48 research outputs found

    La religion juive ou la découverte de l’altérité dans La parola ebreo de Rosetta Loy

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    Rien ne prédestinait Rosetta Loy, née en 1931 et issue d’une famille de la bourgeoisie romaine catholique et bien-pensante, à faire de la Shoah une question centrale de son œuvre. En revanche, sa situation familiale typique en fait une observatrice extrêmement représentative de ce qu’ont vécu l’immense majorité des Italiens pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Dans La parola ebreo, sixième livre de Rosetta Loy paru en 1997, l’auteur fait s’alterner les souvenirs d’enfance et la documentation h..

    Henry Shoshkes, un voyageur juif polonais entre les deux guerres

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    Dans la Pologne de l’entre-deux-guerres émergea une élite juive, cultivée et sécularisée, maniant aussi bien (et parfois mieux) le polonais que le yiddish. Khaim (Henry) Shoshkes, représentatif de cette double culture, fut connu durant cette période pour ses récits de voyages, qu’il publia d’abord régulièrement dans la presse de l’époque (Haynt et Nasz Przegląd notamment), dans les deux langues. Il voyagea dans le monde entier (Angleterre, Belgique, Autriche, Italie, Égypte, Palestine, Algérie, Maroc, Espagne), s’intéressant aux communautés juives présentes dans ces pays mais aussi aux pays en général ; il réalisa également des reportages en Pologne, dans des contrées reculées, conformément à la tradition des enquêtes ethnographiques qui avait vu le jour en Pologne et en Russie à la fin du xixe siècle. Il s’installa à New York en 1940. Ses écrits furent rassemblés avant, et surtout après, la guerre dans de nombreux volumes en langue yiddish (Voyages exotiques, 1938, Mes voyages autour du monde, 1951, À travers des pays inconnus, 1954). Cette œuvre méconnue — en grande partie à cause de la barrière linguistique du yiddish — constitue un cas qui permet d’observer comment, durant la première moitié du xxe siècle, a pu exister une culture juive polonaise, nullement enfermée dans les carcans d’une identité et pleinement ouverte sur le monde.In Poland, between the two World-Wars, a Jewish elite emreged, cutured and secular, as fluent (and sometimes more) in Polish as in Yiddish. Khaim (Henry) Shoshkes (1891–1964), a representative of this double culture became well-known during that period for his travel narratives first published in the press (Haynt and Nasz Przegląd among others) in both languages. He travelled the whole world (England, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Egypt, Palestine, Algerian, Morocco and Spain), with an interest for local Jewish communities but also for the country as a whole. He also reported on backward and isolated parts of Poland, following the tradition of ethnographic surveys that were initiated in Poland and Russia in the late 19th century. He settled in New York in 1940. His writings were collected before and mainly after the war in several volumes in the Yiddish language (Exotic Travels, 1938, My Travels Around the World, 1951, Across Unknown Countries, 1954). This lesser-known work, mainly due to the linguistic barrier of the Yiddish language, is a case study that allows the reader to observe how, in the first half of the 20th century, a Polish-Jewish culture was able to exist, far from being secluded in a rigid identity, and totally open on the world

    Samuel D. Kassow, Qui écrira notre histoire ? Les Archives secrètes du ghetto de Varsovie

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    L’ouvrage de Samuel Kassow, intitulé Qui écrira notre histoire ? et sous-titré Les Archives secrètes du ghetto de Varsovie est un livre en forme de poupées russes, dans lequel chaque sujet est contenu dans un autre plus vaste. Pour raconter l’entreprise d’un historien, Emmanuel Ringelblum, et de son collectif Oyneg Shabes (« Joie du Shabbat »), l’ouvrage plonge ses racines dans une histoire culturelle bien plus large, celle de l’intelligentsia juive polonaise à l’origine, dans la première moi..

    Subanesthetic ketamine treatment promotes abnormal interactions between neural subsystems and alters the properties of functional brain networks

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    Acute treatment with subanesthetic ketamine, a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonist, is widely utilized as a translational model for schizophrenia. However, how acute NMDA receptor blockade impacts on brain functioning at a systems level, to elicit translationally relevant symptomatology and behavioral deficits, has not yet been determined. Here, for the first time, we apply established and recently validated topological measures from network science to brain imaging data gained from ketamine-treated mice to elucidate how acute NMDA receptor blockade impacts on the properties of functional brain networks. We show that the effects of acute ketamine treatment on the global properties of these networks are divergent from those widely reported in schizophrenia. Where acute NMDA receptor blockade promotes hyperconnectivity in functional brain networks, pronounced dysconnectivity is found in schizophrenia. We also show that acute ketamine treatment increases the connectivity and importance of prefrontal and thalamic brain regions in brain networks, a finding also divergent to alterations seen in schizophrenia. In addition, we characterize how ketamine impacts on bipartite functional interactions between neural subsystems. A key feature includes the enhancement of prefrontal cortex (PFC)-neuromodulatory subsystem connectivity in ketamine-treated animals, a finding consistent with the known effects of ketamine on PFC neurotransmitter levels. Overall, our data suggest that, at a systems level, acute ketamine-induced alterations in brain network connectivity do not parallel those seen in chronic schizophrenia. Hence, the mechanisms through which acute ketamine treatment induces translationally relevant symptomatology may differ from those in chronic schizophrenia. Future effort should therefore be dedicated to resolve the conflicting observations between this putative translational model and schizophrenia

    Establishing a Mental Health Surveillance in Germany: Development of a framework concept and indicator set

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    In the course of the recognition of mental health as an essential component of population health, the Robert Koch Institute has begun developing a Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) system for Germany. MHS aims to continuously report data for relevant mental health indicators, thus creating a basis for evidence-based planning and evaluation of public health measures. In order to develop a set of indicators for the adult population, potential indicators were identified through a systematic literature review and selected in a consensus process by international and national experts and stakeholders. The final set comprises 60 indicators which, together, represent a multidimensional public health framework for mental health across four fields of action. For the fifth field of action ‘Mental health promotion and prevention’ indicators still need to be developed. The methodology piloted proved to be practicable. Strengths and limitations will be discussed regarding the search and definition of indicators, the scope of the indicator set as well as the participatory decision-making process. Next steps in setting up the MHS will be the operationalisation of the single indicators and their extension to also cover children and adolescents. Given assured data availability, the MHS will contribute to broadening our knowledge on population mental health, supporting a targeted promotion of mental health and reducing the disease burden in persons with mental disorders

    Patterns of Alcohol Consumption Among Individuals With Alcohol Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Lockdowns in Germany

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    Importance Alcohol consumption (AC) leads to death and disability worldwide. Ongoing discussions on potential negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on AC need to be informed by real-world evidence. Objective To examine whether lockdown measures are associated with AC and consumption-related temporal and psychological within-person mechanisms. Design, Setting, and Participants This quantitative, intensive, longitudinal cohort study recruited 1743 participants from 3 sites from February 20, 2020, to February 28, 2021. Data were provided before and within the second lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: before lockdown (October 2 to November 1, 2020); light lockdown (November 2 to December 15, 2020); and hard lockdown (December 16, 2020, to February 28, 2021). Main Outcomes and Measures Daily ratings of AC (main outcome) captured during 3 lockdown phases (main variable) and temporal (weekends and holidays) and psychological (social isolation and drinking intention) correlates. Results Of the 1743 screened participants, 189 (119 [63.0%] male; median [IQR] age, 37 [27.5-52.0] years) with at least 2 alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Edition) yet without the need for medically supervised alcohol withdrawal were included. These individuals provided 14 694 smartphone ratings from October 2020 through February 2021. Multilevel modeling revealed significantly higher AC (grams of alcohol per day) on weekend days vs weekdays (β = 11.39; 95% CI, 10.00-12.77; P < .001). Alcohol consumption was above the overall average on Christmas (β = 26.82; 95% CI, 21.87-31.77; P < .001) and New Year’s Eve (β = 66.88; 95% CI, 59.22-74.54; P < .001). During the hard lockdown, perceived social isolation was significantly higher (β = 0.12; 95% CI, 0.06-0.15; P < .001), but AC was significantly lower (β = −5.45; 95% CI, −8.00 to −2.90; P = .001). Independent of lockdown, intention to drink less alcohol was associated with lower AC (β = −11.10; 95% CI, −13.63 to −8.58; P < .001). Notably, differences in AC between weekend and weekdays decreased both during the hard lockdown (β = −6.14; 95% CI, −9.96 to −2.31; P = .002) and in participants with severe AUD (β = −6.26; 95% CI, −10.18 to −2.34; P = .002). Conclusions and Relevance This 5-month cohort study found no immediate negative associations of lockdown measures with overall AC. Rather, weekend-weekday and holiday AC patterns exceeded lockdown effects. Differences in AC between weekend days and weekdays evinced that weekend drinking cycles decreased as a function of AUD severity and lockdown measures, indicating a potential mechanism of losing and regaining control. This finding suggests that temporal patterns and drinking intention constitute promising targets for prevention and intervention, even in high-risk individuals

    Aufbau einer Mental Health Surveillance in Deutschland: Entwicklung von Rahmenkonzept und Indikatorenset

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    Im Zuge der Anerkennung psychischer Gesundheit als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Bevölkerungsgesundheit wird am Robert Koch-Institut eine Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) für Deutschland aufgebaut. Ziel der MHS ist die kontinuierliche Berichterstattung relevanter Kennwerte zum Zweck einer evidenzbasierten Planung und Evaluation von Public-Health- Maßnahmen. Zur Entwicklung eines Indikatorensets für die erwachsene Bevölkerung wurden potenzielle Indikatoren durch eine systematische Literaturrecherche identifiziert und in einem strukturierten Konsentierungsprozess durch internationale und nationale Expertinnen und Experten beziehungsweise Stakeholder ausgewählt. Das finale Set enthält 60 Indikatoren, die ein mehrdimensionales Public-Health-Rahmenkonzept psychischer Gesundheit in vier Handlungsfeldern abbilden. Im fünften Handlungsfeld „Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention“ besteht Bedarf der Indikatorenentwicklung. Die pilotierte Methodik erwies sich als praktikabel. Diskutiert werden Stärken und Limitationen der Recherche und Definition von Indikatoren, der Umfang des Indikatorensets sowie die partizipative Entscheidungsfindung. Nächste Schritte zur Etablierung der MHS bestehen in der Operationalisierung von Indikatoren und der Erweiterung unter anderem auf das Kindes- und Jugendalter. Bei gesicherter Datenverfügbarkeit wird die MHS zum Wissen über die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung beitragen und die gezielte Förderung psychischer Gesundheit sowie die Verringerung der Krankheitslast psychischer Störungen unterstützen

    Novel genetic loci associated with hippocampal volume

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    The hippocampal formation is a brain structure integrally involved in episodic memory, spatial navigation, cognition and stress responsiveness. Structural abnormalities in hippocampal volume and shape are found in several common neuropsychiatric disorders. To identify the genetic underpinnings of hippocampal structure here we perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 33,536 individuals and discover six independent loci significantly associated with hippocampal volume, four of them novel. Of the novel loci, three lie within genes (ASTN2, DPP4 and MAST4) and one is found 200 kb upstream of SHH. A hippocampal subfield analysis shows that a locus within the MSRB3 gene shows evidence of a localized effect along the dentate gyrus, subiculum, CA1 and fissure. Further, we show that genetic variants associated with decreased hippocampal volume are also associated with increased risk for Alzheimer's disease (rg =-0.155). Our findings suggest novel biological pathways through which human genetic variation influences hippocampal volume and risk for neuropsychiatric illness

    The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex

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    The cerebral cortex underlies our complex cognitive capabilities, yet little is known about the specific genetic loci that influence human cortical structure. To identify genetic variants that affect cortical structure, we conducted a genome-wide association meta-analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 51,665 individuals. We analyzed the surface area and average thickness of the whole cortex and 34 regions with known functional specializations. We identified 199 significant loci and found significant enrichment for loci influencing total surface area within regulatory elements that are active during prenatal cortical development, supporting the radial unit hypothesis. Loci that affect regional surface area cluster near genes in Wnt signaling pathways, which influence progenitor expansion and areal identity. Variation in cortical structure is genetically correlated with cognitive function, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, depression, neuroticism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    Advancing schizophrenia drug discovery : optimizing rodent models to bridge the translational gap

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    Although our knowledge of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia has increased, treatments for this devastating illness remain inadequate. Here, we critically assess rodent models and behavioural end points used in schizophrenia drug discovery and discuss why these have not led to improved treatments. We provide a perspective on how new models, based on recent advances in the understanding of the genetics and neural circuitry underlying schizophrenia, can bridge the translational gap and lead to the development of more effective drugs. We conclude that previous serendipitous approaches should be replaced with rational strategies for drug discovery in integrated preclinical and clinical programmes. Validation of drug targets in disease-based models that are integrated with translationally relevant end point assessments will reduce the current attrition rate in schizophrenia drug discovery and ultimately lead to therapies that tackle the disease process