175 research outputs found

    Environmental pollutants modulate RNA and DNA virus-activated miRNA-155 expression and innate immune system responses: Insights into new immunomodulative mechanisms

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    Many persistent organic pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), have high immunomodulating potentials. Exposure to them, in combination with virus infections, has been shown to aggravate outcomes of the infection, leading to increased viral titers and host mortality. Expression of immune-related microRNA (miR) signaling pathways (by host and/or virus) have been shown to be important in determining these outcomes; there is some evidence to suggest pollutants can cause dysregulation of miRNAs. It was thus hypothesized here that modulation of miRNAs (and associated cytokine genes) by pollutants exerts negative effects during viral infections. To test this, an in vitro study on chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) exposed to a PCB mixture (Aroclor 1260) and then stimulated with a synthetic RNA virus (poly(I:C)) or infected with a lymphoma-causing DNA virus (Gallid Herpes Virus 2 [GaHV-2]) was conducted. Using quantitative real-time PCR, expression patterns for mir-155, pro-inflammatory TNFα and IL-8, transcription factor NF-κB1, and anti-inflammatory IL-4 were investigated 8, 12, and 18 h after virus activation. The study showed that Aroclor1260 modulated mir-155 expression, such that a down-regulation of mir-155 in poly(I:C)-treated CEF was seen up to 12 h. Aroclor1260 exposure also increased the mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory genes after 8 h in poly(I:C)-treated cells, but levels in GaHV-2-infected cells were unaffected. In contrast to with Aroclor1260/poly(I:C), Aroclor1260/GaHV-2-infected cells displayed an increase in mir-155 levels after 12 h compared to levels seen with either individual treatment. While after 12 h expression of most evaluated genes was down-regulated (independent of treatment regimen), by 18 h, up-regulation was evident again. In conclusion, this study added evidence that mir-155 signaling represents a sensitive pathway to chemically-induced immunomodulation and indicated that PCBs can modulate highly-regulated innate immune system signaling pathways important in determining host immune response outcomes during viral infections.publishedVersio

    Towards harmonisation of chemical monitoring using avian apex predators: identification of key species for pan-European biomonitoring

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    Biomonitoring in raptors can be used to study long-term and large-scale changes in environmental pollution. In Europe, such monitoring is needed to assess environmental risks and outcomes of chemicals regulation, which is harmonised across the European Union. To be effective, the most appropriate sentinels need to be monitored. Our aim was to identify which European raptor species are the likely most appropriate biomonitors when pollutant quantification is based on analysing tissues. Our current study was restricted to terrestrial exposure pathways and considered four priority pollutant groups: toxic metals (lead and mercury), anticoagulant rodenticides, pesticides and medicinal products. We evaluated information on the distribution and key ecological traits (food web, foraging trait, diet, preferred habitat, and migratory behaviour) of European raptors to identify the most appropriate sentinel species. Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) and/or tawny owl (Strix aluco) proved the most suitable candidates for many of the pollutants considered. Moreover, they are abundant in Europe, enhancing the likelihood that samples can be collected. However, other species may be better sentinels for certain pollutants, such as the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) for lead, the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) for mercury across areas including Northern Europe, and vultures (where they occur in Europe) are likely best suited for monitoring non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Overall, however, we argue the selection of candidate species for widescale monitoring of a range of pollutants can be reduced to very few raptor species. We recommend that the common buzzard and tawny owl should be the initial focus of any pan-European raptor monitoring. The lack of previous widespread monitoring using these species suggests that their utility as sentinels for environmnetal pollution has not been widely recognised. Finally, although the current study focussed on Europe, our trait-based approach for identifying raptor biomonitors can be applied to other continents and contaminants

    M & L Jaargang 23/2

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    Herwig De Lannoy Van Sint-Jozefseminarie tot Borgerstein vzw. Het voormalige instituut voor priesteropleiding, nu welzijnsvoorziening. [The former Saint Joseph seminary, now the Borgerstein association. From training institute for priesthood to welfare service.]Al beantwoordde volgens kardinaal Van Roey het in 1934 gebouwde Sint-Jozefseminarie van Sint-Kathelijne-Waver aan een \u27gans nieuwe opvatting der priesterlijke opleiding\u27, toch bleek de oorspronkelijke bestemming geen lang leven beschoren. Het prestigieuze bouwwerk van architect Simon van Craen was, kort na het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie, bijna tot leegstand gedoemd. De redding kwam vanuit de zorgsector. Ondanks de herbestemming sinds bijna dertig jaar bleef de originele structuur, het uitzichten de inrichting van het seminarie tot nu toe bewaard. En ook in de toekomst - na een nieuwe reeks verbouwingswerken - zal het basisconcept van het gebouw behouden blijven. Zo verzekert ons de algemeen directeur van de v.z.w. Borgerstein, de huidige eigenaar van het gebouwencomplex.Veerle De Houwer, Rajesh Heynickx, Patrik Jaspers en Hugo VandenBorre De ruis tussen een kromme en een rechte lijn. Huib Hoste en de kerk in Zonnebeke. [The distance between a curve and a straight line. Huib Hoste and the Zonnebeke church.]Wie niet origineel werk levert geeft aan God niet het beste dat hij bezit. Met deze uitspraak benadrukt de katholieke Hoste dat de schoonheid van een kerk enkel kan worden verkregen door het toepassen van de verwezenlijkingen van de moderne architectuur. Bij de wederopbouw van het West-Vlaamse Zonnebeke na WOI viel een dergelijke stellingname niet bij iedereen in de smaak. Bij het vooronderzoek van de restauratie van het interieur komt men vanzelf terecht bij de problematische ontstaansgeschiedenis van de O.L.Vrouwkerk van deze gemeente.Summar

    Legacy and emerging organohalogenated compounds in feathers of Eurasian eagle-owls (Bubo bubo) in Norway: Spatiotemporal variations and associations with dietary proxies (δ13C and δ15N)

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    The occurrence of organohalogenated compounds (OHCs) in wildlife has received considerable attention over the last decades. Among the matrices used for OHCs biomonitoring, feathers are particularly useful as they can be collected in a minimally or non-invasive manner. In this study, concentrations of various legacy OHCs –polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)–, as well as emerging OHCs –per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and organophosphate ester flame retardants (OPEs)– were determined in feathers of 72 Eurasian eagle-owls (Bubo bubo) from Norway, with the goal of studying spatiotemporal variation using a non-invasive approach. Molted feathers were collected at nest sites from northern, central and southern Norway across four summers (2013–2016). Additionally, two museum-archived feathers from 1979 to 1989 were included. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) were used as dietary proxies. In total, 11 PFAS (sum range 8.25–215.90 ng g− 1), 15 PCBs (4.19–430.01 ng g− 1), 6 OCPs (1.48–220.94 ng g− 1), 5 PBDEs (0.21–5.32 ng g− 1) and 3 OPEs (4.49–222.21 ng g− 1) were quantified. While we observed large variation in the values of both stable isotopes, suggesting a diverse diet of the eagle owls, only δ13C seemed to explain variation in PFAS concentrations. Geographic area and year were influential factors for δ15N and δ13C. Considerable spatial variation was observed in PFAS levels, with the southern area showing higher levels compared to northern and central Norway. For the rest of OHCs, we observed between-year variations; sum concentrations of PCBs, OCPs, PBDEs and OPEs reached a maximum in 2015 and 2016. Concentrations from 1979 to 1989 were within the ranges observed between 2013 and 2016. Overall, our data indicate high levels of legacy and emerging OHCs in a top predator in Norway, further highlighting the risk posed by OHCs to wildlife. Keywords: Bird of prey Feathers Isotopes OPE POP PFASpublishedVersio

    Antiparasite treatments reduce humoral immunity and impact oxidative status in raptor nestlings

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    Parasites are natural stressors that may have multiple negative effects on their host as they usurp energy and nutrients and may lead to costly immune responses that may cause oxidative stress. At early stages, animals may be more sensitive to infectious organisms because of their rapid growth and partly immature immune system. The objective of this study was to explore effects of parasites by treating chicks of two raptor species (northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis and white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla) against both endoparasites (internal parasites) and ectoparasites (external parasites). Nests were either treated against ectoparasites by spraying with pyrethrin or left unsprayed as control nests. Within each nest, chicks were randomly orally treated with either an antihelminthic medication (fenbendazole) or sterile water as control treatment. We investigated treatment effects on plasma (1) total antioxidant capacity TAC (an index of nonenzymatic circulating antioxidant defenses), (2) total oxidant status TOS (a measure of plasmatic oxidants), and (3) immunoglobulin levels (a measure of humoral immune function). Treatment against ectoparasites led to a reduction in circulating immunoglobulin plasma levels in male chicks. TOS was higher when not receiving any parasite reduction treatment and when receiving both endo- and ectoparasitic reduction treatment compared with receiving only one treatment. TAC was higher in all treatment groups, when compared to controls. Despite the relatively low sample size, this experimental study suggests complex but similar relationships between treatment groups and oxidative status and immunoglobulin levels in two raptor species

    Anti-parasite treatment and blood biochemistry in raptor nestlings

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    Author's accepted version (postprint).We investigated the effects of parasite removal on various blood clinical–chemical variables (BCCVs). BCCVs are indicators of health, reflecting, e.g., homeostasis of liver, kidney function, and bone metabolism. The study was conducted in Norway on chicks of two predatory birds: White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla (L., 1758)) and Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis (L., 1758)). Chicks were treated against both endoparasites (internal parasites) and ectoparasites (external parasites). We treated against ectoparasites by spraying nests with pyrethrins. Within nests, chicks were randomly treated with either an antihelminthic medication (fenbendazole) or sterile water (controls). Treatment against either ectoparasites or endoparasites led to higher levels of the bone and liver enzyme alkaline phosphatase. Bilirubin levels were lower when treated against ectoparasites, whereas bile acids were higher. Anti-endoparasite treatment led to higher creatinine levels. In Northern Goshawks, treating against endoparasites led to higher urea levels and lower potassium levels. Treatment against ectoparasites increased uric acid and urea levels and reduced bilirubin levels and protein:creatinine ratios. In conclusion, anti-parasite treatments led to changes in several BCCVs, suggesting differences in nutrient absorption and physiological state of chicks that are possibly related to the costs of parasitism, but maybe also to the parasite treatment itself.acceptedVersio

    Tracking pan-continental trends in environmental contamination using sentinel raptors — what types of samples should we use?

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    Biomonitoring using birds of prey as sentinel species has been mooted as a way to evaluate the success of European Union directives that are designed to protect people and the environment across Europe from industrial contaminants and pesticides. No such pan-European evaluation currently exists. Coordination of such large scale monitoring would require harmonisation across multiple countries of the types of samples collected and analysed-matrices vary in the ease with which they can be collected and the information they provide. We report the first ever pan-European assessment of which raptor samples are collected across Europe and review their suitability for biomonitoring. Currently, some 182 monitoring programmes across 33 European countries collect a variety of raptor samples, and we discuss the relative merits of each for monitoring current priority and emerging compounds. Of the matrices collected, blood and liver are used most extensively for quantifying trends in recent and longer-term contaminant exposure, respectively. These matrices are potentially the most effective for pan-European biomonitoring but are not so widely and frequently collected as others. We found that failed eggs and feathers are the most widely collected samples. Because of this ubiquity, they may provide the best opportunities for widescale biomonitoring, although neither is suitable for all compounds. We advocate piloting pan-European monitoring of selected priority compounds using these matrices and developing read-across approaches to accommodate any effects that trophic pathway and species differences in accumulation may have on our ability to track environmental trends in contaminants

    Mercury Exposure in Birds of Prey from Norway: Relation to Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Signatures in Body Feathers.

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    peer reviewedMercury (Hg) and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were analysed in body feathers from nestlings of white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) (WTE; n = 13) and Northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) (NG; n = 8) and in red blood cells (RBC) from NG (n = 11) from Norway. According to linear mixed model, species factor was significant in explaining the Hg concentration in feathers (LMM; p < 0.001, estimate (WTE) = 2.51, 95% CI = 1.26, 3.76), with concentrations higher in WTE (3.01 ± 1.34 µg g-1 dry weight) than in NG (0.51 ± 0.34 µg g-1 dry weight). This difference and the isotopic patterns for each species, likely reflect their diet, as WTE predominantly feed on a marine and higher trophic-chain diet compared to the terrestrial NG. In addition, Hg concentrations in RBCs of NG nestlings were positively correlated with feather Hg concentrations (Rho = 0.77, p = 0.03), supporting the potential usefulness of nestling body feathers to biomonitor and estimate Hg exposure. Hg levels in both species were generally below the commonly applied toxicity threshold of 5 µg g-1 in feathers, although exceeded in two WTE (6.08 and 5.19 µg g-1 dry weight)
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