1,845 research outputs found

    Collapse, outflows and fragmentation of massive, turbulent and magnetized prestellar barotropic cores

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    Stars and more particularly massive stars, have a drastic impact on galaxy evolution. Yet the conditions in which they form and collapse are still not fully understood. In particular, the influence of the magnetic field on the collapse of massive clumps is relatively unexplored, it is thus of great relevance in the context of the formation of massive stars to investigate its impact. We perform high resolution, MHD simulations of the collapse of hundred solar masses, turbulent and magnetized clouds, using the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES. We compute various quantities such as mass distribution, magnetic field and angular momentum within the collapsing core and study the episodic outflows and the fragmentation that occurs during the collapse. The magnetic field has a drastic impact on the cloud evolution. We find that magnetic braking is able to substantially reduce the angular momentum in the inner part of the collapsing cloud. Fast and episodic outflows are being launched with typical velocities of the order of 3-5 km s1^{-1} although the highest velocities can be as high as 30-40 km s1^{-1}. The fragmentation in several objects, is reduced in substantially magnetized clouds with respect to hydrodynamical ones by a factor of the order of 1.5-2. We conclude that magnetic fields have a significant impact on the evolution of massive clumps. In combination with radiation, magnetic fields largely determine the outcome of massive core collapse. We stress that numerical convergence of MHD collapse is a challenging issue. In particular, numerical diffusion appears to be important at high density therefore possibly leading to an over-estimation of the number of fragments.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    The importance of episodic accretion for low-mass star formation

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    A star acquires much of its mass by accreting material from a disc. Accretion is probably not continuous but episodic. We have developed a method to include the effects of episodic accretion in simulations of star formation. Episodic accretion results in bursts of radiative feedback, during which a protostar is very luminous, and its surrounding disc is heated and stabilised. These bursts typically last only a few hundred years. In contrast, the lulls between bursts may last a few thousand years; during these lulls the luminosity of the protostar is very low, and its disc cools and fragments. Thus, episodic accretion enables the formation of low-mass stars, brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects by disc fragmentation. If episodic accretion is a common phenomenon among young protostars, then the frequency and duration of accretion bursts may be critical in determining the low-mass end of the stellar initial mass function.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal. Press release available at: http://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/pub/Dimitrios.Stamatellos/News/News.html Full resolution paper available at http://stacks.iop.org/0004-637X/730/3

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: The Galaxy Population Detected by ALFALFA

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    Making use of HI 21 cm line measurements from the ALFALFA survey (alpha.40) and photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and GALEX, we investigate the global scaling relations and fundamental planes linking stars and gas for a sample of 9417 common galaxies: the alpha.40-SDSS-GALEX sample. In addition to their HI properties derived from the ALFALFA dataset, stellar masses (M_*) and star formation rates (SFRs) are derived from fitting the UV-optical spectral energy distributions. 96% of the alpha.40-SDSS-GALEX galaxies belong to the blue cloud, with the average gas fraction f_HI = M_HI/M_* ~ 1.5. A transition in SF properties is found whereby below M_* ~ 10^9.5 M_sun, the slope of the star forming sequence changes, the dispersion in the specific star formation rate (SSFR) distribution increases and the star formation efficiency (SFE) mildly increases with M_*. The evolutionary track in the SSFR-M_* diagram, as well as that in the color magnitude diagram are linked to the HI content; below this transition mass, the star formation is regulated strongly by the HI. Comparison of HI- and optically-selected samples over the same restricted volume shows that the HI-selected population is less evolved and has overall higher SFR and SSFR at a given stellar mass, but lower SFE and extinction, suggesting either that a bottleneck exists in the HI to H_2 conversion, or that the process of SF in the very HI-dominated galaxies obeys an unusual, low efficiency star formation law. A trend is found that, for a given stellar mass, high gas fraction galaxies reside preferentially in dark matter halos with high spin parameters. Because it represents a full census of HI-bearing galaxies at z~0, the scaling relations and fundamental planes derived for the ALFALFA population can be used to assess the HI detection rate by future blind HI surveys and intensity mapping experiments at higher redshift.Comment: 21 pages (2 columns), 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Version with full-resolution figures is available at http://egg.astro.cornell.edu/alfalfa/pubs/Huang2012b_120702.pd

    An uncertainty principle for star formation -- III. The characteristic emission time-scales of star formation rate tracers

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    We recently presented a new statistical method to constrain the physics of star formation and feedback on the cloud scale by reconstructing the underlying evolutionary timeline. However, by itself this new method only recovers the relative durations of different evolutionary phases. To enable observational applications, it therefore requires knowledge of an absolute 'reference time-scale' to convert relative time-scales into absolute values. The logical choice for this reference time-scale is the duration over which the star formation rate (SFR) tracer is visible because it can be characterised using stellar population synthesis (SPS) models. In this paper, we calibrate this reference time-scale using synthetic emission maps of several SFR tracers, generated by combining the output from a hydrodynamical disc galaxy simulation with the SPS model SLUG2. We apply our statistical method to obtain self-consistent measurements of each tracer's reference time-scale. These include Hα{\alpha} and 12 ultraviolet (UV) filters (from GALEX, Swift, and HST), which cover a wavelength range 150-350 nm. At solar metallicity, the measured reference time-scales of Hα{\alpha} are 4.320.23+0.09{4.32^{+0.09}_{-0.23}} Myr with continuum subtraction, and 6-16 Myr without, where the time-scale increases with filter width. For the UV filters we find 17-33 Myr, nearly monotonically increasing with wavelength. The characteristic time-scale decreases towards higher metallicities, as well as to lower star formation rate surface densities, owing to stellar initial mass function sampling effects. We provide fitting functions for the reference time-scale as a function of metallicity, filter width, or wavelength, to enable observational applications of our statistical method across a wide variety of galaxies.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables (including Appendices); published in MNRA

    GRB 990123: Reverse and Internal Shock Flashes and Late Afterglow

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    The prompt (t \siml 0.16 days) light curve and initial 9-th magnitude optical flash from GRB 990123 can be attributed to a reverse external shock, or possibly to internal shocks. We discuss the time decay laws and spectral slopes expected under various dynamical regimes, and discuss the constraints imposed on the model by the observations, arguing that they provide strongly suggestive evidence for features beyond those in the simple standard model. The longer term afterglow behavior is discussed in the context of the forward shock, and it is argued that, if the steepening after three days is due to a jet geometry, this is likely to be due to jet-edge effects, rather than sideways expansion.Comment: M.N.R.A.S., subm. 2/26/99; (preprint uses aaspp4.sty), 9 page

    Formation of proto-clusters and star formation within clusters: apparent universality of the initial mass function ?

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    It is believed that the majority of stars form in clusters. Therefore it is likely that the gas physical conditions that prevail in forming clusters, largely determine the properties of stars that form and in particular the initial mass function. We develop an analytical model to account for the formation of low mass clusters and the formation of stars within clusters. The formation of clusters is determined by an accretion rate, the virial equilibrium and energy as well as thermal balance. For this latter both molecular and dust cooling are considered using published rates. The star distribution is computed within the cluster using the physical conditions inferred from this model and the Hennebelle & Chabrier theory. Our model reproduces well the mass-size relation of low mass clusters (up to few 103\simeq 10^3 M_\odot of stars corresponding to about 5 times more gas) and an initial mass function which is i)i) very close to the Chabrier's IMF, ii)ii) weakly dependent on the mass of the clusters, iii)iii) relatively robust to (i.e. not too steeply dependent on) variations of physical quantities as accretion rate, radiation and cosmic rays abundances. The weak dependence of the mass distribution of stars with the cluster mass results from the compensation between varying clusters densities, velocity dispersions and temperatures all inferred from first physical principles. This constitutes a possible explanation for the apparent universality of the IMF within the Galaxy though variations with the local conditions could certainly be observed.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism in Patients with Advanced Common Solid Cancers

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    There is uncertainty about risk heterogeneity for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in older patients with advanced cancer and whether patients can be stratified according to VTE risk. We performed a retrospective cohort study of the linked Medicare-Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results cancer registry in older patients with advanced cancer of lung, breast, colon, prostate, or pancreas diagnosed between 1995–1999. We used survival analysis with demographics, comorbidities, and tumor characteristics/treatment as independent variables. Outcome was VTE diagnosed at least one month after cancer diagnosis. VTE rate was highest in the first year (3.4%). Compared to prostate cancer (1.4 VTEs/100 person-years), there was marked variability in VTE risk (hazard ratio (HR) for male-colon cancer 3.73 (95% CI 2.1–6.62), female-colon cancer HR 6.6 (3.83–11.38), up to female-pancreas cancer HR 21.57 (12.21–38.09). Stage IV cancer and chemotherapy resulted in higher risk (HRs 1.75 (1.44–2.12) and 1.31 (1.0–1.57), resp.). Stratifying the cohort by cancer type and stage using recursive partitioning analysis yielded five groups of VTE rates (nonlocalized prostate cancer 1.4 VTEs/100 person-years, to nonlocalized pancreatic cancer 17.4 VTEs/100 patient-years). In a high-risk population with advanced cancer, substantial variability in VTE risk exists, with notable differences according to cancer type and stage

    Three-dimensional Continuum Radiative Transfer Images of a Molecular Cloud Core Evolution

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    We analyze a three-dimensional smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of an evolving and later collapsing pre-stellar core. Using a three-dimensional continuum radiative transfer program, we generate images at 7 micron, 15 micron, 175 micron, and 1.3 mm for different evolutionary times and viewing angles. We discuss the observability of the properties of pre-stellar cores for the different wavelengths. For examples of non-symmetric fragments, it is shown that, misleadingly, the density profiles derived from a one-dimensional analysis of the corresponding images are consistent with one-dimensional core evolution models. We conclude that one-dimensional modeling based on column density interpretation of images does not produce reliable structural information and that multidimensional modeling is required.Comment: accepted by ApJL, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Type Ibc supernovae in disturbed galaxies: evidence for a top-heavy IMF

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    We compare the radial locations of 178 core-collapse supernovae to the R-band and H alpha light distributions of their host galaxies. When the galaxies are split into `disturbed' and `undisturbed' categories, a striking difference emerges. The disturbed galaxies have a central excess of core-collapse supernovae, and this excess is almost completely dominated by supernovae of types Ib, Ic and Ib/c, whereas type II supernovae dominate in all other environments. The difference cannot easily be explained by metallicity or extinction effects, and thus we propose that this is direct evidence for a stellar initial mass function that is strongly weighted towards high mass stars, specifically in the central regions of disturbed galaxies.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap