104 research outputs found

    Plans de prĂ©vention des risques incendie de forĂȘt et acceptabilitĂ© des contraintes ElĂ©ments de rĂ©flexions juridiques

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    Remerciements Ă  l'Ă©diteur qui nous autorise Ă  publier le texte intĂ©gral de l'article disponible sur le site web de la revue : http://www.foret-mediterraneenne.org/ - Document en accĂšs libre : http://hdl.handle.net/2042/39488National audienceA partir de l'Ă©tude juridique menĂ©e dans le cadre d'un programme de recherches " Etude prospective sur la mise en uvre des plans de prĂ©vention des risques d'incendie de forĂȘt. Quel devenir pour les zones rouges des P.P.R.I.F. ? ", financĂ© par le G.I.S. Incendie de ForĂȘt, cet article prĂ©sente une interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats sous l'angle de la problĂ©matique de l'acceptabilitĂ© des P.P.R.I.F. Les auteurs proposent un ensemble d'orientations susceptibles de permettre une meilleure acceptation des P.P.R.I.F. et de leurs contraintes tant de la part des propriĂ©taires concernĂ©s que de celle des autoritĂ©s locales

    Union libre, Ă©galitĂ© et bien-ĂȘtre en Suisse

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    Les naissances de couples non-mariĂ©s se diffusent lentement dans la sociĂ©tĂ© suisse. Elles remettent en question la place de l’union libre qui depuis son apparition dans les annĂ©es soixante-dix jouait essentiellement un rĂŽle de prĂ©lude au mariage. Les couples non-mariĂ©s ayant des enfants montrent une division plus Ă©galitaire des tĂąches, plus d’autonomie et moins d’attitudes traditionnelles Ă  l’égard de la famille, comparativement aux couples mariĂ©s. Paradoxalement, ces couples tĂ©moignent d’un moindre bien-ĂȘtre. Cet article s’interroge sur les relations entre statut marital, inĂ©galitĂ©s au sein du couple et moindre bien-ĂȘtre. BasĂ©s sur une exploitation des donnĂ©es Suisses de L'EnquĂȘte sur les familles et les gĂ©nĂ©rations 2013 (EFG), nos rĂ©sultats tendent Ă  montrer que les jeunes couples ayant des attitudes Ă©galitaires choisissent plus souvent de rester non-mariĂ©s lorsqu’ils ont un enfant. Qu’ils soient mariĂ©s ou non, les conjoints ayant des attitudes Ă©galitaires expriment un moindre bien-ĂȘtre que les couples ayant des attitudes traditionnelles. Les raisons de ce moindre bien-ĂȘtre sont liĂ©es Ă  la difficultĂ© de concilier vie familiale et vie professionnel, surtout pour les femmes. Les conflits au sein du couple quant Ă  eux, rĂ©sulteraient plutĂŽt d’une augmentation des affects nĂ©gatifs

    Changes in Employment Uncertainty and the Fertility Intention-Realization Link: An Analysis Based on the Swiss Household Panel.

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    How do changes in employment uncertainty matter for fertility? Empirical studies on the impact of employment uncertainty on reproductive decision-making offer a variety of conclusions, ranging from gender and socio-economic differences in the effect of employment uncertainty on fertility intentions and behaviour, to the effect of employment on changes in fertility intentions. This article analyses the association between a change in subjective employment uncertainty and fertility intentions and behaviour by distinguishing male and female partners' employment uncertainty, and examines the variation in these associations by education. Using a sample of men and women living in a couple from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP 2002-2011), we examine through multinomial analysis how changes in employment uncertainty and selected socio-demographic factors are related to individual childbearing decisions. Our results show strong gendered effects of changes in employment uncertainty on the revision of reproductive decisions among the highly educated population

    Transitions dans le parcours de vie et construction des inégalités

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    Tout au long de leur existence, les individus suivent des chemins singuliers dont les trajectoires ne sont pas le simple fait de la seule volonté ou du hasard. Ces cheminements se révÚlent souvent générateurs d'inégalités entre individus, notamment au cours des transitions des ùges de la vie (enfance, adolescence, ùge adulte, grand ùge), ou lors de différentes étapes (mariage, divorce, deuil, etc). C'est afin de mieux comprendre les modalités et les combinaisons d'influence à l'origine des inégalités dans les parcours de vie, que les éditeurs de cet ouvrage ont réuni des chercheurs issus des sciences psychologiques, sociales et économiques, afin de croiser leurs regards sur la maniÚre dont ces inégalités se creusent ou se réduisent au fil des trajectoires. Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire met en relief la richesse d'une approche des inégalités dans la perspective dynamique du parcours de vie.Peer reviewe

    An original phylogenetic approach identified mitochondrial haplogroup T1a1 as inversely associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers

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    Introduction: Individuals carrying pathogenic mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have a high lifetime risk of breast cancer. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in DNA double-strand break repair, DNA alterations that can be caused by exposure to reactive oxygen species, a main source of which are mitochondria. Mitochondrial genome variations affect electron transport chain efficiency and reactive oxygen species production. Individuals with different mitochondrial haplogroups differ in their metabolism and sensitivity to oxidative stress. Variability in mitochondrial genetic background can alter reactive oxygen species production, leading to cancer risk. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that mitochondrial haplogroups modify breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers. Methods: We genotyped 22,214 (11,421 affected, 10,793 unaffected) mutation carriers belonging to the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 for 129 mitochondrial polymorphisms using the iCOGS array. Haplogroup inference and association detection were performed using a phylogenetic approach. ALTree was applied to explore the reference mitochondrial evolutionary tree and detect subclades enriched in affected or unaffected individuals. Results: We discovered that subclade T1a1 was depleted in affected BRCA2 mutation carriers compared with the rest of clade T (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.55; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34 to 0.88; P = 0.01). Compared with the most frequent haplogroup in the general population (that is, H and T clades), the T1a1 haplogroup has a HR of 0.62 (95% CI, 0.40 to 0.95; P = 0.03). We also identified three potential susceptibility loci, including G13708A/rs28359178, which has demonstrated an inverse association with familial breast cancer risk. Conclusions: This study illustrates how original approaches such as the phylogeny-based method we used can empower classical molecular epidemiological studies aimed at identifying association or risk modification effects.Peer reviewe

    Les escrocs : spécificités de la relation thérapeutique dans la prise en charge

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    Le Goff Valérie, Eggimann Aude. Les escrocs : spécificités de la relation thérapeutique dans la prise en charge. In: Bulletin de psychologie, tome 55 n°458, 2002. pp. 185-191

    Modeling of the wind power forecast errors and associated optimal storage strategy

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    Production forecast errors are the main hurdle to integrate variable renewable energies into electrical power systems. Regardless of the technique, these errors are inherent in the forecast exercise, although their magnitude significantly vary depending on the method and the horizon. As power systems have to balance out these errors, their dynamic and stochastic modeling is valuable for the real time operation. This study proposes a Markov Switching Auto Regressive-MS-AR-approach. The strength of such a model is to be able to identify weather types according to the reliability of the forecast. These types are captured with a hidden state whose evolution is controlled by a transition matrix. The autocorrelation and variance parameters of the AR models are then different from one state to another. After having validated its statistical relevance, this model is used to solve the problem of the optimal management of a storage associated with a wind power plant when this virtual power plant must respect a production commitment. The resolution is carried out by stochastic dynamic programming while comparing the proposed MS-AR with several other models of forecast errors. This illustrative problem highlights the improvements made by a fine modeling of forecast errors
