1,538 research outputs found

    Molecular Feshbach dissociation as a source for motionally entangled atoms

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    We describe the dissociation of a diatomic Feshbach molecule due to a time-varying external magnetic field in a realistic trap and guide setting. An analytic expression for the asymptotic state of the two ultracold atoms is derived, which can serve as a basis for the analysis of dissociation protocols to generate motionally entangled states. For instance, the gradual dissociation by sequences of magnetic field pulses may delocalize the atoms into macroscopically distinct wave packets, whose motional entanglement can be addressed interferometrically. The established relation between the applied magnetic field pulse and the generated dissociation state reveals that square-shaped magnetic field pulses minimize the momentum spread of the atoms. This is required to control the detrimental influence of dispersion in a recently proposed experiment to perform a Bell test in the motion of the two atoms [C. Gneiting and K. Hornberger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 260503 (2008)].Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; corresponds to published versio

    Ensemble model output statistics for wind vectors

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    A bivariate ensemble model output statistics (EMOS) technique for the postprocessing of ensemble forecasts of two-dimensional wind vectors is proposed, where the postprocessed probabilistic forecast takes the form of a bivariate normal probability density function. The postprocessed means and variances of the wind vector components are linearly bias-corrected versions of the ensemble means and ensemble variances, respectively, and the conditional correlation between the wind components is represented by a trigonometric function of the ensemble mean wind direction. In a case study on 48-hour forecasts of wind vectors over the North American Pacific Northwest with the University of Washington Mesoscale Ensemble, the bivariate EMOS density forecasts were calibrated and sharp, and showed considerable improvement over the raw ensemble and reference forecasts, including ensemble copula coupling
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