517 research outputs found

    Tensor representation-based transferability analytics and selective transfer learning of prognostic knowledge for remaining useful life prediction across machines

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    In recent years, deep transfer learning techniques have been successfully applied to solve RUL prediction across different working conditions. However, for RUL prediction across different machines in which the data distribution and fault evolution characteristics vary largely, the extraction and transition of prognostic knowledge become more challenging. Even if fault mode information can assist in the knowledge transfer, model bias will inevitably exist on the target machine with mixed or unknown faults. To address this issue from a transferability perspective, this paper proposes a novel selective transfer learning approach for RUL prediction across machines. First, the paper utilizes the tensor representation to construct the meta-degradation trend of each fault mode and evaluates the transferability of source domain data from fault mode and degradation characteristics through a new cross-machine transfer degree indicator (M-TDI). Second, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-based selective transfer strategy is proposed using the M-TDIs. The paper designs a training algorithm with an alternating optimization scheme to seek the optimal tensor decomposition and knowledge transfer effect. Theoretical analysis proves that the proposed approach significantly reduces the upper bound of prediction error. Furthermore, experimental results on three benchmark datasets prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Dconformer: A denoising convolutional transformer with joint learning strategy for intelligent diagnosis of bearing faults

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    Rolling bearings are the core components of rotating machinery, and their normal operation is crucial to entire industrial applications. Most existing condition monitoring methods have been devoted to extracting discriminative features from vibration signals that reflect bearing health status. However, the complex working conditions of rolling bearings often make the fault-related information easily buried in noise and other interference. Therefore, it is challenging for existing approaches to extract sufficient critical features in these scenarios. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel CNN-Transformer network, referred to as Dconformer, capable of extracting both local and global discriminative features from noisy vibration signals. The main contributions of this research include: (1) Developing a novel joint-learning strategy that simultaneously enhances the performance of signal denoising and fault diagnosis, leading to robust and accurate diagnostic results; (2) Constructing a novel CNN-transformer network with a multi-branch cross-cascaded architecture, which inherits the strengths of CNNs and transformers and demonstrates superior anti-interference capability. Extensive experimental results reveal that the proposed Dconformer outperforms five state-of-the-art approaches, particularly in strong noisy scenarios

    Extraction of instantaneous frequencies for signals with intersecting and intermittent trajectories

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    A multicomponent signal usually presents multiple trajectories with time-varying frequencies and amplitudes in a time–frequency distribution (TFD). One can extract the ridges corresponding to true signal components and then reconstruct them to recover signal signatures. Most current practices for ridge extraction assume that each trajectory runs throughout the entire time axis without cross-terms. However, this hypothesis is inconsistent with the truth of many measured signals. The increasing application occasions require further consideration of complicated intersecting and intermittent cases. This study addresses this issue and proposes a novel intersecting and intermittent trajectory tracking (IITT) approach. We first develop a data-driven method to effectively isolate peaks from noises in a TFD and generate a dependable peak spectrum. Then, we propose a dynamic optimization tracking function to decide upon the acceptance of the peaks corresponding to an individual component based on the purified spectrum. The IITT approach fully exploits the information from the raw signal without any prior knowledge while promising robustness to the variations of ridge numbers, ridges’ births and deaths, and its continuation and discontinuation. Two simulated and three measured signals are utilized to assess the performance of the proposed IITT. The success elements of the IITT are revealed and discussed in detail at the end of the paper

    Seagrass can mitigate negative ocean acidification effects on calcifying algae

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    The ultimate effect that ocean acidification (OA) and warming will have on the physiology of calcifying algae is still largely uncertain. Responses depend on the complex interactions between seawater chemistry, global/local stressors and species-specific physiologies. There is a significant gap regarding the effect that metabolic interactions between coexisting species may have on local seawater chemistry and the concurrent effect of OA. Here, we manipulated CO2 and temperature to evaluate the physiological responses of two common photoautotrophs from shallow tropical marine coastal ecosystems in Brazil: the calcifying alga Halimeda cuneata, and the seagrass Halodule wrightii. We tested whether or not seagrass presence can influence the calcification rate of a widespread and abundant species of Halimeda under OA and warming. Our results demonstrate that under elevated CO2, the high photosynthetic rates of H. wrightii contribute to raise H. cuneata calcification more than two-fold and thus we suggest that H. cuneata populations coexisting with H. wrightii may have a higher resilience to OA conditions. This conclusion supports the more general hypothesis that, in coastal and shallow reef environments, the metabolic interactions between calcifying and non-calcifying organisms are instrumental in providing refuge against OA effects and increasing the resilience of the more OA-susceptible species.E.B. would like to thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoas de Nível Superior (CAPES) for Masters funding. Funding for this project came from the Synergism grant (CNPq 407365/2013-3). We extend our thanks to the Brazil-based Projeto Coral Vivo and its sponsor PetroBras Ambiental for providing the Marine Mesocosm structure and experimental assistance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Schmallenberg virus pathogenesis, tropism and interaction with the innate immune system of the host

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    Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is an emerging orthobunyavirus of ruminants associated with outbreaks of congenital malformations in aborted and stillborn animals. Since its discovery in November 2011, SBV has spread very rapidly to many European countries. Here, we developed molecular and serological tools, and an experimental in vivo model as a platform to study SBV pathogenesis, tropism and virus-host cell interactions. Using a synthetic biology approach, we developed a reverse genetics system for the rapid rescue and genetic manipulation of SBV. We showed that SBV has a wide tropism in cell culture and “synthetic” SBV replicates in vitro as efficiently as wild type virus. We developed an experimental mouse model to study SBV infection and showed that this virus replicates abundantly in neurons where it causes cerebral malacia and vacuolation of the cerebral cortex. These virus-induced acute lesions are useful in understanding the progression from vacuolation to porencephaly and extensive tissue destruction, often observed in aborted lambs and calves in naturally occurring Schmallenberg cases. Indeed, we detected high levels of SBV antigens in the neurons of the gray matter of brain and spinal cord of naturally affected lambs and calves, suggesting that muscular hypoplasia observed in SBV-infected lambs is mostly secondary to central nervous system damage. Finally, we investigated the molecular determinants of SBV virulence. Interestingly, we found a biological SBV clone that after passage in cell culture displays increased virulence in mice. We also found that a SBV deletion mutant of the non-structural NSs protein (SBVΔNSs) is less virulent in mice than wild type SBV. Attenuation of SBV virulence depends on the inability of SBVΔNSs to block IFN synthesis in virus infected cells. In conclusion, this work provides a useful experimental framework to study the biology and pathogenesis of SBV

    Processing-Induced Disorder in Pharmaceutical Materials

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    This chapter focuses on the major types of pharmaceutical processing methods that have been widely reported to produce disordered material either intentionally or unintentionally. Milling is one of the most frequently used unit operations used by the pharmaceutical industry for reducing the particle size of solids. Thermal processing techniques are mainly used for controlling or improving the release and the subsequent bioavailability of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Techniques such as melt-mixing, spray-congealing, sintering, melt-granulation, and hot-melt extrusion (HME) have developed and evolved rapidly for large-scale pharmaceutical production. Solvent-evaporation-based methods are important processing techniques for both raw materials, such as crystallization of the raw drug, and formulation manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry. The chapter discusses the processing that can potentially induce the formation of the disordered state during the manufacture of formulations. The widely used solvent-evaporation-based processing techniques in pharmaceutical formulation production include spray-drying, freeze-drying, film casting, and film coating

    Low oxygen affects photophysiology and the level of expression of two-carbon metabolism genes in the seagrass <i>Zostera muelleri</i>

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    © 2017, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Seagrasses are a diverse group of angiosperms that evolved to live in shallow coastal waters, an environment regularly subjected to changes in oxygen, carbon dioxide and irradiance. Zostera muelleri is the dominant species in south-eastern Australia, and is critical for healthy coastal ecosystems. Despite its ecological importance, little is known about the pathways of carbon fixation in Z. muelleri and their regulation in response to environmental changes. In this study, the response of Z. muelleri exposed to control and very low oxygen conditions was investigated by using (i) oxygen microsensors combined with a custom-made flow chamber to measure changes in photosynthesis and respiration, and (ii) reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR to measure changes in expression levels of key genes involved in C4 metabolism. We found that very low levels of oxygen (i) altered the photophysiology of Z. muelleri, a characteristic of C3 mechanism of carbon assimilation, and (ii) decreased the expression levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and carbonic anhydrase. These molecular-physiological results suggest that regulation of the photophysiology of Z. muelleri might involve a close integration between the C3 and C4, or other CO2 concentrating mechanisms metabolic pathways. Overall, this study highlights that the photophysiological response of Z. muelleri to changing oxygen in water is capable of rapid acclimation and the dynamic modulation of pathways should be considered when assessing seagrass primary production

    Negotiation in strategy making teams : group support systems and the process of cognitive change

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    This paper reports on the use of a Group Support System (GSS) to explore at a micro level some of the processes manifested when a group is negotiating strategy-processes of social and psychological negotiation. It is based on data from a series of interventions with senior management teams of three operating companies comprising a multi-national organization, and with a joint meeting subsequently involving all of the previous participants. The meetings were concerned with negotiating a new strategy for the global organization. The research involved the analysis of detailed time series data logs that exist as a result of using a GSS that is a reflection of cognitive theory

    Impacts of Sediments on Coral Energetics: Partitioning the Effects of Turbidity and Settling Particles

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    Sediment loads have long been known to be deleterious to corals, but the effects of turbidity and settling particles have not previously been partitioned. This study provides a novel approach using inert silicon carbide powder to partition and quantify the mechanical effects of sediment settling versus reduced light under a chronically high sedimentary regime on two turbid water corals commonly found in Singapore (Galaxea fascicularis and Goniopora somaliensis). Coral fragmentswere evenly distributed among three treatments: an open control (30% ambient PAR), a shaded control (15% ambient PAR) and sediment treatment (15% ambient PAR; 26.4 mg cm22 day21). The rate of photosynthesis and respiration, and the dark-adapted quantum yield were measured once a week for four weeks. By week four, the photosynthesis to respiration ratio (P/R ratio) and the photosynthetic yield (Fv/Fm) had fallen by 14% and 3–17% respectively in the shaded control,contrasting with corals exposed to sediments whose P/R ratio and yield had declined by 21% and 18–34% respectively. The differences in rates between the shaded control and the sediment treatment were attributed to the mechanical effects of sediment deposition. The physiological response to sediment stress differed between species with G. fascicularis experiencing a greater decline in the net photosynthetic yield (13%) than G. somaliensis (9.5%), but a smaller increase in the respiration rates (G. fascicularis = 9.9%, G. somaliensis = 14.2%). These different physiological responses were attributed, in part, to coral morphology and highlighted key physiological processes that drive species distribution along high to low turbidity and depositional gradients

    Metabolically active microbial communities in marine sediment under high-CO2 and low-pH extremes

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    Sediment-hosting hydrothermal systems in the Okinawa Trough maintain a large amount of liquid, supercritical and hydrate phases of CO2 in the seabed. The emission of CO2 may critically impact the geochemical, geophysical and ecological characteristics of the deep-sea sedimentary environment. So far it remains unclear whether microbial communities that have been detected in such high-CO2 and low-pH habitats are metabolically active, and if so, what the biogeochemical and ecological consequences for the environment are. In this study, RNA-based molecular approaches and radioactive tracer-based respiration rate assays were combined to study the density, diversity and metabolic activity of microbial communities in CO2-seep sediment at the Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal field of the southern Okinawa Trough. In general, the number of microbes decreased sharply with increasing sediment depth and CO2 concentration. Phylogenetic analyses of community structure using reverse-transcribed 16S ribosomal RNA showed that the active microbial community became less diverse with increasing sediment depth and CO2 concentration, indicating that microbial activity and community structure are sensitive to CO2 venting. Analyses of RNA-based pyrosequences and catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization data revealed that members of the SEEP-SRB2 group within the Deltaproteobacteria and anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2a and -2c) were confined to the top seafloor, and active archaea were not detected in deeper sediments (13–30 cm in depth) characterized by high CO2. Measurement of the potential sulfate reduction rate at pH conditions of 3–9 with and without methane in the headspace indicated that acidophilic sulfate reduction possibly occurs in the presence of methane, even at very low pH of 3. These results suggest that some members of the anaerobic methanotrophs and sulfate reducers can adapt to the CO2-seep sedimentary environment; however, CO2 and pH in the deep-sea sediment were found to severely impact the activity and structure of the microbial community