185 research outputs found

    The Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K/P) boundary in the Aïn Settara section (Kalaat Senan, Central Tunisia): lithological, micropalaeontological and geochemical evidence

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    The Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K/P) boundary, until recently known as the "Cretaceous-Tertiary" or K/T boundary, is well exposed at Aïn Settara in the Kalaat Senan area (Central Tunisia), 50 km south of the El Kef section. Micropalaeontological and geochemical studies led to the identification of six main features tentatively named "events", which characterise the K/P boundary interval, and of which at least two (B and C) have global significance. The lowermost event A located at about 14 cm below the base of the Dark Boundary Clay is marked by a sudden increase in tiny bioturbations, by small nodules and a few macrofossils, a 50% drop in calcareous nannofossil abundance and an increase in Scytinascias (organic linings of foraminifera). It is thought to witness a slowdown in sedimentation. Event B is characterised by a burrowed surface, separating the ca 60-cm thick Dark Boundary Clay from the underlying Aïn Settara marls. It indicates an episode of nondeposition, just before a major change in lithology from marls to clays, corresponding to a major flooding. No substantial palaeontological changes have been recorded in relation to this event. Event C is characterised by maximum concentrations of Ir and Ni-rich spinels, which have been observed in platy nodules, similar to the level at El Kef (K/P boundary sensu ODIN, 1992). It coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminiferal species (71%) and a 60% drop in nannofossil abundance. The change in lithology (occurrence of small ripples and channel-like structures) recorded at event D, a few cm up-section, might be related to a locally recorded storm activity. Events E and F, which are situated higher up in the Dark Boundary Clay, are mainly determined by palaeontological changes (palynomorphs and nannofossils), probably resulting from small sea-level variations. The coincidence of the cosmic markers with the major biotic changes at event C pleads for the asteroid impact hypothesis. Their disjunction from the base of the Dark Boundary Clay shows that the change of lithology usually used to determine the K-P boundary is distinct from the major extinction (in the planktonic realm), classically referred to this boundary and linked to the presence of cosmic markers. These results argue the need for the revaluation of the K-P boundary GSSP at El Kef. It is suggested to redefine the K-P boundary at the level of coincidence of the major biotic changes and the cosmic markers

    Corpo, maturação biológica e actividade física: um olhar interactivo em crianças e jovens madeirenses

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    Cada vez mais a sociedade moderna é olhada através da sua condição física, enquanto factor de bem-estar, saúde, qualidade de vida e longevidade dos seus membros. Os indicadores demográficos actuais da população madeirense apontam no sentido de uma considerável componente juvenil, adolescente e jovem. No entanto, a evolução demográfica prevista, decorrente de um acentuado decréscimo da natalidade, leva a prever um comportamento diverso da pirâmide de idades, assumindo particular ênfase as questões relacionadas com o estudo e a investigação do corpo, a procura de padrões, a descrição normativa, a interpretação das mudanças e o espaço morfológico externo, que se vem enquadrar no território de investigação reservado à somatotipologia

    A Comparison of Components of Written Expression Abilities in Learning Disabled and Non-Learning Disabled Students at Three Grade Levels

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    Although written language plays a critical role in academic success, little empirical evidence exists on the normal development of processes involved in producing written products. Even less is known about the writing performance of LD children. This study empirically compared the written products of LD and normal students at three grade levels on The Test of Written Language. Results showed that LD subjects scored significantly lower than normal subjects on most written expression abilities, especially in the mechanical tasks of spelling, punctuation, and word usage.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Understanding the growth mechanism of BaZrS3 chalcogenide perovskite thin films from sulfurized oxide precursors

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    Barium zirconium sulfide BaZrS3 is an earth abundant and environmentally friendly chalcogenide perovskite with promising properties for various energy conversion applications. Recently, sulfurization of oxide precursors has been suggested as a viable solution for effective synthesis, especially from the perspective of circumventing the difficulty of handling alkali earth metals. In this work, we explore in detail the synthesis of BaZrS3 from Ba Zr O oxide precursor films sulfurized at temperatures ranging from 700 amp; 9702;C to 1000 amp; 9702;C. We propose a formation mechanism of BaZrS3 based on a two step reaction involving an intermediate amorphization step of the BaZrO3 crystalline phase. We show how the diffusion of sulfur S species in the film is the rate limiting step of this reaction. The processing temperature plays a key role in determining the total fraction of conversion from oxide to sulfide phase at a constant flow rate of the sulfur containing H2S gas used as a reactant. Finally, we observe the formation of stoichiometric BaZrS3 1 1 3 , even under Zr rich precursor conditions, with the formation of ZrO2 as a secondary phase. This marks BaZrS3 quite unique among the other types of chalcogenides, such as chalcopyrites and kesterites, which can instead accommodate quite a large range of non stoichiometric compositions. This work opens up a pathway for further optimization of the BaZrS3 synthesis process, straightening the route towards future applications of this materia

    Performance of the First ANTARES Detector Line

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    In this paper we report on the data recorded with the first Antares detector line. The line was deployed on the 14th of February 2006 and was connected to the readout two weeks later. Environmental data for one and a half years of running are shown. Measurements of atmospheric muons from data taken from selected runs during the first six months of operation are presented. Performance figures in terms of time residuals and angular resolution are given. Finally the angular distribution of atmospheric muons is presented and from this the depth profile of the muon intensity is derived.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Desempenho motor. Um estudo normativo e criterial em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal

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    O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para os ‘skills’ locomotores e de controlo dos objectos em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 sujeitos, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. Os ‘skills’ motores fundamentais foram avaliados através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade dos ‘skills’ motores fundamentais. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nos ‘skills’ de controlo dos objectos. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nos ‘skills’ locomotores (51.5%) e nos ‘skills’ de controlo dos objectos (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nos ‘skills’ locomotores (86.5%) e nos skills’ de controlo dos objectos (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às Norte-Americanas. O conhecimento do desempenho motor das crianças madeirenses deve fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições

    Clinical spectrum, prognosis and estimated prevalence of DNAJB11-kidney disease

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    Monoallelic mutations of DNAJB11 were recently described in seven pedigrees with atypical clinical presentations of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. DNAJB11 encodes one of the main cofactors of the endoplasmic reticulum chaperon BiP, a heat-shock protein required for efficient protein folding and trafficking. Here we conducted an international collaborative study to better characterize the DNAJB11-associated phenotype. Thirteen different loss-of-function variants were identified in 20 new pedigrees (54 affected individuals) by targeted next-generation sequencing, whole-exome sequencing or whole-genome sequencing. Amongst the 77 patients (27 pedigrees) now in total reported, 32 reached end stage kidney disease (range, 55-89 years, median age 75); without a significant difference between males and females. While a majority of patients presented with non-enlarged polycystic kidneys, renal cysts were inconsistently identified in patients under age 45. Vascular phenotypes, including intracranial aneurysms, dilatation of the thoracic aorta and dissection of a carotid artery were present in four pedigrees. We accessed Genomics England 100,000 genomes project data, and identified pathogenic variants of DNAJB11 in nine of 3934 probands with various kidney and urinary tract disorders. The clinical diagnosis was cystic kidney disease for eight probands and nephrocalcinosis for one proband. No additional pathogenic variants likely explaining the kidney disease were identified. Using the publicly available GnomAD database, DNAJB11 genetic prevalence was calculated at 0.85/10.000 individuals. Thus, establishing a precise diagnosis in atypical cystic or interstitial kidney disease is crucial, with important implications in terms of follow-up, genetic counseling, prognostic evaluation, therapeutic management, and for selection of living kidney donors

    Time calibration of the ANTARES neutrino telescope

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    The ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope comprises a three-dimensional array of photomultipliers to detect the Cherenkov light induced by upgoing relativistic charged particles originating from neutrino interactions in the vicinity of the detector. The large scattering length of light in the deep sea facilitates an angular resolution of a few tenths of a degree for neutrino energies exceeding 10 TeV. In order to achieve this optimal performance, the time calibration procedures should ensure a relative time calibration between the photomultipliers at the level of similar to 1 ns. The methods developed to attain this level of precision are described