31 research outputs found

    a standardized assessment of forest mammal communities reveals consistent functional composition and vulnerability across the tropics

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    Understanding global diversity patterns has benefitted from a focus on functional traits and how they relate to variation in environmental conditions among assemblages. Distant communities in similar environments often share characteristics, and for tropical forest mammals, this functional trait convergence has been demonstrated at coarse scales (110-200 km resolution), but less is known about how these patterns manifest at fine scales, where local processes (e.g., habitat features and anthropogenic activities) and biotic interactions occur. Here, we used standardized camera trapping data and a novel analytical method that accounts for imperfect detection to assess how the functional composition of terrestrial mammal communities for two traits – trophic guild and body mass – varies across 16 protected areas in tropical forests and three continents, in relation to the extent of protected habitat and anthropogenic pressures. We found that despite their taxonomic differences, communities generally have a consistent trophic guild composition, and respond similarly to these factors. Insectivores were found to be sensitive to the size of protected habitat and surrounding human population density. Body mass distribution varied little among communities both in terms of central tendency and spread, and interestingly, community average body mass declined with proximity to human settlements. Results indicate predicted trait convergence among assemblages at the coarse scale reflects consistent functional composition among communities at the local scale, suggesting that broadly similar habitats and selective pressures shaped communities with similar trophic strategies and responses to drivers of change. These similarities provide a foundation for assessing assemblages under anthropogenic threats and sharing conservation measures.Understanding global diversity patterns has benefitted from a focus on functional traits and how they relate to variation in environmental conditions among assemblages. Distant communities in similar environments often share characteristics, and for tropical forest mammals, this functional trait convergence has been demonstrated at coarse scales (110-200 km resolution), but less is known about how these patterns manifest at fine scales, where local processes (e.g., habitat features and anthropogenic activities) and biotic interactions occur. Here, we used standardized camera trapping data and a novel analytical method that accounts for imperfect detection to assess how the functional composition of terrestrial mammal communities for two traits – trophic guild and body mass – varies across 16 protected areas in tropical forests and three continents, in relation to the extent of protected habitat and anthropogenic pressures. We found that despite their taxonomic differences, communities generally have a consistent trophic guild composition, and respond similarly to these factors. Insectivores were found to be sensitive to the size of protected habitat and surrounding human population density. Body mass distribution varied little among communities both in terms of central tendency and spread, and interestingly, community average body mass declined with proximity to human settlements. Results indicate predicted trait convergence among assemblages at the coarse scale reflects consistent functional composition among communities at the local scale, suggesting that broadly similar habitats and selective pressures shaped communities with similar trophic strategies and responses to drivers of change. These similarities provide a foundation for assessing assemblages under anthropogenic threats and sharing conservation measures

    A New Assessment of Robust Capuchin Monkey (Sapajus) Evolutionary History Using Genome-Wide SNP Marker Data and a Bayesian Approach to Species Delimitation

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    Robust capuchin monkeys, Sapajus genus, are among the most phenotypically diverse and widespread groups of primates in South America, with one of the most confusing and often shifting taxonomies. We used a ddRADseq approach to generate genome-wide SNP markers for 171 individuals from all putative extant species of Sapajus to access their evolutionary history. Using maximum likelihood, multispecies coalescent phylogenetic inference, and a Bayes Factor method to test for alternative hypotheses of species delimitation, we inferred the phylogenetic history of the Sapajus radiation, evaluating the number of discrete species supported. Our results support the recognition of three species from the Atlantic Forest south of the São Francisco River, with these species being the first splits in the robust capuchin radiation. Our results were congruent in recovering the Pantanal and Amazonian Sapajus as structured into three monophyletic clades, though new morphological assessments are necessary, as the Amazonian clades do not agree with previous morphology-based taxonomic distributions. Phylogenetic reconstructions for Sapajus occurring in the Cerrado, Caatinga, and northeastern Atlantic Forest were less congruent with morphology-based phylogenetic reconstructions, as the bearded capuchin was recovered as a paraphyletic clade, with samples from the Caatinga biome being either a monophyletic clade or nested with the blond capuchin monkey

    Wild dogs at stake: deforestation threatens the only Amazon endemic canid, the short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis)

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    The persistent high deforestation rate and fragmentation of the Amazon forests are the main threats to their biodiversity. To anticipate and mitigate these threats, it is important to understand and predict how species respond to the rapidly changing landscape. The short-eared dog Atelocynus microtis is the only Amazon-endemic canid and one of the most understudied wild dogs worldwide. We investigated short-eared dog habitat associations on two spatial scales. First, we used the largest record database ever compiled for short-eared dogs in combination with species distribution models to map species habitat suitability, estimate its distribution range and predict shifts in species distribution in response to predicted deforestation across the entire Amazon (regional scale). Second, we used systematic camera trap surveys and occupancy models to investigate how forest cover and forest fragmentation affect the space use of this species in the Southern Brazilian Amazon (local scale). Species distribution models suggested that the short-eared dog potentially occurs over an extensive and continuous area, through most of the Amazon region south of the Amazon River. However, approximately 30% of the short-eared dog's current distribution is expected to be lost or suffer sharp declines in habitat suitability by 2027 (within three generations) due to forest loss. This proportion might reach 40% of the species distribution in unprotected areas and exceed 60% in some interfluves (i.e. portions of land separated by large rivers) of the Amazon basin. Our local-scale analysis indicated that the presence of forest positively affected short-eared dog space use, while the density of forest edges had a negative effect. Beyond shedding light on the ecology of the short-eared dog and refining its distribution range, our results stress that forest loss poses a serious threat to the conservation of the species in a short time frame. Hence, we propose a re-assessment of the short-eared dog's current IUCN Red List status (Near Threatened) based on findings presented here. Our study exemplifies how data can be integrated across sources and modelling procedures to improve our knowledge of relatively understudied species

    Restauro do Casarão Gastão da Cunha, São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O trabalho expõe o processo para a elaboração do projeto de restauração, ainda em andamento, do Casarão que pertenceu ao Embaixador Gastão da Cunha, em São João Del Rei/MG. Esta edificação tem proteção por tombamento individual desde o ano de 1938 situada nas franjas da igreja de São Francisco de Assis. A sua inserção à rua Dr. Balbino da Cunha nº190 é imponente e se destaca no conjunto urbano pela marcação das janelas e composição dos elementos da fachada frontal. O Casarão vinculado à linguagem colonial encontra?se em estado de conservação precário, mesmo que com os seus componentes construtivos originais e, neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho é encaminhar ações que possibilitem a sensibilização da comunidade para a necessidade imediata da restauração deste patrimônio cultural. O processo tornou necessárias pesquisas de campo e em acervos para que fossem discutidas as premissas relevantes ao projeto, tendo em vista o entendimento do estado de conservação atual da edificação e a sua valorização junto à comunidade. Esta atividade se coloca de maneira relevante como uma ação que envolve ensino, pesquisa e extensão do NPE URBANISMOMG da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, nas interlocuções com o Laboratório de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Social (LAUS) da Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei. Agradecimentos ao apoio da FAPEMIG e do CNPQ, bem como dos Ministérios da Cultura e das Cidades

    Cell-derived microvesicles in infective endocarditis: Role in diagnosis and potential for risk stratification at hospital admission

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    Objectives: To characterize the plasmatic profile of cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) at diagnosis and during the treatment of patients with infective endocarditis (IE). Methods: Blood samples from 57 patients with IE were obtained on 3 consecutive moments: upon admission (T0), at 2 weeks (T1), and at the end of treatment (T2), and were compared with 22 patients with other bacterial infections. MPs were measured by flow cytometry and labeled for specific cell markers of CD45 (leukocytes), CD66b (neutrophils), CD14 (monocytes), CD41a (platelets), CD51 (endothelial cells), CD3 (T lymphocyte) and CD235a (erythrocytes). Results: MVs from platelets (pltMVs), leukocytes (leukMVs), neutrophils (neutMVs), monocytes (monoMVs) and lymphocytes (lymphMVs) were significantly more elevated in the patients with IE, compared to the patients with other bacterial infections, despite comparable age, sex, blood counts and C-reactive protein levels. MVs values revealed a relatively stable pattern over time in IE, except for a significant increase in leukMVs and neutMVs in T1. LeukMVs (p = 0.011), neutMVs (p = 0.010), monoMVs (p = 0.016) and lymphMVs (p = 0.020), measured at admission, were significantly higher in IE patients that died during hospitalization in comparison with those that survived. In a multivariable analyses, the levels of neutMVs remained as an independent factor associated with mortality (odds ratio 2.203; 95% confidence interval 1.217 - 3.988; p = 0.009), adjustment for heart failure during the treatment. Conclusions: Plasma levels of pltMVs, leukMVs, neutMVs, monoMVs and lymphMVs were significantly more elevated in patients with IE than in patients with other bacterial infections at hospital admission. Furthermore, neutMVs at admission have been identified as an independent predictor of mortality in patients with IE. Thus, cell derived MPs may become an important tool in the differential diagnosis and mortality risk assessment early in the course of IE suspected cases

    Limited carbon and biodiversity co-benefits for tropical forest mammals and birds

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    The conservation of tropical forest carbon stocks offers the opportunity to curb climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and simultaneously conserve biodiversity. However, there has been considerable debate about the extent to which carbon stock conservation will provide benefits to biodiversity in part because whether forests that contain high carbon density in their aboveground biomass also contain high animal diversity is unknown. Here, we empirically examined medium to large bodied ground-dwelling mammal and bird (hereafter "wildlife") diversity and carbon stock levels within the tropics using camera trap and vegetation data from a pantropical network of sites. Specifically, we tested whether tropical forests that stored more carbon contained higher wildlife species richness, taxonomic diversity, and trait diversity. We found that carbon stocks were not a significant predictor for any of these three measures of diversity, which suggests that benefits for wildlife diversity will not be maximized unless wildlife diversity is explicitly taken into account; prioritizing carbon stocks alone will not necessarily meet biodiversity conservation goals. We recommend conservation planning that considers both objectives because there is the potential for more wildlife diversity and carbon stock conservation to be achieved for the same total budget if both objectives are pursued in tandem rather than independently. Tropical forests with low elevation variability and low tree density supported significantly higher wildlife diversity. These tropical forest characteristics may provide more affordable proxies of wildlife diversity for future multi-objective conservation planning when fine scale data on wildlife are lacking

    Mamíferos de médio e grande porte do Parque Nacional das nascentes do Rio Parnaíba, Brasil

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    O Parque Nacional das Nascentes do Rio Parnaíba está localizado na divisa dos Estados do Piauí, Maranhão, Tocantins e Bahia. Para verificar a composição, riqueza, abundância relativa e padrão de atividade da mastofauna de médio e grande porte do Parque, bem como a utilização das fitofisionomias presentes na área por essas espécies, foi realizado um inventário utilizando armadilhas-fotográficas, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e métodos complemetares de amostragem. Foi registrado um total de 37 espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, distribuídos em 14 famílias e sete ordens. Vinte dessas espécies foram registradas por meio de armadilhas-fotográficas, 16 por meio de avistamentos e vestígios (rastros, fezes e carcaças), e todas por meio de entrevistas com moradores da região. O estimador de riqueza nãoparamétrico Jackknife1 calculou 22 espécies (D.P. ± 1,41) para o Parque. Quanto às fitofisionomias, apenas mata de galeria e cerrado sensu stricto apresentaram diferença significativa quanto à riqueza e abundância relativa. Dentre as espécies registradas no Parque, as raposas Cerdocyon thous e Lycalopex vetulus foram as mais abundantes, respectivamente. Quanto ao uso do habitat, somente Cerdocyon thous e Mazama gouazoubira apresentaram diferença significativa entre as fitofisionomias, sendo a primeira de hábito generalista e registrada principalmente em áreas de cerrado sensu stricto, e a segunda mais freqüente em áreas de vegetação mais densa (cerradão). No que diz respeito à composição de espécies, a análise de agrupamento indicou as áreas de cerradão e cerrado sensu stricto como as de maior similaridade, o que provavelmente se deve à maior semelhança florística entre esses ambientes. A análise de composição regional mostrou que o Parque apresenta uma maior similaridade quanto à composição de espécies com as UCs localizadas no Sul do Estado do Piauí (E.E. de Uruçuí-Una e PARNA da Serra das Confusões) do que com as demais áreas de Cerrado.ABSTRACT: The Nascentes do Rio Parnaiba National Park is located at the convergence of the states of Piauí, Maranhão, Tocantins and Bahia. In order to evaluate the composition, richness, relative abundance, activity pattern of medium and largesized mammals of the Park, as well as the use of phytophysiognomies present at the study site by these species, an inventory was made using camera-trap, semi-structured interview and complementary sampling methods. It was registered a total of 37 species of mammals of medium and large size, distributed in 14 families and seven orders, 20 of which recorded by cameratraps, 16 by sightings and traces (footprints, feces and carcasses), and all through interviews with residents of the region. The estimator of the nonparametric richness Jackknife1 estimated 22 species for the Park (D.P. ± 1,41). Regarding phytophisiognomy, only gallery forest and cerrado sensu stricto showed a significant difference about the richness and relative abundance. Among the species recorded in the Park, the foxes Cerdocyon thous and Lycalopex vetulus were the most abundant, respectively. Concerning the use of habitat, only Cerdocyon thous and Mazama gouazoubira showed significant differences between the phytophisiognomy, the first being from general habit and recorded specially in areas of cerrado sensu stricto, and the second most frequent in areas of more dense vegetation (cerradão). With respect to the composition of species, the cluster analysis indicated the areas of cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão with close similarity, which is probably due to the closer floristic similarity between these environments. The analysis of regional composition showed that the Park presents greater similarity in species composition with the UCs located in the southern of Piauí state (E.E. of Uruçuí- Una and PARNA of Serra das Confusões) than with other areas of Cerrado