12 research outputs found

    Prison release and releasees ; a determined reintegration

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    Plus de 80 000 libĂ©rations des prisons de France ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es chaque annĂ©e au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. La question du devenir pĂ©nal des sortants de prison s’impose dans une rĂ©flexion gĂ©nĂ©rale sur la rĂ©cidive et la rĂ©insertion sociale. Un Ă©chantillon de la population carcĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©e Ă  partir d’un terrain professionnel afin d’étudier les parcours et les profils sociaux des sortants. Cette recherche, dans une approche quantitative et qualitative, tente de dĂ©gager les dĂ©terminants sociaux les plus prĂ©dictifs de l’évolution du parcours post-carcĂ©ral.L’analyse des effets des fins de peines amĂ©nagĂ©es, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement les parcours de vie, permet d’isoler un certain nombre de facteurs qui marquent, en tendance, la poursuite d’un parcours pĂ©nal. La nature et la qualitĂ© du lien social qui caractĂ©rise l’individu avant l’incarcĂ©ration, dĂ©terminent la poursuite d’un parcours pĂ©nal ou son interruption. Se trouve Ă©galement rĂ©affirmĂ©e la plus forte rĂ©pression de l’illĂ©galisme populaire (vol, violence, infraction au code de la route), dĂ©linquance touchĂ©e le plus largement par la rĂ©cidive, et caractĂ©ristique des couches sociales les plus pauvres.More than 80 000 inmates have been released from French prisons in the last ten years. Questions about these releasees had to be studied from the point of view of recidivism and social reintegration. A sample of the French inmate population has been built, from a professional field, to study the social profiles and courses of the released inmates. This study tries, by quantitative and qualitative approach, to find the most predictive social determinants of the individual post-custodial journey.Analysing the results of sentence adjustments, and more generally life courses, made it possible to isolate a number of factors that can predict the pursuit (or not) of a criminal route.The nature and the quality of the integration into the social fabric before custody, defines the continuation or interruption of a criminal life.The strongest repression of the most common offences (theft, violence, reckless driving) is also confirmed by the study as well as the fact that the segment of the population most affected by repeat offenses are the poorest classes

    Sortie et sortants de prison : une réinsertion déterminée

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    More than 80 000 inmates have been released from French prisons in the last ten years. Questions about these releasees had to be studied from the point of view of recidivism and social reintegration. A sample of the French inmate population has been built, from a professional field, to study the social profiles and courses of the released inmates. This study tries, by quantitative and qualitative approach, to find the most predictive social determinants of the individual post-custodial journey.Analysing the results of sentence adjustments, and more generally life courses, made it possible to isolate a number of factors that can predict the pursuit (or not) of a criminal route.The nature and the quality of the integration into the social fabric before custody, defines the continuation or interruption of a criminal life.The strongest repression of the most common offences (theft, violence, reckless driving) is also confirmed by the study as well as the fact that the segment of the population most affected by repeat offenses are the poorest classes.Plus de 80 000 libĂ©rations des prisons de France ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©es chaque annĂ©e au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. La question du devenir pĂ©nal des sortants de prison s’impose dans une rĂ©flexion gĂ©nĂ©rale sur la rĂ©cidive et la rĂ©insertion sociale. Un Ă©chantillon de la population carcĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© constituĂ©e Ă  partir d’un terrain professionnel afin d’étudier les parcours et les profils sociaux des sortants. Cette recherche, dans une approche quantitative et qualitative, tente de dĂ©gager les dĂ©terminants sociaux les plus prĂ©dictifs de l’évolution du parcours post-carcĂ©ral.L’analyse des effets des fins de peines amĂ©nagĂ©es, et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement les parcours de vie, permet d’isoler un certain nombre de facteurs qui marquent, en tendance, la poursuite d’un parcours pĂ©nal. La nature et la qualitĂ© du lien social qui caractĂ©rise l’individu avant l’incarcĂ©ration, dĂ©terminent la poursuite d’un parcours pĂ©nal ou son interruption. Se trouve Ă©galement rĂ©affirmĂ©e la plus forte rĂ©pression de l’illĂ©galisme populaire (vol, violence, infraction au code de la route), dĂ©linquance touchĂ©e le plus largement par la rĂ©cidive, et caractĂ©ristique des couches sociales les plus pauvres

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    Not AvailableArea-wide field experiments were conducted in bitter gourd during 2014-2016 at Karnal, Haryana to study validation and economic viability and feasibility of adaptable and rational IPM technology involving farmers’ driven holistic approach. The adoption of IPM technology, apart from lowering the incidence of major pests, reduced the number of chemical sprays to 5-9 from 15-17 in non-IPM fields with higher yields of 31.3, 22.3 and 18.75 mt/ ha in IPM compared to 29.5, 20.8 and 17.45 mt/ ha in non-IPM fields with marginally higher CBR of 1:1.80, 1:1.54 and 1:1.91 in IPM than 1:1.60, 1:1.30 and 1:1.68, respectively, in FP fields. There was a net income increase of Rs 23718.1, 35079 and 32403/ ha in IPM fields over FP fields. On an average, IPM farmers harnessed higher net return of Rs. 1.27 lakh/ ha with B:C ratio of 1:1.75 compared to the non-IPM farmers with net return of Rs. 0.97 lakh/ ha with a B:C ratio of 1:1.52.Not Availabl

    Supplementary Material for: Neural Predictors of Successful Brief Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Persistent Depression

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    <b><i>Background:</i></b> Psychodynamic psychotherapy has been used to treat depression for more than a century. However, not all patients respond equally well, and there are few reliable predictors of treatment outcome. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We used resting <sup>18</sup>F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (<sup>18</sup>FDG-PET) scans immediately before and after a structured, open trial of brief psychodynamic psychotherapy (n = 16) in conjunction with therapy process ratings and clinical outcome measures to identify neural correlates of treatment response. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Pretreatment glucose metabolism within the right posterior insula correlated with depression severity. Reductions in depression scores correlated with a pre- to posttreatment reduction in right insular metabolism, which in turn correlated with higher objective measures of patient insight obtained from videotaped therapy sessions. Pretreatment metabolism in the right precuneus was significantly higher in patients who completed treatment and correlated with psychological mindedness. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> Resting brain metabolism predicted both clinical course and relevant psychotherapeutic process during short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression