29 research outputs found

    Qigong training as a successful factor of fighter’s personal qualities development in students

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    Purpose : the analysis of fighter’s personal qualities development in students in the course of teaching and educational Qigong training. Material : students who actively attended standard physical culture classes participated in the research (group N1, n=101, the 3rd course); students with a debilitated general condition who practiced the program of Qigong training within 1-3 years (group N2, n=211). It was fixed: the level of fighter’s qualities development; a self-assessment (students estimated the level of fighter’s personal qualities development according to the scale from 0 to 10 points). Results : Development of 6 main fighter’s personal qualities in students of group N1 was more successful and fast than in students of group N2. The average result on all 6 fighter’s personal qualities increases significantly and consistently with the increase in duration of training. Conclusions : Qigong training is an important factor in fighter’s personal qualities development in students. In general, it is necessary to develop the health culture which becomes the way of maintaining a constant healthy lifestyle in students. It is necessary that male with strong-willed fighter’s qualities always sought to participate in the long physical self-improvement.Цель: анализ развития личностных качества бойца у студентов в процессе длительных учебно воспитательных занятий цигун - тренингом. Материал: в исследовании принимали участие: студенты, которые активно посещали типовые занятия по физической культуре (группа N1, n=101, третий курса); студенты с ослабленным здоровьем, занимавшиеся по программе цигун-тренинга в течение 1-3 лет (группа N2, n=211). Фиксировались: уровень развития качеств бойца; самооценка (студенты оценивали по шкале от 0 до 10 баллов уровень развития личностных качеств бойца). Результаты: Развитие 6 основных личностных качеств бойца у студентов группы N1 было более успешным и быстрым, чем у студентов группы N2. Средний результат по всем шести личностным качествам бойца значимо и последовательно растет с увеличением длительности обучения. Выводы: Занятия цигун-тренингом являются важным фактором развития личностных качеств бойца у студентов. В целом необходимо развивать у студентов культуру здоровья, которая становится для них способом ведения постоянного здорового образа жизни. Необходимо, чтобы молодой человек с волевыми бойцовскими качествами всегда стремился участвовать в своём длительном физическом самосовершенствовании.Мета: аналіз розвитку особистісних якості бійця у студентів в процесі тривалих навчально виховних занять цигун - тренінгом. Матеріал: в дослідженні брали участь: студенти, які активно відвідували типові заняття з фізичної культури (група N1, n = 101, третій курс); студенти з ослабленим здоров'ям, які займалися за програмою цигун-тренінгу протягом 1-3 років (група N2, n = 211). Фіксувалися: рівень розвитку якостей бійця; самооцінка (студенти оцінювали за шкалою від 0 до 10 балів рівень розвитку особистісних якостей бійця). Результати: Розвиток 6 основних особистісних якостей бійця у студентів группи N1 було більш успішним і швидким, ніж у студентів групи N2. Середній результат по всіх шести особистісним якостям бійця значимо і послідовно зростає зі збільшенням тривалості навчання. Висновки: Заняття цигун-тренінгом є важливим фактором розвитку особистісних якостей бійця у студентів. В цілому необхідно розвивати у студентів культуру здоров'я, яка стає для них способом ведення постійного здорового способу життя. Необхідно, щоб молода людина з вольовими бійцівськими якостями завжди прагнув брати участь в своєму тривалому фізичному самовдосконаленні

    Genetic variants in myostatin and its receptors promote elite athlete status

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    Background While product of the myostatin gene (MSTN) is an important factor influencing muscle growth, which is well confirmed in nonhuman species, it has not been clearly confirmed whether MSTN expression influences interindividual differences in skeletal muscle mass, affects posttraining changes, or plays a role in the age-related loss of muscle mass and function in humans. Although the inconclusive results are usually explained by ethnic differences and the low frequency of some alleles, it is possible that the role of receptors (ACVR2A and ACVR2B) that affect the biological activity of myostatin is crucial. Therefore, we investigated the sequences of the MSTN, ACVR2A, and ACVR2B genes and determined the interaction between allelic variants and athletic performance and competition level in the Caucasian population. One hundred-two athletes were recruited for the sequencing study, and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was performed. Second, 330 athletes and 365 controls were included, and real-time PCR was performed.Results The sequence analysis revealed two polymorphisms relatively common in the athlete cohort, and the alternate allele showed overrepresentation in athletes: MSTN rs11333758 and ACVR2A rs3764955. Regarding the polymorphic site MSTN rs11333758, there was a significant overrepresentation of the -/- genotype in all high-elite and mixed-sport high-elite athletes. Carriers of the ACVR2A rs3764955 CC and GG genotypes were more likely to be elite and high-elite athletes. In addition, carriers of the CC genotype were more likely to be in the mixed-sport subelite group. The gene-gene interaction analysis revealed that mixed-sport high elite athletes showed significant underrepresentation of the ACVR2A rs3764955 GC - MSTN rs11333758 AA genotype combination. In the same group, we observed a significant overrepresentation of the ACVR2A rs3764955 GC - MSTN rs11333758 -/- and the ACVR2A rs3764955 CC - MSTN rs11333758 -/- genotype combinations.Conclusions We showed that the specific genotypes of the MSTN rs11333758 and ACVR2A rs3764955, either individually or in gene-gene combination, are significantly associated with athletes' competition level in the Polish population, especially in the mixed-sports athlete group. Thus, although further research is required, these polymorphisms, alone or in combination with other polymorphisms, are among the numerous candidates that could explain individual variations in muscle phenotypes

    Elite athletes' genetic predisposition for altered risk of complex metabolic traits

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic variants may predispose humans to elevated risk of common metabolic morbidities such as obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). Some of these variants have also been shown to influence elite athletic performance and the response to exercise training. We compared the genotype distribution of five genetic Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) known to be associated with obesity and obesity co-morbidities (IGF2BP2 rs4402960, LPL rs320, LPL rs328, KCJN rs5219, and MTHFR rs1801133) between athletes (all male, n = 461; endurance athletes n = 254, sprint/power athletes n = 207), and controls (all male, n = 544) in Polish and Russian samples. We also examined the association between these SNPs and the athletes’ competition level (‘elite’ and ‘national’ level). Genotypes were analysed by Single-Base Extension and Real-Time PCR. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between genotypes and athletic status/competition level. RESULTS: IGF2BP2 rs4402960 and LPL rs320 were significantly associated with athletic status; sprint/power athletes were twice more likely to have the IGF2BP2 rs4402960 risk (T) allele compared to endurance athletes (OR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.03-4.30, P <0.041), and non-athletic controls were significantly less likely to have the T allele compared to sprint/power athletes (OR = 0.62, 95% CI =0.43-0.89, P <0.0009). The control group was significantly more likely to have the LPL rs320 risk (G) allele compared to endurance athletes (OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.05-1.52, P <0.013). Hence, endurance athletes were the “protected” group being significantly (p < 0.05) less likely to have the risk allele compared to sprint/power athletes (IGF2BP2 rs4402960) and significantly (p < 0.05) less likely to have the risk allele compared to controls (LPL rs320). The other 3 SNPs did not show significant differences between the study groups. CONCLUSIONS: Male endurance athletes are less likely to have the metabolic risk alleles of IGF2BP2 rs4402960 and LPL rs320, compared to sprint/power athletes and controls, respectively. These results suggest that some SNPs across the human genome have a dual effect and may predispose endurance athletes to reduced risk of developing metabolic morbidities, whereas sprint/power athletes might be predisposed to elevated risk

    The Pro12Ala Polymorphism of the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Gene Modifies the Association of Physical Activity and Body Mass Changes in Polish Women

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ is a key regulator of adipogenesis, responsible for fatty acid storage and maintaining energy balance in the human body. Studies on the functional importance of the PPARG Pro12Ala polymorphic variants indicated that the observed alleles may influence body mass measurements; however, obtained results were inconsistent. We have decided to check if body mass changes observed in physically active participants will be modulated by the PPARG Pro12Ala genotype. The genotype distribution of the PPARG Pro12Ala allele was examined in a group of 201 Polish women measured for selected body mass variables before and after the completion of a 12-week training program. The results of our experiment suggest that PPARG genotype can modulate training-induced body mass measurements changes: after completion of the training program, Pro12/Pro12 homozygotes were characterised by a greater decrease of body fat mass measurements in comparison with 12Ala allele carriers. These results indicate that the PPARG 12Ala variant may impair the training-induced positive effects on body mass measurements; however, the detailed mechanism of such interaction remained unclear and observed correlation between PPARG genotype and body mass differential effects should be interpreted with caution

    GSTP1 c.313A&gt;G polymorphism in Russian and Polish athletes

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    © 2017 the American Physiological Society.The GSTP1 gene encodes glutathione S-transferase P1, which is a member of the glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), a family of enzymes playing an important role in detoxification and in the antioxidant defense system. There is some evidence indicating that GSTP1 c.313A>G polymorphism may be beneficial for exercise performance. Therefore, we decided to verify the association between the frequency of GSTP1 c.313A>G variants, physical performance, and athletes’ status in two cohorts: in a group of Russian athletes (n = 507) and in an independent population of Polish athletes (n = 510) in a replication study. The initial association study conducted with the Russian athletes revealed that the frequency of the minor G allele was significantly higher in all athletes than in controls; that was confirmed in the replication study of Polish athletes. In the combined cohort, the differences between athletes (n = 1017) and controls (n = 1246) were even more pronounced (32.7 vs 25.0%, P G single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with improved endurance performance. These observations could support the hypothesis that the GSTP1 G allele may improve exercise performance by better elimination of exercise-induced ROS

    Association of the MTHFR 1298A/C (rs1801131) polymorphism with speed and strength sports in Russian and Polish athletes

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    It has been suggested that DNA hypomethylation because of poorer effectiveness of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme induces muscular growth. We hypothesised that the common, functional 1298A>C polymorphism in the MTHFR gene is associated with athletic status. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the distribution of the 1298A>C variant in Polish (n = 302) and Russian (n = 842) athletes divided into four groups: endurance, strength-endurance, sprint-strength and strength-endurance, as well as in 1540 control participants. We found different genotypes (the AC heterozygote advantage) and allele distributions among sprint-strength athletes and strength athletes than the groups of sedentary controls for each nationality. In the combined study, the allelic frequencies for the 1298C variant were 35.6% in sprint-strength athletes (OR 1.18 [1.02-1.36], P = 0.024 vs. controls) and 38.6% in strength athletes (OR 1.34 [1.10-1.64], P = 0.003 vs. controls). The results of the initial and repetition studies as well as the combined analysis suggest that the functional 1298A>C polymorphism in the MTHFR gene is associated with athletic status. The presence of the C allele seems to be beneficial in sprint-strength and strength athletes. It needs to be established whether and to what extent this effect is mediated by alteration in DNA methylation status

    Athlome Project Consortium: a concerted effort to discover genomic and other "omic" markers of athletic performance.

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    Despite numerous attempts to discover genetic variants associated with elite athletic performance, injury predisposition, and elite/world-class athletic status, there has been limited progress to date. Past reliance on candidate gene studies predominantly focusing on genotyping a limited number of single nucleotide polymorphisms or the insertion/deletion variants in small, often heterogeneous cohorts (i.e., made up of athletes of quite different sport specialties) have not generated the kind of results that could offer solid opportunities to bridge the gap between basic research in exercise sciences and deliverables in biomedicine. A retrospective view of genetic association studies with complex disease traits indicates that transition to hypothesis-free genome-wide approaches will be more fruitful. In studies of complex disease, it is well recognized that the magnitude of genetic association is often smaller than initially anticipated, and, as such, large sample sizes are required to identify the gene effects robustly. A symposium was held in Athens and on the Greek island of Santorini from 14-17 May 2015 to review the main findings in exercise genetics and genomics and to explore promising trends and possibilities. The symposium also offered a forum for the development of a position stand (the Santorini Declaration). Among the participants, many were involved in ongoing collaborative studies (e.g., ELITE, GAMES, Gene SMART, GENESIS, and POWERGENE). A consensus emerged among participants that it would be advantageous to bring together all current studies and those recently launched into one new large collaborative initiative, which was subsequently named the Athlome Project Consortium

    SOD2 gene polymorphism and muscle damage markers in elite athletes

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    Exercise-induced oxidative stress is a state that primarily occurs in athletes involved in high-intensity sports when pro-oxidants overwhelm the antioxidant defense system to oxidize proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. During exercise, oxidative stress is linked to muscle metabolism and muscle damage, because exercise increases free radical production. The T allele of the Ala16Val (rs4880 C/T) polymorphism in the mitochondrial superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) gene has been reported to reduce SOD2 efficiency against oxidative stress. In the present study we tested the hypothesis that the SOD2 TT genotype would be underrepresented in elite athletes involved in high-intensity sports and associated with increased values of muscle and liver damage biomarkers. The study involved 2664 Caucasian (2262 Russian and 402 Polish) athletes. SOD2 genotype and allele frequencies were compared to 917 controls. Muscle and liver damage markers [creatine kinase (CK), creatinine, alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP)] were examined in serum from 1444 Russian athletes. The frequency of the SOD2 TT genotype (18.6%) was significantly lower in power/strength athletes (n = 524) compared to controls (25.0%, p = 0.0076) or athletes involved in low-intensity sports (n = 180; 33.9%, p < 0.0001). Furthermore, the SOD2 T allele was significantly associated with increased activity of CK (females: p = 0.0144) and creatinine level (females: p = 0.0276; males: p = 0.0135) in athletes. Our data show that the SOD2 TT genotype might be unfavorable for high-intensity athletic events

    Free-living amoebae as threat of human health

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