669 research outputs found

    Pragmatische Störungen bei Kindern mit Störungen des Autistischen Spektrums

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    Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Untersuchung pragmatischer Fähigkeiten von Kindern mit Störungen aus dem Autistischen Spektrum. Die klassische Symptom-Trias von Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen umfasst qualitative Beeinträchtigungen im Bereich der sozialen Interaktion, in der Kommunikation sowie begrenzte repetitive Verhaltensmuster, Aktivitäten und Interessen. Im Rahmen sprachtherapeutischer Interventionen für Klienten mit Störungen aus dem Autistischen Spektrum spielt folglich die funktionale Ebene der Sprache, respektive die Pragmatik, eine entscheidende Rolle. Für ein ideographisches Vorgehen hinsichtlich der Therapieplanung stellt eine valide und zuverlässige Diagnostik eine wesentliche Voraussetzung dar. Bislang liegen für den deutschsprachigen Raum nur wenige Untersuchungsinstrumente vor, die für eine pragmatisch-kommunikative Diagnostik lautsprachlich kommunizierender Kinder mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen geeignet sind. In der folgenden Arbeit wurde der Fragestellung nachgegangen, inwiefern sich Vor- bzw. Grundschulkinder mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (N=7) hinsichtlich ihres pragmatischen Entwicklungsprofils von Probanden mit einer Sprachentwicklungsverzögerung (N=6) und sprachgesunden Probanden (N=10) mit ähnlichem Sprachentwicklungsstand unterscheiden. Hierfür wurde ein Instrument zur Interaktionsanalyse entwickelt, welches mit den ergänzend erhobenen Aussagen des Pragmatischen Profils (Dohmen, Dewart, & Summers, 2009), einem strukturierten Elterninterview, in Beziehung gesetzt wurde. Der Gruppenvergleich ergab qualitative Unterschiede, insbesondere in den Bereichen nonverbale Kommunikation, Erkennen und Deuten von Emotionen sowie der Perspektivenübernahme. In vielen Fällen konnte eine Interaktion mit der Sprachentwicklung vermutet werden. Die erhobenen Störungsschwerpunkte entsprachen weitgehend den Einschätzungen der Eltern und akkumulierten sich in den Kernbereichen autistischer Störungen. Das Instrument könnte folglich als wertvolle Ergänzung zur Diagnostik pragmatischer Fähigkeiten bei Kindern mit Störungen aus dem Autistischen Spektrum eingesetzt werden.The present study is concerned with the research on pragmatic abilities of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The classic symptom triad of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) includes qualitative impairments regarding social interaction, communication, as well as restricted and repetitive behavior, activities and interests. In the context of Speech Language Therapy with patients suffering from ASD it is crucial to consider the functional use of language, i.e. pragmatics. A valid and reliable diagnosis is essential for an ideographic approach to treatment planning. So far in German-speaking regions there are only very few diagnostic instruments available which can meet the needs of pragmatic-communicative diagnostic tests suitable for children with ASD who are able to use spoken language. This leads to the central question of the present research, how preschool and primary school children with ASD (N=7) differ from physiologically developing children (N=10) and children with speech language delay (N=6) in the development of their pragmatic abilities. For this purpose an analysis scheme for interactions was developed, which was to be correlated to the statements obtained from a parents’ interview, the “Pragmatisches Profil” (Dohmen, Dewart, & Summers, 2009). The comparison of the groups showed qualitative distinctions, particularly with reference to nonverbal communication, identification and interpretation of emotions as well as theory of mind and the adaption of the interlocutors’ perspective. In many cases a possible interaction with the development of speech could be assumed. The discovered key aspects of the dysfunction proved to be in accordance with the parents’ estimations and accumulated in the main deficits of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Hence the instrument could be employed as a useful complement in the diagnostic process of pragmatic abilities of children with ASD

    Sulindac metabolites inhibit epidermal growth factor receptor activation and expression

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    BACKGROUND: Regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is associated with a decreased mortality from colorectal cancer (CRC). NSAIDs induce apoptotic cell death in colon cancer cells in vitro and inhibit growth of neoplastic colonic mucosa in vivo however, the biochemical mechanisms required for these growth inhibitory effects are not well defined. We previously reported that metabolites of the NSAID sulindac downregulate extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) signaling and that this effect is both necessary and sufficient for the apoptotic effects of these drugs. The goal of this project was to specifically test the hypothesis that sulindac metabolites block activation and/or expression of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR). METHODS: HT29 human colon cancer cells were treated with EGF, alone, or in the presence of sulindac sulfide or sulindac sulfone. Cells lysates were assayed by immunoblotting for phosphorylated EGFR (pEGFR, pY1068), total EGFR, phosphorylated ERK1/2 (pERK1/2), total ERK1/2, activated caspase-3, and α-tubulin. RESULTS: EGF treatment rapidly induced phosphorylation of both EGFR and ERK1/2 in HT29 colon cancer cells. Pretreatment with sulindac metabolites for 24 h blocked EGF-induced phosphorylation of both EGFR and ERK1/2 and decreased total EGFR protein expression. Under basal conditions, downregulation of pEGFR and total EGFR was detected as early as 12 h following sulindac sulfide treatment and persisted through at least 48 h. Sulindac sulfone induced downregulation of pEGFR and total EGFR was detected as early as 1 h and 24 h, respectively, following drug treatment, and persisted through at least 72 h. EGFR downregulation by sulindac metabolites was observed in three different CRC cell lines, occurred prior to the observed downregulation of pERK1/2 and induction of apoptosis by these drugs, and was not dependent of caspase activation. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that downregulation of EGFR signaling by sulindac metabolites may occur, at least in part, by inhibiting activation and expression of EGFR. Inhibition of EGFR signaling may account for part of the growth inhibitory and chemopreventive effects of these compounds

    Crystalline Carbosilane‐Based Block Copolymers: Synthesis by Anionic Polymerization and Morphology Evaluation in the Bulk State

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    Block copolymers (BCPs) in the bulk state are known to self-assemble into different morphologies depending on their polymer segment ratio. For polymers with amorphous and crystalline BCP segments, the crystallization process can be influenced significantly by the corresponding bulk morphology. Herein, the synthesis of the amorphous-crystalline BCP poly(dimethyl silacyclobutane)-block-poly(2vinyl pyridine), (PDMSB-b-P2VP), by living anionic polymerization is reported. Polymers with overall molar masses ranging from 17 400 g to 592 200 g mol−1 and PDMSB contents of 4.8–83.9 vol% are synthesized and characterized by size-exclusion chromatography and NMR spectroscopy. The bulk morphology of the obtained polymers is investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering, revealing a plethora of self-assembled structures, providing confined and nonconfined conditions. Subsequently, the influence of the previously determined morphologies and their resulting confinement on the crystallinity and crystallization behavior of PDMSB is analyzed via differential scanning calorimetry and powder X-ray diffraction. Here, fractionated crystallization and supercooling effects are observable as well as different diffraction patterns of the PDMSB crystallites for confined and nonconfined domains

    Measurements of the Suitability of Large Rock Salt Formations for Radio Detection of High Energy Neutrinos

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    We have investigated the possibility that large rock salt formations might be suitable as target masses for detection of neutrinos of energies about 10 PeV and above. In neutrino interactions at these energies, the secondary electromagnetic cascade produces a coherent radio pulse well above ambient thermal noise via the Askaryan effect. We describe measurements of radio-frequency attenuation lengths and ambient thermal noise in two salt formations. Measurements in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located in an evaporite salt bed in Carlsbad, NM yielded short attenuation lengths, 3-7 m over 150-300 MHz. However, measurements at United Salt's Hockley mine, located in a salt dome near Houston, Texas yielded attenuation lengths in excess of 250 m at similar frequencies. We have also analyzed early ground-penetrating radar data at Hockley mine and have found additional evidence for attenuation lengths in excess of several hundred meters at 440 MHz. We conclude that salt domes, which may individually contain several hundred cubic kilometer water-equivalent mass, provide attractive sites for next-generation high-energy neutrino detectors.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Consortium of Otolaryngology Journal Editors: Collegiality and Contributions

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    There is a new tradition in the otolaryngology publishing community that is unique to our specialty, so far as we know. Editors-in-Chief of otolaryngology journals in the United States, and intermittently some of our international colleagues such as the Editor of the Journal of Laryngology and Otology (England), sit down together twice a year to discuss topics of mutual interest, maintain lines of communication and friendships, and share perspectives on the evolution of otolaryngology—head and neck surgery and needs that our journals might help address. To establish these collegial, uninhibited, informative, and productive meetings, Dr Robert Ruben proposed the idea of a Consortium of Otolaryngology Journal Editors. During the consortium’s formative years, the organization was solidified and supported by Jonas Johnson who was Editor-in-Chief of Laryngoscope from 2003 to 2008 and whose journal funded our meetings. The editors have discussed many topics including standardization of terminology, duplicate publication and plagiarism, increasing physician interest and involvement in peer-review, peer-review education, new publication models and their implications for our colleagues, support for resident presentations at scientific meetings, innovations at individual journals that might prove useful for other journals, increasing international involvement in our journals, predatory journals, and other topics

    The long-term variability of FeNO in pregnant asthmatic women with controlled asthma

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     INTRODUCTION: Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is considered as a useful, noninvasive marker of airway inflammation in asthma and allergic rhinitis. It has also been suggested that anti-inflammatory treatment guided by monitoring of exhaled NO could improve overall asthma control. However, long-term intra-subject variability of this parameter as well as the rate of its change, which can be clinically significant, have not been established yet. The aim of our study was to assess the long-term variability of FeNO in pregnant asthmatic women with controlled asthma.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Pregnant, non-smoking women with asthma were recruited between 3 and 6 months of gestation. Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) spirometric parameters were measured, and the asthma control test (ACT) was completed during monthly visits up to delivery. The data of 26 subjects with well-controlled asthma during pregnancy (ACT values within the range 20–25, normal spirometric parameters, stable treatment) were analysed. The variability of FeNO values was assessed using the variation coefficient CV (standard deviation x 100%/arithmetic mean).RESULTS: The median level of FeNO coefficient of variation (CV) was: 33.8% (range 11.3 to 121.9) in all subjects with well-controlled asthma during pregnancy. There were no statistically significant differences in FeNO variability between groups of patients who had at least one measurement of FeNO higher than 50ppb (39%; 11.8–121.9%) and those with all FeNO values below 50ppb (29.9%; 11.3–71.8%), as well as between atopic (35.7%; 11.8–121.9%) and nonatopic (24.2%; 11.3–71.8%) pregnant asthmatics (p = 0.95 and 0.11, respectively).CONCLUSIONS: High long-term variability of fractional exhaled nitric oxide values revealed in pregnant women with well-controlled asthma indicates that changes in this parameter should be interpreted with caution while being used for asthma treatment monitoring.  WSTĘP: Pomiar stÄ™ĆŒenia tlenku azotu w wydychanym powietrzu (FeNO) jest uwaĆŒany za dobry i nieinwazyjny marker zapalenia drĂłg oddechowych w astmie i alergicznym nieĆŒycie nosa. Istnieją takĆŒe sugestie, ĆŒe dobierając dawkę kortykosteroidĂłw na podstawie stÄ™ĆŒenia FeNO, moĆŒna poprawić stopieƄ kontroli astmy. Jednak dotychczas nie oszacowano wiarygodnie dƂugoterminowej wewnątrzosobniczej zmiennoƛci FeNO oraz nie ustalono eksperymentalnie, jaka zmiana tego parametru powinna być uwaĆŒana za klinicznie znamienną.Celem pracy byƂa ocena dƂugoterminowej zmiennoƛci FeNO w grupie kobiet ciÄ™ĆŒarnych z astmą kontrolowaną.MATERIAƁ I METODY: Do badania kwalifikowano ciÄ™ĆŒarne w 2.–6. miesiącu ciÄ…ĆŒy, w wieku 19–36 lat, niepalące papierosĂłw, chorujące na astmą oskrzelową. Co 4 tygodnie do daty porodu wykonywano badanie spirometryczne, oznaczano stÄ™ĆŒenie tlenku azotu FeNO i ACT (test kontroli astmy). Do analizy zakwalifikowano 26 kobiet leczonych staƂą dawką kortykosteroidĂłwwziewnych, u ktĂłrych nie obserwowano istotnego pogorszenia samopoczucia (ACT 20–25 pkt) lub upoƛledzenia parametrĂłw spirometrycznych podczas caƂego okresu obserwacji. Zmiennoƛć parametru FeNO oceniono za pomocą wspóƂczynnika zmiennoƛci (odchylenie standardowe x 100%/ƛrednia).WYNIKI: U wszystkich badanych chorych wykazano duĆŒÄ… zmiennoƛć wartoƛci stÄ™ĆŒenia tlenku azotu: (mediana 33,8%; min. 11,3%; maks. 121,9%). PorĂłwnano zmiennoƛć FeNO w grupie ciÄ™ĆŒarnych, ktĂłre miaƂy przynajmniej jeden pomiar FeNO powyĆŒej 50 ppb (39,2%; 11,8–121,9%) ze zmiennoƛcią FeNO w grupie kobiet, u ktĂłrych wartoƛci FeNO nie przekroczyƂy progu 50 ppb (29,9%; 11,3–71,8%). Nie stwierdzono rĂłĆŒnicy istotnej statystycznie w ĆŒadnej z badanych populacji (p = 0,95). PorĂłwnując rĂłwnieĆŒ wspóƂczynnik zmiennoƛci w grupie chorych na astmę IgE-zaleĆŒną i IgE-niezaleĆŒną, nie wykazano istotnych rĂłĆŒnic (odpowiednio 35,7%; 11,8–121,9% i 24,2%; 11,3–71,8; p = 0,11).WNIOSKI: Pomiary FeNO charakteryzują się duĆŒÄ… zmiennoƛcią w czasie u ciÄ™ĆŒarnych chorych z kontrolowaną astmą, co wskazuje, ĆŒe zmiany stÄ™ĆŒenia tlenku azotu w wydychanym powietrzu powinny być ostroĆŒnie interpretowane.

    Lifestyle impacts on the aging-associated expression of biomarkers of DNA damage and telomere dysfunction in human blood: Measuring the influence of lifestyle on aging

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    Cellular aging is characterised by telomere shortening, which can lead to uncapping of chromosome ends (telomere dysfunction) and that activation of DNA damage responses. There is some evidence the DNA damage accumulates during human aging and that lifestyle factors contribute to the accumulation of DNA damage. Recent studies have identified a set of serum markers that are induced by telomere dysfunction and DNA damage and these markers showed an increased expression in blood during human aging. Here, we investigated the influence of lifestyle factors (such as exercise, smoking, body mass) on the aging associated expression of serum markers of DNA damage (CRAMP, EF-1α, Stathmin, n-acetyl-glucosaminidase, and chitinase) in comparison to other described markers of cellular aging (p16INK4a upregulation and telomere shortening) in human peripheral blood. The study shows that lifestyle factors have an age-independent impact on the expression level of biomarkers of DNA damage. Smoking and increased body mass indices were associated with elevated levels of biomarkers of DNA damage independent of the age of the individuals. In contrast, exercise was associated with an age-independent reduction in the expression of biomarkers of DNA damage in human blood. The expression of biomarkers of DNA damage correlated positively with p16INK4a expression and negatively with telomere length in peripheral blood T-lymphocytes. Together, these data provide experimental evidence that both aging and lifestyle impact on the accumulation of DNA damage during human aging

    The Bostrichidae of the Maltese Islands (Coleoptera)

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    The Bostrichidae of the Maltese Islands are reviewed. Ten species are recorded with certainty from this Archipelago, of which 6 namely, Trogoxylon impressum (Comolli, 1837), Amphicerus bimaculatus (A.G. Olivier, 1790), Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse, 1884), Sinoxylon unidentatum (Fabricius, 1801), Xyloperthella picea (A.G. Olivier, 1790) and Apate monachus Fabricius, 1775 are recorded for the first time. Two of the mentioned species (H. aequalis and S. unidentatum) are alien and recorded only on the basis of single captures and the possible establishment of these species is discussed. Earlier records of Scobicia pustulata (Fabricius, 1801) from Malta are incorrect and should be attributed to S. chevrieri (A. Villa & J.B. Villa, 1835). A zoogeographical analysis and an updated checklist of the 12 species of Bostrichidae recorded from the Maltese Islands and neighbouring Sicilian islands (Pantelleria, Linosa and Lampedusa) are also provided. Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) form granulipennis Lesne in Beeson & Bhatia, 1937 from Uttarakhand (northern India) was overlooked by almost all subsequent authors. Its history is summarized and the following new synonymy is established: Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) form granulipennis Lesne in Beeson & Bhatia, 1937 = Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792), syn. n. Finally, records of Amphicerus bimaculatus from Azerbaijan, of Bostrichus capucinus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Jordan and Syria, of Scobicia chevrieri from Jordan and Italy, of Xyloperthella picea from Italy, and of Apate monachus from Corsica (France) and Italy, are also provided.peer-reviewe
