315 research outputs found

    Long-term ecological research of aquatic ecosystem at Guadalquivir estuary (1997-2014): community structure and food web

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    A long term ecological research program (LTER) is developed monthly at the Guadalquivir estuary since 1997. Inter- and intra-specific euryhalinity differences both in prey and predators seem to determine spatial species distribution at this important nursery area: the less euryhaline species (marine recruits) tends to occur at physiologically more favourable salinities (lower osmotic stress and mortality risk); whereas most euryhaline species (estuarine species) occurred at ecologically more favourable salinities (lower inter-specific competition and predation). Likewise, inter-specific differences in spawning periods cause certain temporal segregation of those marine recruits using the estuary. High spatiotemporal coincidence of prey (mainly mysids and copepods) density peaks with that of their predators suggests food availability as a key factor in the estuarine nursery function. According to their distribution, the estuarine stretch situated seaward from the 5 isohaline position is mainly used as a nursery ground, principally during warm period (T > 15 °C). Thus, human management of the freshwater input to the estuary (from a 110 km upstream dam) modifies the nursery ground extent due to seaward/upstream displacements of the estuarine salinity gradient. During droughts, this freshwater control may also lead to a partial loss of the estuarine nursery function due to a decrease of prey availability linked to extremely high-turbidity events

    MEG spectral analysis in subtypes of mild cognitive impairment

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been described as an intermediate stage between normal aging and dementia. Previous studies characterized the alterations of brain oscillatory activity at this stage, but little is known about the differences between single and multidomain amnestic MCI patients. In order to study the patterns of oscillatory magnetic activity in amnestic MCI subtypes, a total of 105 subjects underwent an eyes-closed resting-state magnetoencephalographic recording: 36 healthy controls, 33 amnestic single domain MCIs (a-sd-MCI), and 36 amnestic multidomain MCIs (a-md-MCI). Relative power values were calculated and compared among groups. Subsequently, relative power values were correlated with neuropsychological tests scores and hippocampal volumes. Both MCI groups showed an increase in relative power in lower frequency bands (delta and theta frequency ranges) and a decrease in power values in higher frequency bands (alpha and beta frequency ranges), as compared with the control group. More importantly, clear differences emerged from the comparison between the two amnestic MCI subtypes. The a-md-MCI group showed a significant power increase within delta and theta ranges and reduced relative power within alpha and beta ranges. Such pattern correlated with the neuropsychological performance, indicating that the a-md-MCI subtype is associated not only with a "slowing" of the spectrum but also with a poorer cognitive status. These results suggest that a-md-MCI patients are characterized by a brain activity profile that is closer to that observed in Alzheimer disease. Therefore, it might be hypothesized that the likelihood of conversion to dementia would be higher within this subtype

    Quantitative Lipid Profiling Reveals Major Differences between Liver Organoids with Normal Pi*M and Deficient Pi*Z Variants of Alpha-1-antitrypsin.

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    Different mutations in the SERPINA1 gene result in alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency and in an increased risk for the development of liver diseases. More than 90% of severe deficiency patients are homozygous for Z (Glu342Lys) mutation. This mutation causes Z-AAT polymerization and intrahepatic accumulation which can result in hepatic alterations leading to steatosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and/or hepatocarcinoma. We aimed to investigate lipid status in hepatocytes carrying Z and normal M alleles of the SERPINA1 gene. Hepatic organoids were developed to investigate lipid alterations. Lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells overexpressing Z-AAT, as well as in patient-derived hepatic organoids from Pi*MZ and Pi*ZZ individuals, was evaluated by Oil-Red staining in comparison to HepG2 cells expressing M-AAT and liver organoids from Pi*MM controls. Furthermore, mass spectrometry-based lipidomics analysis and transcriptomic profiling were assessed in Pi*MZ and Pi*ZZ organoids. HepG2 cells expressing Z-AAT and liver organoids from Pi*MZ and Pi*ZZ patients showed intracellular accumulation of AAT and high numbers of lipid droplets. These latter paralleled with augmented intrahepatic lipids, and in particular altered proportion of triglycerides, cholesterol esters, and cardiolipins. According to transcriptomic analysis, Pi*ZZ organoids possess many alterations in genes and cellular processes of lipid metabolism with a specific impact on the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and peroxisome dysfunction. Our data reveal a relationship between intrahepatic accumulation of Z-AAT and alterations in lipid homeostasis, which implies that liver organoids provide an excellent model to study liver diseases related to the mutation of the SERPINA1 gene.This research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCIII), grants numbers AESI PI20CIII/00015 and PT20CIII/00009, and the APC was funded by AESI PI20CIII/00015.S

    Differences in Expression of IQSEC2 Transcript Isoforms in Male and Female Cases with Loss of Function Variants and Neurodevelopmental Disorder

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    Pathogenic hemizygous or heterozygous mutations in the IQSEC2 gene cause X-linked intellectual developmental disorder-1 (XLID1), characterized by a variable phenotype including developmental delay, intellectual disability, epilepsy, hypotonia, autism, microcephaly and stereotypies. It affects both males and females typically through loss of function in males and haploinsufficiency in heterozygous females. Females are generally less affected than males. Two novel unrelated cases, one male and one female, with de novo IQSEC2 variants were detected by trio-based whole exome sequencing. The female case had a previously undescribed frameshift mutation (NM_001111125:c.3300dup; p.Met1101Tyrfs*5), and the male showed an intronic variant in intron 6, with a previously unknown effect (NM_001111125:c.2459+21C>T). IQSEC2 gene expression study revealed that this intronic variant created an alternative donor splicing site and an aberrant product, with the inclusion of 19bp, confirming the pathogenic effect of the intron variant. Moreover, a strong reduction in the expression of the long, but also the short IQSEC2 isoforms, was detected in the male correlating with a more severe phenotype, while the female case showed no decreased expression of the short isoform, and milder effects of the disease. This suggests that the abnormal expression levels of the different IQSEC2 transcripts could be implicated in the severity of disease manifestations.This research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III, institutional project Spain UDP and grant PT20CIII/00009.S

    On the buildup of massive early-type galaxies at z<~1. I- Reconciling their hierarchical assembly with mass-downsizing

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    Several studies have tried to ascertain whether or not the increase in abundance of the early-type galaxies (E-S0a's) with time is mainly due to major mergers, reaching opposite conclusions. We have tested it directly through semi-analytical modelling, by studying how the massive early-type galaxies with log(M_*/Msun)>11 at z~0 (mETGs) would have evolved backwards-in-time, under the hypothesis that each major merger gives place to an early-type galaxy. The study was carried out just considering the major mergers strictly reported by observations at each redshift, and assuming that gas-rich major mergers experience transitory phases of dust-reddened, star-forming galaxies (DSFs). The model is able to reproduce the observed evolution of the galaxy LFs at z<~1, simultaneously for different rest-frame bands (B, I, and K) and for different selection criteria on color and morphology. It also provides a framework in which apparently-contradictory results on the recent evolution of the luminosity function (LF) of massive, red galaxies can be reconciled, just considering that observational samples of red galaxies can be significantly contaminated by DSFs. The model proves that it is feasible to build up ~50-60% of the present-day mETG population at z<~1 and to reproduce the observational excess by a factor of ~4-5 of late-type galaxies at 0.8<z<1 through the coordinated action of wet, mixed, and dry major mergers, fulfilling global trends that are in general agreement with mass-downsizing. The bulk of this assembly takes place during ~1 Gyr elapsed at 0.8<z<1. The model suggests that major mergers have been the main driver for the observational migration of mass from the massive-end of the blue galaxy cloud to that of the red sequence in the last ~8 Gyr.(Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; 21 pages, 8 figures. Minor corrections included, shortened title. Results and conclusions unchange

    A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters

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    As the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an exploration of potential threats, is considered a fundamental component of IAS management. By combining scientific knowledge on taxa with expert opinion, we identified the most relevant aquatic IAS in the Iberian Peninsula, i.e., those with the greatest geographic extent (or probability of introduction), severe ecological, economic and human health impacts, greatest difficulty and acceptability of management. We highlighted the 126 most relevant IAS already present in Iberian inland waters (i.e., Concern list) and 89 with a high probability of being introduced in the near future (i.e., Alert list), of which 24 and 10 IAS, respectively, were considered as a management priority after receiving the highest scores in the expert assessment (i.e., top-ranked IAS). In both lists, aquatic IAS belonging to the four thematic groups (plants, freshwater invertebrates, estuarine invertebrates, and vertebrates) were identified as having been introduced through various pathways from different regions of the world and classified according to their main functional feeding groups. Also, the latest update of the list of IAS of Union concern pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 includes only 12 top-ranked IAS identified for the Iberian Peninsula, while the national lists incorporate the vast majority of them. This fact underlines the great importance of taxa prioritisation exercises at biogeographical scales as a step prior to risk analyses and their inclusion in national lists. This HS provides a robust assessment and a cost-effective strategy for decision-makers and stakeholders to prioritise the use of limited resources for IAS prevention and management. Although applied at a transnational level in a European biodiversity hotspot, this approach is designed for potential application at any geographical or administrative scale, including the continental one

    Black list and Alert list of the Aquatic Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula: an action of the LIFE INVASAQUA

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en VI Congreso Nacional sobre Especies Exóticas Invasoras y I Congreso Ibérico sobre EEI (EEI 2022) celebrado en Navarra del 20 al 23 de abril de 2022.One of the objectives of LIFE INVASQUA project is to develop tools that will be more efficient the Early Warning and Rapid Response (EWRR) framework for Invasive Alien Species in the Iberian Peninsula. Horizon scanning for high-risk IAS is basic in implementing measures to reduce new invasions, developing Alert lists, and to focus effort in the species already established, for instance making a Black list. We developed a trans national horizon scanning exercise focused on inland waters of Spain and Portugal in order to provide a prioritized lists (Black list and Alert list) of aquatic IAS that may pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems and socio economic sectors in the future. We followed a step approach of existing information about IAS (Plants, Freshwater Invertebrates, Estuarine Invertebrates and Vertebrates; 127 established taxa in Black list; 90 non established taxa in Alert list) combining with an expert scoring of prioritized taxa. IAS established in the Iberian aquatic system consistently highlighted as the worst included vertebrates (e.g. Cyprinus carpio, Gambusia holbrooki, Silurus glanis), freshwater and estuarine invertebrates (e.g. Procambarus clarkii, Dreissena polymorpha, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Ficopomatus enigmaticus, Callinectes sapidus, Corbicula fluminea) and plants (e.g. Eichhornia crassipes, Azolla filiculoides, Ludwigia grandiflora). Amongst taxa not yet established (Alert list), expert pointed to Perna viridis, Hydroides dirampha, Dreissena bugensis, Procambarus fallax f. virginallis, Perccottus glenii with higher risk of invasion, ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Over 20.6% of the taxa in the preliminary black list received no votes (no prioritization) by experts, 17.8% in the innitial alert list. Our horizon scanning approach is inclusive of all-taxa, prioritizes both established and emerging biological threats across trans-national scales, and considers not only the ecological impact, but also potential direct economic consequences as well as the manageability of invasive species.This work received funds from the LIFE Programme (LIFE17 GIE/ES/000515)

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes: II - mapping a protoplanetary disc with stable structures at 0.15 au

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    The HOYS citizen science project conducts long term, multifilter, high cadence monitoring of large YSO samples with a wide variety of professional and amateur telescopes. We present the analysis of the light curve of V1490 Cyg in the Pelican Nebula. We show that colour terms in the diverse photometric data can be calibrated out to achieve a median photometric accuracy of 0.02 mag in broadband filters, allowing detailed investigations into a variety of variability amplitudes over timescales from hours to several years. Using Gaia DR2 we estimate the distance to the Pelican Nebula to be 870 +70 −55 pc. V1490 Cyg is a quasi-periodic dipper with a period of 31.447 ± 0.011 d. The obscuring dust has homogeneous properties, and grains larger than those typical in the ISM. Larger variability on short timescales is observed in U and Rc−Hα, with U-amplitudes reaching 3 mag on timescales of hours, indicating the source is accreting. The Hα equivalent width and NIR/MIR colours place V1490 Cyg between CTTS/WTTS and transition disk objects. The material responsible for the dipping is located in a warped inner disk, about 0.15 AU from the star. This mass reservoir can be filled and emptied on time scales shorter than the period at a rate of up to 10−10 M�/yr, consistent with low levels of accretion in other T Tauri stars. Most likely the warp at this separation from the star is induced by a protoplanet in the inner accretion disk. However, we cannot fully rule out the possibility of an AA Tau-like warp, or occultations by the Hill sphere around a forming planet

    Timing of host feeding drives rhythms in parasite replication

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    Circadian rhythms enable organisms to synchronise the processes underpinning survival and reproduction to anticipate daily changes in the external environment. Recent work shows that daily (circadian) rhythms also enable parasites to maximise fitness in the context of ecological interactions with their hosts. Because parasite rhythms matter for their fitness, understanding how they are regulated could lead to innovative ways to reduce the severity and spread of diseases. Here, we examine how host circadian rhythms influence rhythms in the asexual replication of malaria parasites. Asexual replication is responsible for the severity of malaria and fuels transmission of the disease, yet, how parasite rhythms are driven remains a mystery. We perturbed feeding rhythms of hosts by 12 hours (i.e. diurnal feeding in nocturnal mice) to desynchronise the hosts' peripheral oscillators from the central, light-entrained oscillator in the brain and their rhythmic outputs. We demonstrate that the rhythms of rodent malaria parasites in day-fed hosts become inverted relative to the rhythms of parasites in night-fed hosts. Our results reveal that the hosts' peripheral rhythms (associated with the timing of feeding and metabolism), but not rhythms driven by the central, light-entrained circadian oscillator in the brain, determine the timing (phase) of parasite rhythms. Further investigation reveals that parasite rhythms correlate closely with blood glucose rhythms. In addition, we show that parasite rhythms resynchronise to the altered host feeding rhythms when food availability is shifted, which is not mediated through rhythms in the host immune system. Our observations suggest that parasites actively control their developmental rhythms. Finally, counter to expectation, the severity of disease symptoms expressed by hosts was not affected by desynchronisation of their central and peripheral rhythms. Our study at the intersection of disease ecology and chronobiology opens up a new arena for studying host-parasite-vector coevolution and has broad implications for applied bioscience