41 research outputs found

    International BEAT-PCD consensus statement for infection prevention and control for primary ciliary dyskinesia in collaboration with ERN-LUNG PCD Core Network and patient representatives

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    Discinesia ciliar primaria; Consenso; Prevención de infeccionesDiscinèsia ciliar primària; Consens; Prevenció d'infeccionsPrimary ciliary dyskinesia; Consensus; Infection preventionIntroduction In primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) impaired mucociliary clearance leads to recurrent airway infections and progressive lung destruction, and concern over chronic airway infection and patient-to-patient transmission is considerable. So far, there has been no defined consensus on how to control infection across centres caring for patients with PCD. Within the BEAT-PCD network, COST Action and ERS CRC together with the ERN-Lung PCD core a first initiative has now been taken towards creating such a consensus statement. Methods A multidisciplinary international PCD expert panel was set up to create a consensus statement for infection prevention and control (IP&C) for PCD, covering diagnostic microbiology, infection prevention for specific pathogens considered indicated for treatment and segregation aspects. Using a modified Delphi process, consensus to a statement demanded at least 80% agreement within the PCD expert panel group. Patient organisation representatives were involved throughout the process. Results We present a consensus statement on 20 IP&C statements for PCD including suggested actions for microbiological identification, indications for treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia and nontuberculous mycobacteria and suggested segregation aspects aimed to minimise patient-to-patient transmission of infections whether in-hospital, in PCD clinics or wards, or out of hospital at meetings between people with PCD. The statement also includes segregation aspects adapted to the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Conclusion The first ever international consensus statement on IP&C intended specifically for PCD is presented and is targeted at clinicians managing paediatric and adult patients with PCD, microbiologists, patient organisations and not least the patients and their families.Ministerstvo Zdravotnictví Ceské Republiky (grant nr. NV-19-07-00210.) European Reference Network for Rare Respiratory Diseases (Project ID No 739546.) Børnelungefonden European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST Action BM 1407) Danmarks Lungeforening European Respiratory Society (CRC

    Proceedings of the 3rd BEAT-PCD Conference and 4th PCD Training School

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    Abstract Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a chronic suppurative airways disease that is usually recessively inherited and has marked clinical phenotypic heterogeneity. Classic symptoms include neonatal respiratory distress, chronic rhinitis since early childhood, chronic otitis media, recurrent airway infections leading to bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis, laterality defects with and without congenital heart disease including abnormal situs in approximately 50% of the cases, and male infertility. Lung function deteriorates progressively from childhood throughout life. ‘Better Experimental Approaches to Treat Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia’ (BEAT-PCD) is a network of scientists and clinicians coordinating research from basic science through to clinical care with the intention of developing treatments and diagnostics that lead to improved long-term outcomes for patients. BEAT-PCD activities are supported by EU funded COST Action (BM1407). The third BEAT-PCD conference and fourth PCD training school were held jointly in February 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. Presentations and workshops focussed on advancing the knowledge and skills relating to PCD in: basic science, epidemiology, diagnostic testing, clinical management and clinical trials. The multidisciplinary conference provided an interactive platform for exchanging ideas through a program of lectures, poster presentations, breakout sessions and workshops. Three working groups met to plan consensus statements. Progress with BEAT-PCD projects was shared and new collaborations were fostered. In this report, we summarize the meeting, highlighting developments made during the meeting

    International BEAT-PCD consensus statement for infection prevention and control for primary ciliary dyskinesia in collaboration with ERN-LUNG PCD Core Network and patient representatives.

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    Introduction In primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) impaired mucociliary clearance leads to recurrent airway infections and progressive lung destruction, and concern over chronic airway infection and patient-to-patient transmission is considerable. So far, there has been no defined consensus on how to control infection across centres caring for patients with PCD. Within the BEAT-PCD network, COST Action and ERS CRC together with the ERN-Lung PCD core a first initiative has now been taken towards creating such a consensus statement. Methods A multidisciplinary international PCD expert panel was set up to create a consensus statement for infection prevention and control (IP&C) for PCD, covering diagnostic microbiology, infection prevention for specific pathogens considered indicated for treatment and segregation aspects. Using a modified Delphi process, consensus to a statement demanded at least 80% agreement within the PCD expert panel group. Patient organisation representatives were involved throughout the process. Results We present a consensus statement on 20 IP&C statements for PCD including suggested actions for microbiological identification, indications for treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia and nontuberculous mycobacteria and suggested segregation aspects aimed to minimise patient-to-patient transmission of infections whether in-hospital, in PCD clinics or wards, or out of hospital at meetings between people with PCD. The statement also includes segregation aspects adapted to the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Conclusion The first ever international consensus statement on IP&C intended specifically for PCD is presented and is targeted at clinicians managing paediatric and adult patients with PCD, microbiologists, patient organisations and not least the patients and their families

    Lung function from school age to adulthood in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) presents with symptoms early in life and the disease course may be progressive, but longitudinal data on lung function are scarce. This multinational cohort study describes lung function trajectories in children, adolescents and young adults with PCD. We analysed data from 486 patients with repeated lung function measurements obtained between the age of 6 and 24 years from the International PCD Cohort and calculated z-scores for forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC ratio using the Global Lung Function Initiative 2012 references. We described baseline lung function and change of lung function over time and described their associations with possible determinants in mixed-effects linear regression models. Overall, FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC z-scores declined over time (average crude annual FEV1 decline was -0.07 z-scores), but not at the same rate for all patients. FEV1 z-scores improved over time in 21% of patients, remained stable in 40% and declined in 39%. Low body mass index was associated with poor baseline lung function and with further decline. Results differed by country and ultrastructural defect, but we found no evidence of differences by sex, calendar year of diagnosis, age at diagnosis, diagnostic certainty or laterality defect. Our study shows that on average lung function in PCD declines throughout the entire period of lung growth, from childhood to young adult age, even among patients treated in specialised centres. It is essential to develop strategies to reverse this tendency and improve prognosi

    Recessive <i>HYDIN</i> mutations cause primary ciliary dyskinesia without randomization of left-right body asymmetry

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous recessive disorder characterized by defective cilia and flagella motility. Chronic destructive-airway disease is caused by abnormal respiratory-tract mucociliary clearance. Abnormal propulsion of sperm flagella contributes to male infertility. Genetic defects in most individuals affected by PCD cause randomization of left-right body asymmetry; approximately half show situs inversus or situs ambiguous. Almost 70 years after the hy3 mouse possessing Hydin mutations was described as a recessive hydrocephalus model, we report HYDIN mutations in PCD- affected persons without hydrocephalus. By homozygosity mapping, we identified a PCD-associated locus, chromosomal region 16q21- q23, which contains HYDIN. However, a nearly identical 360 kb paralogous segment (HYDIN2) in chromosomal region 1q21.1 complicated mutational analysis. In three affected German siblings linked to HYDIN, we identified homozygous c.3985G>T mutations that affect an evolutionary conserved splice acceptor site and that subsequently cause aberrantly spliced transcripts predicting premature protein termination in respiratory cells. Parallel whole-exome sequencing identified a homozygous nonsense HYDIN mutation, c.922A>T (p.Lys307( *)), in six individuals from three Faroe Island PCD-affected families that all carried an 8.8 Mb shared haplotype across HYDIN, indicating an ancestral founder mutation in this isolated population. We demonstrate by electron microscopy tomography that, consistent with the effects of loss-of-function mutations, HYDIN mutant respiratory cilia lack the C2b projection of the central pair (CP) apparatus; similar findings were reported in Hydin-deficient Chlamydomonas and mice. High-speed videomicroscopy demonstrated markedly reduced beating amplitudes of respiratory cilia and stiff sperm flagella. Like the hy3 mouse model, all nine PCD-affected persons had normal body composition because nodal cilia function is apparently not dependent on the function of the CP apparatus

    A BEAT-PCD consensus statement:a core outcome set for pulmonary disease interventions in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    BACKGROUND: Consistent use of reliable and clinically appropriate outcome measures is a priority for clinical trials, with clear definitions to allow comparability. We aimed to develop a core outcome set (COS) for pulmonary disease interventions in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD).METHODS: A multidisciplinary international PCD expert panel was set up. A list of outcomes was created based on published literature. Using a modified three-round e-Delphi technique, the panel was asked to decide on relevant end-points related to pulmonary disease interventions and how they should be reported. First, inclusion of an outcome in the COS was determined. Second, the minimum information that should be reported per outcome. The third round finalised statements. Consensus was defined as ≥80% agreement among experts.RESULTS: During the first round, experts reached consensus on four out of 24 outcomes to be included in the COS. Five additional outcomes were discussed in subsequent rounds for their use in different subsettings. Consensus on standardised methods of reporting for the COS was reached. Spirometry, health-related quality-of-life scores, microbiology and exacerbations were included in the final COS.CONCLUSION: This expert consensus resulted in a COS for clinical trials on pulmonary health among people with PCD.</p

    The disease-specific clinical trial network for primary ciliary dyskinesia: PCD-CTN

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by impaired mucociliary clearance leading to irreversible lung damage. In contrast to other rare lung diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF), there are only few clinical trials and limited evidence-based treatments. Management is mainly based on expert opinions and treatment is challenging due to a wide range of clinical manifestations and disease severity. To improve clinical and translational research and facilitate development of new treatments, the clinical trial network for PCD (PCD-CTN) was founded in 2020 under the framework of the European Reference Network (ERN)-LUNG PCD Core. Applications from European PCD sites interested in participating in the PCD-CTN were requested. Inclusion criteria consisted of patient numbers, membership of ERN-LUNG PCD Core, use of associated standards of care, experience in PCD and/or CF clinical research, resources to run clinical trials, good clinical practice (GCP) certifications and institutional support. So far, applications from 22 trial sites in 18 European countries have been approved, including >1400 adult and >1600 paediatric individuals with PCD. The PCD-CTN is headed by a coordinating centre and consists of a steering and executive committee, a data safety monitoring board and committees for protocol review, training and standardisation. A strong association with patient organisations and industrial companies are further cornerstones. All participating trial sites agreed on a code of conduct. As CTNs from other diseases have demonstrated successfully, this newly formed PCD-CTN operates to establish evidence-based treatments for this orphan disease and to bring new personalised treatment approaches to patients

    Mutations in ZMYND10, a Gene Essential for Proper Axonemal Assembly of Inner and Outer Dynein Arms in Humans and Flies, Cause Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a ciliopathy characterized by airway disease, infertility, and laterality defects, often caused by dual loss of the inner dynein arms (IDAs) and outer dynein arms (ODAs), which power cilia and flagella beating. Using whole-exome and candidate-gene Sanger resequencing in PCD-affected families afflicted with combined IDA and ODA defects, we found that 6/38 (16%) carried biallelic mutations in the conserved zinc-finger gene BLU (ZMYND10). ZMYND10 mutations conferred dynein-arm loss seen at the ultrastructural and immunofluorescence level and complete cilia immotility, except in hypomorphic p.Val16Gly (c.47T&gt;G) homozygote individuals, whose cilia retained a stiff and slowed beat. In mice, Zmynd10 mRNA is restricted to regions containing motile cilia. In a Drosophila model of PCD, Zmynd10 is exclusively expressed in cells with motile cilia: chordotonal sensory neurons and sperm. In these cells, P-element-mediated gene silencing caused IDA and ODA defects, proprioception deficits, and sterility due to immotile sperm. Drosophila Zmynd10 with an equivalent c.47T&gt;G (p.Val16Gly) missense change rescued mutant male sterility less than the wild-type did. Tagged Drosophila ZMYND10 is localized primarily to the cytoplasm, and human ZMYND10 interacts with LRRC6, another cytoplasmically localized protein altered in PCD. Using a fly model of PCD, we conclude that ZMYND10 is a cytoplasmic protein required for IDA and ODA assembly and that its variants cause ciliary dysmotility and PCD with laterality defects

    Quantitative 99mTc-albumin colloid nasal mucociliary clearance as an outcome in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Background Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an inherited disorder in which dyskinetic cilia cause impaired mucociliary clearance of upper and lower airways. Airway ciliary movement can be indirectly tested in vivo after administration of a radiolabelled tracer to the lower airways for assessment of pulmonary mucociliary clearance or to the nose for assessing nasal mucociliary clearance (NMC). With this study, we investigated NMC as a quantifiable study outcome parameter in patients with PCD. Material and methods This single centre proof-of-concept study on NMC velocity investigated patients with PCD across different genotypes and nasal nitric oxide (nasal NO) levels. Healthy controls were used for comparison. NMC was determined as velocity in mm·min−1 of a nasally applied 99mTc-albumin colloid tracer. Using a gamma camera, repeated dynamic series of images each lasting 30 s were acquired during a 10-minute period and digitally stored. Results NMC velocity was investigated in seven patients with PCD (aged 9–31 years) and five adult healthy controls. Mean NMC velocity in healthy controls (8.5 mm·min−1) was significantly higher compared with people with PCD (0.00 mm·min−1, p<0.0001). NMC was completely absent in all included patients with PCD across different PCD genotypes and regardless of nasal NO values. The success rate of the test was 100% in both groups. Conclusion NMC velocity discriminated highly significantly between patients with PCD and healthy controls. We suggest here a fast and feasible set up for NMC measurements that is easily applicable for any clinical trial involving PCD medication aimed for the nasal compartment, a step before or parallel to conducting clinical trials investigating whole-lung ciliary function in PCD

    Cut-off values, sensitivity and specificity in the discrimination between patients with primary ciliary dyskinesia and healthy subjects by nasal Nitric Oxide concentrations (ppb), during tidal breathing and velum closure modality using hand-held and stationary nNO analysers.

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    <p>Hand-held nNO was measured by sampling rate of both 2 ml/s (MINO2) and 5 ml/s (MINO5). Two stationary analysers (CLD 88 sp and NIOX Flex) were employed. Both non-velum closure (nVC) and velum closure (VC) results are shown. §: VC accomplished by standard manoeuvre during exhalation against resistance in a mouthpiece. Cut-off values (ppb) with associated sensitivity (%) and specificity (%) were calculated from Receiver Operating Characteristic analyses.</p><p>BH: Breath Hold, TB: Tidal Breathing, VC: Velum Closure, nVC: non-Velum Closure.</p