135 research outputs found

    Rac GTPase signaling in mechanotransduction during embryonic morphogenesis

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    How cells sense and respond to mechanical forces is attracting considerable attention. We recently demonstrated that mechanical tension originating from one tissue strongly influences the differentiation and morphogenesis of another tissue during C. elegans embryogenesis (Nature 471:99–103). Specifically, we found that the repeated contractions of muscle cells stimulate a signaling cascade involving the Rac GTPase within the epidermis. This pathway ultimately leads to strengthen hemidesmosome-like junctions and promote embryonic morphogenesis. Our work provides further evidence that mechanical inputs impact on development, much like inputs involving growth factors and morphogens. After briefly outlining the pioneering work that inspired us, I will present the mechanotransduction process underlying the response to tension and the key experiments supporting our conclusions

    J Cell Sci

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    There is growing awareness that mechanical forces - in parallel to electrical or chemical inputs - have a central role in driving development and influencing the outcome of many diseases. However, we still have an incomplete understanding of how such forces function in coordination with each other and with other signalling inputs in vivo. Mechanical forces, which are generated throughout the organism, can produce signals through force-sensitive processes. Here, we first explore the mechanisms through which forces can be generated and the cellular responses to forces by discussing several examples from animal development. We then go on to examine the mechanotransduction-induced signalling processes that have been identified in vivo. Finally, we discuss what is known about the specificity of the responses to different forces, the mechanisms that might stabilize cells in response to such forces, and the crosstalk between mechanical forces and chemical signalling. Where known, we mention kinetic parameters that characterize forces and their responses. The multi-layered regulatory control of force generation, force response and force adaptation should be viewed as a well-integrated aspect in the greater biological signalling systems

    The V0-ATPase mediates apical secretion of exosomes containing Hedgehog-related proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Polarized intracellular trafficking in epithelia is critical in development, immunity, and physiology to deliver morphogens, defensins, or ion pumps to the appropriate membrane domain. The mechanisms that control apical trafficking remain poorly defined. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we characterize a novel apical secretion pathway involving multivesicularbodies and the release of exosomes at the apical plasma membrane. By means of two different genetic approaches, we show that the membrane-bound V0 sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) acts in this pathway, independent of its contribution to the V-ATPase proton pump activity. Specifically, we identified mutations in the V0 “a” subunit VHA-5 that affect either the V0-specific function or the V0+V1 function of the V-ATPase. These mutations allowed us to establish that the V0 sector mediates secretion of Hedgehog-related proteins. Our data raise the possibility that the V0 sector mediates exosome and morphogen release in mammals

    Developmental characterization of the microRNA-specific C. elegans Argonautes alg-1 and alg-2.

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    The genes alg-1 and alg-2 (referred to as "alg-1/2") encode the Argonaute proteins affiliated to the microRNA (miRNA) pathway in C. elegans. Bound to miRNAs they form the effector complex that effects post-transcriptional gene silencing. In order to define biological features important to understand the mode of action of these Argonautes, we characterize aspects of these genes during development. We establish that alg-1/2 display an overlapping spatio-temporal expression profile and shared association to a miRNAs set, but with gene-specific predominant expression in various cells and increased relative association to defined miRNAs. Congruent with their spatio-temporal coincidence and regardless of alg-1/2 drastic post-embryonic differences, only loss of both genes leads to embryonic lethality. Embryos without zygotic alg-1/2 predominantly arrest during the morphogenetic process of elongation with defects in the epidermal-muscle attachment structures. Altogether our results highlight similarities and specificities of the alg-1/2 likely to be explained at different cellular and molecular levels

    The Caenorhabditis elegans vab-10 spectraplakin isoforms protect the epidermis against internal and external forces

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    Morphogenesis of the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo is driven by actin microfilaments in the epidermis and by sarcomeres in body wall muscles. Both tissues are mechanically coupled, most likely through specialized attachment structures called fibrous organelles (FOs) that connect muscles to the cuticle across the epidermis. Here, we report the identification of new mutations in a gene known as vab-10, which lead to severe morphogenesis defects, and show that vab-10 corresponds to the C. elegans spectraplakin locus. Our analysis of vab-10 reveals novel insights into the role of this plakin subfamily. vab-10 generates isoforms related either to plectin (termed VAB-10A) or to microtubule actin cross-linking factor plakins (termed VAB-10B). Using specific antibodies and mutations, we show that VAB-10A and VAB-10B have distinct distributions and functions in the epidermis. Loss of VAB-10A impairs the integrity of FOs, leading to epidermal detachment from the cuticle and muscles, hence demonstrating that FOs are functionally and molecularly related to hemidesmosomes. We suggest that this isoform protects against forces external to the epidermis. In contrast, lack of VAB-10B leads to increased epidermal thickness during embryonic morphogenesis when epidermal cells change shape. We suggest that this isoform protects cells against tension that builds up within the epidermis

    Mitochondrial protein import

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    Hemidesmosome integrity protects the colon against colitis and colorectal cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Epidemiological and clinical data indicate that patients suffering from IBD with long-standing colitis display a higher risk to develop colorectal high-grade dysplasia. Whereas carcinoma invasion and metastasis rely on basement membrane (BM) disruption, experimental evidence is lacking regarding the potential contribution of epithelial cell/BM anchorage on inflammation onset and subsequent neoplastic transformation of inflammatory lesions. Herein, we analyse the role of the alpha6beta4 integrin receptor found in hemidesmosomes that attach intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) to the laminin-containing BM. DESIGN: We developed new mouse models inducing IEC-specific ablation of alpha6 integrin either during development (alpha6DeltaIEC) or in adults (alpha6DeltaIEC-TAM). RESULTS: Strikingly, all alpha6DeltaIEC mutant mice spontaneously developed long-standing colitis, which degenerated overtime into infiltrating adenocarcinoma. The sequence of events leading to disease onset entails hemidesmosome disruption, BM detachment, IL-18 overproduction by IECs, hyperplasia and enhanced intestinal permeability. Likewise, IEC-specific ablation of alpha6 integrin induced in adult mice (alpha6DeltaIEC-TAM) resulted in fully penetrant colitis and tumour progression. Whereas broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment lowered tissue pathology and IL-1beta secretion from infiltrating myeloid cells, it failed to reduce Th1 and Th17 response. Interestingly, while the initial intestinal inflammation occurred independently of the adaptive immune system, tumourigenesis required B and T lymphocyte activation. CONCLUSIONS: We provide for the first time evidence that loss of IECs/BM interactions triggered by hemidesmosome disruption initiates the development of inflammatory lesions that progress into high-grade dysplasia and carcinoma. Colorectal neoplasia in our mouse models resemble that seen in patients with IBD, making them highly attractive for discovering more efficient therapies.PMC559510

    Macoilin, a Conserved Nervous System–Specific ER Membrane Protein That Regulates Neuronal Excitability

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    Genome sequence comparisons have highlighted many novel gene families that are conserved across animal phyla but whose biological function is unknown. Here, we functionally characterize a member of one such family, the macoilins. Macoilins are characterized by several highly conserved predicted transmembrane domains towards the N-terminus and by coiled-coil regions C-terminally. They are found throughout Eumetazoa but not in other organisms. Mutants for the single Caenorhabditis elegans macoilin, maco-1, exhibit a constellation of behavioral phenotypes, including defects in aggregation, O2 responses, and swimming. MACO-1 protein is expressed broadly and specifically in the nervous system and localizes to the rough endoplasmic reticulum; it is excluded from dendrites and axons. Apart from subtle synapse defects, nervous system development appears wild-type in maco-1 mutants. However, maco-1 animals are resistant to the cholinesterase inhibitor aldicarb and sensitive to levamisole, suggesting pre-synaptic defects. Using in vivo imaging, we show that macoilin is required to evoke Ca2+ transients, at least in some neurons: in maco-1 mutants the O2-sensing neuron PQR is unable to generate a Ca2+ response to a rise in O2. By genetically disrupting neurotransmission, we show that pre-synaptic input is not necessary for PQR to respond to O2, indicating that the response is mediated by cell-intrinsic sensory transduction and amplification. Disrupting the sodium leak channels NCA-1/NCA-2, or the N-,P/Q,R-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, also fails to disrupt Ca2+ responses in the PQR cell body to O2 stimuli. By contrast, mutations in egl-19, which encodes the only Caenorhabditis elegans L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, recapitulate the Ca2+ response defect we see in maco-1 mutants, although we do not see defects in localization of EGL-19. Together, our data suggest that macoilin acts in the ER to regulate assembly or traffic of ion channels or ion channel regulators

    Learning to live together: mutualism between self-splicing introns and their hosts

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    Group I and II introns can be considered as molecular parasites that interrupt protein-coding and structural RNA genes in all domains of life. They function as self-splicing ribozymes and thereby limit the phenotypic costs associated with disruption of a host gene while they act as mobile DNA elements to promote their spread within and between genomes. Once considered purely selfish DNA elements, they now seem, in the light of recent work on the molecular mechanisms regulating bacterial and phage group I and II intron dynamics, to show evidence of co-evolution with their hosts. These previously underappreciated relationships serve the co-evolving entities particularly well in times of environmental stress
