1,460 research outputs found

    We are all Gossip Girl: Gossip Girl and the Promise of Interactive Television

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    Death and dying in Minnesota small town literature

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    Der mittlere Westen der USA ist eine Region, die kulturell besonders schwierig zu definieren ist, da der amerikanische Siedlungsprozess die Bildung einer definitiven kulturellen Identität behindert hat. Daher konnte sich im Mittleren Westen nur eine unsichere und unklare regionale Identität bilden, die sich häufig auf die Kleinstädte stützt. In den Romanen Lake Wobegon Days von Garrison Keillor, The Cape Ann von Faith Sullivan, und Staggerford von Jon Hassler steht die Kleinstadt in Minnesota im Mittelpunkt, wobei das Thema des Todes eine tragende Rolle in diesen Romanen und in der Darstellung der Identitätsproblematik des Mittleren Westens spielt. Dementsprechend untersucht diese Arbeit wie die Todesthematik in den Romanen von Keillor, Hassler und Sullivan verwendet wird um die Mythologie der amerikanischen Kleinstadt in Frage zu stellen und gleichermaßen eine relevante Identität für Minnesota und den Mittleren Westen zu konstruieren

    Pós-modernismo no capitalismo contemporâneo: uma revisão de literatura

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.A pós-modernidade diz respeito à condição cultural atual, resultado de um período de transitoriedade nos valores culturais a partir da década de 1950. Este movimento tem em si um conceito que se quer contrário à modernidade dos séculos passados que se entende até a Segunda Guerra Mundial. À medida que ascende uma época pós-modernista, os hábitos cotidianos são mudados, os sentimentos e sensações sofrem variações essenciais, muda-se a percepção de mundo e sua estrutura cultural. Data do mesmo período a reinvenção capitalista que resulta em sua forma contemporânea: o regime de acumulação flexível. Transformações nas relações econômicas de troca, na estrutura do sistema produtivo, na política e no comportamento cultural ocorrem em paralelo e tendem a expressar uma lógica comum através da qual acontecem. Neste trabalho é feita uma revisão de literatura acerca do assunto proposto e uma análise das modificações ocorridas na segunda metade do século XX que impactaram definitivamente na estrutura social atual

    Activated integrins identify functional antigen-specific CD8 T cells within minutes after antigen stimulation

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    Skin affections after sulfur mustard (SM) exposure include erythema, blister formation and severe inflammation. An antidote or specific therapy does not exist. Anti-inflammatory compounds as well as substances counteracting SM-induced cell death are under investigation. In this study, we investigated the benzylisoquinoline alkaloide berberine (BER), a metabolite in plants like berberis vulgaris, which is used as herbal pharmaceutical in Asian countries, against SM toxicity using a well-established in vitro approach. Keratinocyte (HaCaT) mono-cultures (MoC) or HaCaT/THP-1 co-cultures (CoC) were challenged with 100, 200 or 300 mM SM for 1 h. Post-exposure, both MoC and CoC were treated with 10, 30 or 50 mu M BER for 24 h. At that time, supernatants were collected and analyzed both for interleukine (IL) 6 and 8 levels and for content of adenylate-kinase (AK) as surrogate marker for cell necrosis. Cells were lysed and nucleosome formation as marker for late apoptosis was assessed. In parallel, AK in cells was determined for normalization purposes. BER treatment did not influence necrosis, but significantly decreased apoptosis. Anti-inflammatory effects were moderate, but also significant, primarily in CoC. Overall, BER has protective effects against SM toxicity in vitro. Whether this holds true should be evaluated in future in vivo studies

    The DynaMine webserver: predicting protein dynamics from sequence.

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    Protein dynamics are important for understanding protein function. Unfortunately, accurate protein dynamics information is difficult to obtain: here we present the DynaMine webserver, which provides predictions for the fast backbone movements of proteins directly from their amino-acid sequence. DynaMine rapidly produces a profile describing the statistical potential for such movements at residue-level resolution. The predicted values have meaning on an absolute scale and go beyond the traditional binary classification of residues as ordered or disordered, thus allowing for direct dynamics comparisons between protein regions. Through this webserver, we provide molecular biologists with an efficient and easy to use tool for predicting the dynamical characteristics of any protein of interest, even in the absence of experimental observations. The prediction results are visualized and can be directly downloaded. The DynaMine webserver, including instructive examples describing the meaning of the profiles, is available at http://dynamine.ibsquare.be

    Concurrent Assessment of Phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH Exposure and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Performance in Three European Cohorts of the HBM4EU Aligned Studies

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    Information about the effects of phthalates and non-phthalate substitute cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester (HEXAMOLL® DINCH) on children's neurodevelopment is limited. The aim of the present research is to evaluate the association between phthalate/HEXAMOLL® DINCH exposure and child neurodevelopment in three European cohorts involved in HBM4EU Aligned Studies. Participating subjects were school-aged children belonging to the Northern Adriatic cohort II (NAC-II), Italy, Odense Child Cohort (OCC), Denmark, and PCB cohort, Slovakia. In each cohort, children's neurodevelopment was assessed through the Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient score (FSIQ) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale of Children test using three different editions. The children's urine samples, collected for one point in time concurrently with the neurodevelopmental evaluation, were analyzed for several phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH biomarkers. The relation between phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH and FSIQ was explored by applying separate multiple linear regressions in each cohort. The means and standard deviations of FSIQ were 109 ± 11 (NAC-II), 98 ± 12 (OCC), and 81 ± 15 (PCB cohort). In NAC-II, direct associations between FSIQ and DEHP's biomarkers were found: 5OH-MEHP+5oxo-MEHP (β = 2.56; 95% CI 0.58-4.55; N = 270), 5OH-MEHP+5cx-MEPP (β = 2.48; 95% CI 0.47-4.49; N = 270) and 5OH-MEHP (β = 2.58; 95% CI 0.65-4.51; N = 270). On the contrary, in the OCC the relation between DEHP's biomarkers and FSIQ tended to be inverse but imprecise (p-value ≥ 0.10). No associations were found in the PCB cohort. FSIQ was not associated with HEXAMOLL® DINCH in any cohort. In conclusion, these results do not provide evidence of an association between concurrent phthalate/DINCHHEXAMOLLR DINCH exposure and IQ in children.This work received external funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 [“European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” (HBM4EU)] and received co-funding from the author’s organizations. NAC-II: This research was funded by: the European Union through its Sixth Framework Program for RTD (contract “PHIME” No. FOOD-CT-2006-016253); the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste, Italy (RC 12/12 funded by Ministry of Health—Italy); CROME LIFE Project “Cross-Mediterranean Environment and Health Network” (LIFE12 ENV/GR/001040). OCC: The cohort was funded by the Odense University Hospital, Denmark; the Region of Southern Denmark, The Municipality of Odense, Denmark; The University of Southern Denmark; the Mental Health Service of the Region of Southern Denmark; Odense Patient data Exploratory Network (OPEN), Den mark; The Danish Center for Hormone Disrupting Chemicals (MST-611-00012); The Danish Research Council (4004-00352B_FSS); Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark (grant no. NNF19OC0058266 and NNF17OC0029404); Sygeforsikring Danmark (journalnr. 2021-0173); The Collaborative foundation between Odense University Hospital and Rigshospitalet, Helsefonden, Beckettfonden, the Danish Mental Health Fund, Health Insurance Denmark. The LS-MS/MS equipment was financially supported by the Velux Foundation. PCB: PCB cohort was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, project no. APVV-0571-12 and the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, project no. 2014/47-SZU-11. The APC was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032.S

    Avaliação e perspectivas da abordagem à conservação do patrimônio organístico no Brasil

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    Órgãos de tubos são construídos no Brasil, ou importados do exterior, desde as primeiras décadas do período colonial. Estes instrumentos, apesar de constituírem um conjunto relativamente exíguo, representam um testemunho histórico e musical de valor inestimável. No entanto, de um modo geral, encontram-se em condições precárias de funcionamento e, em parte, mais ou menos descaracterizados profundamente, quanto à sua estrutura e configuração original, às vezes em estado de abandono e, por incrível que pareça, ainda sujeitos ao risco de intervenções arbitrárias e desprovidas de bases técnicas e de preocupação histórica e musicológica. Neste artigo, busca-se percorrer o caminho que levou à atual situação e discutem-se os princípios e os critérios de processos de recuperação, manutenção e conservação preventiva desse patrimônio, partindo dos pressupostos do respeito à sua originalidade e do direito a restauros segundo os rigorosos cânones já definidos para objetos com plena condição de bem cultural, cujo reconhecimento para os órgãos de qualquer época deve ser urgentemente garantido.Pipe organs have been built in Brazil or imported from elsewhere since the very first decades of the colonial period. Albeit relatively small in number, such instruments have inestimable historical and musical value. Notwithstanding, they are generally in very poor working condition and some have lost much of their original structure and configuration; they are often found in a state of abandonment and, incredible as it may seem, still under the threat of arbitrary interventions performed with no technical expertise or any concern for their historical and musicological significance. This article is an effort to understand how this state of affairs came to be, and discusses principles and criteria for the restoration, maintenance and preventive conservation of this legacy, based on assumptions regarding its original conditions and entitlement to restoration in accordance with the stringent standards already set for artifacts that enjoy the full status of cultural assets, which should also be urgently granted to pipe organs of any time and age

    Experimental infection with H1N1 European swine influenza virus protects pigs from an infection with the 2009 pandemic H1N1 human influenza virus

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    The recent pandemic caused by human influenza virus A(H1N1) 2009 contains ancestral gene segments from North American and Eurasian swine lineages as well as from avian and human influenza lineages. The emergence of this A(H1N1) 2009 poses a potential global threat for human health and the fact that it can infect other species, like pigs, favours a possible encounter with other influenza viruses circulating in swine herds. In Europe, H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 subtypes of swine influenza virus currently have a high prevalence in commercial farms. To better assess the risk posed by the A(H1N1) 2009 in the actual situation of swine farms, we sought to analyze whether a previous infection with a circulating European avian-like swine A/Swine/Spain/53207/2004 (H1N1) influenza virus (hereafter referred to as SwH1N1) generated or not cross-protective immunity against a subsequent infection with the new human pandemic A/Catalonia/63/2009 (H1N1) influenza virus (hereafter referred to as pH1N1) 21 days apart. Pigs infected only with pH1N1 had mild to moderate pathological findings, consisting on broncho-interstitial pneumonia. However, pigs inoculated with SwH1N1 virus and subsequently infected with pH1N1 had very mild lung lesions, apparently attributed to the remaining lesions caused by SwH1N1 infection. These later pigs also exhibited boosted levels of specific antibodies. Finally, animals firstly infected with SwH1N1 virus and latter infected with pH1N1 exhibited undetectable viral RNA load in nasal swabs and lungs after challenge with pH1N1, indicating a cross-protective effect between both strains