14 research outputs found

    Zalecenia dotyczące stosowania badań pozytonowej emisyjnej tomografii w onkologii

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a modern functional imaging method with proven value in diagnosing, staging, evaluating of response to anticancer therapy and detecting of relapses in numerous neoplasms. Utility, sensitivity and specificity of PET has increased by its use in combination with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance in form of fusion PET-CT or PET-MR and the introduction of new radiotracers. This paper, prepared based on scientific evidence by a multidisciplinary group of authors, presents the utility and clinical recommendations for the application of PET-CT in oncology. PET-CT is particularly useful for: — appropriate diagnosis and initial staging of patients with head and neck, lung, pancreatic and esophageal cancers as well as lymphomas, advanced melanomas and tumors of unknown primary site; — detection of relapses inpatients with colorectal, thyroid, ovarian, head and neck, and breast cancers, as well as lymphomas; — monitoring of response to therapy in patients with testicular and lung cancers, lymphomas and some types of sarcomas. PET-MR is particulary useful in pediatrics.  Pozytonowa emisyjna tomografia (PET) jest nowoczesną metodą czynnościowego obrazowania o potwierdzonej wartości w rozpoznawaniu i określaniu stopnia zaawansowania, ustalaniu kategorii odpowiedzi na leczenie przeciwnowotworowe oraz wykrywaniu nawrotów wielu nowotworów. Użyteczność, czułość i swoistość PET znacznie zwiększyły się po połączeniu z badaniem za pomocą komputerowej tomografii (KT) lub magnetycznego rezonansu (MR) oraz wprowadzeniu nowych radiofarmaceutyków. Obecne opracowanie, przygotowane na podstawie dowodów naukowych przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół autorów, przedstawia użyteczność i zalecenia kliniczne stosowania badania PET-KT w onkologii. Badanie PET-KT jest szczególnie przydatne w: — rozpoznawaniu i określaniu wyjściowego zaawansowania u chorych na nowotwory głowy i szyi, płuca, trzustki, przełyku oraz chłoniaki, zaawansowane czerniaki i nowotwory o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia; — wykrywaniu nawrotów u chorych na nowotwory jelita grubego, tarczycy, jajnika, głowy i szyi, piersi oraz chłoniaki; — określaniu odpowiedzi na leczenie u chorych na nowotwory jądra, płuca oraz chłoniaki i niektóre mięsaki. Badanie PET-MR jest szczególnie istotne w zastosowaniach pediatrycznych

    Zalecenia dotyczące stosowania badań pozytonowej emisyjnej tomografii w onkologii

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a modern functional imaging method with proven value in diagnosing, staging, evaluating of response to anticancer therapy and detecting of relapses in numerous neoplasms. Utility, sensitivity and specificity of PET has increased by its use in combination with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance in form of fusion PET-CT or PET-MR and the introduction of new radiotracers. This paper, prepared based on scientific evidence by a multidisciplinary group of authors, presents the utility and clinical recommendations for the application of PET-CT in oncology. PET-CT is particularly useful for: — appropriate diagnosis and initial staging of patients with head and neck, lung, pancreatic and esophageal cancers as well as lymphomas, advanced melanomas and tumors of unknown primary site; — detection of relapses inpatients with colorectal, thyroid, ovarian, head and neck, and breast cancers, as well as lymphomas; — monitoring of response to therapy in patients with testicular and lung cancers, lymphomas and some types of sarcomas. PET-MR is particulary useful in pediatrics.  Pozytonowa emisyjna tomografia (PET) jest nowoczesną metodą czynnościowego obrazowania o potwierdzonej wartości w rozpoznawaniu i określaniu stopnia zaawansowania, ustalaniu kategorii odpowiedzi na leczenie przeciwnowotworowe oraz wykrywaniu nawrotów wielu nowotworów. Użyteczność, czułość i swoistość PET znacznie zwiększyły się po połączeniu z badaniem za pomocą komputerowej tomografii (KT) lub magnetycznego rezonansu (MR) oraz wprowadzeniu nowych radiofarmaceutyków. Obecne opracowanie, przygotowane na podstawie dowodów naukowych przez wielodyscyplinarny zespół autorów, przedstawia użyteczność i zalecenia kliniczne stosowania badania PET-KT w onkologii. Badanie PET-KT jest szczególnie przydatne w: — rozpoznawaniu i określaniu wyjściowego zaawansowania u chorych na nowotwory głowy i szyi, płuca, trzustki, przełyku oraz chłoniaki, zaawansowane czerniaki i nowotwory o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia; — wykrywaniu nawrotów u chorych na nowotwory jelita grubego, tarczycy, jajnika, głowy i szyi, piersi oraz chłoniaki; — określaniu odpowiedzi na leczenie u chorych na nowotwory jądra, płuca oraz chłoniaki i niektóre mięsaki. Badanie PET-MR jest szczególnie istotne w zastosowaniach pediatrycznych

    Cryoconite – from minerals and organic matter to bioengineeredsediments on glacier's surfaces

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    Cryoconite is a mixture of mineral and organic material covering glacial ice, playing important roles in biogeochemical cycles and lowering the albedo of a glacier surface. Understanding the differences in structure of cryoconite across the globe can be important in recognizing past and future changes in supraglacial environments and ice-organisms-minerals interactions. Despite the worldwide distribution and over a century of studies, the basic characteristics of cryoconite, including its forms and geochemistry, remain poorly studied. The major purpose of our study is the presentation and description of morphological diversity, chemical and photoautotrophs composition, and organic matter content of cryoconite sampled from 33 polar and mountain glaciers around the globe. Observations revealed that cryoconite is represented by various morphologies including loose and granular forms. Granular cryoconite includes smooth, rounded, or irregularly shaped forms; with some having their surfaces covered by cyanobacteria filaments. The occurrence of granules increased with the organic matter content in cryoconite.Moreover, amajor driver of cryoconite colouringwas the concentration of organicmatter and its interplay with minerals. The structure of cyanobacteria and algae communities in cryoconite differs between glaciers, but representatives of cyanobacteria families Pseudanabaenaceae and Phormidiaceae, and algae families Mesotaeniaceae and Ulotrichaceaewere themost common. Themost of detected cyanobacterial taxa are known to produce polymeric substances (EPS) that may cement granules. Organic matter content in cryoconite varied between glaciers, ranging from 1% to 38%. The geochemistry of all the investigated samples reflected local sediment sources, except of highly concentrated Pb andHg in cryoconite collected fromEuropean glaciers near industrialized regions, corroborating cryoconite as element-specific collector and potential environmental indicator of anthropogenic activity. Our work supports a notion that cryoconite may bemore than just simple sediment and instead exhibits complex structure with relevance for biodiversity and the functioning of glacial ecosystem

    Elastin-Derived Peptides Are New Regulators of Insulin Resistance Development in Mice

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    International audienceAlthough it has long been established that the extracellular matrix acts as a mechanical support, its degradation products, which mainly accumulate during aging, have also been demonstrated to play an important role in cell physiology and the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. In the current study, we show that elastin-derived peptides (EDPs) may be involved in the development of insulin resistance (IRES) in mice. In chow-fed mice, acute or chronic intravenous injections of EDPs induced hyperglycemic effects associated with glucose uptake reduction and IRES in skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. Based on in vivo, in vitro, and in silico approaches, we propose that this IRES is due to interaction between the insulin receptor (IR) and the neuraminidase-1 subunit of the elastin receptor complex triggered by EDPs. This interplay was correlated with decreased sialic acid levels on the b-chain of the IR and reduction of IR signaling. In conclusion, this is the first study to demonstrate that EDPs, which mainly accumulate with aging, may be involved in the insidious development of IRES

    Absent pulmonary valve syndrome - diagnosis, associations and outcome in 71 prenatally diagnosed cases

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    To analyze the spectrum of prenatally diagnosed absent pulmonary valve syndrome (APVS) and the outcome from diagnosis onwards. Fetuses with APVS and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF/APVS) and with APVS and intact ventricular septum (APVS/IVS) were included.status: publishe

    Identification of CD36 as a new interaction partner of membrane NEU1: potential implication in the pro-atherogenic effects of the elastin receptor complex

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    In addition to its critical role in lysosomes for catabolism of sialoglycoconjugates, NEU1 is expressed at the plasma membrane and regulates a myriad of receptors by desialylation, playing a key role in many pathophysiological processes. Here, we developed a proteomic approach dedicated to the purification and identification by LC–MS/MS of plasma membrane NEU1 interaction partners in human macrophages. Already known interaction partners were identified as well as several new candidates such as the class B scavenger receptor CD36. Interaction between NEU1 and CD36 was confirmed by complementary approaches. We showed that elastin-derived peptides (EDP) desialylate CD36 and that this effect was blocked by the V14 peptide, which blocks the interaction between bioactive EDP and the elastin receptor complex (ERC). Importantly, EDP also increased the uptake of oxidized LDL by macrophages that is blocked by both the V14 peptide and the sialidase inhibitor 2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (DANA). These results demonstrate, for the first time, that binding of EDP to the ERC indirectly modulates CD36 sialylation level and regulates oxidized LDL uptake through this sialidase. These effects could contribute to the previously reported proatherogenic role of EDP and add a new dimension in the regulation of biological processes through NEU1