3 research outputs found

    Manual / Issue 10 / Polychrome

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    Manual, a journal about art and its making. Polychrome. In art, especially, polychrome invites us to the dialogue that colors are always having amongst themselves. A history of polychrome could be a series of poems exchanged among colors. The exchange might exhibit something like perpetual newness, again and again revealing differently bent hues and movingly novel blends. It would be a short-line poetry, excruciatingly sensitive to tone. Its speakers would have no names, so it would confuse the psychology of human orientation. In this connection, a warning against rendering polychrome as a pure positive seems in order: the parties to this dialogue talk at cross-purposes, always on the brink of divorcing. Polychrome can offend and destroy. It conscripts discrete colors in order to sacrifice them. Does polychrome offend by mocking our own failure to connect? In any case, polychrome has an advanced idiom for dealing with conflict. It’s at home with uncertainty. —Darby English, from the introduction to Issue 10: Polychrome. Softcover, 80 pages. Published 2018 by the RISD Museum. Manual 10 (Polychrome) contributors include David Batchelor, Gina Borromeo, Nicole Buchanan, Catherine Cooper, Darby English, Mara L. Hermano, Elon Cook Lee, Josephine Lee, Evelyn Lincoln, Dominic Molon, Maureen C. O\u27Brien, RISD Museum 2017 Summer Teen Intensive Students, and Elizabeth A. Williams.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdmuseum_journals/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Manual / Issue 12 / On Further Review

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    Manual, a journal about art and its making. On Further Review. This issue uncovers narratives once central to objects’ histories but that now have been systematically obscured, inadvertently overlooked, or otherwise lost. Softcover, 96 pages. Published 2019 by the RISD Museum.(On Further Review) contributors include Anita N. Bateman, Laurie Anne Brewer, Becci Davis, Jamie Gabbarelli, Bethany Johns, Elon Cook Lee, Kevin McBride, Walker Mettling, Jessica Rosner, Suzanne Scanlan, Nell Painter, Allison Pappas, Pamela A. Parmal, Shiyanthi Thavapalan, and Nick White.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdmuseum_journals/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Philosophical Hazards in the Neuroscience of Religion

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    I am tasked with addressing philosophical hazards in the neuroscientific study of religion. As a philosopher concerned with the well-being of neuroscientists studying religion, I am inclined to begin with the philosophical hazards of philosophy. I am well aware of the extraordinary difficulties of both tasks, for the hazards are many and it is easy to miss the forest for the trees or the trees for the forest. Instead of focusing on one issue in great detail, I shall hang a number of warning signs around a forest of issues that identify various philosophical hazards which deserve particular caution when it comes to neuroscience and religion. Since I am aiming for breadth over depth, my brief remarks on each issue shall be synoptic, non-exhaustive, contentious and suggestive for additional consideration and reflection. To redress such deficits, I have provided references for further reading