6 research outputs found

    Indicadores de calidad en cardiología. Principales indicadores para medir la calidad de los resultados (indicadores de resultados) y parámetros de calidad relacionados con mejores resultados en la práctica clínica (indicadores de práctica asistencial). INCARDIO (Indicadores de Calidad en Unidades Asistenciales del Área del Corazón): Declaración de posicionamiento de consenso de SEC/SECTCV

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    ResumenLa práctica clínica cardiológica requiere una organización compleja que influya en los resultados globales y puede diferir sustancialmente entre distintos hospitales y comunidades. El objetivo de este documento de consenso es definir indicadores de calidad en cardiología, incluidos los indicadores para medir la calidad de los resultados (indicadores de resultados) y los parámetros de calidad relacionados con mejores resultados en la práctica clínica (indicadores de práctica asistencial). El documento está destinado principalmente al sistema de asistencia sanitaria de España y puede servir de base para documentos similares en otros países.AbstractCardiology practice requires complex organization that impacts overall outcomes and may differ substantially among hospitals and communities. The aim of this consensus document is to define quality markers in cardiology, including markers to measure the quality of results (outcomes metrics) and quality measures related to better results in clinical practice (performance metrics). The document is mainly intended for the Spanish health care system and may serve as a basis for similar documents in othe rcountries

    Mental health assessment of spanish healthcare workers during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak is posing unprecedented care scenarios, increasing the psychological distress among healthcare workers while reducing the efficiency of health systems. This work evaluated the psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Spanish frontline healthcare workers of two tertiary hospitals. Material and methods: Healthcare workers were recruited from the medical units designated for the care of Covid-19 patients. The psychological assessment consisted of an individual, face-to-face session where gold-standard psychometric tests were administered to assess stress (VASS & PSS-10), anxiety (STAI), depression (PHQ-2) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PCL-5). Regression models were also fitted to identify predictors of psychological distress. Results: Overall, almost 13% of healthcare workers showed severe anxiety, while more than 26% had high levels of perceived stress. More than 23% presented severe posttraumatic stress symptoms, and another 13% had PHQ-2 scores equal to or above 3, compatible with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) diagnosis, respectively. Women, stress-related medication, overworking, performing in Covid-19 wards, and substance abuse were risk factors for increased psychological distress. Instead, practising exercise reduced the burden. Conclusion: This study outlines the severe psychological impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Spanish frontline healthcare workers. The stress, depression and anxiety levels found were similar to those reported in similar works but much higher than in Wuhan healthcare workers. Knowledge of risk factors for increased psychological distress may help to develop comprehensive intervention strategies to prevent, control and reduce the mental health exacerbation of healthcare workers, thereby maintaining the effectiveness of health systems in critical scenarios

    Análisis de la salud mental de trabajadores sanitarios españoles de primera línea durante la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2

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    Background and objective: The Covid-19 pandemic continues challenging health systems globally, exposing healthcare workers to constant physical and psychological stressors. To date, several studies have already shown the catastrophic impact on the mental health of medical personnel during the early period of the pandemic. Nevertheless, literature evidences the dearth of works that evaluate the effect over time, understanding the pandemic as a sustained extreme stressor. The present study examines the effect of the pandemic on the mental health of Covid-19 frontline healthcare workers at six months follow-up. Material and methods: A total of 141 frontline healthcare workers from two tertiary hospitals were recruited between July and November 2020. Healthcare workers were evaluated psychologically at baseline and six months follow-up (January to May 2021) using psychometric tests for the assessment of acute stress (VASS, PSS-10, PCL-5), anxiety (STAI) and depression (PHQ-2) RESULTS: Overall, there was a general worsening of the mental health between the two psychological assessments, especially regarding depression and predisposition to perceiving the situations as a threat. Nurses and nurse aides showed poorer mental health while physicians improved over time. Reduced working hours and higher physical exercise resulted in better mental health among healthcare workers. Women and nursing staff were the most affected by psychological distress at baseline and six months follow-up. Conclusion: Reduced working hours, adequate resting periods, physical exercise, and efficient intervention strategies are of utmost importance in preventing, controlling, and reducing psychological distress among healthcare workers when coping with critical scenarios such as the current pandemic.Antecedentes y objetivo: La pandemia Covid-19 sigue desafiando a los sistemas sanitarios, exponiendo al personal asistencial a estresores físicos y psicológicos. Actualmente, varios estudios han demostrado el impacto catastrófico en la salud mental del personal asistencial durante la primera etapa de la pandemia, pero pocos han considerado el seguimiento de los síntomas. El presente estudio examina el efecto de la pandemia en la salud mental del personal sanitario de primera línea a los 6 meses de seguimiento. Material y métodos: Se evaluó psicológicamente a 141 trabajadores sanitarios de primera línea de 2 hospitales terciarios al inicio del estudio (julio-noviembre, 2020) y a los 6 meses (enero-mayo, 2021) mediante pruebas psicométricas para el estrés agudo (VASS, PSS-10, PCL-5), la ansiedad (STAI) y la depresión (PHQ-2). Resultados: En general, se observó un empeoramiento de la salud mental entre las 2 evaluaciones psicológicas, especialmente en depresión y predisposición a percibir las situaciones como una amenaza. La salud mental del personal de enfermería empeoró con el tiempo, mientras que los médicos mejoraron. La reducción de la jornada laboral y el aumento del ejercicio físico mejoraron la salud mental. Las mujeres y el personal de enfermería fueron los más afectados por el malestar psicológico al inicio y a los 6 meses de seguimiento. Conclusión: Jornadas laborales reducidas, períodos de descanso adecuados, ejercicio físico y estrategias de intervención eficientes son de suma importancia para prevenir, controlar y reducir el malestar psicológico entre el personal sanitario ante escenarios críticos como la pandemia actual

    Quality Markers in Cardiology. Main Markers to Measure Quality of Results (Outcomes) and Quality Measures Related to Better Results in Clinical Practice (Performance Metrics). INCARDIO (Indicadores de Calidad en Unidades Asistenciales del Área del Corazón): A SEC/SECTCV Consensus Position Paper

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