299 research outputs found

    Shutters, Boxes, But No Paradoxes: Time Symmetry Puzzles in Quantum Theory

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    The ``N-Box Experiment'' is a much-discussed thought experiment in quantum mechanics. It is claimed by some authors that a single particle prepared in a superposition of N+1 box locations and which is subject to a final ``post-selection'' measurement corresponding to a different superposition can be said to have occupied ``with certainty'' N boxes during the intervening time. However, others have argued that under closer inspection, this surprising claim fails to hold. Aharonov and Vaidman have continued their advocacy of the claim in question by proposing a variation on the N-box experiment, in which the boxes are replaced by shutters and the pre- and post-selected particle is entangled with a photon. These authors argue that the resulting ``N-shutter experiment'' strengthens their original claim regarding the N-box experiment. It is argued in this paper that the apparently surprising features of this variation are no more robust than those of the N-box experiment and that it is not accurate to say that the particle is ``with certainty'' in all N shutters at any given time.Comment: Presentation improved; to appear in International Studies in Philosophy of Scienc

    Neutron Scattering and Its Application to Strongly Correlated Systems

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    Neutron scattering is a powerful probe of strongly correlated systems. It can directly detect common phenomena such as magnetic order, and can be used to determine the coupling between magnetic moments through measurements of the spin-wave dispersions. In the absence of magnetic order, one can detect diffuse scattering and dynamic correlations. Neutrons are also sensitive to the arrangement of atoms in a solid (crystal structure) and lattice dynamics (phonons). In this chapter, we provide an introduction to neutrons and neutron sources. The neutron scattering cross section is described and formulas are given for nuclear diffraction, phonon scattering, magnetic diffraction, and magnon scattering. As an experimental example, we describe measurements of antiferromagnetic order, spin dynamics, and their evolution in the La(2-x)Ba(x)CuO(4) family of high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 31 pages, chapter for "Strongly Correlated Systems: Experimental Techniques", edited by A. Avella and F. Mancin

    Xylitol production is increased by expression of codon-optimized Neurospora crassa xylose reductase gene in Candida tropicalis

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    Xylose reductase (XR) is the first enzyme in d-xylose metabolism, catalyzing the reduction of d-xylose to xylitol. Formation of XR in the yeast Candida tropicalis is significantly repressed in cells grown on medium that contains glucose as carbon and energy source, because of the repressive effect of glucose. This is one reason why glucose is not a suitable co-substrate for cell growth in industrial xylitol production. XR from the ascomycete Neurospora crassa (NcXR) has high catalytic efficiency; however, NcXR is not expressed in C. tropicalis because of difference in codon usage between the two species. In this study, NcXR codons were changed to those preferred in C. tropicalis. This codon-optimized NcXR gene (termed NXRG) was placed under control of a constitutive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) promoter derived from C. tropicalis, and integrated into the genome of xylitol dehydrogenase gene (XYL2)-disrupted C. tropicalis. High expression level of NXRG was confirmed by determining XR activity in cells grown on glucose medium. The resulting recombinant strain, LNG2, showed high XR activity (2.86 U (mg of protein)−1), whereas parent strain BSXDH-3 showed no activity. In xylitol fermentation using glucose as a co-substrate with xylose, LNG2 showed xylitol production rate 1.44 g L−1 h−1 and xylitol yield of 96% at 44 h, which were 73 and 62%, respectively, higher than corresponding values for BSXDH-3 (rate 0.83 g L−1 h−1; yield 59%)

    Wired for Her Face? Male Attentional Bias for Female Faces

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    Under conditions of inattention or deficits in orienting attention, special classes of stimuli (e.g. faces, bodies) are more likely to be perceived than other stimuli. This suggests that biologically salient visual stimuli automatically recruit attention, even when they are task-irrelevant or ignored. Here we report results from a behavioral experiment with female and male subjects and two magnetoencephalography (MEG) experiments with male subjects only, in which we investigated attentional capture with face and hand stimuli. In both the behavioral and MEG experiments, subjects were required to count the number of gender-specific targets from either face or hand categories within a block of stimuli. In the behavioral experiment, we found that male subjects were significantly more accurate in response to female than male face target blocks. There was no corresponding effect found in response to hand target blocks. Female subjects did not show a gender-based difference in response to face or hand target blocks. MEG results indicated that the male subjects’ responses to face stimuli in primary visual cortex (V1) and the face-selective part of the fusiform gyrus (FG) were reduced when male face stimuli were not relevant to the task, whereas female faces maintained a strong response in these areas in both task-relevant and task-irrelevant conditions. These results suggest that within the male brain, female face stimuli are more resilient to suppression than male faces, once attention is drawn to the part of the visual field where the face appears

    Large-Eddy Simulation of Flow and Pollutant Transport in Urban Street Canyons with Ground Heating

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    Our study employed large-eddy simulation (LES) based on a one-equation subgrid-scale model to investigate the flow field and pollutant dispersion characteristics inside urban street canyons. Unstable thermal stratification was produced by heating the ground of the street canyon. Using the Boussinesq approximation, thermal buoyancy forces were taken into account in both the Navier–Stokes equations and the transport equation for subgrid-scale turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). The LESs were validated against experimental data obtained in wind-tunnel studies before the model was applied to study the detailed turbulence, temperature, and pollutant dispersion characteristics in the street canyon of aspect ratio 1. The effects of different Richardson numbers (Ri) were investigated. The ground heating significantly enhanced mean flow, turbulence, and pollutant flux inside the street canyon, but weakened the shear at the roof level. The mean flow was observed to be no longer isolated from the free stream and fresh air could be entrained into the street canyon at the roof-level leeward corner. Weighed against higher temperature, the ground heating facilitated pollutant removal from the street canyon.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. Center for Environmental Sensing and Monitorin

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns

    Novel Crystalline SiO2 Nanoparticles via Annelids Bioprocessing of Agro-Industrial Wastes

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    The synthesis of nanoparticles silica oxide from rice husk, sugar cane bagasse and coffee husk, by employing vermicompost with annelids (Eisenia foetida) is reported. The product (humus) is calcinated and extracted to recover the crystalline nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) show that the biotransformation allows creating specific crystalline phases, since equivalent particles synthesized without biotransformation are bigger and with different crystalline structure