62 research outputs found

    Rewriting systems and biautomatic structures for Chinese, hypoplactic, and sylvester monoids

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    This paper studies complete rewriting systems and biautomaticity for three interesting classes of finite-rank homogeneous monoids: Chinese monoids, hypoplactic monoids, and sylvester monoids. For Chinese monoids, we first give new presentations via finite complete rewriting systems, using more lucid constructions and proofs than those given independently by Chen & Qui and Güzel Karpuz; we then construct biautomatic structures. For hypoplactic monoids, we construct finite complete rewriting systems and biautomatic structures. For sylvester monoids, which are not finitely presented, we prove that the standard presentation is an infinite complete rewriting system, and construct biautomatic structures. Consequently, the monoid algebras corresponding to monoids of these classes are automaton algebras in the sense of Ufnarovskij

    Employment Protection Laws and Corporate Cash Holdings

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    We study how employment protection laws (EPLs) affect corporate cash-holding decision. By exploiting within-country changes in EPLs across 20 OECD countries as a source of variation in labor adjustment costs, we show that following an increase in the stringency of EPLs, firms’ cash holdings increase significantly. This relationship is stronger for firms with high labor turnover, no multinational presence, or financial constraints, indicating that labor adjustment cost raising distress risk is the mechanism in play. Cash buffers created by firms faced with stricter EPLs help them mitigate the under investment problem in subsequent episodes of industry-wide distress. Consistent with this precautionary motive, the market’s valuation of excess cash is positively associated with the EPL strictness. We further demonstrate that the response of cash policy to changes in EPLs is distinct from that of debt policy or investment policy. Our evidence highlights the role of interaction between labor market and financial frictions in determining the level and the value of corporate cash

    Finite Gr\"obner--Shirshov bases for Plactic algebras and biautomatic structures for Plactic monoids

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    This paper shows that every Plactic algebra of finite rank admits a finite Gr\"obner--Shirshov basis. The result is proved by using the combinatorial properties of Young tableaux to construct a finite complete rewriting system for the corresponding Plactic monoid, which also yields the corollaries that Plactic monoids of finite rank have finite derivation type and satisfy the homological finiteness properties left and right FPFP_\infty. Also, answering a question of Zelmanov, we apply this rewriting system and other techniques to show that Plactic monoids of finite rank are biautomatic.Comment: 16 pages; 3 figures. Minor revision: typos fixed; figures redrawn; references update

    On finite complete rewriting systems, finite derivation type, and automaticity for homogeneous monoids

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    This paper investigates the class of finitely presented monoids defined by homogeneous (length-preserving) relations from a computational perspective. The properties of admitting a finite complete rewriting system, having finite derivation type, being automatic, and being biautomatic are investigated for this class of monoids. The first main result shows that for any consistent combination of these properties and their negations, there is a homogeneous monoid with exactly this combination of properties. We then introduce the new concept of abstract Rees-commensurability (an analogue of the notion of abstract commensurability for groups) in order to extend this result to show that the same statement holds even if one restricts attention to the class of n-ary homogeneous monoids (where every side of every relation has fixed length n). We then introduce a new encoding technique that allows us to extend the result partially to the class of n-ary multihomogenous monoids

    On finite complete rewriting systems, finite derivation type, and automaticity for homogeneous monoids

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    This paper investigates the class of finitely presented monoids defined by homogeneous (length-preserving) relations from a computational perspective. The properties of admitting a finite complete rewriting system, having finite derivation type, being automatic, and being biautomatic are investigated for this class of monoids. The first main result shows that for any consistent combination of these properties and their negations, there is a homogeneous monoid with exactly this combination of properties. We then introduce the new concept of abstract Rees-commensurability (an analogue of the notion of abstract commensurability for groups) in order to extend this result to show that the same statement holds even if one restricts attention to the class of n-ary homogeneous monoids (where every side of every relation has fixed length n). We then introduce a new encoding technique that allows us to extend the result partially to the class of n-ary multihomogenous monoids

    Crustal and basin evolution of the southwestern Barents Sea: from Caledonian orogeny to continental breakup

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    A new generation of aeromagnetic data documents the post-Caledonide rift evolution of the southwestern Barents Sea (SWBS) from the Norwegian mainland up to the continent-ocean transition. We propose a geological and tectonic scenario of the SWBS in which the Caledonian nappes and thrust sheets, well-constrained onshore, swing from a NE-SW trend onshore Norway to NW-SE/NNW-SSE across the SWBS platform area. On the Finnmark and Bjarmeland platforms, the dominant inherited magnetic basement pattern may also reflect the regional and post-Caledonian development of the late Paleozoic basins. Farther west, the pre-breakup rift system is characterized by the Loppa and Stappen Highs, which are interpreted as a series of rigid continental blocks (ribbons) poorly thinned as compared to the adjacent grabens and sag basins. As part of the complex western rift system, the Bjørnøya Basin is interpreted as a propagating system of highly thinned crust, which aborted in late Mesozoic time. This thick Cretaceous sag basin is underlain by a deep-seated high-density body, interpreted as exhumed high-grade metamorphic lower crust. The abortion of this propagating basin coincides with a migration and complete reorganization of the crustal extension toward a second necking zone defined at the level of the western volcanic sheared margin and proto-breakup axis. The abortion of the Bjørnøya Basin may be partly explained by its trend oblique to the regional, inherited, structural grain, revealed by the new aeromagnetic compilation, and by the onset of further weakening later sustained by the onset of magmatism to the west

    Histopathologic evaluation of prophylactic effects of zofenopril, enalapril and valsartan against doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in rats

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    World Congress of Cardiology -- MAY 18-21, 2008 -- Buenos Aires, ARGENTINAWOS: 000259224800846…World Heart Federat, Argentine Soc Cardiol, Argentine Federat Cardio