19 research outputs found

    Motoriikka paremmaksi : opas motoriikkakerhon ohjaamiseen

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli toteuttaa projekti SOTEEKKIlle eli Sosiaali- ja terveysalan palvelukeskukselle, johon on suunniteltu perustettavaksi motoriikkakerho. Ajatus kerhon perustamiseen lähti liikunnanopettaja Kati Karinharjun ehdotuksesta sekä motorisista vaikeuksista kärsivän lapsen vanhemman tiedustelusta. Mopa- eli ”Motoriikka paremmaksi” -kerho on suunnattu terveille lapsille, joilla on motorisia ongelmia. Opinnäytetyöprojekti aloitettiin kokoamalla tietoa lasten kehityksestä sekä motorisesta kehityksestä Lisäksi tietoa kerättiin motorisista häiriöistä, niiden diagnosoinnista, kuntoutuksesta ja arvioinnista. Kerhoa varten suunniteltiin arviointilomakkeisto tukemaan motoristen taitojen arviointia, seurantaa sekä tuokioiden ja kotiharjoitteiden suunnittelua. Tavoitteena oli saada monipuolinen, lapsen arkea lähellä oleva sekä muutoksille herkkä arviointimenetelmä, jotta se olisi käytännöllinen ja toisi esille lasten yksilöllisiä eroja. Lomakkeistossa testataan perusliikkumisen taitoja, kehontuntemusta, tasapainoa ja motorisia kaksoistehtäviä sekä arvioidaan liikkumisen laadullisia tekijöitä. Lomakkeisto pilotoitiin Porin vapaa-aikaviraston järjestämässä erityislasten futuurikerhossa. Projektin tuotteena syntyi opas, joka sisältää perustietoa 2–10-vuotiaiden lasten kehityksestä sekä motoriikasta ja sen ongelmista. Oppaassa on käsitelty motoriikan arviointia, ja siinä on liitteenä kerhon käyttöön suunniteltu arviointilomakkeisto. Motorisen kuntoutuksen yleisten suuntaviivojen lisäksi oppaaseen on sisällytetty käytännön harjoitteita.MOTOR SKILLS IMPROVED - A GUIDEBOOK FOR INSTRUCTING A MOTOR CLUB The purpose of this thesis was to carry out a project for SOTEEKKI, a social and healthcare service centre, in which it has been planned to start up a motor club. The idea for the club came from Kati Karinharju, the teacher of physical education, and from an inquiry made by a parent of a child with motor difficulties. The club is meant for healthy children with motor problems. The project began with finding out information about the general development of children and also motor development. Added to this, information was gathered on the subjects of motor disorders, their diagnosis-criteria, rehabilitation and assessment. An assessment tool was constructed for the club to support evaluation, follow-up and planning of both the group interventions as well as home exercise programmes. The goal was to produce a versatile assessment tool that was linked to the everyday life of a child and sensitive enough to respond to changes. This way it would bring out the individual differences in children and make the assessment method practical. The evaluated items are fundamental movement abilities, body awareness, balance and motor dual-tasks. The assessment tool was piloted at a club for children with special needs that is organized by the city of Pori. The product of this project was a guidebook with information about the development and motor functions of children 2–10-years-old. The handbook consists of information about motor difficulties and motor assessment, and the assessment tool constructed for the club is enclosed. There are also guidelines to motor rehabilitation as well as some exercises

    Disentangling the effects of phonation and articulation: Hemispheric asymmetries in the auditory N1m response of the human brain

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    BACKGROUND: The cortical activity underlying the perception of vowel identity has typically been addressed by manipulating the first and second formant frequency (F1 & F2) of the speech stimuli. These two values, originating from articulation, are already sufficient for the phonetic characterization of vowel category. In the present study, we investigated how the spectral cues caused by articulation are reflected in cortical speech processing when combined with phonation, the other major part of speech production manifested as the fundamental frequency (F0) and its harmonic integer multiples. To study the combined effects of articulation and phonation we presented vowels with either high (/a/) or low (/u/) formant frequencies which were driven by three different types of excitation: a natural periodic pulseform reflecting the vibration of the vocal folds, an aperiodic noise excitation, or a tonal waveform. The auditory N1m response was recorded with whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) from ten human subjects in order to resolve whether brain events reflecting articulation and phonation are specific to the left or right hemisphere of the human brain. RESULTS: The N1m responses for the six stimulus types displayed a considerable dynamic range of 115–135 ms, and were elicited faster (~10 ms) by the high-formant /a/ than by the low-formant /u/, indicating an effect of articulation. While excitation type had no effect on the latency of the right-hemispheric N1m, the left-hemispheric N1m elicited by the tonally excited /a/ was some 10 ms earlier than that elicited by the periodic and the aperiodic excitation. The amplitude of the N1m in both hemispheres was systematically stronger to stimulation with natural periodic excitation. Also, stimulus type had a marked (up to 7 mm) effect on the source location of the N1m, with periodic excitation resulting in more anterior sources than aperiodic and tonal excitation. CONCLUSION: The auditory brain areas of the two hemispheres exhibit differential tuning to natural speech signals, observable already in the passive recording condition. The variations in the latency and strength of the auditory N1m response can be traced back to the spectral structure of the stimuli. More specifically, the combined effects of the harmonic comb structure originating from the natural voice excitation caused by the fluctuating vocal folds and the location of the formant frequencies originating from the vocal tract leads to asymmetric behaviour of the left and right hemisphere

    Nuclear microRNA-466c regulates Vegfa expression in response to hypoxia

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    MicroRNAs are well characterized in their role in silencing gene expression by targeting 3´-UTR of mRNAs in cytoplasm. However, recent studies have shown that miRNAs have a role in the regulation of genes in the nucleus, where they are abundantly located. We show here that in mouse endothelial cell line (C166), nuclear microRNA miR-466c participates in the regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor a (Vegfa) gene expression in hypoxia. Upregulation of Vegfa expression in response to hypoxia was significantly compromised after removal of miR-466c with CRISPR-Cas9 genomic deletion. We identified a promoter-associated long non-coding RNA on mouse Vegfa promoter and show that miR-466c directly binds to this transcript to modulate Vegfa expression. Collectively, these observations suggest that miR-466c regulates Vegfa gene transcription in the nucleus by targeting the promoter, and expands on our understanding of the role of miRNAs well beyond their canonical role

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Pyörämatkailusuunnitelma Vihdin matkailuyhdistykselle

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa pyörämatkailusuunnitelma Vihtiin. Toimeksiantajana oli Vihdin matkailuyhdistys, joka on johtava toimija Vihdin pyörämatkailuprojektin suunnittelussa ja toteuttamisessa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia pyörämatkailua ja selvittää pyörämatkailun nykytila Suomessa. Tavoitteena oli perehtyä pyörämatkailun suunnitteluun ja siihen kuuluviin osa-alueisiin. Pyörämatkailun suunnittelun osa-alueista valittiin tärkeimmät Vihdin matkailuyhdistykselle toteutettuun pyörämatkailusuunnitelmaan. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntyneen pyörämatkailusuunnitelman on tarkoitus auttaa Vihdin matkailuyhdistystä pyörämatkailuprojektin suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu pyöräilyn, pyörämatkailun ja pyörämatkailun suunnittelun teoriasta. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin haastatteluun pohjautuvaa kirjallista lausuntoa, ryhmäkeskustelua ja kolmikanta-arviointia. Haastatteluun pohjautuviin kirjallisiin lausuntoihin valittiin pyörämatkailureittien rakentamiseen osallistuvia toimijoita. Tutkimus-menetelmän tavoitteena oli selvittää tärkeimmät pyörämatkailun suunnittelun osa-alueet to-teutettavaan pyörämatkailusuunnitelmaan. Ryhmäkeskustelussa laadittiin suunnittelun osa-alueille sisältöä Vihdin pyörämatkailun näkökulmasta. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää käyttäjien näkökulmia ja ryhmäkeskusteluun valittiin vihtiläisiä pyörä- ja retkeilyharrastajia. Tutkimusmenetelmistä saatuja tuloksia analysoitiin teoreettiseen viitekehykseen verraten ja analysoinnin tuloksista laadittiin Vihdin pyörämatkailusuunnitelma, joka arvioitiin kolmesta näkökulmasta. Arviointiin osallistuivat toimeksiantaja, vihtiläinen polkupyöräliikkeen yrittäjä ja pyöräilyharrastaja. Kolmikanta-arvioinnista saatujen tulosten perusteella laadittiin kehittämisehdotukset laaditulle pyörämatkailusuunnitelmalle. Vihdin matkailuyhdistykselle laadittuun pyörämatkailusuunnitelmaan löydettiin tärkeimmät osa-alueet. Pyörämatkailusuunnitelma koostuu kuudesta osa-alueesta, joissa on huomioitu reitin elämyksellisyys, reitin saavutettavuus, opastus ja viitoitus, turvallisuus ja reittien ylläpito, kohderyhmien valinta ja riittävien palvelujen turvaaminen sekä tiedon saavutettavuus. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena syntynyt pyörämatkailusuunnitelma tulee olemaan osa hankehakemusta, jossa Vihdin pyörämatkailuprojektille haetaan rahoitusta.The purpose of this thesis was to create a cycle tourism plan for Vihti Travel Association, which is a leading operator in planning and creating the Vihti bicycle tourism project. The purpose of the thesis was to study bicycle tourism and look into the current situation of bicycle tourism in Finland. The objective of the thesis was to familiarize with bicycle tourism planning. The most important elements of bicycle tourism and planning were chosen to the bicycle tourism plan, which was commissioned by Vihti Travel Association. The bicycle tourism plan is created to help Vihti Travel Association to carry out a bicycle tourism project. The theoretical framework of the thesis consists of theory on bicycling, bicycle tourism and bicycle tourism planning. The used research methods in the thesis were interviews, group conversation and tripartite evaluation. The creators of the future bicycle tourism routes were chosen to participate in the first research method. The purpose of the research method was to clarify essential aspects of bicycle tourism planning in creating the final bicycle tourism plan. The content of the group conversation was used in creating the plan, especially focusing on Vihti. In addition, bicycling and camping experts were chosen to create a variety of views. The received results were analyzed by comparing them to the theoretical framework and the results of the analysis were used to create a bicycle tourism plan for Vihti. The plan was evaluated by using the tripartite evaluation research method. The participants in the evaluation were a representative of Vihti Travel Association, a local bicycle business owner and a bicycle enthusiast. The results of the tripartite evaluation were used to develop the bicycle tourism plan. The most essential elements bicycle tourism planning were discovered. The final cycle tourism plan consists of six different sections, which take into consideration route experience, route accessibility, guidance and directional signing, safety and route maintenance, selection of target groups along with guaranteeing adequate services and information accessibility. As a result of the thesis, the bicycle tourism plan will be appended to a project application looking for funding for the Vihti bicycle tourism project