373 research outputs found


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    ADE KURNIAWAN. The correlation between brand image with brand loyalty on student of university economic and administration department state Universty Of Jakarta.,Script, Jakarta : Studies Program Commerce Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, June 2012. The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between brand image with brand loyalty on student of university economic and administration departement state Universty Of Jakarta. This research have been done for 6 months since October 2011 until June 2012. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach. The populations of this research is all on student of university economic and administration department state Universty Of Jakarta, which is 120 person and the sample is 89 person with 5% wrong ability. Technic for getting sample is simple random proportional. For getting the data of variaele data X and Y was used likert sacle. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y = 41.61 + 0,503X. After that data normality test is done by using lilliefors formula and the result was L count = 0,080 in significant level 0,05 and L table = 0, 094, so L count F table (3,96). It shows it had significance regression. The result of product moment of correlations coefficient test was r xy = 0,262 continued by using correlations coefficient significance test with t-test. Counting result was, t count = 5.564 while t table = 1,67 and so, t count > t table. It means that there were significance and positive correlations between on student perception about brand image with brand loyaty. Beside that, the result of determination coefficient test was 0.262 %, it means that brand loyalty variable determined by 26.24% with brand image variable. The conclusion of the research has shown that there was a positive correlations between brand image with brand loyalty on student of university economic and administration department state Universty Of Jakarta. Key Words : Brand Image, Brand Loyalt


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    Moral to Rachels (2004: 35) is the problems to do something good or bad. Moral teaching is done in the framework of any kind, and is determined by the best reasons for doing so. In the novel, Erich Kästner life story also contains many moral messages that can be a lesson for the reader. Formulation of the problem in this research is: What is the mood in the novel "My uncle Franz" by Erich Kästner? The study specifically to describe the moral figures in the novel "My uncle Franz" by Erich Kastner. This research in the research descriptive kualtatif included. Moreover, in order to analyze the use of the theory of James Rachels. Theori "moral" according to Rachel in verwendba for Analisierung. Based on these Theori are the findings as; (1) The courage: Uncle Franz, Uncle Paul, Uncle Robert and Ida Augustin; (2) The generosity: Uncle Franz, Grandfather Augustin, Aunt Lina; (3) The Candid: Ida Augustin, Erich Kästner; (4) The reward: Uncle Franz, Ida Augustin, Augustin grandfather, aunt Lina, Tante Marie, and Dora; (5) The independence: Uncle Franz, Uncle Paul, Grandfather Augustin; (6) Humility: Uncle Franz, Ida Augustin, and Emil Kästner. The analytical method used is as follows: to read (1) and to understand the novel, (2) collect data quoted text with characterization methods, (3) the classification of Describe data in the form of words, sentences and phrases related to the behavior, moral good and bad, by the code the data, (4) describe the data, (5) take the conclusion that the results obtained by the analysis. And the results of this study consists of 6 moral details, 10 figures, and 19 written data. Keywords: morality, Roman, Kästne


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    A dynamic model was used to obtain optimal value or amount in the application of paddlewheel. Stella 9.1.4 software programing was employed to find relationships among parameters. The aims of this reasearch was to determine the percentage of oxygen uptake by vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) which is supported by 1 paddlewheel. The result showed that the optimal number of paddlewheel was 1 paddlewheel with Standart Aeration Efficiency was 1,31 kgO2/kWh. The percentage of oxygen absorption on vannamei shrimp until final cultivation was 24% during the cultivation, the percentage of oxygen absorption on vannamei shrimp had increased. In this research, total oxygen demand was 567 ppm, shrimp production was 1054,88 kg, the amount of feed was 2278,1 kg with a pond area was 600 m2, stocking density was 133 PL/m2 during a cultivation period of 98 days.Keyword : Paddlewheel, Oxygen, Vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei


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    The reality of adolescent moral decadence in the current era is a serious problem that must be addressed immediately. In general, many problems are caused by a lack of character building. Because of that, character education is very important to be instilled. The role of schools as formal educational institutions is needed to continue to build the character from an early age through the application of good and quality character education and proper management. The purpose of this study was to find out how character education was applied at MTsN Meureubo Aceh Barat. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The subjects of this research are stakeholders at MTsN Meureubo. The results of this study indicate that the process of implementing character education at MTsN Meureubo is carried out with four alternative strategies including being integrated into all subjects, into daily activities, into school programs, and building communication with parents of students

    Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan sebagai Strategi Dayah Bulisc dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Madrasah

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    Dayah BULISC is a new educational institution in the West Aceh region, but in a short time, the Dayah has been able to establish itself as one of the institutions that are in demand by the community. This fact is then interested to be investigated. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected using observation, interviews, and document searches. The results of the study show that Dayah BULISC has been able to apply the marketing mix (product, people, price, promotion, place, physical evidence, process) well in building the quality of institutions while increasing inter-institutional competitiveness. This can be seen. The product chosen by Dayah BULISC with the flagship program is the Tahfizul Quran. Dayah BULISC  has good resources and is supported by cheap and affordable tuition fees for the community. The location of Dayah is also very strategic with the condition of the building being quite good and complete in supporting the learning carried out. Dayah BULISC also conducts promotions using several media including social media so that messages about the conditions and programs that are carried out by Dayah can be conveyed in full to the communit

    Pengaruh Pengalaman Kerja Dan Tingkat Absensi Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Operasional Pada Perusahaan Prima Nusantara Di Batang

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    Perusahaan Kayu Prima Nusantara merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang proses pengolahan kayu. Dalam produktivitas sehari-hari, perusahaan tersebut membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang mempunyai masa kerja dan tingkat absensi. Dengan latar belakang tersebut maka penulis mengambil judul : Pengaruh pengalaman kerja dan tingkat absensi terhadap peningkatan produktivitas tenaga kerja pada perusahaan Prima Nusantara di Batang. Perumusan masalah apakah masa kerja dan tingkat absensi terhadap peningkatan tersebut pada perusahaan Prima Nusantara di Batang. Maka perlu adanya hipotesa : pengalaman kerja dan tingkat absensi mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat dalam peningkatan produktivitas tenaga kerja di perusahaan Prima Nusantara di Batang, pengalaman kerja merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produktivitas tenaga kerja pada perusahaan Prima Nusantara di Batang. Terbukti : Tanpa ada tambahan pengalaman kerja dan tingkat absensi maka produktivitas akan sama dengan 55142.962. Apabila pengalaman kerja mengalami penambahan sebesar satu tahun maka produktivitas juga akan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 777.093 unit, Apabila tingkat absensi mengalami penambahan sebesar satu hari maka kwalitas produktivitas akan meningkatkan sebesar 259.247 unit. Dibuktikan dengan uji “t” : Ada pengaruh yang significan antara variabel X1 (pengalaman kerja) terhadap Y (produktivitas) di tunjukkan dengan thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (4.687 > 1,960). Tidak pengaruh yang significan antara variabel X2 (Tingkat Absensi) terhadap Y (Produktivitas) di tunjukkan dengan thitung lebih kecil dari ttabel (-2.905 < 1,960). Dibuktikan dengan uji “F” : Fhitung lebih besar dari Ftabel (4,125 > 3,32) menunjukkan tidak berpengaruh nyata secara bersama-sama antara variabel X1 (Pengalaman Kerja) dan X2 (tingkat Absensi) terhadap Y (Produktivitas) sehingga dapat dipastikan bukan hanya faktor kebetulan. Hasil dari analisa ini menunjukkan bahwa R2 = 0,619 yang artinya bahwa perubahan variabel Y (Produktivitas) 61,9 % dipengaruhi oleh X1 (Masa Kerja) dan X2 (Tingkat Absensi) secara serentak dengan variabel lain hanya mempunyai pengaruh sebesar 38,1%. Maka dari kesimpulan diatas dapat diketahui kedua variabel X1 dan X2 (Pengalaman Kerja dan tingkat absensi berpengaruh pada produktivitas)

    Sejarah, Penerapan, dan Analisis Resiko dari Neural Network: Sebuah Tinjauan Pustaka

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    A neural network is a form of artificial intelligence that has the ability to learn, grow, and adapt in a dynamic environment. Neural network began since 1890 because a great American psychologist named William James created the book "Principles of Psycology". James was the first one publish a number of facts related to the structure and function of the brain. The history of neural network development is divided into 4 epochs, the Camelot era, the Depression, the Renaissance, and the Neoconnectiosm era. Neural networks used today are not 100 percent accurate. However, neural networks are still used because of better performance than alternative computing models. The use of neural network consists of pattern recognition, signal analysis, robotics, and expert systems. For risk analysis of the neural network, it is first performed using hazards and operability studies (HAZOPS). Determining the neural network requirements in a good way will help in determining its contribution to system hazards and validating the control or mitigation of any hazards. After completion of the first stage at HAZOPS and the second stage determines the requirements, the next stage is designing. Neural network underwent repeated design-train-test development. At the design stage, the hazard analysis should consider the design aspects of the development, which include neural network architecture, size, intended use, and so on. It will be continued at the implementation stage, test phase, installation and inspection phase, operation phase, and ends at the maintenance stage


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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of the use of Computer-Based Information System for Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. Independent variables used in this study is Computer Based Information Systems. For the dependent variables used in this study is Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. The data in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaires spread directly to the employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat. Questionnaire data that can be processed were from 48 respondents that considered to represent the population of employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management. The test of data in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 16.The results in this study indicate two different conclusions, the first stating that the use of computer-based information system did not affect the Quality of Work of employees, while the latter results suggest that the use of computer-based information systems had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction of employees in the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat


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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of the use of Computer-Based Information System for Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. Independent variables used in this study is Computer Based Information Systems. For the dependent variables used in this study is Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. The data in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaires spread directly to the employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat. Questionnaire data that can be processed were from 48 respondents that considered to represent the population of employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management. The test of data in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 16. The results in this study indicate two different conclusions, the first stating that the use of computer-based information system did not affect the Quality of Work of employees, while the latter results suggest that the use of computer-based information systems had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction of employees in the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat
