962 research outputs found

    Energy conservation and scaling violations in particle production

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    We use a simple Colour Glass Condensate/String Percolation Model argument to show the existence, due to energy conservation, of bounds to the violation of Feynman scaling and limiting fragmentation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Final versio

    Optimized Variables of the Study of Λb\Lambda_b Polarization

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    The value of the bb-baryon polarization can be extracted from inclusive data at LEP with better than 10\% precision based on current statistics. We present a new variable by which to measure the polarization, which is the ratio of the average electron energy to the average neutrino energy. This variable is both sensitive to polarization and insensitive to fragmentation uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX), 2 figures, MIT-CTP-2270, CERN-PPE/94-0

    Nonleptonic Weak Decays of Bottom Baryons

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    Cabibbo-allowed two-body hadronic weak decays of bottom baryons are analyzed. Contrary to the charmed baryon sector, many channels of bottom baryon decays proceed only through the external or internal W-emission diagrams. Moreover, W-exchange is likely to be suppressed in the bottom baryon sector. Consequently, the factorization approach suffices to describe most of the Cabibbo-allowed bottom baryon decays. We use the nonrelativistic quark model to evaluate heavy-to-heavy and heavy-to-light baryon form factors at zero recoil. When applied to the heavy quark limit, the quark model results do satisfy all the constraints imposed by heavy quark symmetry. The decay rates and up-down asymmetries for bottom baryons decaying into (1/2)++P(V)(1/2)^++P(V) and (3/2)++P(V)(3/2)^++P(V) are calculated. It is found that the up-down asymmetry is negative except for Ωb(1/2)++P(V)\Omega_b \to (1/2)^++P(V) decay and for decay modes with ψ\psi' in the final state. The prediction B(ΛbJ/ψΛ)=1.6×104B(\Lambda_b \to J/\psi\Lambda)=1.6 \times 10^{-4} for Vcb=0.038|V_{cb}|=0.038 is consistent with the recent CDF measurement. We also present estimates for Ωc(3/2)++P(V)\Omega_c \to (3/2)^++P(V) decays and compare with various model calculations.Comment: 24 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Uncertainties with form factor q^2 dependence are discusse

    Complete Order alpha_s^3 Results for e^+ e^- to (gamma,Z) to Four Jets

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    We present the next-to-leading order (O(alpha_s^3)) perturbative QCD predictions for e^+e^- annihilation into four jets. A previous calculation omitted the O(alpha_s^3) terms suppressed by one or more powers of 1/N_c^2, where N_c is the number of colors, and the `light-by-glue scattering' contributions. We find that all such terms are uniformly small, constituting less than 10% of the correction. For the Durham clustering algorithm, the leading and next-to-leading logarithms in the limit of small jet resolution parameter y_{cut} can be resummed. We match the resummed results to our fixed-order calculation in order to improve the small y_{cut} prediction.Comment: Latex2e, 17 pages with 5 encapsulated figures. Note added regarding subsequent related work. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A matching of matrix elements and parton showers

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    We propose a simple scheme to start a parton-shower evolution description from a given jet configuration in e+ee^+ e^- annihilation events. This allows a convenient combination of the full angular information content of matrix elements with the detailed sub-jet structure of parton showers, and should give a realistic overall description of event properties. Explicit studies with this hybrid approach are presented for the four-jet case, as a simple testing ground of the ideas.Comment: 1+8 pages, LaTeX2e, 5 postscript figures include

    Comparative Analyses of Zebrafish Anxiety-Like Behavior Using Conflict-Based Novelty Tests

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    Modeling of stress and anxiety in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) is increasingly utilized in neuroscience research and central nervous system (CNS) drug discovery. Representing the most commonly used zebrafish anxiety models, the novel tank test (NTT) focuses on zebrafish diving in response to potentially threatening stimuli, whereas the light-dark test (LDT) is based on fish scototaxis (innate preference for dark vs. bright areas). Here, we systematically evaluate the utility of these two tests, combining meta-analyses of published literature with comparative in vivo behavioral and whole-body endocrine (cortisol) testing. Overall, the NTT and LDT behaviors demonstrate a generally good cross-test correlation in vivo, whereas meta-analyses of published literature show that both tests have similar sensitivity to zebrafish anxiety-like states. Finally, NTT evokes higher levels of cortisol, likely representing a more stressful procedure than LDT. Collectively, our study reappraises NTT and LDT for studying anxiety-like states in zebrafish, and emphasizes their developing utility for neurobehavioral research. These findings can help optimize drug screening procedures by choosing more appropriate models for testing anxiolytic or anxiogenic drugs

    Soil organisms in organic and conventional cropping systems.

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    Apesar do crescente interesse pela agricultura orgânica, são poucas as informações de pesquisa disponíveis sobre o assunto. Assim, num Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico foram comparados os efeitos de sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional, para as culturas do tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum) e do milho (Zea mays), sobre a comunidade de organismos do solo e suas atividades. As populações de fungos,bactérias e actinomicetos, determinadas pela contagem de colônias em meio de cultura, foram semelhantes para os dois sistemas de produção. A atividade microbiana, avaliada pela evolução de CO2, manteve-se superior no sistema orgânico, sendo que em determinadas avaliações foi o dobro da evolução verificada no sistema convencional. O número de espécimes de minhoca foi praticamente dez vezes maior no sistema orgânico. Não foi observada diferença na taxa de decomposição de matéria orgânica entre os dois sistemas. De modo geral, o número de indivíduos de microartrópodos foi superior no sistema orgânico do que no sistema convencional, refletindo no maior índice de diversidade de Shannon. As maiores populações de insetos foram as da ordem Collembola, enquanto para os ácaros a maior população foi a da superfamília Oribatuloidea. Indivíduos dos grupos Aranae, Chilopoda, Dyplopoda, Pauropoda, Protura e Symphyla foram ocasionalmente coletados e de forma similar entre os sistemas

    SALO, a novel classical pathway complement inhibitor from saliva of the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis.

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    Blood-feeding insects inject potent salivary components including complement inhibitors into their host's skin to acquire a blood meal. Sand fly saliva was shown to inhibit the classical pathway of complement; however, the molecular identity of the inhibitor remains unknown. Here, we identified SALO as the classical pathway complement inhibitor. SALO, an 11 kDa protein, has no homology to proteins of any other organism apart from New World sand flies. rSALO anti-complement activity has the same chromatographic properties as the Lu. longipalpis salivary gland homogenate (SGH)counterparts and anti-rSALO antibodies blocked the classical pathway complement activity of rSALO and SGH. Both rSALO and SGH inhibited C4b deposition and cleavage of C4. rSALO, however, did not inhibit the protease activity of C1s nor the enzymatic activity of factor Xa, uPA, thrombin, kallikrein, trypsin and plasmin. Importantly, rSALO did not inhibit the alternative or the lectin pathway of complement. In conclusion our data shows that SALO is a specific classical pathway complement inhibitor present in the saliva of Lu. longipalpis. Importantly, due to its small size and specificity, SALO may offer a therapeutic alternative for complement classical pathway-mediated pathogenic effects in human diseases

    Leptonic and Semileptonic Decays of Charm and Bottom Hadrons

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    We review the experimental measurements and theoretical descriptions of leptonic and semileptonic decays of particles containing a single heavy quark, either charm or bottom. Measurements of bottom semileptonic decays are used to determine the magnitudes of two fundamental parameters of the standard model, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix elements VcbV_{cb} and VubV_{ub}. These parameters are connected with the physics of quark flavor and mass, and they have important implications for the breakdown of CP symmetry. To extract precise values of Vcb|V_{cb}| and Vub|V_{ub}| from measurements, however, requires a good understanding of the decay dynamics. Measurements of both charm and bottom decay distributions provide information on the interactions governing these processes. The underlying weak transition in each case is relatively simple, but the strong interactions that bind the quarks into hadrons introduce complications. We also discuss new theoretical approaches, especially heavy-quark effective theory and lattice QCD, which are providing insights and predictions now being tested by experiment. An international effort at many laboratories will rapidly advance knowledge of this physics during the next decade.Comment: This review article will be published in Reviews of Modern Physics in the fall, 1995. This file contains only the abstract and the table of contents. The full 168-page document including 47 figures is available at http://charm.physics.ucsb.edu/papers/slrevtex.p

    Genuine Correlations of Like-Sign Particles in Hadronic Z0 Decays

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    Correlations among hadrons with the same electric charge produced in Z0 decays are studied using the high statistics data collected from 1991 through 1995 with the OPAL detector at LEP. Normalized factorial cumulants up to fourth order are used to measure genuine particle correlations as a function of the size of phase space domains in rapidity, azimuthal angle and transverse momentum. Both all-charge and like-sign particle combinations show strong positive genuine correlations. One-dimensional cumulants initially increase rapidly with decreasing size of the phase space cells but saturate quickly. In contrast, cumulants in two- and three-dimensional domains continue to increase. The strong rise of the cumulants for all-charge multiplets is increasingly driven by that of like-sign multiplets. This points to the likely influence of Bose-Einstein correlations. Some of the recently proposed algorithms to simulate Bose-Einstein effects, implemented in the Monte Carlo model PYTHIA, are found to reproduce reasonably well the measured second- and higher-order correlations between particles with the same charge as well as those in all-charge particle multiplets.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to Phys. Lett.