510 research outputs found

    Gravitational waveforms from a point particle orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole

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    We numerically solve the inhomogeneous Zerilli-Moncrief and Regge-Wheeler equations in the time domain. We obtain the gravitational waveforms produced by a point-particle of mass μ\mu traveling around a Schwarzschild black hole of mass M on arbitrary bound and unbound orbits. Fluxes of energy and angular momentum at infinity and the event horizon are also calculated. Results for circular orbits, selected cases of eccentric orbits, and parabolic orbits are presented. The numerical results from the time-domain code indicate that, for all three types of orbital motion, black hole absorption contributes less than 1% of the total flux, so long as the orbital radius r_p(t) satisfies r_p(t)> 5M at all times.Comment: revtex4, 24 pages, 23 figures, 3 tables, submitted to PR

    The N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist CPP alters synapse and spine structure and impairs long-term potentiation and long-term depression induced morphological plasticity in dentate gyrus of the awake rat

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    Long-term morphological synaptic changes associated with homosynaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) and heterosynaptic long-term depression (LTD) in vivo, in awake adult rats were analyzed using three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions of electron microscope images of ultrathin serial sections from the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. For the first time in morphological studies, the specificity of the effects of LTP and LTD on both spine and synapse ultrastructure was determined using an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist CPP (3-[(R)-2-carboxypiperazin-4-yl]-propyl-1-phosphonic acid). There were no differences in synaptic density 24 h after LTP or LTD induction, and CPP alone had no effect on synaptic density. LTP increased significantly the proportion of mushroom spines, whereas LTD increased the proportion of thin spines, and both LTP and LTD decreased stubby spine number. Both LTP and LTD increased significantly spine head evaginations (spinules) into synaptic boutons and CPP blocked these changes. Synaptic boutons were smaller after LTD, indicating a pre-synaptic effect. Interestingly, CPP alone decreased bouton and mushroom spine volumes, as well as post-synaptic density (PSD) volume of mushroom spines.These data show similarities, but also some clear differences, between the effects of LTP and LTD on spine and synaptic morphology. Although CPP blocks both LTP and LTD, and impairs most morphological changes in spines and synapses, CPP alone was shown to exert effects on aspects of spine and synaptic structure

    A new Mars Climate Database v5.1

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    International audienceWhat is the Mars Climate Database? The Mars Climate Database (MCD) is a database of meteorological fields derived from General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical simulations of the Martian atmosphere and validated using available observational data. The MCD includes complementary post-processing schemes such as high spatial resolution interpolation of environmental data and means of reconstructing the variability thereof. The GCM is developed at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du CNRS (Paris, France) [1-3] in collaboration with the Open University (UK), the Oxford University (UK) and the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (Spain) with support from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). The MCD is freely distributed and intended to be useful and used in the framework of engineering applications as well as in the context of scientific studies which require accurate knowledge of the state of the Martian atmosphere. The MCD may be accessed either online (in a somewhat simplified form) via an interactive server available at http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr (useful for moderate needs), or from the complete version which includes advanced access and post-processing software (contact [email protected] and/or [email protected] to obtain a free copy). Overview of MCDv5 contents: The MCD provides mean values and statistics of the main meteorological variables (atmospheric temperature, density, pressure and winds) as well as atmospheric composition (including dust and water vapor and ice content), as the GCM from which the datasets are obtained includes water cycle [4-6], chemistry [7,8], and ionosphere [9,10] models. The database extends up to and including the thermosphere[11-13] (~350km). Since the influence of Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) input from the sun is significant in the latter, 3 EUV scenarios (solar minimum, average and maximum inputs) account for the impact of the various states of the solar cycle

    Assessment of hydropyrolysis as a method for the quantification of black carbon using standard reference materials

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    A wide selection of thermal, chemical and optical methods have been proposed for the quantification of black carbon (BC) in environmental matrices, and the results to date differ markedly depending upon the method used. A new approach is hydropyrolysis (hypy), where pyrolysis assisted by high hydrogen pressures (150 bar) facilitates the complete reductive removal of labile organic matter, so isolating a highly stable portion of the BC continuum (defined as BChypy). Here, the potential of hypy for the isolation and quantification of BC is evaluated using the 12 reference materials from the International BC Ring Trial, comprising BC-rich samples, BC-containing environmental matrices and BC-free potentially interfering materials. By varying the hypy operating conditions, it is demonstrated that lignocellulosic, humic and other labile organic carbon material (defined as non-BChypy) is fully removed by 550 °C, with hydrogasification of the remaining BChypy not commencing until over 575 °C. The resulting plateau in sample mass and carbon loss is apparent in all of the environmental samples, facilitating BC quantification in a wide range of materials. The BChypy contents for all 12 ring trial samples fall within the range reported in the BC inter-comparison study, and systematic differences with other methods are rationalised. All methods for BC isolation, including hypy are limited by the fact that BC cannot be distinguished from extremely thermally mature organic matter; for example in high rank coals. However, the data reported here indicates that BChypy has an atomic H/C ratio of less than 0.5 and therefore comprises a chemically well-defined polyaromatic structure in terms of the average size of peri-condensed aromatic clusters of >7 rings (24 carbon atoms), that is consistent across different sample matrices. This, together with the sound underlying rationale for the reductive removal of labile organic matter, makes hypy an ideal approach for matrix independent BC quantification. The hypy results are extremely reproducible, with BChypy determinations from triplicate analyses typically within ±2% across all samples, limited mainly by the precision of the elemental analyser

    Genotyping-by-sequencing to unlock genetic diversity and population structure in white yam (dioscorea rotundata poir.)

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 22 Sept 2020White yam (Dioscorearotundata Poir.) is one of the most important tuber crops in West Africa, where it is indigenous and represents the largest repository of biodiversity through several years of domestication, production, consumption, and trade. In this study, the genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach was used to sequence 814 genotypes consisting of genebank landraces, breeding lines, and market varieties to understand the level of genetic diversity and pattern of the population structure among them. The genetic diversity among different genotypes was assessed using three complementary clustering methods, the model-based admixture, discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC), and phylogenetic tree. ADMIXTURE analysis revealed an optimum number of four groups that matched with the number of clusters obtained through phylogenetic tree. Clustering results obtained from ADMIXTURE analysis were further validated using DAPC-based clustering. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed high genetic diversity (96%) within each genetic group. A network analysis was further carried out to depict the genetic relationships among the three genetic groups (breeding lines, genebank landraces, and market varieties) used in the study. This study showed that the use of advanced sequencing techniques such as GBS coupled with statistical analysis is a robust method for assessing genetic diversity and population structure in a complex crop such as white yam

    Lepton polarization correlations in BKττ+B \to K^* \tau^- \tau^+

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    In this work we will study the polarizations of both leptons (τ\tau) in the decay channel BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+. In the case of the dileptonic inclusive decay BK+B\to K^* \ell^- \ell^+, where apart from the polarization asymmetries of single lepton \ell, one can also observe the polarization asymmetries of both leptons simultaneously. If this sort of measurement is possible then we can have, apart from decay rate, FB asymmetry and the six single lepton polarization asymmetries (three each for \ell^- and +\ell^+), nine more double polarization asymmetries. This will give us a very useful tool in more strict testing of SM and the physics beyond. We discuss the double polarization asymmetries of τ\tau leptons in the decay mode BKττ+B\to K^* \tau^- \tau^+ within the SM and the Minimal Supersymmetric extensions of it.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures; version to match paper to appear in PR

    Density functional method for nonequilibrium electron transport

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    We describe an ab initio method for calculating the electronic structure, electronic transport, and forces acting on the atoms, for atomic scale systems connected to semi-infinite electrodes and with an applied voltage bias. Our method is based on the density functional theory (DFT) as implemented in the well tested Siesta approach (which uses non-local norm-conserving pseudopotentials to describe the effect of the core electrons, and linear combination of finite-range numerical atomic orbitals to describe the valence states). We fully deal with the atomistic structure of the whole system, treating both the contact and the electrodes on the same footing. The effect of the finite bias (including selfconsistency and the solution of the electrostatic problem) is taken into account using nonequilibrium Green's functions. We relate the nonequilibrium Green's function expressions to the more transparent scheme involving the scattering states. As an illustration, the method is applied to three systems where we are able to compare our results to earlier ab initio DFT calculations or experiments, and we point out differences between this method and existing schemes. The systems considered are: (1) single atom carbon wires connected to aluminum electrodes with extended or finite cross section, (2) single atom gold wires, and finally (3) large carbon nanotube systems with point defects.Comment: 18 pages, 23 figure

    Autologous intramyocardial injection of cultured skeletal muscle-derived stem cells in patients with non-acute myocardial infarction

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    AIM: Experimental animal studies suggest that the use of skeletal myoblast in patients with myocardial infarction may result in improved cardiac function. The aim of the study was to assess the feasibility and safety of this therapy in patients with myocardial infarction. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve patients with old myocardial infarction and ischaemic coronary artery disease underwent treatment with coronary artery bypass surgery and intramyocardial injection of autologous skeletal myoblasts obtained from a muscle biopsy of vastus lateralis and cultured with autologous serum for 3 weeks. Global and regional cardiac function was assessed by 2D and ABD echocardiogram. 18F-FDG and 13N-ammonia PET studies were used to determine perfusion and viability. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) improved from 35.5+/-2.3% before surgery to 53.5+/-4.98% at 3 months (P=0.002). Echocardiography revealed a marked improvement in regional contractility in those cardiac segments treated with skeletal myoblast (wall motion score index 2.64+/-0.13 at baseline vs 1.64+/-0.16 at 3 months P=0.0001). Quantitative 18F-FDG PET studies showed a significant (P=0.012) increased in cardiac viability in the infarct zone 3 months after surgery. No statistically significant differences were found in 13N-ammonia PET studies. Skeletal myoblast implant was not associated with an increase in adverse events. No cardiac arrhythmias were detected during early follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with old myocardial infarction, treatment with skeletal myoblast in conjunction with coronary artery bypass is safe and feasible and is associated with an increased global and regional left ventricular function,improvement in the viability of cardiac tissue in the infarct area and no induction of arrhythmias