861 research outputs found

    Combler le « vide institutionnel » : Le comportement social et les performances des entreprises familiales comparés à ceux des autres entreprises des marchés émergents dans le secteur des hautes technologies.

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    Les entreprises familiales (EF) sont réputées prendre un soin particulier de leurs employés, avec l’objectif de créer une « communauté » interne très soudée. Leurs relations et contacts avec leurs partenaires extérieurs seraient aussi plus approfondis et personnels. Ces deux attitudes favoriseraient la viabilité d’une entreprise qui doit faire vivre la famille propriétaire, ainsi que les générations suivantes. Ces liens sociaux nous paraissent pouvoir compenser le manque de capital, de produits et d’infrastructure propre aux économies émergentes dynamiques. Cette étude, menée dans un secteur très compétitif de marché émergent, les entreprises de haute technologie en Corée, examine trois points majeurs :(1) Les relations internes et les liens avec l’extérieur sont plus développés dans les EF que dans les autres. (2) Ces relations améliorent la performance des secteurs de haute technologie dans les marchés émergents, pour lesquels il est indispensable, du fait de leur nature compétitive complexe et évolutive, de disposer d’une expertise pointue et d’un capital social à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur de l’entreprise. (3) Les performances des EF sont plus dépendantes de ces relations communautaires et de ces liens avec l’extérieur que celles des autres entreprises, parce que dans ce cadre personnel et intime, les employés et les partenaires extérieurs ont généralement tendance à récompenser la générosité, ou au contraire à punir l’égoïsme, d’une famille propriétaire qu’ils voient à l’oeuvre de leurs propres yeux. Nos observations empiriques confirment la plupart de ces hypothèses de façon significative.We argue that family businesses (FBs) will tend to treat their employees with unusual consideration to form a cohesive internal “community”. They are also expected to develop deeper, more extensive “connections” or relationships with outside stakeholders. Both behaviors should increase the viability of a business intended to support an owning family and its later generations. Such social linkages, we believe, may compensate for the lack of capital, product and labor institutional infrastructures in dynamic emerging economies. This survey study of a most challenging emerging market sector, namely, Korean high technology businesses, largely supports these expectations

    Competitive Rationales: Beneath the Surface of Competitive Behavior

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    Competitive dynamics research has focused on studying whether rivals are able and likely to carry out competitive actions, typically by examining indirect reasons such as characteristics of the actions themselves, the firms involved, or the competitive context. We explore why rivals initiate a specific competitive action at a particular time and situation. Drawing from the philosophy of action literature, we introduce the concept of competitive rationales to examine the primary reasons that cause tactical actions. Given the rapid exchanges characterizing tactical competitive dynamics, we conducted an inductive, multicase study to explore the reasons behind over 800 discrete tactical decisions carried out by 9 professional basketball coaches during 15 basketball games. To garner insight, we develop a conceptual framework revealing their types and scope. Even during intense head-to-head rivalry, most rationales were not rivalrous but were instead organizational—to optimize resource use, strategic consistency, and reputation—or social—to manage relationships. Moreover, the three main types of rationales varied in scope, extending beyond immediate competitive situations and rivals to address longer term, strategic outcomes, and assorted stakeholders. Thus, our analysis reveals these rationales to be complex and potentially difficult for rivals to decipher. It also recasts each component of the dominant awareness-motivation-capability (AMC) model of rivalry, suggesting that awareness is challenged by subtle rationales, motivation drives not only action but also forbearance, and capability is both a requirement and product of action

    Outcome-based imitation in family firms’ international market entry decisions

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    This study examines the effects of family involvement on international market entry. Bridging theories of interorganizational imitation with the notion of socioemotional wealth protection, we argue that family-managed firms are more likely to act as “intuitive statisticians,” using the internationalization outcomes of industry peers to determine when to internationalize. An event history analysis of 2427 manufacturing firms supports this position. Family-managed firms’ likelihood to internationalize increases as prior entrants’ performance mean and variance increase. Ultimately, our study demonstrates that this imitation strategy enables family-managed firms to reduce risk and endure longer in broached international markets

    Family involvement, employee engagement and employee performance in enterprising family firms

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    The study has been designed to analyze probable determinants of employee performance in family firms. A quantitative methodology was adopted. Data were collected from 113 employees from fifteen family businesses located in the Western Province in Sri Lanka. Correlation and ordinal logistic regression analysis were used to elaborate the relationships. Correlation analysis indicated that both family involvement and employee engagement correlate to employee performance. Family involvement in case of holding positions in functional and strategic levels by family members has shown no correlation to employee performance. Yet, having a family member as immediate boss/supervisor of an employee in the job has a strong correlation to employee performance. Regression analysis makes evident that almost all coefficients of the employee are negatively related to employee performance. Yet, all levels of employee engagement are significantly related to employee performance. It further shows that being the lower levels of employee engagement increases the likelihood of lower levels of employee performance. © 2017 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno. All rights reserved

    Povodom puštanja u pogon nove Gradske mljekare u Zagrebu

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    Dne 2. kolovoza 1952. godine u 8 sati svečano je puštena u pogon nova Centralna Gradska Mljekara u Zagrebu na Žitnjaku. Svečanom činu otvorenja mljekare prisustvovali su u ime Međunarodne organizacije za pomoć djeci Unicef-a gg. Julius Perstein, šef glavnog centra Unicef-a u Parizu, G. I. R. Cooper, šef odjela za izgradnju mljekara u Evropi i na Bliskom Istoku, gdja Helen Glassey, šef misije za Jugoslaviju i g. J. L. Vinck, član Unicefa u Parizu

    International and Product Diversification:Which Strategy Suits Family Managers

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    This paper explores the impact of family and professional managers on performance and how this relationship is affected by international and product diversification. Using a dataset of 262 German firms from 2000 to 2009, we find that an increasing proportion of family managers on the management board is associated with higher performance. This relationship is negatively moderated by higher levels of international diversification but reinforced by increased product diversification due to differences in the human and social capital between family and professional managers. Firms with a significant presence of family members on the top management team (TMT) face a choice of either adopting a corporate strategy that runs counter to “global-focusing” or adjusting the balance of family and professional managers in the TMT. Managerial summary Deciding the extent of family involvement on the executive team is a key strategic decision. While our research supports the general proposition that family managers will enhance performance we show they don't have the same positive impact in all situations. More precisely, we show that family managers are more suited to lead diversification than internationalization. If a family firm wants to go international it therefore is sensible to increase the proportion of professional managers on the executive team. Diversifying into new product markets, however, does not require outside expertise commonly associated with professional managers

    The 10 kDa domain of human erythrocyte protein 4.1 binds the Plasmodium falciparum EBA-181 protein

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    BACKGROUND: Erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites represents a key mechanism during malaria pathogenesis. Erythrocyte binding antigen-181 (EBA-181) is an important invasion protein, which mediates a unique host cell entry pathway. A novel interaction between EBA-181 and human erythrocyte membrane protein 4.1 (4.1R) was recently demonstrated using phage display technology. In the current study, recombinant proteins were utilized to define and characterize the precise molecular interaction between the two proteins. METHODS: 4.1R structural domains (30, 16, 10 and 22 kDa domain) and the 4.1R binding region in EBA-181 were synthesized in specific Escherichia coli strains as recombinant proteins and purified using magnetic bead technology. Recombinant proteins were subsequently used in blot-overlay and histidine pull-down assays to determine the binding domain in 4.1R. RESULTS: Blot overlay and histidine pull-down experiments revealed specific interaction between the 10 kDa domain of 4.1R and EBA-181. Binding was concentration dependent as well as saturable and was abolished by heat denaturation of 4.1R. CONCLUSION: The interaction of EBA-181 with the highly conserved 10 kDa domain of 4.1R provides new insight into the molecular mechanisms utilized by P. falciparum during erythrocyte entry. The results highlight the potential multifunctional role of malaria invasion proteins, which may contribute to the success of the pathogenic stage of the parasite's life cycle
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