Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT
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    287 research outputs found

    Implementasi Sistem IoT Pada Akuakultur Dan Hydroponik (Akuaponik) Modern Untuk Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila

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    In modern times, there are many types of agricultural and fish farming systems, one of which is the modern aquaculture system which has been recognized as an innovative method of sustainable food production that combines fish cultivation with agriculture simultaneously. Modern aquaponics is able to overcome problems in urban areas which require land for growing crops and cultivating fish. Good fish cultivation means always monitoring the growth and health of fish to reduce the risk of crop failure, therefore this research aims to implement an Internet of Things (IoT) system in modern aquaponics to increase the growth of tilapia. IoT parameters consisting of pH sensors, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) sensors, and temperature sensors are used to monitor water quality conditions in modern aquaponics. Through IoT systems, data collected in real-time enables more effective environmental monitoring. The creation of an IoT system in modern aquaponics shows that the implementation of IoT can increase the efficiency of modern aquaponic environmental management, resulting in better fish growth and plant productivity. This was verified through the pH sensor test results with a value of 7.2 indicating optimal conditions of acid-base balance in the water, which is essential for the health of tilapia fish. The TDS sensor test with a value of 300 ppm confirmed that the concentration of solid particles in the water was at an optimal level, which is also an indicator of the health of the tilapia fish. Temperature measurement using a temperature sensor with a value of 28°C, shows that the water temperature is within the ideal range for comfort for tilapia, which is usually comfortable at temperatures between 28-30°

    Aplikasi Pemandu Wisata Berbasis Android Untuk 10 Wisata Bali Baru

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    Tourism has a very significant role in the Indonesian economy. In 2016, the Indonesian government prioritized 10 tourism destinations as "10 New Bali Tourism". However, tourists often face difficulties in finding accurate and efficient information about public facilities at tourist attractions. To overcome this problem, this research aims to develop an Android-based tourist guide application. This application is designed to help tourists find facility information quickly and accurately. This research was carried out through a series of stages, including design, analysis, design, implementation, testing and application maintenance. The result of this research is the development of a tour guide application that is useful for tourists. This application makes it easy for them to find accurate information about public facilities around the tourist attractions they visit. Unit testing of this application shows that no errors were found in the application functions. Usability test results were also very positive, with 88% of tourist users stating they were willing to use this application again in the future. This shows that this tour guide application has succeeded in providing an effective solution to the problems faced by tourists in searching for information on facilities at tourist attractions. Thus, this application can be a valuable tool in enhancing the tourist experience and supporting the growth of the Indonesian tourism industry. This research has produced an Android tourist guide application to facilitate travelers in finding public facilities at the "10 New Bali Tourism" destinations. With an 88% user satisfaction rate, the main contribution involves improving the traveler experience, supporting the growth of the tourism industry, and making a positive contribution to the Indonesian economy

    Analisis Risiko IT untuk Pemanfaatan Tools Genogram pada Health care

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    This research analysis the genogram tool uses to record a person's health history as a medium for supporting health. This research analyzes the risks that might occur in a polyclinic if a genogram tool is implemented. The analysis process is through a risk identification process then a risk assessment using the COBIT for Risk IT method as IT resource mapping, then qualitative analysis as a method of mapping possibilities and impacts according to FGDs with organizations which can be used as a guide in assessing risks. level. Meanwhile, bow tie analysis is a risk mapping method that allows risk recovery so that it can serve as a guide for recovery. The results of risk analysis using the Genogram tool show several conditions, namely low probability but high level of impact, low probability but medium impact, and high probability of impact

    Optimalisasi Penggunaan Sensor Pada Sistem Penyiraman Tanaman Kangkung Menggunakan Metode WSN

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    Water spinach is one of the agricultural products that is often consumed by Indonesian people, so it has very high market demand. However, there are still many farmers who use the traditional method of watering plants by carrying water so that it does not increase plant productivity. This is also a problem because farmers are at risk of developing MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). To support high market demand, technology is needed that can help farmers in the process of watering plants with high effectiveness and efficiency. In this research, optimization of the use of sensors was carried out using WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) to overcome the problem of increasing scale on large areas of land to be able to monitor park land and control the watering process. This system uses several sensors, including a water pressure sensor, waterflow sensor, soil pH sensor and soil moisture sensor. Apart from that, this research also created a warning system and recommendation system to help farmers in making decisions regarding plantation management. Farmers can monitor garden land and control watering from anywhere via the web application that has been create

    Perbandingan Algoritma Sequential Search dan Binary Search Pada Website E-Tracking Pengajuan Surat

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    Disposition of a letter is an action taken in response to receiving a letter which is usually of an urgent nature or which must be carried out or followed up immediately. In an agency or organization, the flow of disposition letters usually begins with an incoming letter addressed to superiors or leaders. Based on the problems that occurred in Cilangkap Village, where after submitting letters, residents often felt confused about the disposition of the letters they submitted because there was no information regarding the disposition of computerized letters. This study aims to build a website-based letter submission information system and e-tracking letter disposition to make it easier for residents to know the disposition of their letter. This study uses the Sequential Search Algorithm and the Binary Search Algorithm to find the average time needed to search data using the microtime function and obtain the most optimal results from the two algorithms. The results showed that from a total of 507 data, 100 data searches for letter submissions obtained the average result of the Sequential Search Algorithm search time is 5.35 miliseconds and the Binary Search Algorithm is 6.16 miliseconds. So from the research results it can be seen that the Sequential Search Algorithm is more efficient and optimal in the search for letter submission data

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Keuangan Untuk Mengatur Jumlah Pengeluaran Pribadi Berbasis Android

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    Not everyone is able to manage their finances well. Consumptive lifestyles and lack of awareness about the importance of managing finances make a person unable to escape financial problems. In an effort to reduce the impact of existing problems, everyone should have the awareness and effort to manage their finances by recording their financial expenses regularly. In modern times and the rapid development of technology like today, almost everyone has a mobile device at least one Android device. By utilizing existing technology, various things can be done using only their Android devices such as shopping, communicating with someone even though it is quite far away or even to record financial activities. By identifying and collecting data and interviews from related problems, this research aims to be a solution for someone in managing their finances by recording every financial activity in an existing application and making the use of stationery and books to record and recap every expense can be abandoned. With this application, a person can easily record finances anytime and anywhere without fear of losing the notes that have been made. As a result, it is hoped that eating will become wiser and know how much and where the money is spent so that the record can be used as a picture of a person in controlling their money

    Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Lingkungan Pada Budidaya Tanaman Hidroponik Berbasis IoT

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    The increase in population and the reduction of agricultural land are major concerns in Indonesia. The country's population rose from 244,016,173 in 2010 to 277,534,122 in 2023, raising food needs. Population growth promotes the use of pesticides to protect agriculture;ntegration of hydroponic automation technology in households with limited land, such as for salad and sawmills, is expected to meet increasing food needs, reduce environmental impact, and improve well-being, in line with the SDGs.  however,excessive use can lead to environmental damage, water pollution, and health risks for humans. In addressing this problem, hydroponic planting media became a potential solution. Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants without soil, using a nutrient solution. This technology supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with clean and sustainable crop growth. Integration of hydroponic automation technology for households with limited land, such as for salad and sawmills, is expected to meet increasing food needs, reduce environmental impact, and improve well-being, in line with the SDGs. Thus, hydroponics can be an effective solution in addressing the agricultural challenges facing Indonesi

    Teknologi Deteksi Dini Banjir Daerah Aliran Sungai menggunakan Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2

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    In Indonesia there are often natural disasters, one of which is flooding. Flooding is a natural disaster that is marked by the overflowing of river water irrigation channels in urban areas, one is the river Irrigation that exists at the Technokrat University of Indonesia. Therefore, the study aims to develop a flood early detection tool using LoRa (Long Range) technology to monitor potential flooding in Kalibalau, Indonesian Technocratic University, Bandar Lampung. The research method involves installing an ultrasonic sensor in the Kalibalau River and connecting it to the Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2 microcontroller. Test results show that the LoRa transmitter and receiver operate as planned. This tool does not require an internet connection because it uses the Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2. The status of the river is categorized into four: Safe, Alert 1, Alert 2, and Danger, with appropriate warnings. The test showed a delay of 5 seconds on the water height reading. At safe (water height 44 cm), the buzzer does not sound. At morning 1 (water altitude 82 cm), it sounds once with a 1 minute delay. The device has a communication capacity of up to 400 meters. Thus, the tool is effective in monitoring the Kalibalau river and giving early warning of potential floods. This research has contributed to the development of flood monitoring technology to increase public alertness and safety in flood-prone area

    Komparasi dan Implementasi Algoritma Regresi Machine Learning untuk Prediksi Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan

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    Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) or Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) is part of the macro indicators of a country that describes the economic condition of a country. ICI is an interesting study to research since its existence will be able to show market sentiment regarding an event that occurred in a country. This research tries to predict the ICI in the future based on historical data. The dataset used in this research is publicly available in Yahoo Finance. The experiment is conducted by implementing some regression machine learning algorithms, such as Decision Tree, Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), and Linear Regression. As a result, Decision Tree has the lowest MSE value compared to other methods: 1268.242. In this research, a website-based application prototype was also developed that can be used to view IHSG graphs and make future predictions, using the 4 (four) tested algorithms

    Perbandingan Kinerja Algoritma K-means dan Agglomerative Clustering Untuk Segmentasi Penjualan Online Pada Customer Retail

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    This research focuses on the comparison between two popular algorithms in data science, namely K-means and Agglomerative Clustering algorithms. The main context of this research is customer data segmentation, a very important process in the business world to understand and serve customers better. The main objective of this research is to evaluate and compare the performance of the two algorithms in generating effective and efficient customer segments. In this research, the dataset used is a retail customer dataset. This dataset includes various attributes that reflect customer characteristics and behavior. To measure the performance of both algorithms, this research uses the RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) weighting method. This method is a commonly used method in customer analysis to identify the most valuable customers based on how recently they transacted (Recency), how often they transact (Frequency), and how much their transactions are worth (Monetary). In addition, this research also uses an evaluation metric known as silhouette score. This metric is used to measure how well an object fits into its own cluster compared to other clusters. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the quality of both algorithms in segmenting customer data. It was found that the K-Means algorithm produced a silhouette score value of 0.5087, while Agglomerative Clustering produced a higher value of 0.6363. This suggests that, in the context of this dataset, Agglomerative Clustering may be more effective compared to K-Means. However, further research is certainly needed to validate these findings and to further explore how these two algorithms can be optimized for customer data segmentatio


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