161 research outputs found

    Exercise Blocks Ethanol-Induced Kappa Opioid Receptor Sensitization in Nucleus Accumbens and Ventral Tegmental Area

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    Exercise has been increasingly used as an adjunctive therapy in the treatment of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Despite this, the mechanism by which it influences the mesolimbic circuitry changes underlying alcohol addiction is not well understood. Previous studies have shown alcohol dependence to lead to upregulation of the Dynorphin-Kappa Opioid Receptor (KOR) system, making it a potential target for therapeutics. Thus, gaining a better understanding of these pathways will help develop evidence-based guidelines for integrating exercise into therapies for the treatment of AUD

    The Psyche Topography and Geomorphology Investigation

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    Detailed mapping of topography is crucial for the understanding of processes shaping the surfaces of planetary bodies. In particular, stereoscopic imagery makes a major contribution to topographic mapping and especially supports the geologic characterization of planetary surfaces. Image data provide the basis for extensive studies of the surface structure and morphology on local, regional and global scales using photogeologic information from images, the topographic information from stereo-derived digital terrain models and co-registered spectral terrain information from color images. The objective of the Psyche topography and geomorphology investigation is to derive the detailed shape of (16) Psyche to generate orthorectified image mosaics, which are needed to study the asteroids’ landforms, interior structure, and the processes that have modified the surface over geologic time. In this paper we describe our approaches for producing shape models, and our plans for acquiring requested image data to quantify the expected accuracy of the results. Multi-angle images obtained by Psyche’s camera will be used to create topographic models with about 15 m/pixel horizontal resolution and better than 10 m height accuracy on a global scale. This is slightly better as global imaging obtained during the Dawn mission, however, both missions yield resolutions of a few m/pixel locally. Two different techniques, stereophotogrammetry and stereophotoclinometry, are used to model the shape; these models will be merged with the gravity fields obtained by the Psyche spacecraft to produce geodetically controlled topographic models. The resulting digital topography models, together with the gravity data, will reveal the tectonic, volcanic, impact, and gradational history of Psyche, and enable co-registration of data sets to determine Psyche’s geologic history

    Aromatherapy Use for Post-operative Nausea and Vomiting for Patients Undergoing Same-day Surgeries

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    Description: Nausea and vomiting are frequent complications of anesthesia post-operatively. There is an increased prevalence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in patients undergoing intra-abdominal and gynecologic surgeries. Many injectable and enteral medications are available for the prevention and treatment of PONV, each with the potential for side effects. Utilization of medications requires a provider order, which has the potential to delay initiation of therapy. The use of aromatherapy via inhalation for the treatment of PONV has been shown to eliminate nausea in up to 85% of patients. Patients have reported perceived effectiveness and favorable improvement with the use of aromatherapy for post-operative nausea. Aromatherapy products have been shown to be well tolerated with no adverse effects, drug interactions, or contraindications. Aim: To study the effectiveness of QueaseEASE® aromatherapy pods in the treatment of PONV in patients undergoing same-day intra-abdominal surgeries or hysterectomies. Intervention: We distributed 100 QueaseEASE® pods to patients scheduled for same-day intra-abdominal surgeries or hysterectomies. Informed consent was obtained preoperatively. Up to 24 hours after recovery, patients were instructed to document their episodes of nausea, severity at onset and severity 30 minutes after pod use. The severity of nausea was recorded using the visual analogue scale (0-100) where zero indicates no nausea and 100 indicates unbearable nausea. Use of traditional antiemetic medications was not excluded pursuant to individual provider practice. Data for concomitant antiemetic medication use was also recorded, including medication type, dose and frequency. Summary of Results: Results pending

    Microwave, infrared and Raman spectra, r0 structural parameters, ab initio calculations and vibrational assignment of 1-fluoro-1-silacyclopentanea)

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    The microwave spectrum (6500–18 500 MHz) of 1-fluoro-1-silacyclopentane, c-C4H8SiHF has been recorded and 87 transitions for the 28Si, 29Si, 30Si, and 13C isotopomers have been assigned for a single conformer. Infrared spectra (3050-350 cm−1) of the gas and solid and Raman spectrum (3100-40 cm−1) of the liquid have also been recorded. The vibrational data indicate the presence of a single conformer with no symmetry which is consistent with the twist form. Ab initio calculations with a variety of basis sets up to MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ predict the envelope-axial and envelope-equatorial conformers to be saddle points with nearly the same energies but much lower energy than the planar conformer. By utilizing the microwaverotational constants for seven isotopomers (28Si, 29Si, 30Si, and four 13C) combined with the structural parameters predicted from the MP2(full)/6–311+G(d,p) calculations, adjusted r0 structural parameters have been obtained for the twist conformer. The heavy atom distances in Å are: r0(SiC2) = 1.875(3); r0(SiC3) = 1.872(3); r0(C2C4) = 1.549(3); r0(C3C5) = 1.547(3); r0(C4C5) = 1.542(3); r0(SiF) = 1.598(3) and the angles in degrees are: ∠CSiC = 96.7(5); ∠SiC2C4 = 103.6(5); ∠SiC3C5 = 102.9(5); ∠C2C4C5 = 108.4(5); ∠C3C5C4 = 108.1(5); ∠F6Si1C2 = 110.7(5); ∠F6Si1C3 = 111.6(5). The heavy atom ring parameters are compared to the corresponding rs parameters. Normal coordinate calculations with scaled force constants from MP2(full)/6–31G(d) calculations were carried out to predict the fundamental vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities, Raman activities, depolarization values, and infrared band contours. These experimental and theoretical results are compared to the corresponding quantities of some other five-membered rings

    Investigating the Interplay between Glucose Regulation, Neural Activity, and Motivation: A Novel Approach Utilizing Vibration Stimulation

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    This research explores the intricate relationship between glucose regulation, neural activity, and motivation in key brain regions, including the hypothalamus, basal ganglia, ventral tegmental area (VTA), and nucleus accumbens (NA). We aim to unravel the potential relationship of these factors on dopamine (DA) release and the broader implications for mental health, glucose regulation, well-being, and overall health. Our innovative approach involves using a chair that causes heterodyned whole-body vibration designed to stimulate DA release from the VTA and NA, areas associated with motivation and rewards

    An Autonomous Wearable System for Predicting and Detecting Localised Muscle Fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is an established area of research and various types of muscle fatigue have been clinically investigated in order to fully understand the condition. This paper demonstrates a non-invasive technique used to automate the fatigue detection and prediction process. The system utilises the clinical aspects such as kinematics and surface electromyography (sEMG) of an athlete during isometric contractions. Various signal analysis methods are used illustrating their applicability in real-time settings. This demonstrated system can be used in sports scenarios to promote muscle growth/performance or prevent injury. To date, research on localised muscle fatigue focuses on the clinical side and lacks the implementation for detecting/predicting localised muscle fatigue using an autonomous system. Results show that automating the process of localised muscle fatigue detection/prediction is promising. The autonomous fatigue system was tested on five individuals showing 90.37% accuracy on average of correct classification and an error of 4.35% in predicting the time to when fatigue will onset

    Neuropsychological Findings in Idiopathic Adult-Onset Epilepsy Case Study: Noorda COM Student Investigation

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    We report the case of a 25-year-old male patient with idiopathic adult-onset epilepsy. The patient presented with a chief complaint of recurrent seizures and no identifiable cause. These seizures were associated with a lack of extremity control, muscle spasms, and loss of cognitive function. His condition began while living in Thailand, where he experienced multiple environmental stressors including hostile living conditions and tense situations, approximately five years before being seen in the clinic. Over the past several years, the seizures have not ceased, and the patient now notes a loss or decrease of several special senses

    9/11-Related Experiences and Tasks of Landfill and Barge Workers: Qualitative Analysis from the World Trade Center Health Registry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Few studies have documented the experiences of individuals who participated in the recovery and cleanup efforts at the World Trade Center Recovery Operation at Fresh Kills Landfill, on debris loading piers, and on transport barges after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of workers and volunteers from the World Trade Center Health Registry. Qualitative methods were used to analyze the narratives.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty workers and volunteers were interviewed. They described the transport of debris to the Landfill via barges, the tasks and responsibilities associated with their post-9/11 work at the Landfill, and their reflections on their post-9/11 experiences. Tasks included sorting through debris, recovering human remains, searching for evidence from the terrorist attacks, and providing food and counseling services. Exposures mentioned included dust, fumes, and odors. Eight years after the World Trade Center disaster, workers expressed frustration about poor risk communication during recovery and cleanup work. Though proud of their contributions in the months after 9/11, some participants were concerned about long-term health outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This qualitative study provided unique insight into the experiences, exposures, and concerns of understudied groups of 9/11 recovery and cleanup workers. The findings are being used to inform the development of subsequent World Trade Center Health Registry exposure and health assessments.</p

    Active megadetachment beneath the western United States

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    Geodetic data, interpreted in light of seismic imaging, seismicity, xenolith studies, and the late Quaternary geologic history of the northern Great Basin, suggest that a subcontinental-scale extensional detachment is localized near the Moho. To first order, seismic yielding in the upper crust at any given latitude in this region occurs via an M7 earthquake every 100 years. Here we develop the hypothesis that since 1996, the region has undergone a cycle of strain accumulation and release similar to “slow slip events” observed on subduction megathrusts, but yielding occurred on a subhorizontal surface 5–10 times larger in the slip direction, and at temperatures >800°C. Net slip was variable, ranging from 5 to 10 mm over most of the region. Strain energy with moment magnitude equivalent to an M7 earthquake was released along this “megadetachment,” primarily between 2000.0 and 2005.5. Slip initiated in late 1998 to mid-1999 in northeastern Nevada and is best expressed in late 2003 during a magma injection event at Moho depth beneath the Sierra Nevada, accompanied by more rapid eastward relative displacement across the entire region. The event ended in the east at 2004.0 and in the remainder of the network at about 2005.5. Strain energy thus appears to have been transmitted from the Cordilleran interior toward the plate boundary, from high gravitational potential to low, via yielding on the megadetachment. The size and kinematic function of the proposed structure, in light of various proxies for lithospheric thickness, imply that the subcrustal lithosphere beneath Nevada is a strong, thin plate, even though it resides in a high heat flow tectonic regime. A strong lowermost crust and upper mantle is consistent with patterns of postseismic relaxation in the southern Great Basin, deformation microstructures and low water content in dunite xenoliths in young lavas in central Nevada, and high-temperature microstructures in analog surface exposures of deformed lower crust. Large-scale decoupling between crust and upper mantle is consistent with the broad distribution of strain in the upper crust versus the more localized distribution in the subcrustal lithosphere, as inferred by such proxies as low P wave velocity and mafic magmatism