844 research outputs found

    Relación entre actitudes hacia la actividad física y el deporte y rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios españoles y portugueses

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    El presente estudio trata de analizar la existencia de relaciones entre las actitudes hacia la actividad físico-deportiva y el rendimiento académico universitario desde una perspectiva transcultural. Este estudio se ha basado en dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios españoles y portugueses matriculados en estudios de Turismo. La muestra de estudiantes españoles se compone de 108 alumnos, mientras que la muestra de estudiantes portugueses está formada por 92 alumnos. El análisis psicométrico se ha llevado a cabo a través de un análisis de estructuras latentes. Para ello, se ha usado la escala de actitudes hacia la actividad física y el deporte de Dosil (2002). Los resultados han indicado la existencia de una relación directa entre las actitudes hacia la actividad físico-deportiva y el rendimiento académico, pero solo en la muestra de estudiantes masculinos españoles. Además, se ha confirmado la validación de la escala de actitudes hacia la actividad física y el deporte.O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relação entre as atitudes em relação à atividade física e ao desporto e o desempenho académico na universidade a partir de uma perspectiva transcultural. Este estudo foi baseado em duas amostras de estudantes universitários espanhóis e portugueses que estudam Turismo. A amostra de estudantes espanhois é composto por 108 alunos, enquanto a amostra de alunos portugueses é composta por 92 alunos. A análise psicométrica foi realizada através de análise de estruturas latentes. Para este fim, foi utilizada a escala do Dosil (2002) de atitudes em relação à atividade física e ao desporto. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma relação direta entre atitudes em relação à atividade física e desempenho académico, mas somente na amostra de alunos do género masculino espanhóis. Também foi confirmada a validação da escala de atitudes em relação à atividade física e ao desporto.The propose of this study is to analyse the existing relationship between attitudes towards physical activity and sports and academic performance at university level from a crosscultural perspective. This study is based on two samples of Spanish and Portuguese college students from the Degree in Tourism. The sample of Spanish students comprises 108 students, while the sample of Portuguese students comprises 92 students. Psychometric analysis through latent structure analysis is conducted. For this, the Dosil's (2002) scale of attitudes towards physical activity and sports was used. The results show a direct relationship between attitudes towards physical activity and academic performance, yet only in the sample of Spanish male students. Moreover, it was confirmed the validation of scale of attitudes towards physical activity and sports

    A methodology for the classification of gravel beaches

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    Beaches are highly flexible structures that can be deformed by several reasons, some natural as wind and swell and others not, as human actions. Gravel, considered as a component of the beach is not always separated from the rest of the materials. It is a part of the coastline sedimentary balance, usually with time and spatial scales much greater than those corresponding to the stretch of the coast under study. The conceptual and experimental difficulties of studying this kind of beach have meant that nowadays they are really unknown. In this paper, methodologies to classify and determinate the most important characteristics in gravel beaches are presented. The authors have studied 34 shingle beaches in the region of Alicante (Spain) from a database with their characteristics. Obtained data corresponds to the morphology of the beach, the materials that take part in its composition and the wave energy, considering its incidence, the wave height, the local period and its influence on the coastline. At the beginning, mathematical models are generated, allowing the expression of the relationships between the slope of berm and the rest of variables. To classify the beaches, a factor analysis has been used on the experimental data matrix, considering all the variables as predictive, obtaining in this way an index for beach classification with similar characteristics. Furthermore, to determine the predictive variables that allow characterizing the 34 beaches, a discriminant analysis has been applied over several sets of variables. In each case, a predictive model of cluster belonging is created, considering a discriminant function, and with the clustering function formed by different clusters. The methodologies developed in this paper will be applied later to other beaches as classification and variable selection methods


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    The restauration of a piece of art offers a unique opportunity for the compilation of historical information. al1 of which is given by the piece of art itself. In this case the restauration of the group Virgen de las Angustias has taken us to a change of authorship: it was ascribed firstly to Roque López and certified as Marcos Laborda's work after it was intervened. This new authorship can make us reconsider the origin of many reIated pieces, advising the revision of the historography of regional scuIpture.La restauración de una obra de arte se muestra como una oportunidad única para la recopilación de datos históricos aportados por la propia obra. En este caso, la restauración del gmpo de la Virgen de las Angustias de Cehegín ha permitido el cambio de autoria, atribuida anteriormente a Roque López y que, tras la intervención, se ha certificado como obra de Marcos Laborda. Esta nueva autoria puede hacer reconsiderar el origen de otras muchas obras relacionadas, aconsejando revisar la historiografía actual sobre escultura regional

    Impact of prevalence ratios of chondroitin sulfate (CS)- 4 and -6 isomers derived from marine sources in cell proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation processes

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    [Abstract] Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent rheumatic disease. During disease progression, differences have been described in the prevalence of chondroitin sulfate (CS) isomers. Marine derived-CS present a higher proportion of the 6S isomer, offering therapeutic potential. Accordingly, we evaluated the effect of exogenous supplementation of CS, derived from the small spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula), blue shark (Prionace glauca), thornback skate (Raja clavata) and bovine CS (reference), on the proliferation of osteochondral cell lines (MG-63 and T/C-28a2) and the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). MG-G3 proliferation was comparable between R. clavata (CS-6 intermediate ratio) and bovine CS (CS-4 enrichment), for concentrations below 0.5 mg/mL, defined as a toxicity threshold. T/C-28a2 proliferation was significantly improved by intermediate ratios of CS-6 and -4 isomers (S. canicula and R. clavata). A dose-dependent response was observed for S. canicula (200 µg/mL vs 50 and 10 µg/mL) and bovine CS (200 and 100 µg/mL vs 10 µg/mL). CS sulfation patterns discretely affected MSCs chondrogenesis; even though S. canicula and R. clavata CS up-regulated chondrogenic markers expression (aggrecan and collagen type II) these were not statistically significant. We demonstrate that intermediate values of CS-4 and -6 isomers improve cell proliferation and offer potential for chondrogenic promotion, although more studies are needed to elucidate its mechanism of action.Xunta de Galicia; IN607A 2017/11Xunta de Galicia; IN607B 2018/19European Commission; 0245_IBEROS_1_

    Educació ambiental : diagnosi dels equipaments del Parc del Garraf

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    El present projecte es centra en l'estudi de l'educació ambiental als equipaments del Parc del Garraf. Amb l'estudi de les característiques d'aquest tipus d'educació en aquests equipaments, que es troben tant a l'interior del parc com fora, però amb influència directa sobre ell, s'ha pogut constatar que l'educació ambiental és l'eina principal utilitzada per a articular la coneixença del parc i apropar els usuaris al medi natural del Garraf, materialitzant-se en una elevada i diversificada oferta de programes i activitats. A l'anàlisi realitzat, es determina que segons la naturalesa dels equipaments estudiats, el tractament d'una mateixa temàtica es desenvolupa de manera molt diferent en funció de les seves característiques intrínseques i els recursos disponibles. Finalment s'ha elaborat un conjunt de propostes per tal de millorar els programes d'activitats, la infraestructura i el conjunt de característiques dels equipaments seleccionats, relacionats directa o indirectament amb l'educació ambiental.El presente proyecto se centra en el estudio de la educación ambiental en los equipamientos del Parque del Garraf. Con el estudio de las características de este tipo de educación en estos equipamientos, que se encuentran tanto en el interior del parque como fuera, pero con influencia directa sobre él, se ha podido constatar que la educación ambiental es el medio principal utilizado para articular el conocimiento del parque i acercar a los usuarios al medio natural del Garraf, materializándose en una elevada i diversificada oferta de programas y actividades. En el análisis realizado se determina que según la naturaleza de los equipamientos estudiados, el tratamiento de una misma temática se desarrolla de manera muy diferente en función de sus características intrínsecas y los recursos disponibles. Finalmente se ha elaborado un conjunto de propuestas por tal de mejorar los programas de actividades, la infraestructura y las características de los equipamientos seleccionados, relacionados directa o indirectamente con la educación ambiental.The present project tries to focuse on the environmental education's features about the equipments at the Parc del Garraf. With the study of this type of education features about these equipments, which are located both inside the parc as outside, but with direct influence on it, it has been shown that environmental education is the main tool which is been served to manage knowledge about the parc and to zoom the Garraf's environment to users, which is materialized in a high and diversified offer about schedules and activities. In the analysis we have done, depending on the type of the equipments we've studied, the treatment of a single subject is very different instead of their intrinsic features and available resources. Finally, it has been developed a set of proposals to improve the schedules of activities, infrastructure, and the features of the equipments we have selected related direct or indirectly with environmental education

    Classification of healthy, Alzheimer and Parkinson populations with a multi-branch neural network

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    Signal processing, for delimitation of the target events and parametrization, is usually required when instrumented assessment is conducted to determine an individual’s functional status. However, these procedures may rule out relevant information obtained by sensors. To prevent this, the use of models based on neural networks that automatically extract relevant features from the raw signal may improve the characterization of the functional status. Thus, the aim of the study was to determine the classification accuracy of a multi-head convolutional layered neural network (CNN) using a simple functional mobility test in people with different conditions. The raw data from an inertial sensor embedded in a smartphone worn by 90 volunteers (i.e. 30 volunteers with Alzheimer’s disease, 30 with Parkinson’s disease and 30 healthy elderly people) was obtained. The CNN classification accuracy was compared to that of the two parametric classifiers, namely, linear discriminant analysis and multilayer perceptron, a neural network-based classifier. As a result, the validation process revealed that the CNN classifier correctly assigned 100% of the participants to each group. The best accuracy in pathology classification for the two parametric classifiers ranged from 55% to 88%. Therefore, the CNN model provided enhanced classification accuracy as compared to the parametric approaches, even better than the neural network-based classifier. Non parametrization may increase relevant information, thus enhancing pathology impact characterization

    Principios y métodos de la psicología del aprendizaje aplicados a ambientes educativos (Texto programado)

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    El texto que tiene en sus manos no pretende ser tanto una profundización en los principios de la Psicología del Aprendizaje que sirven de base a las técnicas de Modificación de Conducta, como una forma útil de estructurar unos contenidos básicos que constituyen una herramienta de trabajo válida para determinados colectivos (profesores de jardín de infancia o de E.G.B., padres, alumnos de magisterio o de primeros cursos de Psicología o Pedagogía, etc...) en su quehacer cotidiano. Puede ser aprovechado por el profesor que tiene que enfrentarse diariamente con alumnos que presentan frecuentes conductas disruptivas, con otros cuyo rendimiento escolar es deficitario o bien, con clases completas cuya composición y características dificulta el desarrollo adecuado de los objetivos académicos. Por otra parte, puede resultar también útil para padres que quieran conocer las razones que explican algunos comportamientos de sus hijos y los mecanismos que facilitan una modificación de aquellos más perjudiciales para su desarrollo psíquicamente sano. Por último, un tercer grupo destinatario de este libro serían los alumnos de magisterio y aquellos otros que se inician en las carreras de Psicología y Pedagogía, los cuales pueden encontrar en él un texto introductorio que les permita adquirir unos conocimientos básicos de los principios del condicionamiento y unas aplicaciones sencillas de los mismos al ámbito de las primeras etapas de la educación

    Estudio de la citotoxicidad de cerámicas biomórficas de SiC recubiertas con vidrio bioactivo

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    La necesidad de desarrollar nuevos implantes basados en materiales bioactivos que sean capaces de soportar grandes cargas mecánicas ha llevado a la producción de sustratos metálicos recubiertos con cerámicas bioactivas. Recientemente se ha propuesto un dispositivo alternativo que consiste en un sustrato de carburo de silicio (SiC) biomórfico recubierto con vidrio bioactivo, mediante la técnica de Depósito por Láser Pulsado (PLD), y que dispone de la resistencia mecánica adecuada, además de gran ligereza y una porosidad intrínseca muy favorable de cara a la implantación. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio interdisciplinar de este nuevo material centrado en la morfología y porosidad de sustratos de SiC provenientes de diferentes maderas, la bioactividad de los recubrimientos producidos por PLD y en la evaluación in vitro con células de osteosarcoma MG-63 con la que se ha determinado la citotoxicidad de estos materiales y se ha estudiado la influencia de los mismos en la adhesión y la proliferación celular.In the past years there was a need to develop new tough bioactive materials capable to resist high loads when implanted in the body, that led to the production of bioactive coatings on metallic substrates. A new approach, which consists of biomorphic silicon carbide (SiC) coated with bioactive glass by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), was recently presented. This new material joins the high mechanical strength, lightness and porosity of biomorphic SiC and the bioactive properties of PLD glass films. In this work, a multiple evaluation of this new material is presented starting from the biomorphic SiC morphology and porosity, following with the bioactivity in simulated body fluid of the coatings, and ending with a deep in vitro study with MG-63 cells. The citotoxicity of the SiC coated and uncoated and the cell proliferation and attachment were studied

    Quick diagnosis units: predictors of time to diagnosis and costs

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    Financial crisis has forced health systems to seek alternatives to hospitalization-based healthcare. Quick diagnosis units (QDUs) are cost-effective compared to hospitalization, but the determinants of QDU costs have not been studied. We aimed at assessing the predictors of costs of a district hospital QDU (Hospital Plató, Barcelona) between 2009 and 2016. This study was a retrospective longitudinal single center study of 404 consecutive outpatients referred to the QDU of Hospital Plató. The referral reason was dichotomized into suggestive of malignancy vs other. The final diagnosis was dichotomized into organic vs nonorganic and malignancy vs nonmalignancy. All individual resource costs were obtained from the finance department to conduct a micro-costing analysis of the study period. Mean age was 62 ± 20 years (women = 56%), and median time-to-diagnosis, 12 days. Total and partial costs were greater in cases with final diagnosis of organic vs nonorganic disorder, as it was in those with symptoms suggestive or a final diagnosis of cancer vs noncancer. Of all subcosts, imaging showed the stronger correlation with total cost. Time-to-diagnosis and imaging costs were significant predictors of total cost above the median in binary logistic regression, with imaging costs also being a significant predictor in multiple linear regression (with total cost as quantitative outcome). Predictors of QDU costs are partly nonmodifiable (i.e., cancer suspicion, actually one of the goals of QDUs). Yet, improved primary-care-to-hospital referral circuits reducing time to diagnosis as well as optimized imaging protocols might further increase the QDU cost-effectiveness process. Prospective studies (ideally with direct comparison to conventional hospitalization costs) are needed to explore this possibility

    Extensive studies on biomorphic SiC ceramics properties for medical applications

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    Biomorphic silicon carbide ceramics are light, tough and high-strength materials with interesting biomedical applications. The fabrication method of the biomorphic SiC is based in the infiltration of molten-Si in carbon preforms with open porosity. The final product is a biostructure formed by a tangle of SiC fibers. This innovative process allows the fabrication of complex shapes and the tailoring of SiC ceramics with optimised properties and controllable microstructures that will match the biomechanical requirements of the natural host tissue. An interdisciplinary approach of the biomorphic SiC fabricated from beech, sapelly and eucalyptus is presented. Their mechanical properties, microstructure and chemical composition were evaluated. The biocompatible behaviour of these materials has been tested in vitro