174 research outputs found

    The AGB population of NGC 6822: distribution and the C/M ratio from JHK photometry

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    NGC 6822 is an irregular dwarf galaxy and part of the Local Group. Its close proximity and apparent isolation provide a unique opportunity to study galactic evolution without any obvious strong external influences. This paper aims to study the spatial distribution of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) population and metallicity in NGC 6822. Using deep, high quality JHK photometry, taken with WFCAM on UKIRT, carbon- and oxygen-rich AGB stars have been isolated. The ratio between their number, the C/M ratio, has then been used to derive the [Fe/H] abundance across the galaxy. The tip of the red giant branch is located at K0 = 17.41 \pm 0.11 mag and the colour separation between carbon- and oxygen-rich AGB stars is at (J - K)0 = 1.20 \pm 0.03 mag (i.e. (J - K)2MAS S {\guillemotright} 1.28 mag). A C/M ratio of 0.62 \pm 0.03 has been derived in the inner 4 kpc of the galaxy, which translates into an iron abundance of [Fe/H] = -1.29\pm0.07 dex. Variations of these parameters were investigated as a function of distance from the galaxy centre and azimuthal angle. The AGB population of NGC 6822 has been detected out to a radius of 4 kpc giving a diameter of 56 arcmin. It is metal-poor, but there is no obvious gradient in metallicity with either radial distance from the centre or azimuthal angle. The detected spread in the TRGB magnitude is consistent with that of a galaxy surrounded by a halo of old stars. The C/M ratio has the potential to be a very useful tool for the determination of metallicity in resolved galaxies but a better calibration of the C/M vs. [Fe/H] relation and a better understanding of the sensitivities of the C/M ratio to stellar selection criteria is first required

    Luminous AGB stars in nearby galaxies. A study using Virtual Observatory tools

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    Aims. This study focuses on very luminous Mbol<-6.0 mag AGB stars with J-Ks>1.5 mag and H-Ks>0.4 mag in the LMC, SMC, M31, and M33 from 2MASS data. Methods.The data were taken from the 2MASS All-Sky Point Source catalogue archive. We used Virtual Observatory tools and took advantage of its capabilities at various stages in the analysis. Results. It is well known that stars with the colors we selected correspond mainly to carbon stars. Although the most luminous AGBs detected here contain a large number of carbon stars,they are not included in existing catalogues produced from data in the optical domain, where they are not visible since they are dust-enshrouded. A comparison of the AGB stars detected with combined near and mid-infrared data from MSX and 2MASS in the LMC shows that 10% of the bright AGB stars are bright carbon stars never detected before and that the other 50% are OH/IR oxygen rich stars, whereas the 40% that remain were not cross-matched. Conclusions. The catalogues of the most luminous AGB stars compiled here are an important complement to existing data. In the LMC, these bright AGB stars are centrally located, whereas they are concentrated in an active star-formation ring in M31. In the SMC and M33, there are not enough of them to draw definite conclusions, although they tend to be centrally located. Their luminosity functions are similar for the four galaxies we studied.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables (Appendix A), accepted in A&

    The Young Stellar Population of IC1613. I. A New Catalogue of OB Associations

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    Context: Determining the parameters of massive stars is crucial to understand many processes in galaxies and the Universe, since these objects are important sources of ionization, chemical enrichment and momentum. 10m class telescopes enable us to perform detailed quantitative spectroscopic analyses of massive stars in other galaxies, sampling areas of different metallicity. Relating the stars to their environment is crucial to understand the physical processes ruling their formation and evolution. Aims: In preparation for the GTC, our goal is to build a catalogue of massive star candidates in the metal-poor irregular galaxy IC1613 with high astrometric accuracy, apt for the current generation of multi-object spectrographs. A census of OB associations in this galaxy is also needed, to provide important additional information about age and environment of the candidate OB stars. Methods: From INT-WFC observations, we have built an astrometric and photometric catalogue of stars in IC1613. Candidate blue massive stars are preselected from their colors. A friends-of-friends algorithm is developed to find their clustering in the galaxy. While a common physical origin for all the members of the associations cannot be ensured, this is a necessary first step to place candidate OB stars in a population context. Results: We have produced a deep catalogue of targets in IC1613 that covers a large field of view. To achieve high astrometric accuracy a new astrometric procedure is developed for the INT-WFC data. We have also built a catalogue of OB associations in IC1613. We have found that they concentrate in the central regions, specially in the HII bubbles. The study of extinction confirms that it is patchy, with local values of color-excess above the foreground value.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages + appendix (14 pages); 20 figure

    Modes of Multiple Star Formation

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    This paper argues that star forming environments should be classified into finer divisions than the traditional isolated and clustered modes. Using the observed set of galactic open clusters and theoretical considerations regarding cluster formation, we estimate the fraction of star formation that takes place within clusters. We find that less than 10% of the stellar population originates from star forming regions destined to become open clusters, confirming earlier estimates. The smallest clusters included in the observational surveys (having at least N=100 members) roughly coincide with the smallest stellar systems that are expected to evolve as clusters in a dynamical sense. We show that stellar systems with too few members N < N_\star have dynamical relaxation times that are shorter than their formation times (1-2 Myr), where the critical number of stars N_\star \approx 100. Our results suggest that star formation can be characterized by (at least) three principal modes: I. isolated singles and binaries, II. groups (N<N_\star), and III. clusters (N>N_\star). Many -- if not most -- stars form through the intermediate mode in stellar groups with 10<N<100. Such groups evolve and disperse much more rapidly than open clusters; groups also have a low probability of containing massive stars and are unaffected by supernovae and intense ultraviolet radiation fields. Because of their short lifetimes and small stellar membership, groups have relatively little effect on the star formation process (on average) compared to larger open clusters.Comment: accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    A New Nearby Candidate Star Cluster in Ophiuchus at d = 170 pc

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    The recent discoveries of nearby star clusters and associations within a few hundred pc of the Sun, as well as the order of magnitude difference in the formation rates of the embedded and open cluster populations, suggests that additional poor stellar groups are likely to be found at surprisingly close distances to the Sun. Here I describe a new nearby stellar aggregate found by virtue of the parallel proper motions, similar trigonometric parallaxes, and consistent color-magnitude distribution of its early-type members. The 120 Myr-old group lies in Ophiuchus at dd ≃\simeq 170 pc, with its most massive member being the 4th-magnitude post-MS B8II-III star ÎŒ\mu Oph. The group may have escaped previous notice due to its non-negligible extinction (AVA_V ≃\simeq 0.9 mag). If the group was born with a normal initial mass function, and the nine B- and A-type systems represent a complete system of intermediate-mass stars, then the original population was probably of order ∌\sim200 systems. The age and space motion of the new cluster are very similar to those of the Pleiades, α\alpha Per cluster, and AB Dor Moving Group, suggesting that these aggregates may have formed in the same star-forming complex some ∌108\sim10^8 yr ago.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figs., to appear in Nov. 2006 A

    The metallicity gradient as a tracer of history and structure : the Magellanic Clouds and M33 galaxies

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200912138Context. The stellar metallicity and its gradient place constraints on the formation and evolution of galaxies. Aims. This is a study of the metallicity gradient of the LMC, SMC and M33 galaxies derived from their asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. Methods. The [Fe/H] abundance was derived from the ratio between C- and M-type AGB stars and its variation analysed as a function of galactocentric distance. Galaxy structure parameters were adopted from the literature. Results. The metallicity of the LMC decreases linearly as −0.047±0.003 dex kpc−1 out to ∌8 kpc from the centre. In the SMC, [Fe/H] has a constant value of ∌−1.25 ± 0.01 dex up to ∌12 kpc. The gradient of the M33 disc, until ∌9 kpc, is −0.078 ± 0.003 dex kpc−1 while the outer disc/halo, out to ∌25 kpc, has [Fe/H] ∌ −1.7 dex. Conclusions. The metallicity of the LMC, as traced by different populations, bears the signature of two major star forming episodes: the first one constituting a thick disc/halo population and the second one a thin disc and bar due to a close encounter with the Milky Way and SMC. The [Fe/H] of the recent episode supports an LMC origin for the Stream. The metallicity of the SMC supports star formation, ∌3 Gyr ago, as triggered by LMC interaction and sustained by the bar in the outer region of the galaxy. The SMC [Fe/H] agrees with the present-day abundance in the Bridge and shows no significant gradient. The metallicity of M33 supports an “insideout” disc formation via accretion of metal poor gas from the interstellar medium.Peer reviewe

    The ionization mechanism of NGC 185: how to fake a Seyfert galaxy?

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    NGC 185 is a dwarf spheroidal satellite of the Andromeda galaxy. From mid-1990s onwards it was revealed that dwarf spheroidals often display a varied and in some cases complex star formation history. In an optical survey of bright nearby galaxies, NGC 185 was classified as a Seyfert galaxy based on its emission line ratios. However, although the emission lines in this object formally place it in the category of Seyferts, it is probable that this galaxy does not contain a genuine active nucleus. NGC 185 was not detected in radio surveys either in 6 or 20 cm, or X-ray observations, which means that the Seyfert-like line ratios may be produced by stellar processes. In this work, we try to identify the possible ionization mechanisms for this galaxy. We discussed the possibility of the line emissions being produced by planetary nebulae (PNe), using deep spectroscopy observations obtained with GMOS-N, at Gemini. Although the fluxes of the PNe are high enough to explain the integrated spectrum, the line ratios are very far from the values for the Seyfert classification. We then proposed that a mixture of supernova remnants and PNe could be the source of the ionization, and we show that a composition of these two objects do mimic Seyfert-like line ratios. We used chemical evolution models to predict the supernova rates and to support the idea that these supernova remnants should be present in the galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Turbulent Origin for Flocculent Spiral Structure in Galaxies

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    The flocculent structure of star formation in 7 galaxies has a Fourier transform power spectrum for azimuthal intensity scans with a power law slope that increases systematically from -1 at large scales to -1.7 at small scales. This is the same pattern as in the power spectra for azimuthal scans of HI emission in the Large Magellanic Clouds and for flocculent dust clouds in galactic nuclei. The steep part also corresponds to the slope of -3 for two-dimensional power spectra that have been observed in atomic and molecular gas surveys of the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The same power law structure for star formation arises in both flocculent and grand design galaxies, which implies that the star formation process is the same in each. Fractal Brownian motion models that include discrete stars and an underlying continuum of starlight match the observations if all of the emission is organized into a global fractal pattern with an intrinsic 1D power spectrum having a slope between 1.3 and 1.8. We suggest that the power spectrum of optical light in galaxies is the result of turbulence, and that large-scale turbulent motions are generated by sheared gravitational instabilities which make flocculent spiral arms first and then cascade to form clouds and clusters on smaller scales.Comment: accepted for ApJ, 31 pg, 9 figure

    An analytical description of the disruption of star clusters in tidal fields with an application to Galactic open clusters

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    We present a simple analytical description of the disruption of star clusters in a tidal field, which agrees excellently with detailed N-body simulations. The analytic expression can be used to predict the mass and age histograms of surviving clusters for any cluster initial mass function and any cluster formation history. The method is applied to open clusters in the solar neighbourhood, based on the new cluster sample of Kharchenko et al. From a comparison between the observed and predicted age distributions in the age range between 10 Myr to 3 Gyr we find the following results: (1) The disruption time of a 10^4 M_sun cluster in the solar neighbourhood is about 1.3+/-0.5 Gyr. This is a factor 5 shorter than derived from N-body simulations of clusters in the tidal field of the galaxy. (2) The present starformation rate in bound clusters within 600 pc from the Sun is 5.9+/-0.8 * 10^2 M_sun / Myr, which corresponds to a surface star formation rate in bound clusters of 5.2+/-0.7 10^(-10) M_sun/yr/pc^2. (3) The age distribution of open clusters shows a bump between 0.26 and 0.6 Gyr when the cluster formation rate was 2.5 times higher than before and after. (4) The present star formation rate in bound clusters is half as small as that derived from the study of embedded clusters. The difference suggests that half of the clusters in the solar neighbourhood become unbound within 10 Myr. (5) The most massive clusters within 600 pc had an initial mass of 3*10^4 M_sun. This is in agreement with the statistically expected value based on a cluster initial mass function with a slope of -2, even if the physical upper mass limit is as high as 10^6 M_sun.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Velocity Dispersion of Dissolving OB Associations Affected by External Pressure of Formation Environment

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    This paper presents a possible way to understand dissolution of OB associations (or groups). Assuming rapid escape of parental cloud gas from associations, we show that the shadow of the formation environment for associations can be partially imprinted on the velocity dispersion at their dissolution. This conclusion is not surprising as long as associations are formed in a multiphase interstellar medium, because the external pressure should suppress expansion caused by the internal motion of the parental clouds. Our model predicts a few km s−1^{-1} as the internal velocity dispersion. Observationally, the internal velocity dispersion is ∌1\sim 1 km s−1^{-1} which is smaller than our prediction. This suggests that the dissipation of internal energy happens before the formation of OB associations.Comment: 6 pages. AJ accepte
