363 research outputs found

    How do marine mammals alter their behavioral responses due to tourist interactions/activities?

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    Purpose: How do marine mammals alter their behavioral responses due to tourist interactions/activities? Methods: This study is a literature review where relevant secondary data had been used to obtain information from Oria. The data has then been analyzed and disused to answer the problem statement. Results: The result of this thesis includes 13 studies, three studies about whales, five about pinnipeds, and five about dolphins. The studies explore the behavioral effects tourist activities have on the animals. The studies include activities like swim-with, marine mammal-watching, and food provisioning. Conclusion: The findings in this thesis show that marine mammals alter their behavior due to tourist interactions. Behavior responses like stress and avoidance were the most common short-term effects and were mostly due to high vessel traffic. The study also found some long-term effects like change in habitat during high tourism seasons and change in population size due to the stressful environment. This study also found some management strategies that should be implied at marine tourist sights to minimize the impacts and make the sight as sustainable as possible.Purpose: How do marine mammals alter their behavioral responses due to tourist interactions/activities? Methods: This study is a literature review where relevant secondary data had been used to obtain information from Oria. The data has then been analyzed and disused to answer the problem statement. Results: The result of this thesis includes 13 studies, three studies about whales, five about pinnipeds, and five about dolphins. The studies explore the behavioral effects tourist activities have on the animals. The studies include activities like swim-with, marine mammal-watching, and food provisioning. Conclusion: The findings in this thesis show that marine mammals alter their behavior due to tourist interactions. Behavior responses like stress and avoidance were the most common short-term effects and were mostly due to high vessel traffic. The study also found some long-term effects like change in habitat during high tourism seasons and change in population size due to the stressful environment. This study also found some management strategies that should be implied at marine tourist sights to minimize the impacts and make the sight as sustainable as possible

    The E-cadherin/AmotL2 complex organizes actin filaments required for epithelial hexagonal packing and blastocyst hatching

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    Epithelial cells connect via cell-cell junctions to form sheets of cells with separate cellular compartments. These cellular connections are essential for the generation of cellular forms and shapes consistent with organ function. Tissue modulation is dependent on the fine-tuning of mechanical forces that are transmitted in part through the actin connection to E-cadherin as well as other components in the adherens junctions. In this report we show that p100 amotL2 forms a complex with E-cadherin that associates with radial actin filaments connecting cells over multiple layers. Genetic inactivation or depletion of amotL2 in epithelial cells in vitro or zebrafish and mouse in vivo, resulted in the loss of contractile actin filaments and perturbed epithelial packing geometry. We further showed that AMOTL2 mRNA and protein was expressed in the trophectoderm of human and mouse blastocysts. Genetic inactivation of amotL2 did not affect cellular differentiation but blocked hatching of the blastocysts from the zona pellucida. These results were mimicked by treatment with the myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin. We propose that the tension generated by the E-cadherin/AmotL2/actin filaments plays a crucial role in developmental processes such as epithelial geometrical packing as well as generation of forces required for blastocyst hatching.Peer reviewe

    The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grasslands across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions): mapping, understanding, and key stakeholder perceptions

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    The purpose of this report is to identify, map, and evaluate the most relevant European policies seen to influence permanent grassland (PG) management. To accomplish this, an interdisciplinary, crossnational team from the UK, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic, and Sweden reviewed over 50 in-depth policy frameworks. With direction from expert stakeholders and a review of the policy landscape, we identified the most relevant policy instruments influencing PGs across five different biogeographic regions in Europe (Alpine, Atlantic, Boreal, Continental, and Mediterranean). The mapping of each country’s policy mix was guided inter-alia by a ‘cascade framework’ to illustrate the entry points, intermediary actors, mechanisms and pathways through which policies deliver their intended effects on PGs. This entailed an in-depth analysis of publicly available government sources documenting the aims, objectives, targets, monitoring systems, outputs and outcomes of each policy instrument. In total, 24 policies were mapped using 50 different criteria, with 15 of the policies unique to the case study countries. This resulted in an extensive excel database of over 3400 unique cells containing rich qualitative data. The excel data were coded in a consistent manner across the country teams so that they could be compared, synthesized, and used to identify patterns in the policy mix and logic of intervention. We show, for instance, that across Europe, the dominant policy logic uses regulations and incentives to influence farmer adoption of desired landscape compositions. This directly influences, but does not guarantee, the range of ecosystem services (ES) that are possible from the landscape. At the same time, we discovered a lack of policies targeting consumer demand for PG ecosystem services and only a few designed to drive sustainable PG management by directly promoting the value of PGs with beneficiaries. To complement the policy mapping, stakeholders’ assessed the perceived effectiveness of the policy mix in each country. This evaluation included over 50 interviews with key stakeholders across Europe representing government, academia, farmers, and special interests, and covered perceptions of democracy, legitimacy, relevance, efficiency and impact in relation to the effectiveness of policies relevant to the management of PG. Our findings reveal generally positive perceptions of grassland policy effectiveness across Europe, with special interest groups being the least positive and governments the most. The in-depth country case studies reveal striking similarities, as well as differences between countries and stakeholder groups, which are illustrative of the problems, challenges, and barriers confronting policy effectiveness. We conclude this report by offering insights and policy implications. In particular, we suggest that the following four points are taken into consideration to improve the PG policy landscape: 1) Reduce complexity and administrative burden to make policies more understandable and accessible. 2) Require stakeholder involvement when developing strategic plans and assessing policy. 3) Encourage consideration of trade-offs between PG management and ES delivery, by designing policies to explicitly target the interaction between landscape structures and ES (or target them in parallel). 4) Encourage a balance of policy logic, by moving away from targeting farmers with regulation or subsidies to manage the landscape towards targeting consumer demand for ES (through information) and the value of ES (such as direct payments for regulating and cultural services)

    Telephone advice lines for adults with advanced illness and their family carers: a qualitative analysis and novel practical framework

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    BackgroundTelephone advice lines have been recommended internationally to support around-the-clock care for people living at home with advanced illness. While they undoubtedly support care, there is little evidence about what elements are needed for success. A national picture is needed to understand, improve and standardise service delivery/care. Aim To explore telephone advice lines for people living at home with advanced illness across the four UK nations, and to construct a practical framework to improve services.DesignA cross-national evaluation of telephone advice lines using structured qualitative interviews. A patient and public involvement workshop was conducted to refine the framework.Setting/participantsProfessionals with responsibilities for how palliative care services are delivered and/or funded at a local or regional level, were purposively sampled. ResultsSeventy-one interviews were conducted, covering 60 geographical areas. Five themes were identified. Availability: Ten advice line models were described. Variation led to confusion about who to call and when. Accessibility, awareness and promotion: It was assumed that patients/carers know who to call out-of-hours, but often they did not. Practicalities: Call handlers skills/expertise varied, which influenced how calls were managed. Possible responses ranged from signposting to organising home visits. Integration/continuity of care: Integration between care providers was limited by electronic medical records access/information sharing. Service structure/commissioning: Sustained funding was often an issue for charitably funded organisations.ConclusionsOur novel evidence-based practical framework could be transformative for service design/delivery, as it presents key considerations relating to the various elements of advice lines that may impact on the patient/carer experience

    KunskapslÀget pÄ kÀrnavfallsomrÄdet 2018

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    KĂ€rnavfallsrĂ„det (rĂ„det) ger Ă„rligen ut en kunskapslĂ€gesrapport. Åretsrapport Ă€r uppdelad i tvĂ„ delar: Del 1 handlar om beslut under osĂ€kerhet. Regeringen ska framöver fatta beslut om ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle och det kommer att fattas under osĂ€kerhet. Det i sig Ă€r inget ovanligt för regeringen utan görs hela tiden pĂ„ olika omrĂ„den, men det Ă€r dĂ€remot ett ovanligt komplicerat projekt. (Se kort översikt nedan). RĂ„det ger utifrĂ„n sin tvĂ€rvetenskapliga sammansĂ€ttning nĂ„gra exempel pĂ„ olika omrĂ„den med osĂ€kerheter och resonerar kring hur det gĂ„r att hantera och förhĂ„lla sig till osĂ€kerheter i beslutsfattande, sĂ„vĂ€l i allmĂ€nhet som nĂ€r det gĂ€ller ett beslut om ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle i synnerhet. Del 2 innehĂ„ller en rapportering om rĂ„dets arbete och en kort beskrivning om vad som hĂ€nt pĂ„ kĂ€rnavfallsomrĂ„det i Sverige under 2017. Mycket har hĂ€nt under Ă„ret, exempelvis nĂ€r det gĂ€ller tillstĂ„ndsprocessen för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle, tillstĂ„ndsprocessen om utbyggnad för Slutförvaret för kortlivat avfall (SFR) och nĂ€r det gĂ€ller finansieringsfrĂ„gor. HĂ€r finns Ă€ven en kort beskrivning av vad som hĂ€nder nu nĂ€r regeringen den 23 januari 2018 har fĂ„tt Ă€rendet om ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle pĂ„ sitt bord. Bakgrund till slutförvar, ansökningar och KBS-3-metoden NĂ€r det gĂ€ller ett beslut om ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle Ă€r det av flera anledningar ett komplext projekt. Det Ă€r tekniskt komplicerat eftersom förvaret ska vara sĂ€kert i minst 100 000 Ă„r, s.k. lĂ„ngsiktigt sĂ€kert. AnlĂ€ggningstiden för slutförvaret Ă€r ovanligt lĂ„ng, det planeras vara klart först om ca 70–80 Ă„r. Vi vet inte vad som hĂ€nder med tekniken, klimatet eller i samhĂ€llet under de lĂ„nga tidshorisonterna. Det finns inte heller nĂ„got fĂ€rdigbyggt förvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle som vi kan dra lĂ€rdom av. En kĂ€rnkraftsreaktor drivs av kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle som efter ca 5 Ă„rs anvĂ€ndning blir s.k. anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle. Det högaktiva anvĂ€nda kĂ€rnbrĂ€nslet betraktas inte som kĂ€rnavfall, enligt kĂ€rntekniklagen, innan det ligger placerat i ett slutförvar. Det Ă€r reaktorinnehavarnas ansvar att ta hand om sitt kĂ€rnavfall och anvĂ€nda kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle. För att ta sitt ansvar har reaktorinnehavarna tillsammans bildat bolaget Svensk KĂ€rnbrĂ€nslehantering AB (SKB) som planerar, driver och uppför mellanlager och slutförvar. SKB ansöker nu om att fĂ„ uppföra och driva ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle enligt KBS-3-metoden. Ansökningarna gĂ€ller ett system som bestĂ„r av tvĂ„ anlĂ€ggningar; en inkapslingsanlĂ€ggning i Oskarshamns kommun och en slutförvarsanlĂ€ggning i Forsmark, Östhammars kommun. KBS-3-metoden bygger pĂ„ tre sĂ€kerhetsbarriĂ€rer: kopparkapslarna, bentonitleran och berget. Det anvĂ€nda kĂ€rnbrĂ€nslet ska kapslas in i kopparkapslar som dĂ€refter placeras i ett tunnelsystem pĂ„ ca 500 meters djup nere i berget. Kapslarna omges dĂ€refter med bentonitlera som ska svĂ€lla och skydda kapslarna. Planen Ă€r att deponera ca 6 000 kapslar med vardera ca 2 ton anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle, totalt ca 12 000 ton. I dag ligger det ca 7 000 ton under vatten i bassĂ€nger iOskarshamn (Clab). SKB lĂ€mnade in sina ansökningar om tillstĂ„nd att fĂ„ uppföra, inneha och driva ett slutförvar för anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle i mars 2011. Det krĂ€vs tillstĂ„nd, och tillstĂ„ndsprövningen sker i tvĂ„ separata processer. Mark- och miljödomstolen vid Nacka tingsrĂ€tt har berett ansökan enligt Miljöbalken (1998:808) och StrĂ„lsĂ€kerhetsmyndigheten (SSM) har berett ansökningarna enligt Lagen (1984:3) om kĂ€rnteknisk verksamhet (kĂ€rntekniklagen). Den 23 januari 2018 lĂ€mnade mark- och miljödomstolen och SSM sina yttranden tillsammans med ansökningarna till regeringen. Det Ă€r regeringen som prövar ansökningarna och dĂ€refter fattar beslut om huruvida verksamheten kan tillĂ„tas enligt miljöbalken (s.k. tillĂ„tlighet) och om tillstĂ„nd enligt kĂ€rntekniklagen. En utmaning med att bedöma ansökningarna Ă€r att de bygger pĂ„ referensutformningar som ska bli alltmer detaljerade, eftersom det tar lĂ„ng tid att bygga och driva förvaret. Under driftstiden ska tunnlar grĂ€vas och byggas samtidigt som kapslarna med anvĂ€nt kĂ€rnbrĂ€nsle ska placeras med bentonitlera runtom (deponeras). Yttrandena frĂ„n mark- och miljödomstolen och SSM överlĂ€mnades till regeringen under absoluta slutskedet av arbetet med denna kunskapslĂ€gesrapport. RĂ„det har alltsĂ„ inte haft dessa som bakgrund under skrivprocessen utan reflekterar endast kort kring dem

    Dissection of the Role of PfEMP1 and ICAM-1 in the Sensing of Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes by Natural Killer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Host innate immunity contributes to malaria clinical outcome by providing protective inflammatory cytokines such as interferon-Îł, and by shaping the adaptive immune response. Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) is the etiologic agent of the most severe forms of human malaria. Natural Killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes of the innate immune system that are the first effectors to produce interferon-Îł in response to Pf. However, the molecular bases of Pf-NK cell recognition events are unknown. Our study focuses on the role of Pf erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), a major Pf virulence factor. PfEMP1 is expressed on parasitized-erythrocytes and participates to vascular obstruction through the binding to several host receptors. PfEMP1 is also a pivotal target for host antibody response to Pf infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using genetically-engineered parasite mutant strains, a human genetic deficiency, and blocking antibodies, we identified two receptor-ligand pairs involved in two uncoupled events occurring during the sensing of Pf infection by NK cells. First, PfEMP1 interaction with one of its host receptor, chondroitin sulfate A, mediates the cytoadhesion of Pf-infected erythrocytes to human NK cell lines, but is not required for primary NK cell activation. Second, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), another host receptor for PfEMP1, is mandatory for NK cell interferon-Îł response. In this case, ICAM-1 acts via its engagement with its host ligand, LFA-1, and not with PfEMP1, consistent with the obligatory cross-talk of NK cells with macrophages for their production of interferon-Îł. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: PfEMP1-independent but ICAM-1/LFA-1-dependent events occurring during NK cell activation by Pf highlight the fundamental role of cellular cooperation during innate immune response to malaria

    PRAISE: providing a roadmap for automated infection surveillance in Europe

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    Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are among the most common adverse events of medical care. Surveillance of HAI is a key component of successful infection prevention programmes. Conventional surveillance - manual chart review - is resource intensive and limited by concerns regarding interrater reliability. This has led to the development and use of automated surveillance (AS). Many AS systems are the product of in-house development efforts and heterogeneous in their design and methods. With this roadmap, the PRAISE network aims to provide guidance on how to move AS from the research setting to large-scale implementation, and how to ensure the delivery of surveillance data that are uniform and useful for improvement of quality of care. Methods: The PRAISE network brings together 30 experts from ten European countries. This roadmap is based on the outcome of two workshops, teleconference meetings and review by an independent panel of international experts. Results: This roadmap focuses on the surveillance of HAI within networks of healthcare facilities for the purpose of comparison, prevention and quality improvement initiatives. The roadmap does the following: discusses the selection of surveillance targets, different organizational and methodologic approaches and their advantages, disadvantages and risks; defines key performance requirements of AS systems and suggestions for their design; provides guidance on successful implementation and maintenance; and discusses areas of future research and training requirements for the infection prevention and related disciplines. The roadmap is supported by accompanying documents regarding the governance and information technology aspects of implementing AS. Conclusions: Large-scale implementation of AS requires guidance and coordination within and across surveillance networks. Transitions to large-scale AS entail redevelopment of surveillance methods and their interpretation, intensive dialogue with stakeholders and the investment of considerable resources. This roadmap can be used to guide future steps towards implementation, including designing solutions for AS and practical guidance checklists
