a super-Earth was extremely hot/molten after its formation, it is thus likely that even after billions of years its deep interior is still extremely hot and possibly substantially molten with a "super basal magma ocean" - a larger version of (Labrosse et al., 2007).Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Mantle plume capture, anchoring, and outflow during Galápagos plume-ridge interaction

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    Compositions of basalts erupted between the main zone of Galápagos plume upwelling and adjacent Galápagos Spreading Center (GSC) provide important constraints on dynamic processes involved in transfer of deep-mantle-sourced material to mid-ocean ridges. We examine recent basalts from central and northeast Galápagos including some that have less radiogenic Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions than plume-influenced basalts (E-MORB) from the nearby ridge. We show that the location of E-MORB, greatest crustal thickness, and elevated topography on the GSC correlates with a confined zone of low-velocity, high-temperature mantle connecting the plume stem and ridge at depths of ∼100 km. At this site on the ridge, plume-driven upwelling involving deep melting of partially dehydrated, recycled ancient oceanic crust, plus plate-limited shallow melting of anhydrous peridotite, generate E-MORB and larger amounts of melt than elsewhere on the GSC. The first-order control on plume stem to ridge flow is rheological rather than gravitational, and strongly influenced by flow regimes initiated when the plume was on axis (>5 Ma). During subsequent northeast ridge migration material upwelling in the plume stem appears to have remained “anchored” to a contact point on the GSC. This deep, confined NE plume stem-to-ridge flow occurs via a network of melt channels, embedded within the normal spreading and advection of plume material beneath the Nazca plate, and coincides with locations of historic volcanism. Our observations require a more dynamically complex model than proposed by most studies, which rely on radial solid-state outflow of heterogeneous plume material to the ridge.We thank Galápagos National Park authorities and CDRS for permitting fieldwork in Galápagos. D. Villagomez and D. Toomey generously shared their extensive seismic data set for Galápagos, and D. McKenzie kindly provided help with temperature calculations. End-member compositions of Galápagos mantle reservoirs in Figure 4 were estimated from principal component analysis; data related to these calculations are available in the supporting information. We are grateful to Kaj Hoernle and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. The research was funded by the University of Cambridge, Geological Society of London, NERC (RG57434), and NSF (EAR 0838461, EAR 0944229, and EAR-11452711).This is the final published version of the article. It first appeared at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GC00572

    The Effects of internal heating and large scale climate variations on tectonic bi-stability in terrestrial planets

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    We use 3D mantle convection and planetary tectonics models to explore the links between tectonic regimes and the level of internal heating within the mantle of a planet (a proxy for thermal age), planetary surface temperature, and lithosphere strength. At both high and low values of internal heating, for moderate to high lithospheric yield strength, hot and cold stagnant-lid (single plate planet) states prevail. For intermediate values of internal heating, multiple stable tectonic states can exist. In these regions of parameter space, the specific evolutionary path of the system has a dominant role in determining its tectonic state. For low to moderate lithospheric yield strength, mobile-lid behavior (a plate tectonic-like mode of convection) is attainable for high degrees of internal heating (i.e., early in a planet's thermal evolution). However, this state is sensitive to climate driven changes in surface temperatures. Relatively small increases in surface temperature can be sufficient to usher in a transition from a mobile- to a stagnant-lid regime. Once a stagnant-lid mode is initiated, a return to mobile-lid is not attainable by a reduction of surface temperatures alone. For lower levels of internal heating, the tectonic regime becomes less sensitive to surface temperature changes. Collectively our results indicate that terrestrial planets can alternate between multiple tectonic states over giga-year timescales. Within parameter space regions that allow for bi-stable behavior, any model-based prediction as to the current mode of tectonics is inherently non-unique in the absence of constraints on the geologic and climatic histories of a planet.10 page(s

    Convective and Tectonic Plate Velocities in a Mixed Heating Mantle

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    Abstract Mantle convection and, by association, plate tectonics is driven by the transport of heat from a planetary interior. This heat comes from the internal energy of the mantle and from heat flowing into the base of the mantle from the core. Past investigations of such mixed mode heating have revealed unusual behavior that confounds our intuition based on end‐member cases. In particular, increased internal heating leads to a decrease in convective velocity. We investigate this behavior using a suite of numerical experiments and develop a scaling for velocity in the mixed heating case. We identify a planform transition, as internal heating increases, from sheet‐like to plume‐like downwellings that impacts heat flux and convective velocities. More significantly, we demonstrate that increased internal heating leads not only to a decrease in internal velocities but also a decrease in the velocity of the upper thermal boundary layer (a model analog of the Earth's lithosphere). This behavior is connected to boundary layer interactions and is independent of any particular rheological assumptions. In cases with a temperature‐dependent viscosity and weak plate margin analogs, increased internal heating does not cause an absolute decrease in surface velocity but does cause a decrease relative to purely bottom or internally heated cases as well as a transition to rigid‐lid behavior at high heating rates. The differences between a mixed system and end‐member cases have implications for understanding the connection between plate tectonics and mantle convection and for planetary thermal history modeling