89 research outputs found

    El socialismo en el pensamiento político de Ortega y Gasset

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    This paper proposes the development of the political contributions of Ortega y Gasset on two closely related issues, as it is the case of his social proposals and his approach and political reflections about liberalism and socialism through some of his political proposals. We argue that in Ortega contribution, economy and politics are not ends in itself, both need to be at the service of humanity, and at the same time, they need to look for the man improvement as their aim.Este artículo expone el desarrollo del pensamiento político de Ortega en torno a dos aspectos íntimamente relacionados como son sus consideraciones propiamente sociales y sus planteamientos y reflexiones políticas de liberalismo y socialismo a través de algunas de sus propuestas políticas. Defendemos que para Ortega la economía y la política no son un fin en sí mismo, deben estar siempre al servicio del hombre, a la vez, que deben buscar como objetivo la reforma del hombre. &nbsp

    Messenger RNA degradation is initiated at the 5′ end and follows sequence- and condition-dependent modes in chloroplasts

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    Using reporter gene constructs, consisting of the bacterial uidA (GUS) coding region flanked by the 5′ and 3′ regions of the Chlamydomonas rbcL and psaB genes, respectively, we studied the degradation of mRNAs in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in vivo. Extending the 5′ terminus of transcripts of the reporter gene by more than 6 nucleotides triggered rapid degradation. Placing a poly(G) tract, known to pause exoribonucleases, in various positions downstream of the 5′ terminus blocked rapid degradation of the transcripts. In all these cases the 5′ ends of the accumulating GUS transcripts were found to be trimmed to the 5′ end of the poly(G) tracts indicating that a 5′→3′ exoribonuclease is involved in the degradation process. Several unstable variants of the GUS transcript could not be rescued from rapid degradation by a poly(G) tract showing that sequence/structure-dependent modes of mRNA breakdown exist in the Chlamydomonas chloroplast. Furthermore, degradation of poly(G)-stabilized transcripts that accumulated in cells maintained in the dark could be augmented by illuminating the cells, implying a photo-activated mode of mRNA degradation that is not blocked by a poly(G) tract. These results suggest sequence- and condition-dependent 5′→3′ mRNA-degrading pathways in the chloroplast of C. reinhardtii

    Specific roles of 5′ RNA secondary structures in stabilizing transcripts in chloroplasts

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    RNA secondary structures, e.g. stem–loops that are often found at the 5′ and 3′ ends of mRNAs, are in many cases known to be crucial for transcript stability but their role in prolonging the lifetime of transcripts remains elusive. In this study we show for an essential RNA-stabilizing stem–loop at the 5′ end of rbcL gene transcripts in Chlamydomonas that it neither prevents ribonucleases from binding to the RNA nor impedes their movement along the RNA strand. The stem–loop has a formative function in that it mediates folding of a short sequence around its base into a specific RNA conformation, consisting of a helical and single-stranded region, i.e. the real structure required for longevity of rbcL transcripts in chloroplasts. Disturbing this structure renders transcripts completely unstable, even if the sequence of this element is not altered. The requirement of a specific 5′ sequence and structure for RNA longevity suggests an interaction of this element with a trans-acting factor that protects transcripts from rapid degradation in chloroplasts

    Expected Performance of the ATLAS Experiment - Detector, Trigger and Physics

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    A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN

    Testosterone and Cortisol Release among Spanish Soccer Fans Watching the 2010 World Cup Final

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    This field study investigated the release of testosterone and cortisol of a vicarious winning experience in Spanish fans watching the finals between Spain and the Netherlands in the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer. Spanish fans (n = 50) watched the match with friends or family in a public place or at home and also participated in a control condition. Consistent with hypotheses, results revealed that testosterone and cortisol levels were higher when watching the match than on a control day. However, neither testosterone nor cortisol levels increased after the victory of the Spanish team. Moreover, the increase in testosterone secretion was not related to participants' sex, age or soccer fandom, but the increase in total cortisol secretion during the match was higher among men than among women and among fans that were younger. Also, increases in cortisol secretion were greater to the degree that people were a stronger fan of soccer. Level of fandom further appeared to account for the sex effect, but not for the age effect. Generally, the testosterone data from this study are in line with the challenge hypothesis, as testosterone levels of watchers increased to prepare their organism to defend or enhance their social status. The cortisol data from this study are in line with social self-preservation theory, as higher cortisol secretion among young and greater soccer fans suggests that especially they perceived that a negative outcome of the match would threaten their own social esteem

    The Polycomb Protein and E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Ring1B Harbors an IRES in its Highly Conserved 5′ UTR

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    Ring1B is an essential member of the highly conserved Polycomb group proteins, which orchestrate developmental processes, cell growth and stem cell fate by modifying local chromatin structure. Ring1B was found to be the E3 ligase that monoubiquitinates histone H2A, which adds a new level of chromatin modification to Polycomb group proteins. Here we report that Ring1B belongs to the exclusive group of proteins that for their translation depend on a stable 5′ UTR sequence in their mRNA known as an Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES). In cell transfection assays the Ring1B IRES confers significantly higher expression levels of Ring1B than a Ring1B cDNA without the IRES. Also, dual luciferase assays show strong activity of the Ring1B IRES. Although our findings indicate Ring1B can be translated under conditions where cap-dependent translation is impaired, we found the Ring1B IRES to be cap-dependent. This raises the possibility that translational control of Ring1B is a multi-layered process and that translation of Ring1B needs to be maintained under varying conditions, which is in line with its essential role as an E3 ligase for monoubiquitination of histone H2A in the PRC1 Polycomb protein complex

    Inferring causation from time series in Earth system sciences

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    The heart of the scientific enterprise is a rational effort to understand the causes behind the phenomena we observe. In large-scale complex dynamical systems such as the Earth system, real experiments are rarely feasible. However, a rapidly increasing amount of observational and simulated data opens up the use of novel data-driven causal methods beyond the commonly adopted correlation techniques. Here, we give an overview of causal inference frameworks and identify promising generic application cases common in Earth system sciences and beyond. We discuss challenges and initiate the benchmark platform causeme.net to close the gap between method users and developers

    Drons col·laboratius

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    La robòtica col·laborativa és senzillament robots dissenyats per dur a terme treballs de col·laboració amb els humans. Els robots col·laboratius o cobots són cada cop més utilitzats a les indústries. La robòtica col·laborativa és un dels àmbits d'actualitat en aquests moments. Però també és un dels més interessants en més d'un sentit. Com es comuniquen dos drons autònoms que col·laboren per fer una tasca? Com són aquests missatges que s'envien? Que poden fer que no podrien fer sols? Aquestes són algunes de les preguntes que ens volem respondre en aquest projecte. En aquest treball es presenta un disseny i implementació de dos drons terrestres que es comuniquen per col·laborar entre ells per resoldre una tasca.Collaborative robotics is simply robots designed to perform collaborative work with humans. Collaborative robots or cobots are increasingly used in industries. Collaborative robotics is one of the current topics now. But it is also one of the most interesting in more ways than one. How do two autonomous drones that collaborate to perform a task communicate? How are these messages sent? What can they do that they could not do alone? These are some of the questions we want to answer in this project. This work presents a design and implementation of two ground drones that communicate to collaborate with each other to solve a task.La robótica colaborativa es sencillamente robots diseñados para llevar a cabo trabajos de colaboración con los humanos. Los robots colaborativos o cobots son cada vez más utilizados en las industrias. La robótica colaborativa es uno de los ámbitos de actualidad. Pero también es uno de los más interesantes en más de un sentido. ¿Cómo se comunican drones autónomos que colaboran para hacer una tarea? ¿Cómo son estos mensajes que es envían? ¿Qué pueden hacer que no lo podrían hacer solos? Estas son algunas de las preguntas que queremos responder con este proyecto. En este trabajo se presenta un diseño e implementación de dos drones terrestres que se comunican para colaborar entre ellos para resolver una tarea