196 research outputs found

    New clues to organ size control in plants

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    A review of the mechanisms that control organ size in plants

    A domestication-associated gene, CsLH, encodes a phytochrome B protein that regulates hypocotyl elongation in cucumber

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    Plant height is an important agronomic trait; tall plants are prone to collapse (lodging) and are unsuitable for high-density planting (Li et al., 2020). During the Green Revolution, a multitude of genes acting as core or peripheral regulators of plant height were identified and used in breeding (Eshed and Lippman, 2019); however, most were reported in cereal crop plants (Eshed and Lippman, 2019) and few have been characterized in the Cucurbitaceae, which are economically important horticultural plants cultivated worldwide. Here, we describe LONG HYPOCOTYL (CsLH), encoding the photoreceptor phytochrome B (PHYB), which we show has been subjected to selection during cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) domestication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Missing data imputation of solar radiation data under different atmospheric conditions

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    [Abstract] Global solar broadband irradiance on a planar surface is measured at weather stations by pyranometers. In the case of the present research, solar radiation values from nine meteorological stations of the MeteoGalicia real-time observational network, captured and stored every ten minutes, are considered. In this kind of record, the lack of data and/or the presence of wrong values adversely affects any time series study. Consequently, when this occurs, a data imputation process must be performed in order to replace missing data with estimated values. This paper aims to evaluate the multivariate imputation of ten-minute scale data by means of the chained equations method (MICE). This method allows the network itself to impute the missing or wrong data of a solar radiation sensor, by using either all or just a group of the measurements of the remaining sensors. Very good results have been obtained with the MICE method in comparison with other methods employed in this field such as Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The average RMSE value of the predictions for the MICE algorithm was 13.37% while that for the MLR it was 28.19%, and 31.68% for the IDW.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; AYA2010-1851

    Seguimiento de la actividad y abandono en Moodle mediante la aplicación UBUMonitor

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    Teaching with online learning platforms should simplify the monitoring of students’ activity, particularly when evaluating student dropout. Popular learning environments such as Moodle should implement visual analytic tools that facilitate such tasks, nevertheless, institutions are usually reluctant to incorporate them. This paper presents UBUMonitor, a desktop application that allows the visualization of student’s activity data, extended as a proof of concept with a module for dropout tracking. Therefore, by using UBUMonitor, teachers will be able to easily visualize their students’ engagement with their subject, which can facilitate early action to prevent students from dropping out more effectivel

    Hemoglobinuria como signo de disfunción protésica

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    We report a case of 39 years old patient with rheumatic mitral valve disease and who had a prosthetic replacement that is being studied due to a suspicious hematuria. Finally the diagnosis of hemoglobinuria due to intravascu- lar hemolysis has been confirmed and collaboration with the Cardiology department has been requested. In the transthoracic echocardiography and transesophageal echocardiography a severe mitral periprosthetic leak has been noticed. It was decided valve replacement surgery. Hemolysis disappeared finally after the surgical correction of the valve disease. When there is hemolysis after a valve replacement we must suspect of the existence of a periprosthetic leak.Se describe el caso de una paciente de 39 años con antecedente de valvulopatía mitral reumática con recambio protésico, en estudio por supuesta hematuria durante más de un año. Finalmente se confirma que se trata de hemoglobinuria por hemólisis intravascular y se solicita colaboración con Cardiología. En ecocardiografía transtorácica y posteriormente transesofágica se observa fuga mitral perivalvular severa. Se decide recambio valvular mitral con desaparición de la hemólisis tras la corrección quirúrgica. Ante la presencia de hemólisis tras reemplazo valvular se debe sospechar fuga periprotésica

    A PHABULOSA/cytokinin feedback loop controls root growth in arabidopsis

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    The hormone cytokinin (CK) controls root length in Arabidopsis thaliana by defining where dividing cells, derived from stem cells of the root meristem, start to differentiate [ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] and [6]]. However, the regulatory inputs directing CK to promote differentiation remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the HD-ZIPIII transcription factor PHABULOSA (PHB) directly activates the CK biosynthesis gene ISOPENTENYL TRANSFERASE 7 (IPT7), thus promoting cell differentiation and regulating root length. We further demonstrate that CK feeds back to repress both PHB and microRNA165, a negative regulator of PHB. These interactions comprise an incoherent regulatory loop in which CK represses both its activator and a repressor of its activator. We propose that this regulatory circuit determines the balance of cell division and differentiation during root development and may provide robustness against CK fluctuations