307 research outputs found

    La réorganisation de la parenté aux États-Unis après le divorce et le remariage

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    RésuméLa réorganisation de la parenté aux États-Unis après le divorce et le remariageCet article s'intéresse aux processus de réorganisation de la parenté à la suite du divorce et du remariage. À partir de listes électorales publiques, cinquante divorces ont été sélectionnés dans les faubourgs de classe moyenne de la Californie du Nord. Nous avons contacté les familles une fois le divorce achevé ; les parents qui divorçaient et leurs propres parents furent interrogés plusieurs fois pendant une période de quatre ans. Quatre cadres théoriques et empiriques issus de l'anthropologie permettent d'analyser les résultats : 1) l'analyse sémiotique et culturelle des définitions et des significations des relations avec des personnes apparentées acquises ou perdues au fil des divorces et des remariages ; 2) une analyse structurale de la dualité des oppositions qui produisent des clivages et des coalitions entre parents par alliance au fil du processus; 3) la nature et les racines culturelles des rôles parentaux qui ont eu pour résultat le rôle périphérique des pères et 4) les processus rituels qui fonctionnent comme mécanismes réducteurs de tensions quand des anciens parents par alliance doivent se rencontrer.Mots clés : Johnson, divorce, remariage, réorganisation de la parenté, États-UnisAbstractKinship Reorganization in thé United States after Divorce and RemarriageThis article reviews thé processes of kinship reorganization following divorce and remarriage. Fifty divorces were selected from public divorce records in Northern California middle-class suburbs. Families were contacted at thé time thé divorce was finalized, and both thé divorcing parents and their parents were interviewed several times over a four-year period. Four theoretical and empirical frameworks from anthropology are used in thé following to analyze thé findings : 1) thé cultural and semiotic analysis of thé définitions and meanings of relationships with both former and current relatives acquired or lost through divorce and remarriage ; 2) a structural linguistic analysis of thé duality of oppositions that resuit in cleavages and coalitions in in-law relationships throughout thé process ; 3) thé nature and cultural roots in parental rôles that resulted in peripheral rôles of fathers ; and 4) ritual processes that function as tension-reducing mechanisms when former and présent relatives must meet.Key words : Johnson, divorce, remarriage, kinship reorganization, United States of Americ

    Transdermal fluorescence detection of a dual fluorophore system for noninvasive point-of-care gastrointestinal permeability measurement

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    The intestinal mucosal barrier prevents macromolecules and pathogens from entering the circulatory stream. Tight junctions in this barrier are compromised in inflammatory bowel diseases, environmental enteropathy, and enteric dysfunction. Dual sugar absorption tests are a standard method for measuring gastrointestinal integrity, however, these are not clinically amenable. Herein, we report on a dual fluorophore system and fluorescence detection instrumentation for which gastrointestinal permeability is determined in a rat small bowel disease model from the longitudinal measured transdermal fluorescence of each fluorophore. This fluorophore technology enables a specimen-free, noninvasive, point-of-care gastrointestinal permeability measurement which should be translatable to human clinical studies

    The genome of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449: insights into the evolution of a fish pathogen

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    Background Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is a Gram-negative bacterium that is the causative agent of furunculosis, a bacterial septicaemia of salmonid fish. While other species of Aeromonas are opportunistic pathogens or are found in commensal or symbiotic relationships with animal hosts, A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida causes disease in healthy fish. The genome sequence of A. salmonicida was determined to provide a better understanding of the virulence factors used by this pathogen to infect fish. Results The nucleotide sequences of the A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449 chromosome and two large plasmids are characterized. The chromosome is 4,702,402 bp and encodes 4388 genes, while the two large plasmids are 166,749 and 155,098 bp with 178 and 164 genes, respectively. Notable features are a large inversion in the chromosome and, in one of the large plasmids, the presence of a Tn21 composite transposon containing mercury resistance genes and an In2 integron encoding genes for resistance to streptomycin/spectinomycin, quaternary ammonia compounds, sulphonamides and chloramphenicol. A large number of genes encoding potential virulence factors were identified; however, many appear to be pseudogenes since they contain insertion sequences, frameshifts or in-frame stop codons. A total of 170 pseudogenes and 88 insertion sequences (of ten different types) are found in the A. salmonicida genome. Comparison with the A. hydrophila ATCC 7966T genome reveals multiple large inversions in the chromosome as well as an approximately 9% difference in gene content indicating instances of single gene or operon loss or gain. A limited number of the pseudogenes found in A. salmonicida A449 were investigated in other Aeromonas strains and species. While nearly all the pseudogenes tested are present in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strains, only about 25% were found in other A. salmonicida subspecies and none were detected in other Aeromonas species. Conclusion Relative to the A. hydrophila ATCC 7966T genome, the A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida genome has acquired multiple mobile genetic elements, undergone substantial rearrangement and developed a significant number of pseudogenes. These changes appear to be a consequence of adaptation to a specific host, salmonid fish, and provide insights into the mechanisms used by the bacterium for infection and avoidance of host defence systems.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Inappropriate p53 Activation During Development Induces Features of CHARGE Syndrome

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    CHARGE syndrome is a multiple anomaly disorder in which patients present with a variety of phenotypes, including ocular coloboma, heart defects, choanal atresia, retarded growth and development, genitourinary hypoplasia and ear abnormalities. Despite 70-90% of CHARGE syndrome cases resulting from mutations in the gene CHD7, which encodes an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller, the pathways underlying the diverse phenotypes remain poorly understood. Surprisingly, our studies of a knock-in mutant mouse strain that expresses a stabilized and transcriptionally dead variant of the tumour-suppressor protein p53 (p53(25,26,53,54)), along with a wild-type allele of p53 (also known as Trp53), revealed late-gestational embryonic lethality associated with a host of phenotypes that are characteristic of CHARGE syndrome, including coloboma, inner and outer ear malformations, heart outflow tract defects and craniofacial defects. We found that the p53(25,26,53,54) mutant protein stabilized and hyperactivated wild-type p53, which then inappropriately induced its target genes and triggered cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis during development. Importantly, these phenotypes were only observed with a wild-type p53 allele, as p53(25,26,53,54)(/-) embryos were fully viable. Furthermore, we found that CHD7 can bind to the p53 promoter, thereby negatively regulating p53 expression, and that CHD7 loss in mouse neural crest cells or samples from patients with CHARGE syndrome results in p53 activation. Strikingly, we found that p53 heterozygosity partially rescued the phenotypes in Chd7-null mouse embryos, demonstrating that p53 contributes to the phenotypes that result from CHD7 loss. Thus, inappropriate p53 activation during development can promote CHARGE phenotypes, supporting the idea that p53 has a critical role in developmental syndromes and providing important insight into the mechanisms underlying CHARGE syndrome

    Fermi Large Area Telescope Constraints on the Gamma-ray Opacity of the Universe

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    The Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) includes photons with wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared, which are effective at attenuating gamma rays with energy above ~10 GeV during propagation from sources at cosmological distances. This results in a redshift- and energy-dependent attenuation of the gamma-ray flux of extragalactic sources such as blazars and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). The Large Area Telescope onboard Fermi detects a sample of gamma-ray blazars with redshift up to z~3, and GRBs with redshift up to z~4.3. Using photons above 10 GeV collected by Fermi over more than one year of observations for these sources, we investigate the effect of gamma-ray flux attenuation by the EBL. We place upper limits on the gamma-ray opacity of the Universe at various energies and redshifts, and compare this with predictions from well-known EBL models. We find that an EBL intensity in the optical-ultraviolet wavelengths as great as predicted by the "baseline" model of Stecker et al. (2006) can be ruled out with high confidence.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, accepted version (24 Aug.2010) for publication in ApJ; Contact authors: A. Bouvier, A. Chen, S. Raino, S. Razzaque, A. Reimer, L.C. Reye

    Shape-dependent plasmon resonances of gold nanoparticles

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    Localized surface plasmon resonances in noble metal nanoparticles cause enhanced optical absorption and scattering that is tunable through the visible and near-infrared. Furthermore, these resonances create large local electric field enhancements at the nanoparticle surfaces, essentially focussing light at the nanometer scale. These properties suggest a range of applications, including biomedical imaging, therapeutics, and molecular sensing. Here we review some recent advances regarding shape-dependent optical properties of two specific nanoparticle geometries: gold nanorods and branched gold nanoparticles

    Environmental and Demographic Determinants of Avian Influenza Viruses in Waterfowl across the Contiguous United States

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    Outbreaks of avian influenza in North American poultry have been linked to wild waterfowl. A first step towards understanding where and when avian influenza viruses might emerge from North American waterfowl is to identify environmental and demographic determinants of infection in their populations. Laboratory studies indicate water temperature as one determinant of environmental viral persistence and we explored this hypothesis at the landscape scale. We also hypothesized that the interval apparent prevalence in ducks within a local watershed during the overwintering season would influence infection probabilities during the following breeding season within the same local watershed. Using avian influenza virus surveillance data collected from 19,965 wild waterfowl across the contiguous United States between October 2006 and September 2009 We fit Logistic regression models relating the infection status of individual birds sampled on their breeding grounds to demographic characteristics, temperature, and interval apparent prevalence during the preceding overwintering season at the local watershed scale. We found strong support for sex, age, and species differences in the probability an individual duck tested positive for avian influenza virus. In addition, we found that for every seven days the local minimum temperature fell below zero, the chance an individual would test positive for avian influenza virus increased by 5.9 percent. We also found a twelve percent increase in the chance an individual would test positive during the breeding season for every ten percent increase in the interval apparent prevalence during the prior overwintering season. These results suggest that viral deposition in water and sub-freezing temperatures during the overwintering season may act as determinants of individual level infection risk during the subsequent breeding season. Our findings have implications for future surveillance activities in waterfowl and domestic poultry populations. Further study is needed to identify how these drivers might interact with other host-specific infection determinants, such as species phylogeny, immunological status, and behavioral characteristics
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