549 research outputs found

    An Imprint of Molecular Cloud Magnetization in the Morphology of the Dust Polarized Emission

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    We describe a morphological imprint of magnetization found when considering the relative orientation of the magnetic field direction with respect to the density structures in simulated turbulent molecular clouds. This imprint was found using the Histogram of Relative Orientations (HRO): a new technique that utilizes the gradient to characterize the directionality of density and column density structures on multiple scales. We present results of the HRO analysis in three models of molecular clouds in which the initial magnetic field strength is varied, but an identical initial turbulent velocity field is introduced, which subsequently decays. The HRO analysis was applied to the simulated data cubes and mock-observations of the simulations produced by integrating the data cube along particular lines of sight. In the 3D analysis we describe the relative orientation of the magnetic field B\mathbf{B} with respect to the density structures, showing that: 1.The magnetic field shows a preferential orientation parallel to most of the density structures in the three simulated cubes. 2.The relative orientation changes from parallel to perpendicular in regions with density over a critical density nTn_{T} in the highest magnetization case. 3.The change of relative orientation is largest for the highest magnetization and decreases in lower magnetization cases. This change in the relative orientation is also present in the projected maps. In conjunction with simulations HROs can be used to establish a link between the observed morphology in polarization maps and the physics included in simulations of molecular clouds.Comment: (16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ 05MAR2013, accepted 07JUL2013

    Direct Estimate of Cirrus Noise in Herschel Hi-GAL Images

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    In Herschel images of the Galactic plane and many star forming regions, a major factor limiting our ability to extract faint compact sources is cirrus confusion noise, operationally defined as the "statistical error to be expected in photometric measurements due to confusion in a background of fluctuating surface brightness". The histogram of the flux densities of extracted sources shows a distinctive faint-end cutoff below which the catalog suffers from incompleteness and the flux densities become unreliable. This empirical cutoff should be closely related to the estimated cirrus noise and we show that this is the case. We compute the cirrus noise directly, both on Herschel images from which the bright sources have been removed and on simulated images of cirrus with statistically similar fluctuations. We connect these direct estimates with those from power spectrum analysis, which has been used extensively to predict the cirrus noise and provides insight into how it depends on various statistical properties and photometric operational parameters. We report multi-wavelength power spectra of diffuse Galactic dust emission from Hi-GAL observations at 70 to 500 microns within Galactic plane fields at l= 30 degrees and l= 59 degrees. We find that the exponent of the power spectrum is about -3. At 250 microns, the amplitude of the power spectrum increases roughly as the square of the median brightness of the map and so the expected cirrus noise scales linearly with the median brightness. Generally, the confusion noise will be a worse problem at longer wavelengths, because of the combination of lower angular resolution and the rising power spectrum of cirrus toward lower spatial frequencies, but the photometric signal to noise will also depend on the relative spectral energy distribution of the source compared to the cirrus.Comment: 4 pages (in journal), 3 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publication 13 May 201

    Structure formation in a colliding flow: The Herschel view of the Draco nebula

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    The Draco nebula is a high Galactic latitude interstellar cloud likely to have been formed by the collision of a Galactic halo cloud entering the disk of the Milky Way. Such conditions are ideal to study the formation of cold and dense gas in colliding flows of warm gas. We present Herschel-SPIRE observations that reveal the fragmented structure of the interface between the infalling cloud and the Galactic layer. This front is characterized by a Rayleigh-Taylor instability structure. From the determination of the typical length of the periodic structure (2.2 pc) we estimated the gas kinematic viscosity and the turbulence dissipation scale (0.1 pc) that is compatible with that expected if ambipolar diffusion is the main mechanism of energy dissipation in the WNM. The small-scale structures of the nebula are typical of that seen in some molecular clouds. The gas density has a log-normal distribution with an average value of 10310^3 cm3^{-3}. The size of the structures is 0.1-0.2 pc but this estimate is limited by the resolution of the observations. The mass ranges from 0.2 to 20 M_{\odot} and the distribution of the more massive clumps follows a power law dN/dlog(M)M1.4dN/d\log(M) \sim M^{-1.4}. We identify a mass-size relation with the same exponent as that found in GMCs (ML2.3M\sim L^{2.3}) but only 15% of the mass of the cloud is in gravitationally bound structures. We conclude that the increase of pressure in the collision is strong enough to trigger the WNM-CNM transition caused by the interplay between turbulence and thermal instability as self-gravity is not dominating the dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, A&A, in pres

    A Sampling Criterion for Optimizing a Surface Light Field

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    This paper adopts a sampling perspective to surface light field modeling. This perspective eliminates the need of us-ing the actual object surface in the surface light field defini-tion. Instead, the surface ought to provide only a parame-terization of the surface light field function that specifically reduces aliasing artifacts visible at rendering. To find that surface, we propose a new criterion that aims at optimiz-ing the smoothness of the angular distribution of the light rays emanating from each point on the surface. The main advantage of this approach is to be independent of any spe-cific reflectance model. The proposed criterion is compared to widely used criteria found in multi-view stereo and its ef-fectiveness is validated for modeling the appearance of ob-jects having various unknown reflectance properties using calibrated images alone. 1

    Magnetic field morphology in nearby molecular clouds as revealed by starlight and submillimetre polarization

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    Within four nearby (d < 160 pc) molecular clouds, we statistically evaluate the structure of the interstellar magnetic field, projected on the plane of the sky and integrated along the line of sight, as inferred from the polarized thermal emission of Galactic dust observed by Planck at 353 GHz and from the optical and NIR polarization of background starlight. We compare the dispersion of the field orientation directly in vicinities with an area equivalent to that subtended by the Planck effective beam at 353 GHz (10') and using the second-order structure functions of the field orientation angles. We find that the average dispersion of the starlight-inferred field orientations within 10'-diameter vicinities is less than 20 deg, and that at these scales the mean field orientation is on average within 5 deg of that inferred from the submillimetre polarization observations in the considered regions. We also find that the dispersion of starlight polarization orientations and the polarization fractions within these vicinities are well reproduced by a Gaussian model of the turbulent structure of the magnetic field, in agreement with the findings reported by the Planck collaboration at scales greater than 10' and for comparable column densities. At scales greater than 10', we find differences of up to 14.7 deg between the second-order structure functions obtained from starlight and submillimetre polarization observations in the same positions in the plane of the sky, but comparison with a Gaussian model of the turbulent structure of the magnetic field indicates that these differences are small and are consistent with the difference in angular resolution between both techniques.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to A&

    Radio to infrared spectra of late-type galaxies with Planck and WMAP data

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    We use the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue combined with WMAP and other archival measurements to construct continuum spectra of three nearby dusty star-forming galaxies: Messier 82, NGC 253 and NGC 4945. We carry out a least-squares fit to the spectra using a combination of simple synchrotron, free-free and thermal dust models, and look for evidence of anomalous microwave emission (AME). We find that the radio spectra of all three galaxies are consistent with steep spectrum synchrotron emission, with a significant amount of free-free emission required to explain the Planck and WMAP data points in the frequency range 30-150 GHz. This brings the star-formation rate based on free-free emission into better agreement with that from the non-thermal emission. We place limits on the presence of AME in these galaxies, finding that it is lower than expectations based on the ratio of far infrared to AME from the Galaxy. Nevertheless, the shape of the spectrum of NGC 4945 hints at the presence of AME with a peak around 30 GHz. Future Planck data will let us look more closely at these galaxies, as well as to extend the analysis to many more galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure (6 panels), 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS letter

    Evidence for dust evolution within the Taurus Complex from Spitzer images

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    We present Spitzer images of the Taurus Complex (TC) and take advantage of the sensitivity and spatial resolution of the observations to characterize the diffuse IR emission across the cloud. This work highlights evidence of dust evolution within the translucent sections of the archetype reference for studies of quiescent molecular clouds. We combine Spitzer 160 um and IRAS 100 um observations to produce a dust temperature map and a far-IR dust opacity map at 5' resolution. The average dust temperature is about 14.5K with a dispersion of +/-1K across the cloud. The far-IR dust opacity is a factor 2 larger than the average value for the diffuse ISM. This opacity increase and the attenuation of the radiation field (RF) both contribute to account for the lower emission temperature of the large grains. The structure of the TC significantly changes in the mid-IR images that trace emission from PAHs and VSGs. We focus our analysis of the mid-IR emission to a range of ecliptic latitudes where the zodiacal light residuals are small. Within this cloud area, there are no 8 and 24 um counterparts to the brightest 160 um emission features. Conversely, the 8 and 24 um images reveal filamentary structure that is strikingly inconspicuous in the 160 um and extinction maps. The IR colors vary over sub-parsec distances across this filamentary structure. We compare the observed colors with model calculations quantifying the impact of the RF intensity and the abundance of stochastically heated particles on the dust SED. To match the range of observed colors, we have to invoke variations by a factor of a few of both the interstellar RF and the abundance of PAHs and VSGs. We conclude that within this filamentary structure a significant fraction of the dust mass cycles in and out the small size end of the dust size distribution.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    BLAST05: Power Spectra of Bright Galactic Cirrus at Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    We report multi-wavelength power spectra of diffuse Galactic dust emission from BLAST observations at 250, 350, and 500 microns in Galactic Plane fields in Cygnus X and Aquila. These submillimeter power spectra statistically quantify the self-similar structure observable over a broad range of scales and can be used to assess the cirrus noise which limits the detection of faint point sources. The advent of submillimeter surveys with the Herschel Space Observatory makes the wavelength dependence a matter of interest. We show that the observed relative amplitudes of the power spectra can be related through a spectral energy distribution (SED). Fitting a simple modified black body to this SED, we find the dust temperature in Cygnus X to be 19.9 +/- 1.3 K and in the Aquila region 16.9 +/- 0.7 K. Our empirical estimates provide important new insight into the substantial cirrus noise that will be encountered in forthcoming observations.Comment: Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal. Maps and other data are available at http://blastexperiment.info

    IR-correlated 31 GHz radio emission from Orion East

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    Lynds dark cloud LDN1622 represents one of the best examples of anomalous dust emission, possibly originating from small spinning dust grains. We present Cosmic Background Imager (CBI) 31 GHz data of LDN1621, a diffuse dark cloud to the north of LDN1622 in a region known as Orion East. A broken ring with diameter g\approx 20 arcmin of diffuse emission is detected at 31 GHz, at \approx 20-30 mJy beam1^{-1} with an angular resolution of \approx 5 arcmin. The ring-like structure is highly correlated with Far Infra-Red emission at 12100μ12-100 \mum with correlation coefficients of r \approx 0.7-0.8, significant at 10σ\sim10\sigma. Multi-frequency data are used to place constraints on other components of emission that could be contributing to the 31 GHz flux. An analysis of the GB6 survey maps at 4.85 GHz yields a 3σ3\sigma upper limit on free-free emission of 7.2 mJy beam1^{-1} (\la 30 per cent of the observed flux) at the CBI resolution. The bulk of the 31 GHz flux therefore appears to be mostly due to dust radiation. Aperture photometry, at an angular resolution of 13 arcmin and with an aperture of diameter 30 arcmin, allowed the use of IRAS maps and the {\it WMAP} 5-year W-band map at 93.5 GHz. A single modified blackbody model was fitted to the data to estimate the contribution from thermal dust, which amounts to \sim10percentat31GHz.Inthismodel,anexcessof1.52±0.66Jy(2.3σ)isseenat31GHz.Futurehighfrequency 10 per cent at 31 GHz. In this model, an excess of 1.52\pm 0.66 Jy (2.3\sigma) is seen at 31 GHz. Future high frequency \sim1001000GHzdata,suchasthosefromthePlancksatellite,arerequiredtoaccuratelydeterminethethermaldustcontributionat31GHz.CorrelationswiththeIRAS 100-1000 GHz data, such as those from the {\it Planck} satellite, are required to accurately determine the thermal dust contribution at 31 GHz. Correlations with the IRAS 100 \mumgaveacouplingcoefficientofm gave a coupling coefficient of 18.1\pm4.4 \muK(MJy/sr)K (MJy/sr)^{-1}$, consistent with the values found for LDN1622.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, submitted to MNRA

    The spine of the swan: A Herschel study of the DR21 ridge and filaments in Cygnus X

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    In order to characterise the cloud structures responsible for the formation of high-mass stars, we present Herschel observations of the DR21 environment. Maps of the column density and dust temperature unveil the structure of the DR21 ridge and several connected filaments. The ridge has column densities larger than 1e23/cm^2 over a region of 2.3 pc^2. It shows substructured column density profiles and branching into two major filaments in the north. The masses in the studied filaments range between 130 and 1400 Msun whereas the mass in the ridge is 15000 Msun. The accretion of these filaments onto the DR21 ridge, suggested by a previous molecular line study, could provide a continuous mass inflow to the ridge. In contrast to the striations seen in e.g., the Taurus region, these filaments are gravitationally unstable and form cores and protostars. These cores formed in the filaments potentially fall into the ridge. Both inflow and collisions of cores could be important to drive the observed high-mass star formation. The evolutionary gradient of star formation running from DR21 in the south to the northern branching is traced by decreasing dust temperature. This evolution and the ridge structure can be explained by two main filamentary components of the ridge that merged first in the south.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic