167 research outputs found

    Changes of indices of the oxygen-transport state, depending on periodization of the ischemic cerebral stroke

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    Objective. To elaborate a clinico-pathogenetic periodization of ischemic cerebral stroke, depending on changes of the oxygen-transport state indices in critically ill patents, suffering the ischemic cerebral stroke on background of conduction of complex intensive therapy. Materials and methods. Into the investigation 75 patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke, ageing 41 - 77 yrs, were included, in whom the indices of oxygen-transport state and severity of neurological symptoms on background of complex intensive therapy were studied. Depending on severity of neurologic symptoms, three similar groups of patients were formed (25 patients in every one), suffering mild, middle-severe and severe ischemic cerebral stroke, in which the disease severity was determined in accordance to the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. Results. On background of the complex intensive therapy conduction the duration of the most acute period in mild ischemic stroke have constituted 3 days, in a middle-severe - 4 days, and in a severe one - 7 days. Tendency towards minimization of neurologic deficiency was noted, if parameters of central hemodynamics, the oxygen budget and the cognition level were stabilized during 2 days. Simultaneously the cardiac index values for all groups of patients have been situated in a range of (2.99 ± 0.20) l × min-1 × m-2, the oxygen delivery index have exceeded (509 ± 34) ml × min-1 × m-2. The restored level of neurological symptoms have not a tendency towards improvement or was stable during several days in accordance to data of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale. The restored level of neurological symptoms had a tendency to improvement or staying during several days stable in accordance to indices of scales of National Institute of Health and Comas Glasgow, than a progressive staged improvement began. Conclusion. Normalization during 2 days of the oxygen-transport state indices without neurological symptoms progression constitutes a criterion of conclusion of the most acute period of the disease in patients, suffering mild, middle-severe and severe ischemic cerebral stroke. The restored due to intensive therapy during 48 h the oxygen-transport state without progressing of neurological symptoms in patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke, witnesses lowering of the cerebral tissue oedema and restoration of the autoregulation processes

    Periodization of the brain ischemic insult

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    Periodization of the brain ischemic insul

    Differentiated approach to treatment of arterial hypertension in patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke

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    Objective. To raise the efficacy of treatment of arterial hypertension in patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke of the middle grade of severity on background of determination of hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension. Materials and methods. Prospective nonrandomized investigation concerning 42 patients, suffering ischemic cerebral stroke of middle severity in accordance to the insult severity scale of National Institute of Health (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale - NIHSS), was conducted. The patients’ middle age have constituted (69.4 ± 1.4) yrs. There were the central hemodynamic indices measured, the arterial hypertension hemodynamic variant determined, the oxygen and hemodynamic status estimated, and in accordance to the results obtained - the differentiated antihypertensive therapy was administered. All the patients were divided into three groups, depending on hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension: the first group – patients with eukinetic variant, the second group – patients with hypokinetic variant, the third group – patients with hyperkinetic variant. Hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension was determined in accordance to the referent level of cardiac index. The groups were representative in accordance to age, height, the body mass, the main and concurrent pathology and the cerebral affection degree. Results. In the patients, suffering initial eukinetic hemodynamical variant of arterial hypertension, the cardiac index have fluctuated from 2.88 to 4.67 l × min-1 × m-2, general peripheral vascular resistance have rested in the norm borders, the oxygen saturation level of arterial blood did not demand the oxygen therapy, index of the oxygen delivery have exceeded the appropriate values and fluctuated in borders from 541 to 903 l × min-1 × m-2. In complex of differentiated antihypertensive therapy there was applied a constant intravenous injection of magnesium sulfate in a daily dose 2500 - 5000 mg. For patients with initial hypokinetic hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension following signs are characteristic: low cardiac index - from 1.65 to 2.08 l × min-1 × m-2, the enhanced general peripheral vascular resistance - 2813 (from 2393 to 3403) dyne × s-1 × cm-5 and the lowered index of the oxygen delivery - from 306 to 412 l × min-1 × m-2. Differentiated antihypertensive therapy was conducted, using urapidyl: intravenous boluses 1.25 – 2.5 mg with further infusion 5 - 40 mg × h-1. For hyperkinetic hemodynamic variant of arterial hypertension the raised cardiac index is characteristic – 3.75 l × min-1 × m-2 (fluctuated in borders from 3.62 to 4.10 l × min-1 × m-2), as well as normal general peripheral vascular resistance - 1189 (from 1055 to 1449) dyne × s-1 × cm-5 and raised index of the oxygen delivery - 762 (from 725 to 828) l × min-1 × m-2. Differentiated antihypertensive therapy was conducted, using labetalol: intravenous infusion with velocity 2 - 8 mg × min-1. Conclusion. In the patients with ischemic cerebral stroke of the middle grade of severity the conduction of differentiated antihypertensive therapy, taking into account hemodynamic type of arterial hypertension and the oxygen-hemodynamic stabilization of the blood circulation system, improved the results of treatment and accelerated the rehabilitation duration

    The TTIK approach for neutrons

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    We applied Thick Target Inverse Kinematics Method for a study of resonances decaying through neutron emission. As a test we used a well-studied, because of its role in s-process in stars, 13^{13}C(α\alpha; n) reaction. The observed energy resolution for the 13^{13}C(α\alpha; n) excitation function was \sim60 keV, the largest contributions coming from the time structure of the beam and the thickness of the neutron detector. These measurements demonstrated the high efficiency of the approach and revealed a disagreement with R-matrix calculations based on parameters of the most recent previous analysis

    Strong resonances at high excitation energy in 17O+alpha resonance scattering

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    The Thick Target Inverse Kinematic (TTIK) approach was used to measure excitation functions for the elastic 17O ({\alpha}, {\alpha}) scattering at the initial 17O beam energy of 54.4 MeV. We observed strong peaks corresponding to highly excited {\alpha}-cluster states in the 21Ne excitation energy region of 8-16 MeV, which have never been investigated before. Additional tests were done at a 17O beam energy of 56.4 MeV to estimate a possible contribution of resonance inelastic scattering.Comment: 6 pages,3 figures, conference pape


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    In this work, we investigate changes in the phase composition, morphology, and structural changes during the photonic treatment of films obtained in the process of ion-beam sputtering of an Nb2O5 target. It was found that the initial films have an amorphous structure; at an irradiation energy of ~ 1.Работа была выполнена при поддержке государственного задания (N FZGM-2020-0007)

    Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET

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    © Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallaj ökull in April-May 2010 represents a "natural experiment" to study the impact of volcanic emissions on a continental scale. For the first time, quantitative data about the presence, altitude, and layering of the volcanic cloud, in conjunction with optical information, are available for most parts of Europe derived from the observations by the European Aerosol Research Lidar NETwork (EARLINET). Based on multi-wavelength Raman lidar systems, EARLINET is the only instrument worldwide that is able to provide dense time series of high-quality optical data to be used for aerosol typing and for the retrieval of particle microphysical properties as a function of altitude. In this work we show the four-dimensional (4-D) distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud in the troposphere over Europe as observed by EARLINET during the entire volcanic event (15 April-26 May 2010). All optical properties directly measured (backscatter, extinction, and particle linear depolarization ratio) are stored in the EARLINET database available at www.earlinet.org. A specific relational database providing the volcanic mask over Europe, realized ad hoc for this specific event, has been developed and is available on request at www.earlinet.org. During the first days after the eruption, volcanic particles were detected over Central Europe within a wide range of altitudes, from the upper troposphere down to the local planetary boundary layer (PBL). After 19 April 2010, volcanic particles were detected over southern and south-eastern Europe. During the first half of May (5-15 May), material emitted by the Eyjafjallajökull volcano was detected over Spain and Portugal and then over the Mediterranean and the Balkans. The last observations of the event were recorded until 25 May in Central Europe and in the Eastern Mediterranean area. The 4-D distribution of volcanic aerosol layering and optical properties on European scale reported here provides an unprecedented data set for evaluating satellite data and aerosol dispersion models for this kind of volcanic events.Peer reviewe

    Crossing the Dripline to 11N Using Elastic Resonance Scattering

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    The level structure of the unbound nucleus 11N has been studied by 10C+p elastic resonance scattering in inverse geometry with the LISE3 spectrometer at GANIL, using a 10C beam with an energy of 9.0 MeV/u. An additional measurement was done at the A1200 spectrometer at MSU. The excitation function above the 10C+p threshold has been determined up to 5 MeV. A potential-model analysis revealed three resonance states at energies 1.27 (+0.18-0.05) MeV (Gamma=1.44 +-0.2 MeV), 2.01(+0.15-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.84 +-$0.2 MeV) and 3.75(+-0.05) MeV, (Gamma=0.60 +-0.05 MeV) with the spin-parity assignments I(pi) =1/2+, 1/2- and 5/2+, respectively. Hence, 11N is shown to have a ground state parity inversion completely analogous to its mirror partner, 11Be. A narrow resonance in the excitation function at 4.33 (+-0.05) MeV was also observed and assigned spin-parity 3/2-.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, twocolumn Accepted for publication in PR

    Study of the unbound nucleus N-11 by elastic resonance scattering

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    4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables.-- PACS nrs.: 21.10.Pc, 25.40.Ny, 27.20.+n.Resonances in the unbound nucleus N-11 have been studied, using the resonance scattering reaction C-10+p. The data give evidence for three states above the C-10+p threshold with energies 1.30, 2.04, and 3.72 MeV. These states can be interpreted, in a potential-model analysis, as the ground state and the first two excited states with spin-parity 1/2(+), 1/2(-), and 5/2(+) arising from the shell-model orbitals 1s(1/2), Op(1/2), and Od(5/2). A narrow state superposed on a broad structure found at higher energy could be interpreted as the mirror state of the 3/2(-) in Be-11 shifted down in energy. This shift would suggest a large radius of the potential.We acknowledge financial support from the European Community under Contract No. CHGE-CT94-0056 (Human Capital and Mobility, Access to the GANIL large scale facility) and from the Russian Foundation RFFI.Peer reviewe