8 research outputs found

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113 degrees of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes

    Promoting an Optimal Networking of Fishing Actors to Organize a Responsible, Optimal and Sustainable Exploitation of Marine Resources: the FAROS Initiative

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    In the aim of promoting the responsible and sustainable management of the European fishing activity, the European Commission took a number of actions oriented to the implementation of “no-discard” and “zero-waste” policies to be followed by the European fishing fleets in the near future. In particular, actions were directed to the development of policies to reduce unwanted by-catches and eliminate discards in European fisheries, as well as to make the best possible use of the captured resources avoiding its waste. In this sustainability framework, the FAROS Projects (co-funded under the LIFE+ Environmental Program of the European Union) aims at developing and implementing an efficient and integral discards and by-catch management network based on a global and real-time information system both on board and in land. This network implies all actors present in the fishing sector (fleets, ports, auctions, industries, etc.) and takes advantage of the existing synergies between them in order to attain the minimization of discards/by-catch as well as their optimal valorization to recover and to produce valuable chemicals of interest in the food and pharmaceutical industry

    Análise do funcionamento diferencial dos itens do Exame Nacional do Estudante (ENADE) de psicologia de 2006 Differential item functioning of the national student exam for psychology (ENADE) 2006

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    Parte do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação das Instituições de Educação Superior considera o desempenho dos estudantes por meio do ENADE. Neste artigo efetuou-se uma análise dos itens da prova do ENADE de psicologia aplicada em 2006 tentando-se detectar itens com funcionamento diferencial (DIF), isto é, itens com problema de equivalência ao medir ingressantes e concluintes e estudantes de instituições públicas e privada. Analisou-se uma amostra de 26.613 estudantes ingressantes e concluintes representativa de todos os cursos do país. Empregou-se a análise de Rasch e regressão logística para se detectar o DIF. Onze itens dos 30 que compunham a prova apresentaram DIF. Dois tipos de DIF ocorreram, um tipo em itens com baixa discriminação e outro em itens com alta discriminação. O subgrupo mais relevante tende a favorecer alunos de instituições públicas. Discute-se também a questão da discriminação elevada como indicativo de DIF.<br>Part of the National Assessment of Institutions of Higher Education considers student performance through ENADE. In this article we performed differential item function analysis of the ENADE that took place in 2006 trying to detect items with problems in measurement equivalence in the assessment of freshman and senior students and from public and private institutions. We analyzed a sample of 26,613 freshmen and seniors representative of all the courses in the country. We used the Rasch analysis and logistic regression to detect DIF. Eleven of the 30 items composing the test showed DIF. Two types of DIF were observed, one occurring in less discriminating items and the other in more discriminating items. The most relevant subgroup of items tends to favor students from public institutions. We also discuss the issue of discrimination parameter being an indicator of DIF

    Formação em Psicologia no Brasil: um perfil dos cursos de graduação

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    Para caracterizar os cursos de graduação em Psicologia no Brasil, efetuou-se um estudo documental utilizando informações de domínio público contidas no Cadastro das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Ministério da Educação. Dos 396 cursos identificados, em sua totalidade presenciais, grande parte se encontra em instituições universitárias privadas com fins lucrativos localizadas predominantemente em cidades no interior do País e na Região Sudeste. Majoritariamente, funcionam em turnos parciais, têm duração de 10 semestres e carga horária de cerca de 4.000 horas, adotam o regime letivo semestral e, nas avaliações nacionais, obtiveram o conceito médio. Evidencia-se uma enorme, rápida e desordenada expansão dos cursos de graduação, especialmente a partir da década de 1990. Alerta-se, dessa forma, para que sejam tomadas medidas urgentes no sentido de aliar quantidade e qualidade no ensino da Psicologia no Brasil

    Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics

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    It is unclear whether stream detritivore diversity enhances decomposition across climates. Here the authors manipulate litter diversity and examine detritivore assemblages in a globally distributed stream litterbag experiment, finding a positive diversity-decomposition relationship stronger in tropical streams, where detritivore diversity is lower

    Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition

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    Abstract Running waters contribute substantially to global carbon fluxes through decomposition of terrestrial plant litter by aquatic microorganisms and detritivores. Diversity of this litter may influence instream decomposition globally in ways that are not yet understood. We investigated latitudinal differences in decomposition of litter mixtures of low and high functional diversity in 40 streams on 6 continents and spanning 113° of latitude. Despite important variability in our dataset, we found latitudinal differences in the effect of litter functional diversity on decomposition, which we explained as evolutionary adaptations of litter-consuming detritivores to resource availability. Specifically, a balanced diet effect appears to operate at lower latitudes versus a resource concentration effect at higher latitudes. The latitudinal pattern indicates that loss of plant functional diversity will have different consequences on carbon fluxes across the globe, with greater repercussions likely at low latitudes

    Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics

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    The relationship between detritivore diversity and decomposition can provide information on how biogeochemical cycles are affected by ongoing rates of extinction, but such evidence has come mostly from local studies and microcosm experiments. We conducted a globally distributed experiment (38 streams across 23 countries in 6 continents) using standardised methods to test the hypothesis that detritivore diversity enhances litter decomposition in streams, to establish the role of other characteristics of detritivore assemblages (abundance, biomass and body size), and to determine how patterns vary across realms, biomes and climates. We observed a positive relationship between diversity and decomposition, strongest in tropical areas, and a key role of abundance and biomass at higher latitudes. Our results suggest that litter decomposition might be altered by detritivore extinctions, particularly in tropical areas, where detritivore diversity is already relatively low and some environmental stressors particularly prevalent