78 research outputs found

    Control of SW Development and Optimization for SAP Systems

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    Change Management in SAP information systems

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    Control of SW Development and Optimization for SAP Systems

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    Informační systém je nutným předpokladem k úspěšnému fungování firem ve všech oblastech podnikání. Každý podnik je ve své podstatě unikátní a informační systém je nutností navrhnout na míru jednotlivým požadavkům podniků. Systém je nutné konfigurovat a neustále upravovat. Konfigurační práce jsou součástí práce se systémem a informační systém obsahuje k tomu určené nástroje. Tyto konfigurační a vývojové práce je potřeba kontrolovat za účelem udržení kvality celého systému. Tato diplomová práce se zabývá optimalizací procesu kontroly vývoje software v informačních systémech SAP.The information system is a necessary prerequisite for successful functioning of companies in all business areas. Every company is unique and information system has to be designed for specific company needs. Information system is required to be configured and edited. The configuration is a part of the working with the system and system includes dedicated tools to do that. The configuration and development must be controlled to maintain the quality of the whole system. This thesis deals with the control process of software development and optimization for SAP systems

    A shared frequency set between the historical mid-latitude aurora records and the global surface temperature

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    Herein we show that the historical records of mid-latitude auroras from 1700 to 1966 present oscillations with periods of about 9, 10-11, 20-21, 30 and 60 years. The same frequencies are found in proxy and instrumental global surface temperature records since 1650 and 1850, respectively and in several planetary and solar records. Thus, the aurora records reveal a physical link between climate change and astronomical oscillations. Likely, there exists a modulation of the cosmic ray flux reaching the Earth and/or of the electric properties of the ionosphere. The latter, in turn, have the potentiality of modulating the global cloud cover that ultimately drives the climate oscillations through albedo oscillations. In particular, a quasi 60-year large cycle is quite evident since 1650 in all climate and astronomical records herein studied, which also include an historical record of meteorite fall in China from 619 to 1943. These findings support the thesis that climate oscillations have an astronomical origin. We show that a harmonic constituent model based on the major astronomical frequencies revealed in the aurora records is able to forecast with a reasonable accuracy the decadal and multidecadal temperature oscillations from 1950 to 2010 using the temperature data before 1950, and vice versa. The existence of a natural 60-year modulation of the global surface temperature induced by astronomical mechanisms, by alone, would imply that at least 60-70% of the warming observed since 1970 has been naturally induced. Moreover, the climate may stay approximately stable during the next decades because the 60-year cycle has entered in its cooling phase.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Historical Sunspot Observations: A Review

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    Early observations of sunspot were realised by the naked eye. Possible utilization of these records for studying the long-term change in the Sun is discussed here. Other historical sunspot observations with camera obscuras are also discussed. Moreover, the best record of the behaviour of the Sun exists for the last four centuries thanks to the observations of sunspots with telescope. These observations should allow us to know the number, position, and area of sunspots as well as some relevant episodes (Maunder Minimum, optical flares, etc.). Rudolf Wolf developed the first reconstruction of solar activity in the 19th century. The next reconstruction was made by Hoyt and Schatten in 1998 by improving the database and using a new methodological approach. Here some mistakes, pending tasks and minor improvements are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Adv. Space Re

    Robot controlled by microcontroller

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací malého samostatně se pohybujícího mobilního robota ovládaného mikrokontrolérem. V teoretické části práce je popsána problematika mobilních robotů a rozbor jejich hlavních částí. Praktická část obsahuje popis konstrukce malého mobilního robota a software pro něj.This Bachelor thesis describes the design and implementation of a small self-moving mobile robot controlled by microcontroller. In the theoretical part are described the problems of mobile robots and analysis of its main parts. The practical part contains a description of the construction of small mobile robot and software for it.Katedra elektrotechnikyBakalářská práce zpracována na velmi dobré úrovni. Komisí byla práce hodnocena klasifikací výborně. Hodnocení odpovědí na otázky z odborných předmětů odpovídá celkovému výsledku zkoušky velmi dobře mínus

    Sociálně patologické jevy současnosti

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    Práce se zabývá drogovou problematikou, nastiňuje způsoby boje s drogami a různá řešení problémů, stručně představuje drogovou scénu v České republice.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo