11 research outputs found

    Updated speech figure in present sport journalism

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    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na zmapování výskytu aktualizovaných výrazových prostředků v současné sportovní publicistice a jejich reflektování vzhledem ke společenskému dění v moderní době. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou část, v níž seznamujeme čtenáře s klíčovými stylistickými pojmy, a praktickou část, ve které analyzujeme a klasifikujeme excerpovaný jazykový materiál z lexikologického hlediska.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis is focused on mapping the occurrence of updated means of expression in current sport journalism and their reflectiveness in relation to social conditions in the modern times. The thesis is divided into two sections. The theoretical section acquaints the reader with the key stylistic expressions and the practical section, in which the excerpted language material is analyzed and classified from lexical view

    Communication of teachers with parents

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    V této práci se snažíme zjistit postoje začínajících učitelů k rodičům žáků a jejich dovednosti v komunikaci a spolupráci s nimi a dále chceme ověřit, jak je v tomto ohledu připravilo pregraduální (vysokoškolské) vzdělávání. V teoretických východiscích se opíráme o primární a sekundární analýzu strategických dokumentů české vzdělávací politiky se zřetelem k tématům komunikace a spolupráce škol s rodiči a k pregraduálnímu vzdělávání budoucích pedagogů. Představujeme dobré příklady praxe škol, jejichž existence je založena na aktivní a otevřené komunikaci a spolupráci s rodiči, a prostřednictvím expertních výzkumů seznamujeme se současným poznáním vztahu mezi učiteli a rodiči. V praktické části realizujeme dotazníkové šetření mezi začínajícími učiteli do 3 let praxe. Zkoumáme specifika komunikace a spolupráce mezi nimi a rodiči žáků a zjišťujeme jejich dovednosti i slabé stránky v této vzájemné interakci. Získána data interpretujeme s oporou o odbornou literaturu a výsledky zasazujeme do kontextu současného vědeckého poznání této problematiky. Výslednou snahou, ke které směřujeme, je nabídnout pedagogickým návrh, jak by mohly v pregraduálním vzdělávání zohlednit přípravu budoucích učitelů na komunikaci a spolupráci s rodiči.ObhájenoIn this thesis we tried to find out the attitudes of new teachers to the parents of pupils and their skills in communication and cooperation with them, and we also want to check how the undergraduate (university) education has prepared them in this field. The theoretical background had its roots in an analysis of both primary and secondary strategic documents that managed and presently governs the educational policy of the Czech Republic with attention to the topics of communication and cooperation of schools with parents and to the undergraduate education of future teachers. We present good examples of experience from schools whose existence is based on active and open communication and collaboration with parents, and through expert research, we familiarize ourselves with the current knowledge of the relationship between teachers and parents. In the practical part, we carry out a questionnaire survey among beginning teachers up to 3 years of experience. We examine the specifics of communication and cooperation between them and the parents of pupils and find out their skills and weaknesses in this interaction. We interpret the obtained data with the support of professional literature and place the results in the context of contemporary scientific knowledge of this issue. The endeavor we are aiming at is to offer the pedagogy a suggestion on how pre-graduate education could take into account the preparation of future teachers for communication and cooperation with parents

    The effectiveness of jute and coir blankets for erosion control in different field and laboratory conditions

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    Vegetation cover is found to be an ideal solution to most problems of erosion on steep slopes. Biodegradable geotextiles (GTXs) have been proved to provide sufficient protection against soil loss in the period before vegetation reaches maturity, so favouring soil formation processes. In this study, 500 g m−2 jute (J500), 400 g m−2 (C400), and 700 g m−2 coir (C700) GTXs were first installed on a 9° slope under “no-infiltration” laboratory conditions, then on a 27° slope under natural field conditions. The impact of GTXs on run-off and soil loss was investigated to compare the performance of GTXs under different conditions. Laboratory run-off ratio (percentage portion of control plot) equalled 78, 83, and 91 %, while peak discharge ratio equalled 83, 91, and 97 % for J500, C700, and C400 respectively. In the field, a run-off ratio of 31, 62, and 79 %, and peak discharge ratio of 37, 74, and 87 % were recorded for C700, J500, and C400 respectively. All tested GTXs significantly decreased soil erosion. The greatest soil loss reduction in the field was observed for J500 (by 99.4 %), followed by C700 (by 97.9 %) and C400 (by 93.8 %). Irrespective of slope gradient or experimental condition, C400 performed with lower run-off and peak discharge reduction than J500 and C700. The performance ranking of J500 and C700 in the laboratory differed from the field, which may be explained by different slope gradients, and also by the role of soil, which was not included in the laboratory experiment

    The layering of a mountain podzol can strongly affect the distribution of infiltrated water in the soil profile

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    The layering of the soil profile can influence the accumulation of infiltrated water and the way in which subsurface runoff is formed. This paper examines a mountain podzol characterized by clearly developed soil horizons. After these horizons had been identified, distinct soil layers were defined (the eluvial horizon, the spodic horizon (undifferentiated), and weathered bedrock). Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), particle size distribution and bulk density were measured in these layers. A visualization of the distribution of infiltrated water in the podzolic profile was performed using a dye tracer experiment. The accumulation of dyed water and a distinct lateral flow were detected in the eluvial layer. Only limited entry of water into the spodic layer was observed. These effects were caused by changes in soil hydraulic properties (SHP) among the investigated layers. For the spodic horizons, the measured Ks value (crucial SHP) was significantly lower than the Ks values for the other tested horizons. The probable reason for the lower Ks was an accumulation of fine particles and various substances in the spodic horizons, and corresponding changes in the porous system. The observed effects of layering indicate that water can be accumulated and subsurface runoff can be formed over the spodic layer during intensive rain or snow melting