20 research outputs found
College Students’ Responses to Antismoking Messages: Denial, Defiance, and Other Boomerang Effects
Despite the success of antismoking campaigns that aim to prevent young teens from smoking, this qualitative study provides strong evidence that different initiatives are needed for college students, particularly those who already smoke. When asked for responses to current antismoking messages, nonsmokers generally championed the cause; however, smokers often responded with anger, defiance, denial, and other negative responses. Consumers who respond in this manner are not well served by existing strategies, and money used for such campaigns could be better spent. New strategies are offered in hopes that antismoking campaigns can communicate more effectively with one high-risk group—college student smokers
Cosmopolitan Sentiment: Politics, Charity, and Global Poverty
Duties to address global poverty face a motivation gap. We have good reasons for acting yet we do not, at least consistently. A ‘sentimental education’, featuring literature and journalism detailing the lives of distant others has been suggested as a promising means by which to close this gap (Nussbaum in Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions, CUP, Cambridge, 2001; Rorty in Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers, vol. 3, CUP, Cambridge, 1998). Although sympathetic to this project, I argue that it is too heavily wed to a charitable model of our duties to address global poverty—understood as requiring we sacrifice a certain portion of our income. However, political action, aimed at altering institutions at both a global and a local level is likely to be necessary in order to provide effective long-term solutions to poverty globally. To rectify this, the article develops an alternative dialogical account of sentimental education, suitable for motivating support for political action to address global poverty
[[alternative]]What drives consumer information sharing in social commerce communities : a social exchange perspective
碩士[[abstract]]社群商務的興起影響企業的行銷策略,以及刺激學者欲對此領域深入探究。Web 2.0使消費者得以交流想法、分享資訊,根據過去文獻,WOM及UGC對於消費者的購買決策具有顯著影響力,消費者建立之口碑內容,其影響力如同親朋好友的推薦,影響著消費者對產品及品牌的想法及購買行為。因此,本研究針對探討消費者在社群商務平台之產品或品牌購物或使用後資訊分享行為,並根據社會交換理論提出以下變數,建立研究模型:消費者關係(分為消費者與社群的關係、消費者與產品及品牌的關係、消費者與平台的關係)、社群參與、以及互惠。
一、 消費者與社群以及平台的關係直接影響社群參與,並且間接影響資訊分享行為,而消費者與產品及品牌的關係直接影響資訊分享行為。
二、 社群參與對於消費者的行為具有直接及間接影響效果。
三、 互惠態度是影響消費者資訊分享行為的重要因素之一。
根據本研究結果可為企業的社群行銷與口碑行銷策略提供方向與建議。[[abstract]]The rise of community business impacts marketing strategies, as well as to stimulate scholars to explore this area in depth. Web 2.0 enables consumers to share ideas and information. According to past literature, WOM and UGC have significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers build word of mouth which influence friends and family’s ideas and purchase behavior of product and brand. Therefore, this study aims to explore consumers’ information of products or brand sharing behavior in the social commerce platform. According to the theory of social exchange, we proposed the variables below and establish the research model: consumer relations (that is, consumer relationship with community, consumer relationship with products and brands, consumer relationship with platform), community participation, and reciprocity.
This study is a quantitative study. A total of 204 valid samples were collected. The results show that consumer relationship with products and brands, community participation and reciprocity have a significantly positive impact on information sharing. Consumer relationship with community and platform also has an indirect effect on the information sharing behavior.
According to the results of this study, we can provide the direction and suggestion of marketing and word of mouth marketing strategy for the enterprise.[[tableofcontents]]目錄
Abstract I
摘要 II
第壹章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究問題 7
1.4 研究目的 10
第貳章 文獻探討 12
2.1 社群媒體與電子商務 12
2.1.1 社群媒體 (Social Media) 12
2.1.2 電子商務(Electronic Commerce) 14
2.1.3 小結 15
2.2 社群商務 (Social Commerce) 16
2.2.1 定義與發展 16
2.2.2 小結 20
2.3 社會交換理論 (Social Exchange Theory) 21
2.3.1 小結 22
2.4 消費者關係 (Consumer Relationship) 23
2.4.2 小結 26
第參章 研究方法 27
3.1 研究架構 27
3.2 研究假說 28
3.2.1 消費者關係與社群參與 28
3.2.2 消費者關係與互惠 32
3.2.3 消費者關係與資訊分享 34
3.2.4 社群參與與資訊分享 36
3.2.5 互惠與資訊分享 37
3.3 研究變數之操作型定義 39
3.4 研究方法與問卷設計 41
3.4.1 消費者關係量表 41
3.4.2 社群參與量表 43
3.4.3 互惠量表 44
3.4.4 資訊分享量表 45
第肆章 資料分析 46
4.1 樣本收集與資料分析工具 46
4.2 基本資料分析 47
4.3 信度與效度分析 49
4.3.1 信度與收斂效度 49
4.3.2 區別效度 51
4.4 假說檢定結果 53
4.5 中介影響檢定 55
4.6 結果 59
第伍章 結論 62
5.1 研究結果 62
5.2 研究貢獻 65
5.3 實務意涵 67
5.4 研究限制 69
5.5 未來研究 70
參考文獻 72
附錄一 研究問卷 84
表 2 1:社群商務相關研究整理 19
表 3 1:操作型定義 39
表 3 2:消費者關係量表 41
表 3 3:社群參與量表 43
表 3 4:互惠性量表 44
表 3 5:資訊分享量表 45
表 4 1:受測者基本資料分析表 47
表 4 2:信度與收斂效度分析表 49
表 4 3:各構面間相關係數與AVE平方根值 51
表 4 4:各測量變數之交叉因素負荷量(Cross Loadings) 52
表 4 5:假說檢定結果表 54
表 4 6:VAF變異解釋分析表 58
圖 3 1:研究架構 28
圖 4 1:假說檢定結果 53
圖 4 2:中介影響檢定:社群參與-消費者與社群的關係 56
圖 4 3:中介影響檢定:社群參與-消費者與平台的關係 57
圖 4 4:中介影響檢定:互惠-消費者與社群的關係 57
圖 4 5:中介影響檢定:互惠-消費者與平台的關係 58[[note]]學號: 604630425, 學年度: 10
Preference change through choice
This is the final published version of: Johansson, L., Hall, L., & Chater, N. (2011). Preference change through choice. In R. Dolan & T. Sharot (Eds.) (2011). Neuroscience of Preference and Choice. Elsevier Academic Press. pp. 121-141. Opening Paragraph: In an unforgettable performance by the English comedian Eddie Izzard, he portrays the Spanish Inquisition as conducted by the wimpy Anglican Church. Playing a supremely domesticated inquisitor, he offers the accused heretics the intriguing choice between “Cake or Death? ” Apart from the hilariousness of this scene, the social scientist can appreciate it as one of the last safe havens for neoclassical economics, rational choice, and expected utility theory, because people really and truly have stable and identifiable preferences to help them decide between cake and death. There is simply no amount of social-psychology shenanigans that could push this preference around (no matter how little Festinger would pay people for choosing the death sentence, it would not generate enough cognitive dissonance t