591 research outputs found

    Il rinnovamento culturale italiano, gli echi europei e la figura di Garibaldi nella letteratura

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    Il risveglio italiano si ha nel secolo VIII ed legato al moto culturale europeo, a uel desiderio di rinnovamento nazionale, di liberazione da antichi pregiudizi che hanno portato alla nascita di una nuova classe sociale e ad un nuovo assetto legislativo. La Rivoluzione francese e l’opera rinnovatrice e riformatrice di Napoleone costituiscono le fondamenta del Risorgimento e hanno dato lo slancio a uel piccolo gruppo di italiani che hanno compreso che era arrivato il momento di rischiare e di iniziare a riorganizzare l’intera penisolaThe Italian awakening took place during the 18th century and was connected to the European cultural movement, to the desire of national renewal, to the liberation from ancient forms of prejudice which brought to the birth of a new social class and of a new system of law and order. The French Revolution and Napoleon’s reforms are the foundations of the Risorgimento and they gave impetus to a small number of Italians – among whom Garibaldi – who understood that the time had come to risk and reorganize the entire peninsul

    A syntactic analysis of the subject clitic a in the Friulian variety of Campone

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    This article presents a syntactic analysis of the third person subject clitic a in Camponese, a heretofore unstudied Friulian variety. Following Poletto's (2000) map of subject clitics, we argue that it bears [+third person] features, and is, in fact, the spell-out of the functional head Subj°, located in the highest projection of TP (following Rizzi & Shlonsky 2007). In the first part of the article, we offer a detailed description of the distribution and syntactic properties of the subject clitic a, identifying its position in relation to the other elements that occur in the CP and TP. In the second part we discuss two proposals put forward to account for split clitics like a-l in the related variety of Forni di Sotto, where a and l are held to be part of a single clitic al (Manzini & Savoia 2009, Calabrese & Pescarini 2014). We show that such an account is incompatible with the case of Campone, where the clitics a and l are clearly separate: l is a [uφ]-clitic (Roberts 2010) and is located lower in the TP than the clitic a. We conclude with an analysis, which proposes the integration of Poletto's (2000) typology with a fifth type, corresponding to the clitic a of Campone

    La traducibilità da lingue vocali a lingue segnate: Analisi comparata di scelte traduttive in due diverse versioni di “Se questo è un uomo”

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    Esiste un modo definito per cristallizzare immagini, emozioni, pensieri? Cosa significa tradurre verso una lingua “non vocale”? E fino a che punto un traduttore si può improvvisare poeta? Il presente elaborato nasce dall'idea di analizzare la questione della traducibilità di testi poetici concepiti originariamente in una lingua vocale per essere riproposti poi in Lingua dei Segni. L'obiettivo è quello di rispondere al il bisogno di servire una causa alla quale sono state date ancora poche risposte. L’analisi qui realizzata pone al centro dell’attenzione due versioni tradotte in Lingua dei Segni di una delle poesie cardine della letteratura italiana ed internazionale: “Se questo è un uomo” di Primo Levi. Utilizzando questo importante strumento si cercherà qui di capire quanto la LIS riesca a rendere nuovamente giustizia in tutto e per tutto alla poesia originale, stabilendo le differenze che si possono registrare tra le due versioni e definendo così il concetto di traducibilità (in questo caso poetica) verso le lingue segnate


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    This dissertation describes the results of a didactic experiment that tests the effectiveness of formal linguistic theories in L2 teaching at the primary school. The investigation focuses on the acquisition/learning of verb second (V2) in Italian L2 learners of German, who range in age from 6 to 10 years. My research is based on the theoretical framework of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky 1981, 2005), and I investigate the role that principles and parameters play in L2 learning: on the one hand, I examine the availability of Universal Grammar (UG) in tutored child L2 learners. On the other hand, I test whether the didactic intervention triggers/supports the resetting of the V2 parameter in the L2 under construction. L2 learners in the primary school fall within the scope of the critical period for language acquisition, and they are thus in condition to acquire − and not just to learn − a L2, even though the exposure to L2 input takes place in an artificial classroom context. As to the early stages of L2 learning, the children spontaneously rely on the syntactic structure of the L1. The activation of a real process of L2 acquisition, that includes the reset of the L2 parameters, is possible only if the L2 learners are adequately stimulated with significant L2 input. The L2 teachers must not only select focused L2 input, but also analyse the L2 models with the learners. Moreover, the crosslinguistic comparison between the L1 and the L2 must not be neglected. The process under examination is not just the recall of prescriptive grammar rules, but the productive application of a L2 structure. If lexical and functional items enter the syntactic computation, the learners’ language-specific abilities are stimulated. The immediate positive results that this method entails must be supported with a regular and constant exposure to focused L2 input. The didactic experience discussed in my thesis shows that explicit grammar reflection, based on formal linguistic theories conveniently simplified, is adequate to the didactic needs and the general cognitive development of child L2 learners. The data collected in the experiment also suggest that L2 teaching should be enhanced in the primary school, particularly for the youngest learners

    Action publique et expertise dans la conservation des ressources agricoles aux États-Unis dans les années 1930

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    Durant les années 1930, les sols agricoles américains furent soumis à une intense érosion éolienne : le dust bowl. En pleine crise économique, les solutions s’intégrèrent dans la politique réformiste de Franklin D. Roosevelt. Plusieurs analyses (Tobey, Worster, Hagen) définissent cette période comme un moment clé dans l’histoire des impacts environnementaux de l’agriculture et dans la recherche de solutions scientifiques et techniques en faveur de la conservation des ressources agricoles. Dans cet article, nous montrons comment cette recherche mobilisa autant les institutions que les acteurs politiques et les experts, à l’intérieur d’une dynamique organisationnelle censée produire les outils et les connaissances nécessaires à une prise en charge cohérente de la crise. Nous établissons les correspondances entre les outils sociaux et techniques de la décision publique, les évolutions conjointes entre l’agronomie et l’écologie, leurs acteurs, leur rôle et leur immersion dans cette politique de conservation.Christophe Masutti, Public action and expertise in the conservation of agricultural resources in the United States in the 1930’s During the 1930’s, American farms suffered from intense wind erosion, a phenomenon known as the “Dust Bowl”. In the midst of the Depression, solutions to this problem had to find their place in the reformist politics of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Numerous scholars (Tobey, Worster, Hagen) have defined this period as key in the history of the environmental impact of agriculture and of the application of scientific and technological solutions to the conservation of agricultural resources. This article demonstrates how such research mobilized institutions, political actors, and experts in an organizational dynamic aiming at producing the tools and knowledge necessary to take coherent charge of the crisis. I establish the relationships between the social tools and techniques of public decision making, and shed light on the joint development of agronomy and ecology, its actors and their roles, and their immersion in the politics of soil conservation

    Strengthening Uganda's policy environment for investing in university development

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    The authors examine the policy environment for investment in university development in Uganda, with special attention to the needs of Makerere University. They present data on the structure and financing of higher education, which gets a high priority in government educational spending. A second public university and new private universities have been established since 1986, but Makerere accounts for most university enrollment and government spending on higher education and it trains most of the country's high-level professional and technical manpower. Its revitalization after many years of neglect is central to government and donor plans for investment in human resource development. The authors emphasize how continuing austerity affects staff retention and staff engagement in academic work, as well as the quality of programs Makerere offers. They present a strategy for university development that involves establishing policy structures to: guide and coordinate investments in higher education as a whole; facilitate the expansion of higher education and the development of diploma-granting institutions to accommodate increasing social demand; and promote cost-saving and revenue-generating activities in the public universities - which would require giving them more autonomy in matters affecting their cost structure and budgeting. Among specific actions they recommend: making better use of public university assets by developing night courses, part-time degree and non-degree programs, and contract training and other income-generating activities; investigating possibilities for better use of university farms and other properties; making more use of existing capacity in public institutions and increasing the capacity of the newly established private universities; strengthening secondary education in science subjects and encouraging more women to study science and technology; coordinating future donor investments so they address the broad needs of Makerere and other universities; and raising incomes of academic and nonacademic university staff members.Teaching and Learning,Curriculum&Instruction,Gender and Education,Tertiary Education,Primary Education