44 research outputs found

    Compositional analysis of correlation of weather parameters with russet of 'golden delicious' apples

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    The development of russet on 'Golden Delicious' apples is a problem of concern to growers of fresh market apples. Russeting is considered to be due to untimely divisions of cells in the epidermis of the fruit initiated by environmental or cultural conditions. The etiology of nonculturally induced russet is intimately associated with the presence of water on the surface of the fruit. The initiation of russet clearly occurs during the ¯rst 30 days of fruit development, and is frequently visible at the end of that period. Creasy (1980) concluded that high relative humidity was positively correlated with the degree of incidence of russeting, especially 16-25 days after full bloom of apple trees. This study was conducted to establish the correlation between weather parameters and the incidence of russeting on apples. We have recorded the incidence rates of russeting on 'Golden Delicious' grown in 'Mas Badia' ¯eld station (La Tallada, Girona), from 1986 to 2002. Each year a sample of apples was picked at random. Each fruit was evaluated for the percent of surface area covered with russet which was categorized into ¯ve ordinal categories. In this way we have the percentage of each russeting-category for each year

    Evaluation of chemical fruit thinning efficiency using Brevis® (Metamitron) on apple trees (‘Gala’) under Spanish conditions

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    Thinning is an important technique in apple growing which is used to reduce the number of fruits per plant and achieve commercial fruit size and quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one and two applications of the chemical thinner Brevis® in Gala apple applied at different fruit sizes and at different intervals between the first and second spray. The trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards of the IRTA experimental agricultural stations of Mas Badia and Lleida (Spain). One or two applications with Brevis® were applied at different fruit sizes (king fruit diameter ranging between 7.5 and 13.5 mm) and at a rate of 1.65 kg/ha for all treatments. Under the trial conditions, a Brevis® thinning effect was observed in all trials with a reduction in crop load, fruit set and number of fruits per tree which varied according to the number of applications. In addition, average fruit weight, color and diameter increased significantly with treatments in which Brevis® reduced the number of fruits per tree. The degree of abscission of Brevis® was highly dependent on night temperature and, for this reason, there was a high degree of variability between trials in terms of efficacy. Our results show that the number of days between applications was not as important a factor for Brevis® efficacy as the difference in night temperature in the days immediately after its application.This study was supported financially by project INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (Spain)) (RTA2012-00116-00-00) in collaboration with ADAMA-Spain

    Effect of different application rates of metamitron as fruitlet chemical thinner on thinning efficacy and fluorescence inhibition in Gala and Fuji apple

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    Crop thinning is an important and difficult agricultural practice. Knowing the effect of the application dose of a product is a crucial element of any thinning program. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of different metamitron doses on Gala and Fuji apples applied at fruit king diameters of between 8 and 10 mm and to determine fluorescence inhibition at the different application rates. Trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards in Lleida (Spain). Photosynthesis inhibition caused by metamitron was also analysed and measured, using chlorophyll fluorescence and biexponential pharmacokinetic models. Under the trial conditions, the application of metamitron reduced final fruit set, number of fruits per tree and crop load depending on the application rate. A dose effect was observed in all yield parameters. Moreover, when metamitron showed high efficacy, there was an improvement in fruit weight, coloration and diameter. The estimated parameters A, α and B using a biexponential equation were related with final fruit set, however the period of inhibition has to be finished before prediction can be made of metamitron efficacy in the year. The fluorescence analysis showed a dose effect, with metamitron dose increasing inhibition. Additionally, the same result was also observed in the area under curve analysis, with metamitron dose reducing the area and inhibition increasing. In all yield parameters, the fluorescence and area under curve analyses showed differences between cultivars, with the inhibition caused by metamitron higher in Gala than in Fuji. Moreover, differences between years were observed. 2015 was warmer than 2016, and the higher temperatures increased the thinning efficacy of metamitron.This study was supported financially by project INIA (RTA2012-00116-00-00) in collaboration with ADAMA-Spain

    An integrated approach for increasing breeding efficiency in apple and peach in Europe

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    Despite the availability of whole genome sequences of apple and peach, there has been a considerable gap between genomics and breeding. To bridge the gap, the European Union funded the FruitBreedomics project (March 2011 to August 2015) involving 28 research institutes and private companies. Three complementary approaches were pursued: (i) tool and software development, (ii) deciphering genetic control of main horticultural traits taking into account allelic diversity and (iii) developing plant materials, tools and methodologies for breeders. Decisive breakthroughs were made including the making available of ready-to-go DNA diagnostic tests for Marker Assisted Breeding, development of new, dense SNP arrays in apple and peach, new phenotypic methods for some complex traits, software for gene/QTL discovery on breeding germplasm via Pedigree Based Analysis (PBA). This resulted in the discovery of highly predictive molecular markers for traits of horticultural interest via PBA and via Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) on several European genebank collections. FruitBreedomics also developed pre-breeding plant materials in which multiple sources of resistance were pyramided and software that can support breeders in their selection activities. Through FruitBreedomics, significant progresses were made in the field of apple and peach breeding, genetics, genomics and bioinformatics of which advantage will be made by breeders, germplasm curators and scientists. A major part of the data collected during the project has been stored in the FruitBreedomics database and has been made available to the public. This review covers the scientific discoveries made in this major endeavour, and perspective in the apple and peach breeding and genomics in Europe and beyond

    Recomendaciones de manipulación doméstica de frutas y hortalizas para preservar su valor nutritivo

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    El beneficio para la salud del consumo diario de al menos 5 raciones entre frutas y hortalizas está bien documentado. En España no se alcanzan los 600 gramos por persona y día que recomienda la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en sus objetivos de salud pública, por lo que es importante mejorar el acceso a estos alimentos, aprovechar su potencial nutritivo y salvar las barreras para su consumo. Los objetivos de este documento son: facilitar la toma de decisiones responsables con la salud; aprovechar al máximo el valor nutritivo de frutas y hortalizas; ayudar a salvar las barreras para su consumo e informar sobre cómo afecta la conservación, manipulación y cocinado domésticos a su valor nutritivo. Para minimizar la pérdida de nutrientes y mejorar su biodisponibilidad durante la manipulación de frutas y hortalizas, la Asociación para la promoción del consumo de frutas y hortalizas"5 al día" (España) recomienda: evitar almacenamientos prolongados en el refrigerador; aprovechar las capas y hojas exteriores; pelar y/o cortar el alimento justo antes de consumirlo; lavar las piezas enteras y trocearlas posteriormente; controlar el tiempo de remojo de las piezas cortadas; preferir técnicas de cocinado que no requieran contacto directo con el agua; a menor tiempo de cocción, menor pérdida de nutrientes; la fritura correcta conserva muy bien los nutrientes, aunque no debe abusarse de esta técnica; añadir un chorrito de vinagre o de zumo de limón al agua de cocción; aprovechar el agua de los vegetales cocidos para elaborar otros alimentos (ej.: salsas, sopas, purés, etc.), excepto la de acelgas, espinacas o remolacha. La Asociación"5 al día" recomienda aumentar el consumo de frutas y hortalizas, y considera que la pérdida de nutrientes durante su manipulación doméstica no debe entenderse como una barrera para su consumo

    Establecimiento del tamaño de raciones de consumo de frutas y hortalizas para su uso en guías alimentarias en el entorno español: propuesta del Comité Científico de la Asociación 5 al día

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    Introduction: Food servings are standard amounts of food stuffs or drinks to help dietetic advice to promote and preserve health. The aim is to establish the serving size of fruits and vegetables (FH) to be used in food based dietary guidelines (FBDG). Material and Methods: Methodology of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) was adapted to establish serving sizes for FBDG, along of the followed by the food exchange system. Data was collected from the FH portion sizes reported in nutritional surveys and common sizes available in the Spanish market, and they were adjusted to an easily recognisable quantities of food with equivalence on key nutrients: the compliance with public health goals for FH consumption was evaluated. Results: Portion sizes typically reported in Spanish nutrition surveys are scarce and not homogeneous, and no data published in scientific journals on portion sizes were available. The Spanish FBDG, in spite of showing a range of serving size for FH, do not assure that they are interchangeable nor specify the method to obtein them.The serving of vegetables was 139,44g (DS:+/- 21.98, CV:0.16), 137,68g (DS:+/- 49,61, CV:0,36) for fruits and 28.00g (DS:+/- 7,53, CV:0.27) for dried fruits. Conclusions: With the established servings, the recommendation of consuming "at least 5 servings of FH a day" would allow reaching the Public Health goals for FH established in 600g (net weight)/person/day. It is recommended that the Spanish Agency for Consumers, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN) uses this methodology to establish serving sizes for the rest of food groups that make up the FBDG for the Spanish population.Introducción: Las raciones de consumo son cantidades estándar de alimentos o bebidas sugeri-das para asesorar sobre la cantidad de alimento a consumir para preservar un estado de salud adecuado. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer los tamaños de ración de consumo de frutas y hortalizas (FH) para uso en guías alimentarias.Material y Métodos: Se adaptó la metodología de la United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) para el establecimiento de los tamaños de ración de consumo para guías, y la del Sistema de Intercambios. Se recopilaron datos de porción reportados en encuestas y calibres comunes en el mercado, se ajustó a cantidades de alimento fácilmente reconocibles y con equivalencia de nutrientes clave y se evaluó el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de salud pública para el consumo de FH. Resultados: Los tamaños de porción típicamente reportados en encuestas españolas son escasos y poco homogéneos, y no se encontraron datos publicados en revistas científicas sobre los cali-bres. Las guías alimentarias españolas, a pesar de mostrar un rango de tamaño de ración para FH no aseguran que sean intercambiables ni especifican el método para llegar a las mismas. La ración de hortalizas obtenida ha sido de 139,44g (DS:±21,98; CV:0,16), de 137,68g (DS:±49,61; CV:0,36) para frutas y 28,00g (DS:±7,53; CV:0,27) para frutas desecadas. . Conclusiones: Con las raciones establecidas, el mensaje “consume al menos 5 raciones entre FH al día” permitiría alcanzar los objetivo de Salud Pública para FH establecidos en 600g (peso neto)/persona/día. Se recomienda a la Agencia Española de Consumo, Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AECOSAN) que use esta misma metodología para el establecimiento de raciones en el resto de grupos de alimentos que configuran la Guía Dietética Basada en Alimentos para la población española

    Response of Malus x domestica Borkh to metamitron and high night temperature: Effects on physiology and fruit abscission

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    Periods of high nighttime temperature may induce carbohydrate (CH) shortage by increased dark respiration. Metamitron is a thinning agent that inhibits photosynthesis and enhances fruit abscission due to a reduction in CH production. To clarify how both interact in apple tree physiologic mechanisms and on fruit abscission, five field trials were carried out in Lleida, Girona and Sint-Truiden (2017 + 2018), using orchards of ‘Golden’ apple trees. At the stage of 12–14 mm fruit diameter, four treatments were established: (A) CTR – control, trees under natural environmental conditions; (B) HNT – high nighttime temperature, trees exposed to artificially increased nighttime temperature during 5 nights after the day of spraying, without metamitron application; (C) MET - 247.5 ppm of metamitron application and (D) MET + HNT - trees submitted to the combined exposure to metamitron application (MET) and to artificially increased nighttime temperature (HNT). HNT did not affect metamitron absorption, net photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance however, promoted significant reductions in leaf CH content mainly before sunrise, especially in sucrose (18–45%) and in sorbitol (19–26%). Metamitron significantly reduced Pn to about 50% of CTR, which resulted in decreases in leaf sucrose and sorbitol, reaching minimum values 5 days after spraying, between 21 and 57% and 19–26%, respectively. Fruit growth rate of both treatments was retarded by 30%, 2 days after either metamitron application or HNT. Both treatments originated a similar reduction in the number of fruits and size improvement. The combined exposure (MET+HNT) promoted similar Pn reductions as MET, but showed the greatest sucrose (44–60%) and sorbitol (73–84%) decreases which resulted in the strongest thinning efficacy. Lipid peroxidation was not affected by the treatments however, antioxidant enzyme activity showed moderate changes with activity increases mainly under MET and MET + HNT, accompanied by a rise in glutathione content and reduction in ascorbate. This work shows that the overlap of photosynthesis inhibition (reducing CH production) by means of metamitron spraying, and likely greater respiration (increased CH consumption), by HNT imposition, translates less CH production than the growing fruits demand (negative CH balance) leading to a metamitron thinning effect enhancement. Periods of high nighttime temperature must be considered when deciding the best metamitron rate to achieve an optimal crop load result.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    El cop de sol en pomera: causes i control

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    En les condicions climàtiques del Sud d’Europa, el cop de sol és un dels factors que més incideixen en la reducció del percentatge de fruits de primera categoria, especialment en certes varietats com ‘Granny Smith’, ‘Fuji’ o ‘Gala’. Existeixen encara certs dubtes respecte les causes del desenvolupament del cop de sol, tot i que està àmpliament acceptat que les altes temperatures del fruit hi juguen un paper important. En canvi, existeix més debat pel que fa al paper de la radiació. Els mecanismes fisiològics causants dels símptomes del cop de sol no són del tot clars. Existeixen diferents hipòtesis, des de la necrosis dels teixits fins a la degradació de pigments en funció del grau de cop de sol. El mètode més efectiu pel seu control és la selecció minuciosa de varietats ben adaptades a les condicions climàtiques locals, ja que mostren diferències en quant a la sensibilitat al cop de sol. Altres experiències de control avaluades en diferents zones del món inclouen la protecció amb xarxes antipedra, refrescament evaporatiu mitjançant reg per aspersió i aplicació d’un film de partícules de caolí amb diferents graus d’èxit i implementació