159 research outputs found

    Análisis corológico y novedades florísticas de la Sierra de los Filabres (Andalucía Oriental, España)

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    El conocimiento básico sobre la diversidad vegetal a escala local o regional es primordial para afrontar la conservación de la diversidad genética a mayor escala. En Andalucía oriental, la sierra de Los Filabres había quedado al margen de estudios intensivos sobre su flora. Abordamos la notificación de los taxones que resultan novedosos para la provincia de Almería y los que son interesantes ampliaciones de área de distribución. Analizamos la corología de los taxa que emanan del catálogo florístico, considerada una forma de medir la gamma diversidad del territorio. La flora de Los Filabres es primordialmente mediterránea, pero destaca un alto porcentaje de especies de área restringida, entre ellos los que también se presentan en el norte de África, y especialmente los endemismos. Por otro lado, en un área tan conspicua del sur ibérico que constituye una interesante encrucijada biogeográfica, resalta destacable el número de especies no citadas hasta el momento. En el caso de muchas especies que se encuentran en listados de protección, esta información corológica debe ser incorporada en los estudios de evaluación de su grado de amenaza. Muchos taxones son raros en esta sierra, por ser límite de área de distribución o por tener pocas poblaciones o por presentar pocos efectivos poblacionales. Por ello, la conservación a escala local resulta esencial para abordar la planificación y las estrategias de preservación de la biodiversidad global.Basic knowledge on plant diversity at local or regional scale is necessary to face the genetic diversity conservation at widest scale. In eastern Andalusia, Los Filabres Mountain had been to margin of intensive studies on its flora. We approached the notification of new taxa records in Almería province and those that are interesting enlargement of their distribution area. We analyzed the taxa chorology that emanates of the floristic catalogue, considered a gamma diversity measure of the territory. The flora from Los Filabres is fundamentally mediterranean, but restricted area distribution species emphasizes with high percentages, among them, those that also inhabit in North Africa, those that are endemics. On the other hand, in a so conspicuous area of the Iberian south that constitutes an interesting biogeography crossroads, the number of species no referenced until the moment stands out remarkable. In the case of many species that are in “red lists”, this chorological information should be incorporated in the studies of threat evaluation. Many taxa are rare in this mountain range, because of being limit of distribution area or because of have few populations or because of display few population individuals. For this reason, the local scale conservation is essential to approach the planning and the strategies of preservation of the global biodiversity

    Plant Polyphenols in Obesity and Obesity-Associated Metabolic Disorders: A Narrative Review of Resveratrol and Flavonoids Upon the Molecular Basis of Inflammation

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    Background: The epidemic of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is currently unsustainable for Public Health systems, and preventive and therapeutic approaches are urgently sought to improve health outcomes for affected individuals. Aim: In this study, we aim to further explore and synthetize available evidence on the effects of selected plant polyphenols (PP) upon molecular mechanisms associated with oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways. We also aim to briefly discuss PP supplementation as therapeutic tool for the prevention and management of prevalent obesity-associated metabolic disorders. Methods: This narrative review was performed in the PubMed database in June 2018 without restriction of publication period. Results: PP influence a broad range of cell signalling pathways; by modulating the activity of nuclear transcription factors, PP modulate gene expression and antioxidant responses, as well as inflammation and its resolution. Several interventional studies have investigated the effects of PP supplementation in a variety of sample populations, but no consensus has yet been reached regarding composition, dosage or course of treatment for therapeutic purposes. However, overall results tend to suggest a positive effect of PP in either improving metabolic profile or minimizing negative disease outcomes. Careful consideration on PP supplementation is paramount; adverse effects have already been described. Conclusion: The successful prevention and management or treatment of obesity-associated metabolic disorders may be achieved through an effective multidisciplinary approach to tackle their modifiable risk factors. A balanced diet, which includes naturally occurring sources of PP associated with lower consumption of ultra-processed foods, is a relevant approach for the positive health outcomes desired

    Colección: “Factores críticos y estratégicos en la interacción territorial. Desafíos actuales y escenarios futuros” Volumen II

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    Gravitational Collapse of Phantom Fluid in (2+1)-Dimensions

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    This investigation is devoted to the solutions of Einstein's field equations for a circularly symmetric anisotropic fluid, with kinematic self-similarity of the first kind, in (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional spacetimes. In the case where the radial pressure vanishes, we show that there exists a solution of the equations that represents the gravitational collapse of an anisotropic fluid, and this collapse will eventually form a black hole, even when it is constituted by the phantom energy.Comment: 10 page

    Destacadas de soja (Glycine max (L.) merril absorção de cálcio e fósforo por raízes var. IAC-2)

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    This paper deals with experiments designed to study the influence of several external factors on the uptake both of Ca+² and H2PO4 - by excised soybean roots. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) Ca uptake does not follow the usual Michaelian kynetics, the evidence suggesting the operation of passive mechanism; 2) R uptake is metabolic, a single mechanism being in operation; 3) pH has a strong effect both on Ca and R absorption; 4) The use both of lower temperature (O0C) and of respiratory poisons (cyanide) inibited phosphate uptake but had no effect on calcium absorption. 5) The obsorption of Ca+2 was lowered in the presence of Mg+² but not in that of K+; nitrate ions had no detrimental or sinergistic offect on the absorption of phosphate.A absorção do cálcio e do fósforo por raízes destacadas da soja var. IAC-2 foi estudada com ajuda de traçadores. Foram verificados os efeitos da concentração iônica externa do tempo, do pH, da temperatura, da aeração e de venenos respiratórios. Os dados sugerem que a absorção do cálcio tenha se dado passivamente, sendo ativa a do fósforo. A absorção cresceu com o pH e a temperatura. Os valores das constantes de Michaelis encontrados concordam com os da literatura

    Multifragmentation of a very heavy nuclear system (II): bulk properties and spinodal decomposition

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    The properties of fragments and light charged particles emitted in multifragmentation of single sources formed in central 36AMeV Gd+U collisions are reviewed. Most of the products are isotropically distributed in the reaction c.m. Fragment kinetic energies reveal the onset of radial collective energy. A bulk effect is experimentally evidenced from the similarity of the charge distribution with that from the lighter 32AMeV Xe+Sn system. Spinodal decomposition of finite nuclear matter exhibits the same property in simulated central collisions for the two systems, and appears therefore as a possible mechanism at the origin of multifragmentation in this incident energy domain.Comment: 28 pages including 14 figures; submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Study of intermediate velocity products in the Ar+Ni collisions between 52 and 95 A.MeV

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    Intermediate velocity products in Ar+Ni collisions from 52 to 95 A.MeV are studied in an experiment performed at the GANIL facility with the 4π\pi multidetector INDRA. It is shown that these emissions cannot be explained by statistical decays of the quasi-projectile and the quasi-target in complete equilibrium. Three methods are used to isolate and characterize intermediate velocity products. The total mass of these products increases with the violence of the collision and reaches a large fraction of the system mass in mid-central collisions. This mass is found independent of the incident energy, but strongly dependent on the geometry of the collision. Finally it is shown that the kinematical characteristics of intermediate velocity products are weakly dependent on the experimental impact parameter, but strongly dependent on the incident energy. The observed trends are consistent with a participant-spectator like scenario or with neck emissions and/or break-up.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure

    Measurements of sideward flow around the balance energy

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    Sideward flow values have been determined with the INDRA multidetector for Ar+Ni, Ni+Ni and Xe+Sn systems studied at GANIL in the 30 to 100 A.MeV incident energy range. The balance energies found for Ar+Ni and Ni+Ni systems are in agreement with previous experimental results and theoretical calculations. Negative sideward flow values have been measured. The possible origins of such negative values are discussed. They could result from a more important contribution of evaporated particles with respect to the contribution of promptly emitted particles at mid-rapidity. But effects induced by the methods used to reconstruct the reaction plane cannot be totally excluded. Complete tests of these methods are presented and the origins of the ``auto-correlation'' effect have been traced back. For heavy fragments, the observed negative flow values seem to be mainly due to the reaction plane reconstruction methods. For light charged particles, these negative values could result from the dynamics of the collisions and from the reaction plane reconstruction methods as well. These effects have to be taken into account when comparisons with theoretical calculations are done.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figure