3,564 research outputs found

    El sistema caprino extensivo en la sierra norte y este de Jaén, como base del desarrollo sostenible

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    En los quince municipios de menos de 5000 habitantes, localizados en el Parque Natural de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas se ha puesto de manifiesto un proceso de despoblación, envejecimiento y empobrecimiento. La desaparición del mundo rural es un indicador de la degradación medioambiental. El presente trabajo pretende valorar técnica y económicamente el sector caprino de este parque natural, así como su nivel de competencia con el bosque mediterráneo. El estudio se centra en una muestra representativa de las explotaciones de caprino autóctono extensivo del parque natural, constituida por 63 rebaños, que representan el 60 p.100 del total de explotaciones La dimensión media de las explotaciones es de 213 cabras, con una UTH dedicada al caprino y dos por granja. El sistema productivo es eminentemente pastoril, de carácter familiar, con razas autóctonas muy adaptadas, pastos comunales y un régimen característico de pacería, denominado costeo y con unos canales de comercialización ineficientes. El ganado caprino (sin contabilizar el ovino y el vacuno) permite facturar por término medio 1.800.000 pta y generar un flujo de caja en torno a las 300.000 pta al año. Los valores de carga (0,78 UO por ha) están en consonancia con la capacidad sustentadora del parque entre 0,31 y 0,92 UO por ha (Gallego et al., 1991) y son inferiores a lo manifestados por Fernández Rebollo (1995). Además de la importancia económica y social del sistema productivo de carácter sustentable, se ha de tener presente que los protagonistas del desarrollo sostenible son los habitantes del medio rural y estos han de participar la adopción de decisiones

    Application of a robust QFT linear control method to the course changing manoeuvring of a ship

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    This paper describes in detail the design methodology of a robust QFT (Quantitative Feedback Theory) controller for the control of the course changing of a ship. A linear model is used with uncertainty in the parameters. The system is designed to fulfil the specifications of robust stability and robust tracking of a reference system

    Aplicación de un programa de aquaeróbic de muy corta duración (4 semanas) para la mejora de la condición física saludable en mujeres jóvenes sanas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la influencia sobre la condición física saludable de un programa de aquaerobic de muy corta duración en mujeres jóvenes sanas. Participaron en este trabajo 22 mujeres sin patologías aparentes (20,560,98 años), estudiantes de la licenciatura de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, que no practicaban ningún deporte. Los sujetos llevaron a cabo un programa de acondicionamiento físico en el medio acuático basado en el aquaerobic de muy corta duración (8 sesiones de 30 minutos). Se valoró la condición física saludable, inmediatamente antes y después de la actividad. Los resultados muestran una disminución del peso graso estimado y una mejora de la flexibilidad de tronco, fuerza de prensión manual, fuerza-resistencia abdominal, equilibrio y potencia aeróbica máxima estimada. Las conclusiones del presente trabajo fueron: a) un programa de acondicionamiento físico de muy corta duración en el medio acuático se muestra eficaz en la reducción de la masa grasa corporal y b) mediante dicho programa se consiguen mejoras en la mayoría de los parámetros de la condición física saludable en mujeres jóvenes sanas, en especial en los relacionados con la fuerza, la flexibilidad y el equilibrio

    Variación espacial y temporal del índice gonadal de Diadema antillarum (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) en las Islas Canarias

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    Diadema antillarum Philippi occurs in high density populations in the Canary Islands, creating extensive barren areas. During one year we determined seasonal changes in the algal abundance and population densities, test diameter, gut contents and gonad index of sea urchins in two localities (Abades and Boca Cangrejo). Boca Cangrejo shows higher algae cover and species richness than Abades. The sea urchin population at Abades had a higher density and smaller urchins than Boca Cangrejo. Boca Cangrejo sea urchins showed higher specific richness in gut contents than Abades urchins. The sea urchin population at Abades did not have a clearer reproductive periodicity or higher gonad index than the Boca Cangrejo population. Temporal and spatial changes in gonad periodicity of Diadema antillarum are attributed, at least in part, to benthic food availability (algal cover and algal species number) and intra-specific competition.Diadema antillarum Philippi presenta unas densidades altísimas en las islas Canarias, eliminando casi por completo la cubierta vegetal de los fondos rocosos litorales. Durante un año, hemos muestreado estacionalmente los cambios en la abundancia de algas y las densidades poblacionales, diámetros de caparazón, contenidos intestinales e índice gonadal de los erizos en dos localidades (Abades y Boca Cangrejo). Boca Cangrejo presenta mayores coberturas y riqueza algal que Abades. La población de erizos en Abades es más densa y esta formada por erizos de menor tamaño que en Boca Cangrejo. La riqueza algal en los contenidos estomacales es mayor en los erizos de Boca Cangrejo que la de los de Abades. Los erizos de Boca Cangrejo presentan una clara periodicidad reproductiva e índices gonadales superiores a los erizos de Abades. Las variaciones espaciales y estacionales en la periodicidad gonadal de Diadema antillarum pueden ser atribuidas, al menos en parte, a la disponibilidad bentónica de alimento (recubrimiento y número de especies de algas) y a la competencia intraespecífica.

    Trends in hypertension control among the older population of Spain from 2000 to 2001 to 2008 to 2010: Role of frequency and intensity of drug treatment

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    This is the prepint version of the following article: Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 8.1 (2015) , which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.114.001191Background—The use of antihypertensive medication and hypertension control has significantly increased during recent decades in some developed countries, but the impact of improved drug treatment on blood pressure (BP) control in the population is unknown. Methods and Results—Data were taken from 2 surveys representative of the population aged ≥60 years in Spain conducted with the same methodology in 2000 to 2001 and in 2008 to 2010. BP was measured 6×. The first BP reading was discarded, and the average of the remaining 3 to 5 BP readings was taken for analysis. Hypertension prevalence was 68.7% in 2000 to 2001 and 66.0% in 2008 to 2010. Between both time periods there was an improvement in hypertension awareness (63.6%–67.7%), drug treatment among those aware (84.5%–87.5%), and BP control among treated hypertensives (30.3%–42.9%). Overall, BP control among all hypertensives increased from 16.3% to 25.4%. After adjustment for age, sex, education, hypertension duration, smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, sedentary behavior, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and visits to the physician through logistic regression, ≈7% of the improvement in BP control among all hypertensives was explained by higher hypertension awareness, and 36.2% was explained by a higher treatment rate. Among the treated hypertensives, 22.6% of the progress in BP control was because of the increase in the number of BP medications used in each patient. Conclusions—BP control among the older hypertensive population in Spain has improved from 2000 to 2001 to 2008 to 2010 because of a higher treatment rate and more intense antihypertensive drug treatmentThis work has been supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) grant PI13/02321 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain) and “Cátedra Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) de Epidemiología y Control del Riesgo Cardiovascular”, Madrid, Spain

    Pozzolanic materials to reduce CO2 emissions: local solutions for a global issue.

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    Abstract de una keynote invitada.In recent decades, the cement sector has been looking for solutions to reduce the carbon footprint, being one of the most promising strategies, the replacement of clinker with supplementary cementitious materials, SCMs. However, the main limitation of this approach is the availability of suitable SCMs. This work presents the study of three families of pozzolanic materials, Spanish calcined clays (CC), Natural Pozzolans (NP) and fly ashes (FA). The characterization of each family will be presented, with emphasis on the kaolinite content of the original clays and the amorphous contents of the natural pozzolans and fly ashes. The results of the pozzolanic prediction tests will be compared: strength activity index, SAI, and R3 test according to ASTM C1897-20. The SAI test has two important limitations: i) it gives false positives at 28 days, as does the addition of quartz (Qz) and ii) a minimum of 28 days is required to obtain the pozzolanic activity results. In addition, the R3 test has proved to be useful in ruling out inert additions, such as quartz. Moreover, it presents a very good correlation between the heat emitted and the combined water at 7 days and the amount of kaolinite in clays or amorphous in ashes. However, the absolute values of heat and combined water cannot be compared between different families. That is, in the calcined clay family, it can be inferred that if the kaolinite content is higher than 50 wt%, the heat released should be between 500-700 J/g, whereas a fly ash with an amorphous content of around 70 wt% will release between 200-250 J/g.PID2020-114650RB-I00 grant from Spanish government, Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH (Germany) and Buzzi Unicem SpA (Italy) are thanked for the funding. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Effects of Resistance Training in Muscle Mass and Markers of Muscle Damage in Adults with Down Syndrome

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    Recent studies have emphasized that regular exercise should be encouraged as a key part of care and support for people with Down syndrome (DS). However, muscle hypotonia has traditionally been considered a major barrier to resistance training (RT) in people with DS. The main objective of this study was to analyze the impact of circuit RT on markers of muscle damage. The secondary objective was to assess the influence of a RT program on body composition and work task performance. Thirty-six men with DS were recruited and randomly assigned to perform a circuit RT program with six stations 3 days/week for 12 weeks (n = 18) or to a control group (n = 18). Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Serum markers of muscle damage (creatine kinase, myoglobin, and lactate dehydrogenase) were determined at baseline and at the end of training weeks 1, 6, and 12. Work task performance was assessed using the weighted pail-carry test. RT did not induce significant changes in markers of muscle damage during the intervention. Furthermore, muscle mass and work task performance were significantly improved in the exercise group. These findings suggest that circuit RT can be used safely to increase muscle mass and work task performance in young adults with DS. Muscle hypotonia should not be considered a major barrier to exercise in people with DS, provided that qualified staff design and supervise all training sessions

    Mouse p53-deficient cancer models as platforms for obtaining genomic predictors of human cancer clinical outcomes

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    Mutations in the TP53 gene are very common in human cancers, and are associated with poor clinical outcome. Transgenic mouse models lacking the Trp53 gene or that express mutant Trp53 transgenes produce tumours with malignant features in many organs. We previously showed the transcriptome of a p53-deficient mouse skin carcinoma model to be similar to those of human cancers with TP53 mutations and associated with poor clinical outcomes. This report shows that much of the 682-gene signature of this murine skin carcinoma transcriptome is also present in breast and lung cancer mouse models in which p53 is inhibited. Further, we report validated gene-expression-based tests for predicting the clinical outcome of human breast and lung adenocarcinoma. It was found that human patients with cancer could be stratified based on the similarity of their transcriptome with the mouse skin carcinoma 682-gene signature. The results also provide new targets for the treatment of p53-defective tumours

    Comparative analysis between the Spanish and Portuguese seismic codes. Application to a border RC primary school

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    The Iberian Peninsula is close to the Eurasia-Africa plate boundary resulting in a considerable seismic hazard. In fact, the southwestern Iberian Peninsula is affected by far away earthquakes of long-return period with large-very large magnitude. A project named PERSISTAH (Projetos de Escolas Resilientes aos SISmos no Território do Algarve e de Huelva, in Portuguese) aims to cooperatively assess the seismic vulnerability of primary schools located in the Algarve (Portugal) and Huelva (Spain). Primary schools have been selected due to the considerable amount of similar buildings and their seismic vulnerability. In Portugal, the Decreto Lei 235/83 (RSAEEP) is mandatory while in Spain, the mandatory code is the Seismic Building Code (NCSE-02). In both countries, the Eurocode-8 (EC-8) is recommended. Despite the fact that both regions would be equally affected by an earthquake, both seismic codes are significantly different. This research compares the seismic action of Ayamonte (Huelva) and Vila Real de Santo António (Portugal). Both towns are very close and located at both sides of the border. Moreover, they share the same geology. This analysis has been applied considering a RC primary school building located in Huelva. To do so, the performance-based method has been used. The seismic action and the damage levels are compared and analysed. The results have shown considerable differences in the seismic actions designation, in the performance point values and in the damage levels. The values considered in the Portuguese code are significantly more unfavourable. An agreement between codes should be made for border regions.This work has been supported by the INTERREG-POCTEP Spain-Portugal programme and the European Regional Development Fund through the 0313_PERSISTAH_5_P project and the VI-PPI of the University of Seville by the granting of a scholarship. The grant provided by the Instituto Universitario de Arquitectura y Ciencias de la Construcción is acknowledged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dietary Fat Patterns and Outcomes in Acute Pancreatitis in Spain

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    Background/Objective: Evidence from basic and clinical studies suggests that unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) might be relevant mediators of the development of complications in acute pancreatitis (AP). Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze outcomes in patients with AP from regions in Spain with different patterns of dietary fat intake. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed with data from 1,655 patients with AP from a Spanish prospective cohort study and regional nutritional data from a Spanish cross-sectional study. Nutritional data considered in the study concern the total lipid consumption, detailing total saturated fatty acids, UFAs and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) consumption derived from regional data and not from the patient prospective cohort. Two multivariable analysis models were used: (1) a model with the Charlson comorbidity index, sex, alcoholic etiology, and recurrent AP; (2) a model that included these variables plus obesity. Results: In multivariable analysis, patients from regions with high UFA intake had a significantly increased frequency of local complications, persistent organ failure (POF), mortality, and moderate-to-severe disease in the model without obesity and a higher frequency of POF in the model with obesity. Patients from regions with high MUFA intake had significantly more local complications and moderate-to-severe disease; this significance remained for moderate-to-severe disease when obesity was added to the model. Conclusions: Differences in dietary fat patterns could be associated with different outcomes in AP, and dietary fat patterns may be a pre-morbid factor that determines the severity of AP. UFAs, and particulary MUFAs, may influence the pathogenesis of the severity of AP