311 research outputs found

    Investigation of mutations induced by radiation and restriction endonucleases

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    The effects of gamma radiation and restriction endonuclease (RE) induced DNA double strand breaks (dsb) upon the mutation frequency and the surviving fraction of three Chinese hamster cell lines V79-4, CHO-K1 and an X-ray sensitive dsb repair deficient cell line xrs-5 were studied. The X-ray sensitive xrs-5 cell line was shown to be more sensitive to both the lethal and the mutagenic effects of gamma radiation having a substantially lower surviving fraction and a higher thymidine kinase (tk) mutation frequency per unit dose than the parental CHO-K1 cells. The frequency of induced hprt- mutations in the V79-4 cell line was comparable to the induced frequency of tk mutations in the CHO-K1 cells. The effect of blunt- and cohesive- ended dsb upon the surviving fraction and the induced mutation frequency was studied by porating different Chinese hamster cell lines (CHO-K1, V79-4 and xrs-5) with RE using Streptolysin O (SLO). The surviving fraction of the different cell lines was reduced with increasing concentrations of Pvu II. Increases in the concentration of Pvu II produced increases in the frequency of hypoxyanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) mutations in the V79-4 cells and tk mutations in the CHO-K1 and xrs-5 cells. However, the xrs-5 cells were shown to be hypomutable to Pvu II compared with the parental CHO-K1 cells. EcoR1 was ineffective at inducing tk mutations in the CHO-Kl cells but was as effective as Pvu II at inducing hprt mutations in the V79-4 cells. None of the spontaneously induced V79-4 hprt- mutant cells were shown to have observable molecular deletions when analysed by PCR deletion screening. One third of the radiation induced hprt - mutants were shown to be deletions. However, too few mutant cells were analysed for any non-random distribution of deletions to be observed. Half of the hprt- mutants induced by SLO poration alone were shown to be due to deletions of oi\e or more exons. The distribution of the DNA deletions in SLO hprt- mutations appeared to be nonrandom. The PCR amplification products of exons 7&8 were more frequently lost than any of the other exons in the hprt gene. It has been suggested that the SLO provided by the manufacturer used to porate the cells was contaminated with small amounts of endonucleases and exonucleases. The Pvu II induced deletions also appeared to be non-randomly distributed. The PCR amplification products of exon 2 were more frequently absent than any of the other exon products. Sequence data from the EMBL library indicated that Pvu II had a restriction site adjacent to the exon 2 nucleotide sequence of the Chinese hamster hprt gene but not in or bordering the other exons. This provides evidence that the blunt-ended dsb plays a role in the production of mutations. Mutation studies indicated that there is only one active copy of the autosomally located thymidine kinase gene in the CHO-K1 cells and their daughter cell lines (Singh and Bryant, 1991). However, whether the other homologous copy has been inactivated or deleted is not known. Experiments attempting to locate the thymidine kinase gene(s) were performed using FISH and a mouse tk cDNA probe. However, these attempts were unsuccessful

    GATA4 and GATA5 are essential for heart and liver development in Xenopus embryos

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    Background: GATA factors 4/5/6 have been implicated in the development of the heart and endodermal derivatives in vertebrates. Work in zebrafish has indicated that GATA5 is required for normal development earlier than GATA4/6. However, the GATA5 knockout mouse has no apparent embryonic phenotype, thereby questioning the importance of the gene for vertebrate development. Results: In this study we show that in Xenopus embryos GATA5 is essential for early development of heart and liver precursors. In addition, we have found that in Xenopus embryos GATA4 is important for development of heart and liver primordia following their specification, and that in this role it might interact with GATA6. Conclusion: Our results suggest that GATA5 acts earlier than GATA4 to regulate development of heart and liver precursors, and indicate that one early direct target of GATA5 is homeobox gene Hex

    Epigenome-wide profiling identifies significant differences in DNA methylation between matched-pairs of T- and B-lymphocytes from healthy individuals

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    Multiple reports now describe changes to the DNA methylome in rheumatoid arthritis and in many cases have analyzed methylation in mixed cell populations from whole blood. However, these approaches may preclude the identification of cell type-specific methylation, which may subsequently bias identification of disease-specific changes. To address this possibility, we conducted genome-wide DNA methylation profiling using HumanMethylation450 BeadChips to identify differences within matched pairs of T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of 10 healthy females. Array data were processed and differential methylation identified using NIMBL software. Validation of array data was performed by bisulfite Pyrosequencing. Genome-wide DNA methylation was initially determined by analysis of LINE-1 sequences and was higher in B-lymphocytes than matched T-lymphocytes (69.8 vs. 65.2%, p ≤ 0.01). Pairwise analysis identified 679 CpGs, representing 250 genes, which were differentially methylated between T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. The majority of sites (76.6%) were hypermethylated in B-lymphocytes. Pyrosequencing of selected candidates confirmed the array data in all cases. Hierarchical clustering revealed perfect segregation of samples into two distinct clusters based on cell type. Differentially methylated genes showed enrichment for biological functions/pathways associated with leukocytes and T-lymphocytes. Our work for the first time shows that T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes possess intrinsic differences in DNA methylation within a restricted set of functionally-related genes. These data provide a foundation for investigating DNA methylation in diseases in which these cell types play important and distinct roles

    An APEX search for carbon emission from NGC 1977 proplyds

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    We used the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope to search for C I 1-0 (492.16 GHz) emission towards 8 proplyds in NGC 1977, which is an FUV radiation environment two orders of magnitude weaker than that irradiating the Orion Nebular Cluster (ONC) proplyds. C I is expected to enable us to probe the wind launching region of externally photoevaporating discs. Of the 8 targets observed, no 3σ detections of the C I line were made despite reaching sensitivities deeper than the anticipated requirement for detection from prior APEX CI observations of nearby discs and models of external photoevaporation of quite massive discs. By comparing both the proplyd mass loss rates and C I flux constraints with a large grid of external photoevaporation simulations, we determine that the non-detections are in fact fully consistent with the models if the proplyd discs are very low mass. Deeper observations in C I and probes of the disc mass with other tracers (e.g. in the continuum and CO) can test this. If such a test finds higher masses, this would imply carbon depletion in the outer disc, as has been proposed for other discs with surprisingly low C I fluxes, though more massive discs would also be incompatible with models that can explain the observed mass loss rates and C I non-detections. The expected remaining lifetimes of the proplyds are estimated to be similar to those of proplyds in the ONC at 0.1 Myr. Rapid destruction of discs is therefore also a feature of common, intermediate UV environments

    Stabilizing Peri-Stent Restenosis Using a Novel Therapeutic Carrier

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    Late in-stent restenosis remains a significant problem. Bare-metal stents were implanted into peripheral arteries in miniature swine, followed by direct intra-arterial infusion of nitric oxide-loaded echogenic liposomes (ELIPs) and anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 conjugated ELIPs loaded with pioglitazone exposed to an endovascular catheter with an ultrasonic core. Ultrasound-facilitated delivery of ELIP formulations into stented peripheral arteries attenuated neointimal growth. Local atheroma-targeted, ultrasound-triggered delivery of nitric oxide and pioglitazone, an anti-inflammatory peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ agonist, into stented arteries has the potential to stabilize stent-induced neointimal growth and obviate the need for long-term antiplatelet therapy

    Experiments performed with bubbly flow in vertical pipes at different flow conditions covering the transition region: Simulation by coupling Eulerian, Lagrangian and 3D random walks models

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    [EN] Two phase flow experiments with different superficial velocities of gas and water were performed in a vertical upward isothermal cocurrent air-water flow column with conditions ranging from bubbly flow, with very low void fraction, to transition flow with some cap and slug bubbles and void fractions around 25%. The superficial velocities of the liquid and the gas phases were varied from 0.5 to 3 m/s and from 0 to 0.6 m/s, respectively. Also to check the effect of changing the surface tension on the previous experiments small amounts of 1-butanol were added to the water. These amounts range from 9 to 75 ppm and change the surface tension. This study is interesting because in real cases the surface tension of the water diminishes with temperature, and with this kind of experiments we can study indirectly the effect of changing the temperature on the void fraction distribution. The following axial and radial distributions were measured in all these experiments: void fraction, interfacial area concentration, interfacial velocity, Sauter mean diameter and turbulence intensity. The range of values of the gas superficial velocities in these experiments covered the range from bubbly flow to the transition to cap/slug flow. Also with transition flow conditions we distinguish two groups of bubbles in the experiments, the small spherical bubbles and the cap/slug bubbles. Special interest was devoted to the transition region from bubbly to cap/slug flow; the goal was to understand the physical phenomena that take place during this transition A set of numerical simulations of some of these experiments for bubbly flow conditions has been performed by coupling a Lagrangian code, that tracks the three dimensional motion of the individual bubbles in cylindrical coordinates inside the field of the carrier liquid, to an Eulerian model that computes the magnitudes of continuous phase and to a 3D random walk model that takes on account the fluctuation in the velocity field of the carrier fluid that are seen by the bubbles due to turbulence fluctuations. Also we have included in the model the deformation that suffers the bubble when it touches the wall and it is compressed by the forces that pushes it toward the wall, provoking that the bubble rebound like a ball.The authors of this paper are indebted to the National Plan of I+D by the support of the coordinated projects REMOD-ERN ENE2010-21368-C02-01/CON and ENE2010-21368-C02-02/CON to perform the experiments.Muñoz-Cobo, JL.; Chiva, S.; Ali Abdelaziz Essa, M.; Mendez, S. (2012). Experiments performed with bubbly flow in vertical pipes at different flow conditions covering the transition region: Simulation by coupling Eulerian, Lagrangian and 3D random walks models. Archives of Thermodynamics. 33(1):3-39. https://doi.org/10.2478/v10173-012-0001-4S33933

    Emotional over- and under-eating in early childhood are learned not inherited

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    Emotional overeating (EOE) has been associated with increased obesity risk, while emotional undereating (EUE) may be protective. Interestingly, EOE and EUE tend to correlate positively, but it is unclear whether they reflect different aspects of the same underlying trait, or are distinct behaviours with different aetiologies. Data were from 2054 five-year-old children from the Gemini twin birth cohort, including parental ratings of child EOE and EUE using the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. Genetic and environmental influences on variation and covariation in EUE and EOE were established using a bivariate Twin Model. Variation in both behaviours was largely explained by aspects of the environment completely shared by twin pairs (EOE: C = 90%, 95% CI: 89%-92%; EUE: C = 91%, 95% CI: 90%-92%). Genetic influence was low (EOE: A = 7%, 95% CI: 6%-9%; EUE: A = 7%, 95% CI: 6%-9%). EOE and EUE correlated positively (r = 0.43, p < 0.001), and this association was explained by common shared environmental influences (BivC = 45%, 95% CI: 40%-50%). Many of the shared environmental influences underlying EUE and EOE were the same (rC = 0.50, 95% CI: 0.44, 0.55). Childhood EOE and EUE are etiologically distinct. The tendency to eat more or less in response to emotion is learned rather than inherited

    Maternal genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in gestational diabetes shows distinctive disease-associated changes relative to matched healthy pregnancies

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    Several recent reports have described associations between gestational diabetes (GDM) and changes to the epigenomic landscape where the DNA samples were derived from either cord or placental sources. We employed genome-wide 450Karray analysis to determine changes to the epigenome in a unique cohort of maternal blood DNA from 11 pregnant women prior to GDM development relative to matched controls. Hierarchical clustering segregated the samples into two distinct clusters comprising GDM and healthy pregnancies. Screening identified 100 CpGs with a mean β-value difference of ≥0.2 between cases and controls. Using stringent criteria, 5 CpGs (within COPS8, PIK3R5, HAAO, CCDC124, and C5orf34 genes) demonstrated potentials to be clinical biomarkers as revealed by differential methylation in 8 of 11 women who developed GDM relative to matched controls. We identified, for the first time, maternal methylation changes prior to the onset of GDM that may prove useful as biomarkers for early therapeutic intervention

    Methylation of HOXA9 and ISL1 predicts patient outcome in high-grade non-invasive bladder cancer

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    Introduction Inappropriate DNA methylation is frequently associated with human tumour development, and in specific cases, is associated with clinical outcomes. Previous reports of DNA methylation in low/intermediate grade non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) have suggested that specific patterns of DNA methylation may have a role as diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers. In view of the aggressive and clinically unpredictable nature of high-grade (HG) NMIBC, and the current shortage of the preferred treatment option (Bacillus:Calmette-Guerin), novel methylation analyses may similarly reveal biomarkers of disease outcome that could risk-stratify patients and guide clinical management at initial diagnosis. Methods Promoter-associated CpG island methylation was determined in primary tumour tissue of 36 initial presentation high-grade NMIBCs, 12 low/intermediate-grade NMIBCs and 3 normal bladder controls. The genes HOXA9, ISL1, NKX6-2, SPAG6, ZIC1 and ZNF154 were selected for investigation on the basis of previous reports and/or prognostic utility in low/intermediate-grade NMIBC. Methylation was determined by Pyrosequencing of sodium-bisulphite converted DNA, and then correlated with gene expression using RT-qPCR. Methylation was additionally correlated with tumour behaviour, including tumour recurrence and progression to muscle invasive bladder cancer or metastases. Results The ISL1 genes’ promoter-associated island was more frequently methylated in recurrent and progressive high-grade tumours than their non-recurrent counterparts (60.0% vs. 18.2%, p = 0.008). ISL1 and HOXA9 showed significantly higher mean methylation in recurrent and progressive tumours compared to non-recurrent tumours (43.3% vs. 20.9%, p = 0.016 and 34.5% vs 17.6%, p = 0.017, respectively). Concurrent ISL1/HOXA9 methylation in HG-NMIBC reliably predicted tumour recurrence and progression within one year (Positive Predictive Value 91.7%), and was associated with disease-specific mortality (DSM). Conclusions In this study we report methylation differences and similarities between clinical sub-types of high-grade NMIBC. We report the potential ability of methylation biomarkers, at initial diagnosis, to predict tumour recurrence and progression within one year of diagnosis. We found that specific biomarkers reliably predict disease outcome and therefore may help guide patient treatment despite the unpredictable clinical course and heterogeneity of high-grade NMIBC. Further investigation is required, including validation in a larger patient cohort, to confirm the clinical utility of methylation biomarkers in high-grade NMIBC

    The modelling of feedback in star formation simulations

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: James E. Dale, ‘The modelling of feedback in star formation simulations’, New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 68, pp. 1-33, October 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way. The final, published version is available online at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newar.2015.06.001. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.I review the current state of numerical simulations of stellar feedback in the context of star formation at scales ranging from the formation of individual stars to models of galaxy formation including cosmic reionisation. I survey the wealth of algorithms developed recently to solve the radiative transfer problem and to simulate stellar winds, supernovae and protostellar jets. I discuss the results of these simulations with regard to star formation in molecular clouds, the interaction of different feedback mechanisms with each other and with magnetic fields, and in the wider context of galactic- and cosmological-scale simulations.Peer reviewe