75 research outputs found

    La Direction d'école en milieu francophone minoritaire : bùtir des ponts avec les communautés culturelles

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    Dans un contexte de diversitĂ© ethnoculturelle, linguistique et religieuse, plusieurs recherches mentionnent que les directions d’établissement scolaire doivent possĂ©der une compĂ©tence interculturelle de mĂȘme que promouvoir l’équitĂ© et la justice sociale pour assurer la rĂ©ussite Ă©ducative des Ă©lĂšves (Potvin, 2014; Shields, 2018). Or, comment les directions d’établissement scolaire peuvent-elles Ă©valuer le plus objectivement possible le dĂ©veloppement de leur compĂ©tence interculturelle? Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, une premiĂšre Ă©tude a prĂ©sentĂ© un modĂšle de compĂ©tence interculturelle pour les directions d’établissement scolaire (GĂ©linas-Proulx, Labelle & Jacquin, 2017). Bien que cette Ă©tude ait offert un cadre thĂ©orique et conceptuel exhaustif, la prĂ©sente recherche vise Ă  aller plus loin et valide un questionnaire d’autoĂ©valuation de la compĂ©tence interculturelle spĂ©cifiquement conçu pour les directions d’établissement scolaire. Cette validation fut effectuĂ©e auprĂšs des directions d’établissements scolaires de langue française du QuĂ©bec et du Nouveau-Brunswick. Le processus de validation du questionnaire a comportĂ© les Ă©tapes suivantes : 1) la recension de questionnaires portant sur la compĂ©tence interculturelle, 2) la rĂ©daction d’une banque d’items, 3) la validation de contenu, 4) l’élaboration du questionnaire, 5) le prĂ©test et 6) la validation de construit. Au final, un questionnaire d’autoĂ©valuation de 20 items est proposĂ© afin que les directions d’établissement scolaire puissent mieux Ă©valuer leurs connaissances, leurs attitudes et leurs habiletĂ©s en matiĂšre de compĂ©tence interculturelle

    Quelle R&D Mener pour le DĂ©veloppement Des RĂ©seaux D'Ă©nergie De Demain ? Les Propositions de L'ancre en 2015

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    Feuille de route sur les rĂ©seaux Ă©lectriques et stockage Ă©laborĂ©e par le GP10 RĂ©seaux et Stockages de l'Energie de l'ANCRECette feuille de route concerne les rĂ©seaux d’énergie Ă©lectrique, de chaleur et de froid, les rĂ©seaux de gaz (hydrogĂšne, gaz naturel), leurs stockages associĂ©s, ainsi que leurs couplages Ă  venir dans le cadre de la transition Ă©nergĂ©tique et des Ă©volutionsqui l’accompagneront, que ce soit sur les modes de production d’énergie ou sur l’évolution des usages.Le focus est portĂ© sur les rĂ©seaux Ă©lectriques qui seront les premiers impactĂ©s par cette transition Ă©nergĂ©tique. Hormisquelques Ă©lĂ©ments trĂšs spĂ©cifiques aux rĂ©seaux Ă©lectriques (et qui seront notĂ©s dans le texte par une couleur diffĂ©rente)il est Ă  souligner que la quasi-totalitĂ© des considĂ©rations et axes de R&D Ă©voquĂ©s pour les rĂ©seauxĂ©lectriques et le dĂ©veloppement de leur « intelligence » et/ou de leur flexibilitĂ© s’appliquentĂ©galement aux autres rĂ©seaux d’énergie. Par ailleurs, si le groupe programmatique« RĂ©seaux et Stockage » de l’ANCRE (GP10) s’est largement appuyĂ© sur les nombreuses feuilles de route Ă©mises tant au niveau national, dont celles de l’ADEME, qu’europĂ©en, il a Ă©galement souhaitĂ© s’en dĂ©marquer en insistantlargement et en dĂ©taillant les recherches scientifiques et technologiques Ă  mener face aux verrous actuellement identifiĂ©s

    Modelling the signal delivered by a population of first-order neurons in a moth olfactory system

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    A statistical model of the population of first-order olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) is proposed and analysed. It describes the relationship between stimulus intensity (odour concentration) and coding variables such as rate and latency of the population of several thousand sex-pheromone sensitive ORNs in male moths. Although these neurons likely express the same olfactory receptor, they exhibit, at any concentration, a relatively large heterogeneity of responses in both peak firing frequency and latency of the first action potential fired after stimulus onset. The stochastic model is defined by a multivariate distribution of six model parameters that describe the dependence of the peak firing rate and the latency on the stimulus dose. These six parameters and their mutual linear correlations were estimated from experiments in single ORNs and included in the multidimensional model distribution. The model is utilized to reconstruct the peak firing rate and latency of the message sent to the brain by the whole ORN population at different stimulus intensities and to establish their main qualitative and quantitative properties. Finally, these properties are shown to be in agreement with those found previously in a vertebrate ORN population

    Establishment and analysis of a reference transcriptome for Spodoptera frugiperda

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    International audienceBackground Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae) is a major agricultural pest throughout the American continent. The highly polyphagous larvae are frequently devastating crops of importance such as corn, sorghum, cotton and grass. In addition, the Sf9 cell line, widely used in biochemistry for in vitro protein production, is derived from S. frugiperda tissues. Many research groups are using S. frugiperda as a model organism to investigate questions such as plant adaptation, pest behavior or resistance to pesticides.ResultsIn this study, we constructed a reference transcriptome assembly (Sf_TR2012b) of RNA sequences obtained from more than 35 S. frugiperda developmental time-points and tissue samples. We assessed the quality of this reference transcriptome by annotating a ubiquitous gene family - ribosomal proteins - as well as gene families that have a more constrained spatio-temporal expression and are involved in development, immunity and olfaction. We also provide a time-course of expression that we used to characterize the transcriptional regulation of the gene families studied.ConclusionWe conclude that the Sf_TR2012b transcriptome is a valid reference transcriptome. While its reliability decreases for the detection and annotation of genes under strong transcriptional constraint we still recover a fair percentage of tissue-specific transcripts. That allowed us to explore the spatial and temporal expression of genes and to observe that some olfactory receptors are expressed in antennae and palps but also in other non related tissues such as fat bodies. Similarly, we observed an interesting interplay of gene families involved in immunity between fat bodies and antennae

    GWAS in the SIGNAL/PHARE clinical cohort restricts the association between the FGFR2 locus and estrogen receptor status to HER2-negative breast cancer patients

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    International audienceGenetic polymorphisms are associated with breast cancer risk. Clinical and epidemiological observations suggest that clinical characteristics of breast cancer, such as estrogen receptor or HER2 status, are also influenced by hereditary factors. To identify genetic variants associated with pathological characteristics of breast cancer patients, a Genome Wide Association Study was performed in a cohort of 9365 women from the French nationwide SIGNAL/PHARE studies (NCT00381901/RECF1098). Strong association between the FGFR2 locus and ER status of breast cancer patients was observed (ER-positive n=6211, ER-negative n=2516; rs3135718 OR=1.34 p=5.46x10-12). This association was limited to patients with HER2-negative tumors (ER-positive n=4267, ER-negative n=1185; rs3135724 OR=1.85 p=1.16x10-11). The FGFR2 locus is known to be associated with breast cancer risk. This study provides sound evidence for an association between variants in the FGFR2 locus and ER status among breast cancer patients, particularly among patients with HER2-negative disease. This refinement of the association between FGFR2 variants and ER-status to HER2-negative disease provides novel insight to potential biological and clinical influence of genetic polymorphisms on breast tumors

    Computational Model of the Insect Pheromone Transduction Cascade

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    A biophysical model of receptor potential generation in the male moth olfactory receptor neuron is presented. It takes into account all pre-effector processes—the translocation of pheromone molecules from air to sensillum lymph, their deactivation and interaction with the receptors, and the G-protein and effector enzyme activation—and focuses on the main post-effector processes. These processes involve the production and degradation of second messengers (IP3 and DAG), the opening and closing of a series of ionic channels (IP3-gated Ca2+ channel, DAG-gated cationic channel, Ca2+-gated Cl− channel, and Ca2+- and voltage-gated K+ channel), and Ca2+ extrusion mechanisms. The whole network is regulated by modulators (protein kinase C and Ca2+-calmodulin) that exert feedback inhibition on the effector and channels. The evolution in time of these linked chemical species and currents and the resulting membrane potentials in response to single pulse stimulation of various intensities were simulated. The unknown parameter values were fitted by comparison to the amplitude and temporal characteristics (rising and falling times) of the experimentally measured receptor potential at various pheromone doses. The model obtained captures the main features of the dose–response curves: the wide dynamic range of six decades with the same amplitudes as the experimental data, the short rising time, and the long falling time. It also reproduces the second messenger kinetics. It suggests that the two main types of depolarizing ionic channels play different roles at low and high pheromone concentrations; the DAG-gated cationic channel plays the major role for depolarization at low concentrations, and the Ca2+-gated Cl− channel plays the major role for depolarization at middle and high concentrations. Several testable predictions are proposed, and future developments are discussed

    Leadership transformationnel des directions d’école et communautĂ© d’apprentissage professionnelle : une analyse

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude consiste Ă  prĂ©senter une analyse d’écrits scientifiques rĂ©cents concernant le leadership transformationnel des directions d’école oeuvrant en communautĂ© d’apprentissage professionnelle. Pour ce faire, l’article effectue un survol des diffĂ©rents styles de leadership dans le but d’offrir un cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence intĂ©grant la notion de leadership transformationnel au sein d’un rĂ©seau notionnel plus large. Puis, il dĂ©finit la communautĂ© d’apprentissage professionnelle en mettant en Ă©vidence ses caractĂ©ristiques. L’article croise ensuite la notion de leadership transformationnel avec celle de la communautĂ© d’apprentissage professionnelle pour effectuer une analyse des plus rĂ©cents Ă©crits scientifiques portant sur le leadership transformationnel des directions d’école qui oeuvrent au sein des communautĂ©s d’apprentissage professionnelles. En conclusion, des pistes de recherche sont dĂ©gagĂ©es pour les chercheuses, les chercheurs et les directions d’école qui dĂ©sirent mieux comprendre et exercer le leadership transformationnel au sein des communautĂ©s d’apprentissage professionnelles.The purpose of this study is to present an analysis of recent scientific literature on the principal’s transformational leadership role within professional learning communities. To do so, the article provides an overview of different leadership styles in order to provide a frame of reference for integrating the idea of transformational leadership into a broader notional network. Then it defines and describes the characteristics of the professional learning community. The article then compares the concept of transformational leadership to that of the professional learning community to analyse the latest scientific literature on the principal’s transformational leadership role within professional learning communities. In conclusion, research opportunities are emerging for researchers and principals who wish to better understand and exercise transformational leadership within professional learning communities.El objetivo de este artĂ­culo es presentar un anĂĄlisis de las publicaciones cientĂ­ficas recientes que abordan el liderazgo transformacional de las direcciones de escuela que trabajan en comunidad de aprendizaje profesional. Para ello, en este artĂ­culo se presenta un sobrevuelo de los diferentes estilos de liderazgo con el fin de ofrecer un cuadro de referencia que integre la nociĂłn de liderazgo transformacional al interior de una red conceptual mĂĄs amplia. DespuĂ©s, se define a la comunidad de aprendizaje profesional evidenciando sus caracterĂ­sticas. El articulo cruza la nociĂłn de liderazgo transformacional con la de comunidad de aprendizaje profesional para realizar un anĂĄlisis de los escritos cientĂ­ficos mĂĄs recientes sobre el liderazgo transformacional de las direcciones de escuela que trabajan en comunidad de aprendizaje profesional. Como conclusiĂłn se ofrecen lĂ­neas de investigaciĂłn para las investigadoras, investigadores y direcciones de escuela que deseen comprender y ejercer el liderazgo transformacional mĂĄs cabalmente en el seno de las comunidades de aprendizaje profesionales

    CompĂ©tence interculturelle : adaptation d’un ModĂšle initial pour les directions d’établissement scolaire de langue française du QuĂ©bec et du Nouveau-Brunswick

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    Cette recherche vise Ă  adapter un ModĂšle initial de la compĂ©tence interculturelle des directions d’établissement scolaire de langue française au QuĂ©bec et au Nouveau-Brunswick. La mĂ©thode des entretiens de groupe a Ă©tĂ© employĂ©e lors de rencontres avec sept directions d’établissement au QuĂ©bec et 17, au Nouveau-Brunswick. Une analyse de contenu a montrĂ© que, dans l’ensemble, les indicateurs des composantes Connaissances, Attitudes et HabiletĂ©s du ModĂšle initial Ă©taient bien adaptĂ©s au contexte des deux provinces. Cependant, six indicateurs ont Ă©tĂ© ajoutĂ©s afin de permettre une meilleure adaptation du ModĂšle initial au contexte des dites provinces. Cette recherche permet donc de prĂ©senter un ModĂšle adaptĂ© de la compĂ©tence interculturelle des directions d’établissement scolaire de langue française au QuĂ©bec et au Nouveau-Brunswick qui peut servir d’outil d’(auto)formation.This research aims to adapt an original Model of intercultural competence for principals of francophone schools in Quebec and New Brunswick. The method of focus group interviews was used to meet seven school principals in Quebec and 17 in New Brunswick. A content analysis demonstrated that overall the indicators of the components Knowledge, Attitudes, and Abilities of the original model were adapted to the context of Quebec and New Brunswick. However, six new indicators are also included in order to adapt the original Model to these provinces. By this research, we present an adapted Model of intercultural competence for principals of francophone schools in Quebec and New Brunswick which can be used as a (self)training tool.Nuestra investigaciĂłn se propone analizar un modelo inicial de la competencia intercultural de las direcciones de centro escolar de lengua francesa en Quebec y en Nuevo Brunswick. Se empleĂł el mĂ©todo de entrevistas de grupo con la finalidad de reunirnos con siete direcciones de centro en Quebec y 17 en Nuevo Brunswick. El anĂĄlisis de contenido realizado muestra que, en general, los indicadores de los componentes conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades del modelo inicial estaban bien adaptados al contexto de las dos provincias. Sin embargo, se añadieron seis indicadores para permitir una mejor adaptaciĂłn del modelo inicial al contexto de estas provincias. AsĂ­, nuestra investigaciĂłn permite presentar un modelo adaptado de la competencia intercultural de las direcciones de centro escolar de lengua francesa en Quebec y en Nuevo Brunswick, que puede servir de herramienta de (auto)formaciĂłn

    Choix d’un indice spectral adaptĂ© Ă  la dĂ©tection des surfaces brĂ»lĂ©es dans des milieux de savanes dĂ©gradĂ©es. Application Ă  Madagascar

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    National audienceA study on the capability of six spectral indices (normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI; soil adjusted vegetation index, SAVI; global environment monitoring index, GEMI; burn area index, BAI; Albedo; and brightness index, BI) to discriminate burned savanna areas was carried out in the Marovoay region (Northwest of Madagascar). Using a separability analysis method, the objective was to identify the most suitable spectral index to detect burned scars from MODIS images in a sparsely vegetated savanna environment. Results showed that the brightness index has the highest separability index values. Its capacity for detecting burned scars is improved using a multi-temporal approach based on pre-and post-fire images.Une Ă©tude sur le potentiel de discrimination des surfaces brĂ»lĂ©es de six indices spectraux (« normalized diffĂ©rence vĂ©gĂ©tation index » NDVI, « soil adjusted vĂ©gĂ©tation index » SAVI, « global environment monitoring index » GEMI, « burn area index » BAI, Albedo et « brightness index » BI) a Ă©tĂ© conduite sur une zone de savane dans la rĂ©gion de Marovoay (Nord-ouest de Madagascar). L’objectif Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer, dans un environnement caractĂ©risĂ© par un couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal Ă©pars et par une analyse de sĂ©parabilitĂ©, l’indice spectral le plus adaptĂ© Ă  dĂ©tecter les surfaces brĂ»lĂ©es Ă  partir d’images MODIS. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’indice de brillance est le plus performant, d’autant plus qu’il est utilisĂ© avec une mĂ©thode basĂ©e sur l’utilisation de deux images de rĂ©fĂ©rence, prĂ©- et post-feu

    Discussion sur la causalité imparfaite et son application aux sciences expérimentales

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    I.S.B.N. : 9782364939066International audienceMaterial discovery is mainly based on the analysis of experimental data obtained by varying the parameters of the manufacturing processes and by observing the properties of the created materials. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been applied to this field, providing models that can predict the performance of new materials. Our work rather ims at an application of AI in connection with materials experts to provide them with knowledge extracted from their data. An important first step is to determine the causal relations between parameters, properties and performance. In this article, we position our interest on causality extraction within the framework of fuzzy logic.La dĂ©couverte de matĂ©riaux repose principalement sur l'analyse de donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales obtenues par variation des paramĂštres des procĂ©dĂ©s de fabrication et en observant les propriĂ©tĂ©s des matĂ©riaux ainsi crĂ©Ă©s. L'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e Ă  ce domaine, proposant des modĂšles pouvant prĂ©dire les performances des nouveaux matĂ©riaux. Nos travaux visent plutĂŽt une application de l'IA en lien avec les experts des matĂ©riaux afin de leur fournir des connaissances extraites de leurs donnĂ©es.Une premiĂšre Ă©tape d'importance est la dĂ©termination des liens causaux entre paramĂštres, propriĂ©tĂ©s et performances.Dans cet article, nous positionnons notre intĂ©rĂȘt sur l'extraction de causalitĂ© dans le cadre de la logique floue
